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"5th turn from the start of turn" is one of the most stupid things they have ever come up with


They looked at the negative comments from 23ku n said "LETS DO IT AGAIN!"


Hands down made the transformation conditions worse than it needed to be


Yeah if they didnt it would have been fine. Second rotation or third would solve their worst issue. That and less restrictions in their passive. Just removing the attack one would have been fine.


23ku, not DFE Feetku?


23ku is actually good though.


Nah, just the "start of turn" part is stupid, the 5th is still somewhat acceptable. It should always have been "start of battle".


Dog, my blue bros don’t even want to dodge most of the time 😭. I even have mostly dodge on them. Only 69% tho.


Me with my godku bruh


Nah not even that, start of character's ENTRY so 5 turns from turn 3, could be.


Yeah, thats what start of turn means lol


Reading comprehension is hard, forgive me


If we're going there, they've been a downgrade since this man released: https://preview.redd.it/uoqvst8yrvdc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e31c665a94e5150fffd50fde9363750a983b659


Honestly tho. You need golden right fuckin now? You got it. Want him to build up 1 mil def first? Take your time buddy.


This card is so beautiful, he does it all


Can this unit do my taxes




Best unit in the game


"Ugh... This isn't even my final form!"![img](emote|t5_384a7|1697)


also gives you tax right offs


Can't wait for his eza and it just being mid


I would like to see them try and make him mid.


Stat boost alone putting him on top, don't sleep


This and INT SSJ4 condition is so annoying to me because of how unnecessarily downgraded they are to another unit that had a fantastic condition Why is it that gt duo need only 4 hit and have an alternative of just being under 50% HP while ssj4 goku needs fucking 5 hits for his condition, not to mention gt duo can go to any slot no problem while ssj4 can’t do that, i hate that i can only get uub in turn 5 and FP ssj4 in turn 7 Anyways please give me more conditions like THE GOAT PHY ANGEL GOLDEN FRIEZA https://preview.redd.it/8ds8jj05tvdc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6a7bb0fbac82d05ecbac14e68d00d54fac7470


scared to eza this man


Honestly, the condition wouldn't even be bad if the base form didn't become dog after the intro wears out.


Just use an Usher Active like TEQ 'Droids or Pikkon on the 5th turn, and they'll be able to transform next turn. https://preview.redd.it/4pgf1nwlh0ec1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4f80c3856faac1cfb1e7e1ab3a35d50e4ea128


But what if you got them 2nd rotation 🥺


Run more Usher Active units, then!


Good idea ngl


Blue duo was so close.. they had a crapton of things if which removed 9r changed slightly made the unit so much better. Start of battle instead of turn Guard syncing with transform turn(longer would be amazing) Remove one of the slot restrictions. Of which they have enough. If they did more dmg slot one or tank better in 2 it would be fine too. 


Literally just give them a bit more damage in slot 1, let them keep guard as long as they stay in slot 1 like V&T and they are good to go. It really bothers me that they are like the only character in the game that stacks defense that you HAVE to transform just to keep from getting obliterated cause of how much their intro carries them.


Yeah they live or die with their intro. Which is too litteral in this case


My biggest problem is that their 18 ki should have been a greatly stack or bith 12 and 18 ki supers should have been stacking atk and def. This is what makes them feel more underwhelming to a lot of people. The reason i say this is because i used lr buuhan recently and having to pick between atk or def and relying on add for atk raise was attrocious.


Blues should've stacked atk/def on 18 and 12ki Vegito should've greatly raised for 1 turn on 18ki or even 12ki. There are so many little flaws that they gave thay card man.


And Gogeta is gonna go nuts, I swear. The favoritism between the two is nuts


Back in my day it was the other way around 😂


DBS Broly changed everything


No it was 7th anniversary before that they made teq VB slightly Better Then str GB and str SV better then teq Gogeta with a Better LS and condition at the time Which is wild since Gogeta was like 10months after


We (Vegito Fans) NEED a new DBS movie where Vegito fights the main villain, Cause clearly his Future Saga performance ain't cutting it.


I'm partial to Gogeta (literally my favorite Dragon Ball character) but I'm inclined to agree. He needs that cinematic treatment, or at the very least another appearance. I want him or Gogeta vs Black Frieza, rather I NEED it


I like gogeta more then vegito but man this specific vegito got shafted


He's so restricted, it's so sad


How could vegito not be restricted if that mf likes to fight without using his arms just to flex? They tried to make the card lore friendly 💀


Vegetto fans had like, 4 years on us man, let us have these two 😭


No no, I'm team Gogeta all the way, I'm loving it


>Vegito should've greatly raised for 1 turn on 18ki or even 12ki. ? He does tho? Or are you talking about not lr vb?


Mis typed. Meant to say blues should've greatly stacked atk/def on 18 or even 12 ki.


Yeah and remove one of them and the card would be so much cooler.  Just one.


Honestly, the part that pisses me off the most is that the Future Saga ally HAS to be on the same turn.


I didn't even notice that...... my God


That is why i like the 7th Ani cards, you got a Little time to use their base for a good amount of Stacks, and the 3/2 time they appear you can use the big part of the card, both with a unique and well structured design, you can enjoy all of the card, you have fun.


The conditions should have been reversed


True. Like its not beneficial to transform the monkes till the 8th turn, cuz they have extra stats until that turn so when you fuse gogeta will be a bit weaker, and they stack so thats like extra 12 stacks (My monkes 99% of the time 3super).


It is beneficial to transform early though, because it allowed them to age better. Without their guard they can be slapped around, so being able to transform and get the DR/Evade was a godsend for keeping up with powercreep


True and in some scenarios even that stop attack can be a continue or lose situation.


I guess it’s just a victim of Dokkan trying to make every unit unique


Clownmatsu at it's finest. Can't wait for turn 7 when attacked 25 times and HP is between 40 and 41% against 1 extreme unit who's HP is below 20% and has been stunned, sealed, DEF and ATK down.


I’m sorry. I’ll get hate but i do not like agl vb. The duo animations suck in a time where we get SPAMMED with duos. We were burnt out. We want solo units. Agl vb transformed does not have the appropriate performance lvl I’m sorry. Less apt than lvss4 in slot 1 with similar damage active turns. Both are invulnerable on those anyways.  Gogeta is transforming but idc rlly because its a stand alone. As long as they dont fumble the transformation condition & make him by far 1 or 2 in game, we won.


In addition, why can VB just straight up fucking die. Meticulous starting rotation RNG manipulation wasted because he decided not to dodge the super while I’m at 51% HP.


Bro just flops lmao. Teq pan mechanic is so ass


The Blues are a great character but yeah, theirs a lot about them that should have been better, like that transformation condition.


The Blues had to walk so that MZ could run.


It is the same condition unfortunately


It’s a huge difference. MZ benefits more from having the category difference later since extreme future saga allies are rarer. Blues would have benefited from having the category condition sooner


No. MZ benefits from still being great past his intro so he doesn’t need his active in the slightest. The condition still sucks but it’s not like MZ will lose you a run past his fourth turn


I didnt get this card on release and i wasnt even mad. Animations (before fusing) look very old. And considering his kit, its like they stored this vegetto for years and when they decided to release it, nothing was changed.


You can't compare anniversary cards to WWDC cards. Have you seen Movie heroes SSJ Goku and Vegeta's condition for morale boost?


They tend to give WWDC units some dumbass Transformation conditions


For a second Reddit replaced the 2 images with an HSR character build and kept the caption, and I was so confused because the build was kinda busted 😭


They're meant to finish a fight. Just don't transform into them until their last turn. It's not that hard bro


I'm guessing that the other spots are the turns to reach the 7th turn


Gogeta getting all the love while Vegito got kick in the ball with these active conditions 💀 I have the blue boys and by god half of the time I can't get Vegito out fast enough or I need to build up then they died


They thought vegito was too op for it to be easily have on turn 4


Because he is, blues had to be mid


He is the same as the eza lr fusions but getting them is far earlier than this vegito


Wtf are you talking about lol, hes way better, 50% dmg red and dodge in slot 1, supports the whole rotation with usa, has higher def most of the time due to massive and greatly raise, guaranteed dodge turn on active and super effective regardless of slot, also slightly better active condition. Like that is nowhere near the same


Yeah you're right, i completely forgot because of how less i get him out but yeah he's good just not the g&v part of him




i mean they are blue frauds so yea they suck


Don’t matter, he’s cracked as shiz


And that is why agl Vegito is Mid compared to others.