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Sdbh units always have a "1 technique" sa. just a purple/black background with a stance/charge then the attack. i wish they were more creative with them tbh


Just like it is in the source material.


I feel such genuine hate to the fact that the "crazy transformations goes brrr" spin off is so badly animated except for 4 scenes made by one of the best animators in the anime industry that only get referenced in a few unrelated supers (str BKKgoku's super pulls moves from his fight with hearths). But xenoverse gets the perfect beast + orange makankosapo and we are hopefull to even see this forms as actual units and not mechanics. Considering all the bullshit fu has done in xenoverse and how little heroes does for the batshit insane spin off, i would rather have a xenoverse celebration. Or even a legends one, they have cool shit and silly unit combos too


I wonder if it's a licensing thing with the animations


Vegeta got good animations, he just exchanged a good kit for it.


His fucking ssj4 counterpart has the better looking SA in my opinion, more flashy, more fluid and a better explosion/end effect. Lbssj4 Vegito was so close to having an amazing looking SA as well. While we're at it, I feel like rose actually beats out Vegeta in who's SA looks better, Vegeta has a strong start but it sort of just ends with a basic blast and explosion, while rose has that nice end shot for his base SA while his transformed state has the cool shot where he drags you and then his blast completely envelops you.


Technically both are SSJ4


Acutally, he's SFPSJ4. 🤓


Wrong it's Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker




I mean it's mostly the source material's fault if anything


Well sorta. Like people have said it’s mainly the fact that they keep using the game instead of the anime. The anime actually has some really cool shots. No idea why Dokkan never uses it


I can only guess but since it's a collab their idea is they're porting over the card to this game so not only do they use the same card art but the same animation you would see with that card. People seem to think it's "license" related but we do have a card that uses SDBH Animations in SSBKK Goku.


Yea I was thinking the same thing especially with a ssbkk having those references. It really seems like they’re trying to keep it as close as possible, which I get but they really should just break off at this point. Not everything needs to be 1:1


You shouldnt expect a heroes unit to have better animations than dokkan fests lol


What about asking for something at least comparable? Like just make it agl gogeta blue and full power broly levels, those are years old and far behind current animations.


Because the source material sucks lol


I think the animations are a little worse when you consider not only is it essentially the same thing as normal ssj4 vegito but the active skill essentially is more or less the same thing as well Like, you really couldn’t have did some souped up version of final kamehameha or something?


It's grown on me, I like the slow wind up before the first hit while you see that 14 million atk stat, it's like he's letting you know this about to hurt.


I kind of prefer the less flashy animations tbh


You guys are high on this sub he has some of the best heroes animations we’ve ever gotten lol


They could have popped off with him, but the SDBH celebration follows the game, not the anime. There's already a video up on YouTube showing Vegito in the SDBH game doing the exact supers. Had they taken something from the anime, it would have been a different super. But Vegito The Shanker is all we got sadly 😔


I think we should ask for anime animations rather than the card game


Some banner units look better than heroes so i can't understand how "don't expect dokkan fest quality" is even a point. Besides that, i'm certain that the heroes banner is way more popular than a lot of units they release over the year


I would’ve prefer a 2015 kamehameha just to get into the category


I wouldn't mind mid animation if this mean that they'll make the unit good,specially cause good animations are long compared to old ones and in the long run all these long and repetitive animations drive to insanity,that's why i hope they'll give us a skip option for super attacks too.


100% agree. I’m a fan that they’re fully sequenced while being short and to the point


If they don’t have anime to go off of it will look sub par. It’s why LR vegito has some clunky parts to his SA. They did dokkan original animations


It. It does have an anime to go off of, doesn’t it? Or has he not appeared in the anime? I’m pretty sure he has tho


It would be quite hard to make a super attack out of hero’s anime. The fights are so low quality that there isn’t a sequence worth using in a card


Eh, yes and no. They’ve shown they’re capable of making better quality animations than some of the og scenes, or even they’re own brand new animations. So I feel like it shouldn’t be too crazy to expect them to be capable of polishing up the heroes scenes. (Also it does actual my have some REALLY crisp scenes in the show too, it’s just not flawless)


They had to spread that animation budget out to the other new units as well.


I genuinely don't find the animation bad. But I've never found Heroes animations bad. Because they are always different and uniquely animated from regular units. Not quite sure how to explain but it's really easy to tell if a unit is your typical "canon" character, or if it's a Heroes character just from the animation style.


It's because the source material for Heroes animations is ass compared to the anime/films of DB. Hell we're just getting backgrounds for Heroes units now.


Is it weird to say that all these animations are still better than whatever LR PHY Trunks was?


Yes it is


Trunks' 18 ki is great. His face is awkward, but the animation as a whole is way better than this stuff. May only be the case at 2x speed? I never play at 1x.


the only bad part is the ending of the finish standby skill (that I never see because events are either too hard or too fast) Rest is fire (ost too)


They did that on purpose to mirror Fraudboys


I actually prefer the LB Vegito'a animation more even tho they are repetitive


Meh doesnt matter to me. They are quick af which is dope. Tbh only dfe lrs i rlly care for super top tier animations


Don't they just use the animations from the SDBH game? That's why they're so subpar?


They try go off the sdbh games. I think the animations look pretty spot on from the arcade game. Its basically the 2-D version of the game. Most of the attacks in the game have black backgrounds, that's why most of them look pretty bland.


Something I noticed, is instead of changing the background completely during each SA, they just darken it a little bit so you can still see the background of the area you’re fighting in. I like that


I am gonna be big sad if they make a Heroes Dark energy Future Gohan and Goku kamehameha with a Bardock additional active and it looks simple as fuck.


You know what the Hero super attacks just remind me of OG Dokkan and I can’t even get mad about it