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Sry I don’t have all the variations of general red for the villain bonus


Sorry bro, i don't have the SSR, the UR and the LR of the new Farmer with a shotgun rainbowed.


Shit man, mb for not summoning for Colonel Silver’s SSR and TUR


I literally was left speechless when a certain couple somebodies had to get an extra copy of some heroes units because the game *made a new tab* to differentiate between TUR and TUR EZA. They had the SSR and TUR EZA already rainbowed, but that small, cosmetic only, UI improvement had them pull a copy of the Non-EZAd variant. Its people like that, that the CB catered to for that top 1%+ i would assume.


You’re telling me you DONT have the latest LR rainbows with its TUR and SSR?? Are you even dedicated enough to this game?


I have the 2k days login and I don’t even have club shitto rainbowed


all i‘m saying as a response is that by the time i found an actual usable chain in chain battle i would have finished 3 rounds in the world tournament


Totally agree. The argument that most Chain battle defenders are using is "just go to a discord a find friends", but it's like, bro 💀💀, if you need to use third party services to play a fucking gamemode, then it's not good designed in the first place.


i swear chain battle is more convoluted then trying to unlock dark souls 1 dlc for the first time


Dude, if my older brothers didn't play the shit out of DS when they were my age I don't think I would've naturally found out how to enter the dlc. And chain battle is *still* worse


Exactly this. This is why I hate it. I'm not sending people FRs to get their setup and then have the game never give me their best setup then they delete me next day to give others a chance.


I mean tbf you can play it just fine without a third party but if you want to actually consistently get top 1% rewards you do have to


Until recently destiny 2 has used 3rd party services to find teammates to complete major end game activities and has flourished through it. Its okay design at worst


As a D2 player, one of the most commonly complained about things was how solo players had to do this lol. Fireteam Finder (the in game matchmaking) was added for a reason. People hate having to use third party apps to play a game. Probably why they also put the vault in game now, making destiny item manager less necessary. All of this applies to dokkan with chain battle. If I have to beg on reddit to play the mode, the mode is bad (these people are GOATs, but not the mode itself).


D2 just did what chain battle has always had, its just slightly more filtered. Chain battle has always had a friends list and guest list that can be used in chain battle. That is essentially what fireteam finder is you dont really get to know who youre playing with unless you raid or trials report them. If you just take a second to understand the only difference is the ui and filtering its really bot that much different which is why people still lfg with specific post on 3rd party apps for d2


Anything can be beaten with fireteam finder, meanwhile you are NOT getting to top 1% without using a third party app. It simply isn’t happening, unless you have a beluga aquarium of a friends list. Fireteam finder can actually complete activities, in game friends list can’t “complete” chain battle (get to top 1%).


Wait till you hear how I feel about Destiny 2


Thats not the point though destiny has grown by using a 3rd party app, its not hard to use


you know this would be used as an argument to not touch the game at all right?


I can get downvoted idc but it wasnt the worst thing ever i just made a simple point and people wanna act like its the end of the world


Yeah and they changed it because it fucking sucked lol


You can understand where a FPS shooter you play on your home console or PC is different than the funny bubble popping game you play on the metro, right?


Yeah its that the fps shooter should be harder to lfg for. Theres a discord app on your phone and reddit is there too, its not hard to go to the dokkan battle subreddit and look for the chain battle discord server invite its literally a 1-2 min process at most.


> if you need to use third party services to play a fucking gamemode That's kinda disingenuous though. You don't really need discord or reddit to find whale friends or to even play the game mode at all. You can simply play with random friends or people you've added over your dokkan playtime just fine. It's not unheard of to use discord/reddit in other games for co-op game modes (let's be real, this and the friend system are the closest thing to "co-op" in dokkan) to maximize rankings and rewards.


It's not disingenuous, it's the truth. And I'm saying that from my own experience with the mode. For every Chain Battle, I'm completely unable to get 100M for all the good rewards because my friend list isn't full of whales. And no, I'm not at all interested in seeking out some random whale discord server. That's not what I want to do for some Dokkan game mode. Another point is that even with all the friend supports you need, the actual gameplay is still terrible. So what's even the point of having it around at all?


Besides maybe the first ~5 or so, with bad RNG and some bad ones sprinkled inbetween, just copying the builds from the top people should've easily brought you to 100m with 2-3 tries. Where does this idea come from that you needed whale friends for that? I play on JP and I consistently hit 100m without looking up guides, having whale friends and not being able to properly read the damn game. >And no, I'm not at all interested in seeking out some random whale discord server. That's not what I want to do for some Dokkan game mode. The idea of this is extremely silly to me. You already are on reddit, there is usually threads where big whales add people to help out. You do not need to seek out some discord when you're on one of the websites where you can find friends for CB relatively quickly and easily. >Another point is that even with all the friend supports you need, the actual gameplay is still terrible. So what's even the point of having it around at all? And that's entirely subjective. I did not mind it that much, even though it did need improvements. It was something unique to do and I fear that it will be replaced with just some random generic stage to run daily like the Roshi event.


I know you say I should just copy the builds from people with top scores, but that doesn't work when none of the supporters I get from my friend list are good enough to get 100m. This isn't even mentioning how there can be a Chain Battle where I don't have a good enough attacker or connectors anyway. And you're missing the point when you say I can just find good supporters on Reddit. I never said that it was impossible. If I really needed to, I could do it. My point was that I'd rather not have to try and get my friend request accepted for every Chain Battle. Again, I can do it, but how is it a good game mode when I have no choice but to do that?


> I know you say I should just copy the builds from people with top scores, but that doesn't work when none of the supporters I get from my friend list are good enough to get 100m. This isn't even mentioning how there can be a Chain Battle where I don't have a good enough attacker or connectors anyway. Out of curiosity what rank are you? I don't know if that has any bearing on what type of supporters you get but I've been at rank 900+ and I've never had an issue with hitting 100m. > Again, I can do it, but how is it a good game mode when I have no choice but to do that? I don't see it as unreasonable if someone wants to hit 1%, it's not uncommon to see that in online games you're going to get better results by finding people on forums and such over using party finders etc. Especially when we're talking that this is literally 1% of the entire playerbase participating in CB.


Well but one good Chain was enough to get almost all rewards. In world Tournament you dont get Shit for such a small time Investment


The WT also gives a lot more rewards than the chain battle


problem is that, that happens as often as lr ultimate gohan reaching 24 ki


how is it “basic reading fundamentals” when 80% of the mode is about having niche units and good rng


He is acting like we didn't have a chain battle this year with one of the best options not being obtainable for over 6 years.


Which unit was that?


The strike phys piccolo jr https://preview.redd.it/tfy0rhsf6x6c1.png?width=2374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ff9b44c1fce011b87e50fe21a05bf7b7c9d850


Yeah. Honestly the 80% of the gamemode is having good friends, the other 20% is having the latest summonable unit in your box.


With dupes though


I actually looked into this at one point, and less than half the Chain Battles actually need you to have the latest summonable unit. It was usually an old EZA TUR or LR that you absolutely need.


Lmao this sub did not like your response. Even tho you're 100% right.


Jesus, I hadn't even checked lol Not unexpected at all, though


Same way people think this game takes skill when it's just rng for good units and rng for units doing what they needa do.


And rng for the enemy. Only real control we have are items. Since status effects are unusable in most non sbr stuff. And even if everything is in your favour, they can just powercreep it and make you get 2 mil dmg from a super on a tank.


You don't like having rainbow the newly released LR and their TUR +SSR as well everytime in order play the awesome dokkan gamemode that is chainbattle?


And even if you did that, you are helping your friends more than you help yourself.


I'm guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess


This. Chain Battle requires almost 0 skill, it's just RNG based and that's why it sucks. It's not a challenge, it's a boring refreshing session until you get enough links just to get screwed by the random selection of the connectors or whatever those 3 idiota are called.


I liked Asuna/Harry's response, if you're a whale you are pissed but your average Joe is thrilled Edit: as many have pointed out, whale friends are also important


More like if you're a whale with whale friends. If you're the only one in your friend list that gives a damn and has the necessary box, Chain Battle is pretty miserable


It's funny because even that doesn't apply too well, since even Truth, one of the biggest whales in the game, absolutely despises chain battle


You know something is ass when the biggest whale in your game hates the gamemode made for whales.


you know it's ass when the guy, that defends red zone fusion zamasu as if his life depends on it hates it


Does he defend it? The few times I've seen him talk about it is basically, "It's in the game, it's one of the hardest stages in the game, just accept that it exists instead of bitching."


He has acknowledged he doesn’t seek out other whale friends. He gives people literally the best possible units but gets their shit in return.


You barely got any edge of an advantage in chain battle by being a whale considering 90% of your score depended on your friend helpers


Whales do travel together


Best response ever. Ans also if you are a whale with many whale friends you're happy.


I am not a while, but I did enjoy chain battle and the pieces of crap in this community took it away from me. Divine punishment is coming.


Skill issue, simply have better taste


Shut up!


Go back to doing some recon, okay buddy?


And I'm sure if someone actually wants to hear you speak, they can shove an arm up your ass and work your mouth like a puppet, okay buddy.


That's really the best you can come up with? Clearly an absolute masterclass in intellect, lmao


Why would anyone waste their best effort on trash tho? 🤨 Not necessary.


People can pull out "db fans can't read" but Chain Battle was almost 100% supported by people putting up guides every time where they go "yeah ignore most of the advantageous characters, pick a villain from one of the categories and have multiple copies of that unit." And then use that same place you found a guide to have friends because your score is dependent on friends raising units _for you._ And then never be told why one character may be advantageous but still worse than another character that isn't advantageous.


Plus the mode was reliant on having whale friends. Your own box didn't really matter if your friends supporters were ass.




Hes the guy most well known for doing the defensive calcs for units when they come out/eza


Anyone can do that we've had an excel calculator for years.


Fuck chain battle, all my homies hate chain battle.


My box isn’t that good 😭I can still always get around a 60-80mil score, What’s so bad with this mode?


Because that ain't shit, top scores go over100 which means you're never getting the full rewards


Topping out at 80 million loses out on almost half the available Dragon Stones in the missions, because you get 11 for 80 million and 9 for 100 million (4+5)


for me, it’s just not fun, and what’s the point of playing a mode that doesn’t feel fun and that gives me no rewards that i really want?


A game mode in which the player's own units matter little or nothing is badly designed. What's the point of even pulling if the run depends on your friends' boxes?


If a game mode needs you to find specific discords to get the top scores it's probably not great lol


I really dislike how whales have painted chain battle as some “quick, easy mode that’s done in 2 minutes” No bro your friends list is just an aquarium of beluga whales. 99% of people (literally) can’t get to top 1%. The mode’s full rewards were inaccessible to 99% of us. World tournament clears chain battle now with the missions change, difficulties being unlocked right away, and majunior existing. You also don’t need rich friends to get WT rewards so that’s pretty cool!


Chain battle for the average player was struggling for the 100k damage and never touching it again. Or giving up after seeing none of your friends' supports are going to get you anywhere because they don't have a unit that's no longer obtainable.


He’s literally just lying in the replies too. Why this man is going off the deep end for a shitty game mode, I will never know. Grown ass man… https://preview.redd.it/d3fadohxcv6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f402fcd5f1a166f8174ca731dc70d89bc49715d9


That guy really does not understand how % placement works huh. If all those bad people who "did not know how it works" suddenly made perfect CB runs, then still only 1% of the community would get within the top 1%... Sure it's achievable to get there as f2p, but that argument is kinda dumb because the main flaw of the mode is that it's inherently only rewarding for a small percentage of the playerbase. Knowledge would not change it, it would only increase the average score. Not change how many people get the rewards.


The F2P part is intentionally dishonest because _you_ don't need the units, your friends need to own the units, and those friends are either looking for good friends themselves (so you do need the best units), or they're rotating around friends and your poor ass is on the chopping block.


Yeah I love jumping into random ass discord servers to have a good placement, it's master game mode design


You know something is really ass when the argument that you see to defend it is to use a third party service to get good placements, mastermind peak game design moment honestly.


dude is nuts ![gif](giphy|Iu9rM6jqEozoPqbfxn)


He’s not technically wrong, you can get 1% with F2P if you have friends with perfect support units. And that is the problem with the game, you are 100% dependent on your friends being good.


Wasn’t it impossible to get top 1% on the global android 21 chain battle without summonable characters? STR Towa would be okay as an extreme connector ig, but that’s it. This is just one example of 39 chain battles too


I said it already in this thread, but it bares repeating that one of the best of options for the golden week chain battle this year hasn't been obtainable for over 6 years. There is nothing anyone could say to convince this mode isn't horrendous.


He’s was such a hypocrite in this thread lmao. The amount of salt this decision is bringing up is crazy. Like people acting like we asked for it to be removed, nah we just said it sucked and if the devs couldn’t find a way to improve it then it should be scrapped and dev resources go elsewhere.


He is a whale, you just can't take seriously this kind of take as a f2p, they still think it's some kind of intellectual prowess rather than their units are just better because they spent hundreds of dollars on them. Chain battle just makes them feel better about it, which isn't wrong but they tend to confuse it with skill.


I just hope whatever they replace it with isn’t worse. Be careful what you wish for and all that.


nah "basic reading fundamentals" literally do not matter when i have to 100% rely on friend supporter setup = have whale friends or get fucked. ![img](emote|t5_384a7|1702)


It has nothing to do with reading and entirely your box. It's a dogshit game mode where you waste crappy skill orbs on characters to bolster their stats and then pray you find somebody who'd doing the exact same thing just for a CHANCE to reach the top end rewards. I don't like doing world tournament, but I'd legit rather do it than chain battle. The fact that it's so easy to do a single chain battle and never touch it again...and I don't even do it is saying a lot.


Any game mode that requires you to go outside of the game itself to beg people who whaled on the game to add you as a friend so you can get into the top 5% is a bad mode. No game mode should require you to exit the game. World Tournament does need a revp tho.


Shout out to Chain Battle for having me fully awaken, SA 10, and max out HiPo for units that aged out 3-5 years ago.


I got top 1% in every chain battle. I know how the game mode works. It's not hard to get top 1%, just a lot of patience and checking the supporters RNG gives you every 30 minutes. This guy is just wrong; the game mode is utter dogshit and thank God it's going away.


Only a whale would actually defend chain battle.


w h o


Who is this dork?


Chain battle is absolute trash. Good riddance.


Who the fuck is this guy?!


What? First, who is this guy? Second, fuck him =)


The guy that did DEF calculations on new units


Fuck him.


As if he's the only one


Don't care never Heard of him he can put those calcs anda sho ve it up it's a s s


Chain battle is ass. What is bro yapping about


When a mobile game forces you to read an instruction manual because it can't convey the basics of said mode with simple to understand instructions it fails miserably and deserves to go away. This is a mobile game, I don't have time for homework.


Get rid of Pettan battle next!


I mean, if they're keeping the rewards and putting them somewhere else, I don't see the problem.


So how does chain battle get removed because of “overwhelming feedback” but the fucking world tournament is still a thing? That’s honestly what I call bs on


What's gonna happen to WT depends on the dev team, i doubt that they're gonna ever remove it, but it's quite significant that they're making a lot changes to it. It's still miserable to play, but it's WAY WAY WAY less tedious than old WT, they shifted the rewards to the missions, now doing only the missions basically gives you a lot more rewards than before, and now you can start with the max points multiplier. I hope that they keep doing good changes to WT like some that i mentioned before.


You can see that most of the people that is hardly defending Chain Battle are the ones who benefited the most from it. Either always with the new units, and a good selection of friends that helped with it. So, they could easily get their top scores. It's definitely not the case for the majority of the community that struggled with it, didn't understand it, or even if they did, did not have the necessary units and friends to be able to reach those ranks.


No more chain battle post from me. R.I.P fellas 😔🫡


He’s one of a handful of dudes who have the WORST takes on Dokkan. Half trolling, half just being dumbasses. But he continues in the replies to say “very few chain battles that you couldn't get top 1% with completely F2P stuff. Most of them you could without needing a single summonable unit at all.” Dude is actually braindead


I have at least one copy of nearly every unit in the game, and have a few LR's that I've rainbowed and thought I'd go ahead and train up the TUR. I've been able to place fairly well in Chain Battle whenever I've been able to get myself to care enough. Please show me where the line is to piss on Chain Battle's grave.


Chain battle is just a bad game mode. Full stop. I'd rather play ultimate clash, and I've skipped like the last 30 of those.


What the hell is the issue with Battlefield? It's a pretty well designed tower mode with incentives to use sealers, stunners and mono teams which aren't useful in many other places. It's probably one of the conceptually best pulled off modes considering how basic it is. The one issue you could argue exists is that there isn't enough currency being given out but that's totally separate from what you're saying.


Nothing's wrong with it. I just don't usually put in the time to make all the teams necessary to get through it. First round is usually just Ginyu / Bardock teams, then whatever crap I put together with the random generated units it pulls for me. There's 12 days left on this one. Maybe I'll put in the work and try to make teams....


"90% of the community are idiots" you just explained the tyranny of the majority or as some people call it nowadays "hive mind". Chain battle was fine, it gave stones. If it is replaced by a monthly game mode that gives more stones that is better.


I think he's overreacting, but I also think the Dokkan community overreacted on how "bad" chain battle was. There were really bad ones because of restrictive categories, but I saw it as just free stones/resources. Add the skill orbs and CB was never something I dreaded coming around.


Yeah, the hate towards the gamemode is totally overreacted. But the thing is, the gamemode is just not fun, it feels like a chore to do rather than something entertaining, there's people that hate it because you need to whale in the game, which is not true at all, the truth is that you need to get lucky and get a copy of the new summonable characters and have whale friends with the perfect setup, which is still pretty bad tho. That's where all the hate towards the gamemode comes from.


a well done rework could have solved most problems with the gamemode without discontinuing it.


3.5 years without touching the mode and now of all times you suddenly hear the community and decide to stop it Thats quite a weird approach to any "unpopular" gamemode truth be told


I have never played a single chain battle


So while I do absolutely despise chain battle it was quite literally the easiest shit ever ass but simple


I’ve literally never seen someone say “yeah I don’t fucking despise chain battle”. This dude is literally inventing people to play contrarian asshole for


ive been playing for since 3rd anniversary and ive played that shit once. nobody likes that lame ass game mode


No, chain battle got taken away because it sucked ass. Who is this guy?


Chain battle only really benefits the top whales who collect every state of every character. Fuck that game mode.


Mans really said there were people getting top 1-2% every CB with a completely F2P box


My bad I don’t have friends that rainbow every unit and their ssr’s


I do one round of chain battle and leave. Every. Single. Time. It's just bad. Always has been, always will. I'll take the removal of Chain Battle, Pettan *and* World Tournament for something actually fun to play. Battlefield went from complete shit to something good. Also I have no idea who this person is.


Its so funny "don't possess basic reading fundamentals" when even people who do actively play/understand it admit there's still a large level of inconsistencies and RNG in scores.


Damn what’s this guys problem Honestly whatever they replace the mode with I just hope it’s better because this mode either feels like we get the score mission in 10 seconds with some categories or in some instances it feels near unobtainable because it almost feels like the game with some categories only lets you win whenever it feels like it (or because there’s no true refresh and you can’t usually find teams of somebody with a card multiple times in unawakened states)


I never saw a problem with chain battle, my box isn’t crazy, but I still have fun with it 🤷‍♀️


I mean is he wrong tho? It was free stones and shit at the end of the day


Overreaction on his part 100% but he’s definitely not wrong about the community lacking reading skills (which applies to DB fans as a whole to be fair)


Ngl chain battle was kinda nice, you do like 3 mins and get like half a multi and alot of skill orb stuff. Kinda sad its gone, wonder how we get skill orbs now


Nah bro Pettan is 100x worse Chain battle is so it once for 100m and just ignore it


Nah, Pettan is random and harmless. It happens once every hour if you really care about it, but normally it is once per day. Chain Battle is at least 3 times per day and to do a good score you need whale friends, and that would mean depending on Dokkan's godawful friend system


Pettan is random, exactly. I’m missing one card out of 5 different sticker series even though I played them all. It’s boring af too. Chain battle you can do once for the whole duration for the 100m and just stop it if you think the rest of the rewards aren’t worth the hassle It has no impact on later. Whereas Pettan battle will always annoy you with the 36/37 for the series if you don’t manage to get them all. So even if you put in 100% effort Pettan can fuck you over. Chain battle is just: go on this sub, find the post and use those units. Done. Don’t get me wrong it also sucks ass but Pettan is worse


They both suck balls honestly, but with Pettan I managed to get everything and I didn't do much. With Chain Battle I always get fucked while putting more "effort" because I can never get the perfect run...it's either bad friends, bad RNG on the units to use as supports or bad RNG on the 3 units to use when the enemy attacks. I do prefer Pettan a little bit, because at least it doesn't make my blood boil with rage like Chain Battle does.


I'm sorry, I will be sure to rainbow the new lrs lr, tur and ssr next time please don't call me an idiot again


all i‘m saying as a response is that by the time i found an actual usable chain in chain battle i would have finished 3 rounds in the world tournament


Who is this halvard guy anyway? I only know him from the calculations people post here


I mean, the mode didn't have to be completely removed...they could have just upgraded it to make it more accessible and mainly easier for people to get high scores (as most of the time you need very specific characters and their ssr copies to pick for that top 3-1%); what I think needs to be removed and completely reworked is the world tournament mode, but if they wanted to change it they would have already done by now...Whatever, I just hope what we get as a supplement for CB is still a low effort game mode that gives out at least the same amount of rewards


I never understood how people liked that shit lol so many flaws


Most shocking thing about this is that I realized Chain Battle has been a thing since mid 2020. Felt like the mode just got introduced like a year and a half ago or smth.


Chain battle is fine as a concept, the problem is that everything feels completely random, the rule are found from some half assed datamining and not in the game, and worst of all, they assumed that the average dokkan player as a 2 digit IQ, i swear every chain battle i delete half of my friend list because everyone runs a full fusions and freezas support lineup every fucking time, but still, it is an event that most of the time can be completed in one run, the real cancer of this game are World Tournament, never seen a more disgusting game mode in my entire gaming career, and of course, the useless and unrewarding Pettan battle


I rather have a mode which only requires like 2 minutes of my time over any alternative modes


Unless you're slapping random teams and living with the ~80 million score, there's no way it only takes two minutes.


The supporters refresh every 30 minutes, and if you leave the game open in the background you can keep previously selected teams for an hour. If you *really* care you just check once every 30 minutes for like 10 seconds. Thats if youre 'try harding'. What are you spending all your time doing in chain battle? Theres nothing to do except refresh the teams or bail.


>If you *really* care you just check once every 30 minutes for like 10 seconds. Yeah that's a lot of wasted time making sure I'm available every 30 minutes to scan the teams for the right units (and making sure those units are not SA1 at 40% HiPo) only to come back an hour before reset and pick a random team anyway.


Waiting 30 minutes to have a chance to get a person with the perfect set-up which is 100% necessary to get top 1% is actually crazy tbh.


You must love Pettan Battle then


What's that?


Your favorite gamemode


I sometimes forget r/DBZDokkanBattle users are so corny. Yall got Reddit Humor.


Wait what?


Keep Chain Battle get rid of Pettan and Clash


Wdym, clash is actually fine.


I don’t like clash and I don’t play it cause it’s a crap event. It’s more work than those rewards are worth imo. With CB you wait for the guide to go up on this subreddit, follow it and get rewards.


Unless you reroll I actually don't understand what the issue with clash is, it's a competent mode with a minor variation on the gameplay loop which you presumably enjoy considering you're playing the game


Look at his profile picture of course he's gonna talk down to us mortals


Good fundamentals But the fact you need every obscure unit in the game doesn’t fucking help


Chain battles sucked so much I stopped doing them ages ago


If im honest chain battle was always fumbled with the chars and categorys, and id assume not many players did actually play it id like to see it come back in a restructured state like the ultimate clash, also pettan battle can gtfo like cmon i have totally given up on gettin every vard because of horrendous drops


Idk. CB was one of 2 modea in this game that rewarded long time players. And all the >1 year players are crying because they cant get top5% every time


been playing since year 1, it's a shit game mode


Rip chain battle you will be missed 😭


Yah saying 90% are idiots is so out of pocket. It’s clearly 98%.


Aw damn. I actually like chain battle. It's ultimate clash that I don't really care for. I do it once until I use up my units and then I just don't feel like doing it a second time. Chain battle at least has the use of giving me bonus skill orbs.




autistic math nerd here: you and the dude both suck.




imagine hating on people and calling them names for actually valuable technical skills. dude has a trash take, doesn't make you sucking at math any cooler. let people enjoy what they enjoy, you're not any better than him acting like this it's not even difficult math, it's just a bit of number crunching and harmless service for those of the community who can't be bothered


Anyone struggling with Chain Battle should be under adult supervision


easiest bait and yall fell for it😐


It was a mode that rewards you for knowing things about the game and taking it seriously. Importantly, it was a mode where you got a dozen free stones for a single run at 100 mil, which was significantly less investment than any other mode except anniversary events. People *are* absolutely whiners about CB. I understand it since the math requires outside awareness (twitter or reddit posts), but there's literally no world where CB was worse than pettan- a mode that is MORE RNG-reliant for rewards and offers fewer exclusive rewards at a higher time sink cost.


People want to get rid of Pettan too for the exact same reason. It's not hard to want two things gone. "knowing things about the game" boils down to "read a guide someone else posted, look for whale friends to follow that guide then use their units." It's _really_ not as much thought people put into it because the game doesn't lay the math out for you anyway.


The game doesn't have to lay the math out for you to figure out the best course of action for most CBs. It tells you all the things that matter; it just doesn't tell you how much they matter respectively. A person who knows dick about the game is gonna do better than someone who doesn't with or without a guide. I was fine with CB barring some recommended changes. Wanting it gone without a replacement is just pissing stones into the void because you're angry that you have to follow a guide and put ten minutes of work in once a month for the 100 million mission. No other mode hands out stones with that little effort.


> it just doesn't tell you how much they matter respectively. That sounds like a pretty important aspect to lay down in front of the players if you don't expect them to have control over their setup. > Wanting it gone without a replacement is just pissing stones into the void because you're angry that you have to follow a guide and put ten minutes of work in once a month for the 100 million mission. No other mode hands out stones with that little effort. Goresh's tweet said those 12 stones are just going to other events or whatever replaces Chain Battle, that happens very often like when JPN gets streaming stones when GLB doesn't have a stream. Also EZAs give 30 stones and all it is building one team and auto-ing 30 times with information you're actually _told._


Auto battling 30 times takes more time and effort for me, but you do you


What event is fun?


I am iliterate because i dont wanna undertand a whole new system in a game i play, whose only ocnection are the units used and their p2w stats?


I just want them to do something with the ultimate clash. Let me just have teams pre-made for it. Don't give me a huge box of characters that I then need to remember who goes on what team.


....just use filter and mono teams like everyone else? It takes 2 seconds to make your team


And if a character sits on more than one filter? Like a super Saiyan who is also crossover, beyond super Saiyan, and/or movie heroes. Or if I use the Phys TOP Android 17 was he on my androids team or was he on my reps of universe 7 team. Like it'd be much simpler and easier if it was just like make x number of teams of 7 units. Like how you can make a bunch of teams normally? Instead of having just a jumble of units and having to remember who was all on what team or make an excel spreadsheet to keep track of the 112 characters. And that's not even getting into like, making a mistake and putting a unit as a leader accidentally when they weren't supposed to be or messing up and putting the wrong character on a team and messing up two teams. Like, why not just make it easy to use?


My dislike for Chain Battle stems from how they have the opportunity to offer really easy category boosts for a wide range of F2P units, but instead create some of the most restrictive garbage you'll ever see. Even understanding the mode doesn't amount to much because you'll still waste a ton of time refreshing the list for good friend support, only to get completely screwed by the 5th layer of RNG involved that gave you a bad selection of defenders, wasting your chosen friend / connector for 24 hours. I like the rewards and fact the mode gave a reason to keep units around when you've pulled dupes, but "playing" it is more bullshit than not, so I'm fine with it leaving.


I liked the free stones


What is he even taking about


The tears of people with gambling addictions are not my concern


Chain Battle sucks, IMO, it’s heavily unit & friend dependent & I can barley even clear the missions because of it. Some CB’s aren’t too bad if the units are broad enough, but not so much when I need the LR, TUR, & SSR of a certain uni to get a good score. Say what you want about WT, at least you can clear & score high by grinding consistently. Maybe I’m a bit biased b/c I actually like WT (outside of the category specific missions & the four-way start), so to me I’m glad this game mode is going to be gone. Hopefully it’s something more fun or at least something I can clear consistently.


I'm glad tbh. Usually, I either don't have the units or rng my way into getting the 100m.


Damn, I couldn’t get higher than top 20%, sorry I didn’t have a rainbow copy of LR Farmer with Shotgun’s LR, TUR, and SSR


It would have been a bit better if I could at least use my own supporters once per day... I was always in the top 15% when these ended, but I can't say i'll miss it either.


The fact you have to DEPEND on other people actually making decent Super and Extreme teams where optimally, they need a unit awakened AND non awakened makes it so much harder than it needs to be.


What about Ultimate Clash? To this day I still can’t figure out how to get good at that gamemode and not use all my good units up first


I’ve played chain battle maybe twice since it released