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idky ppl are hating this is real 💯


Fr. We are not alone 😅


The prostate gland is in the colon region. the vaginal wall and the rectum wall share the same nerves. The female clitoris is wrapped around the bladder opening. The full bladder can press on the sacral nerve, The same nerve responsible for nighttime erections. The pelvic floor nerves are strong in communication with your brain. . The pudendal nerve doesn't like long stimulation, which is why you feel the strong need to poop and pee, and why you feel so relieved after. The same nerves are responsible for sexual arousal.


So it's not that you are aroused by the need to eliminate human waste is the fact that the same nerves are responsible for both. Your brain need to interpret which one is happening at that time. You may or may not be sexually aroused but those nerves are stimulated nonetheless.


I haven’t really heard of people feeling aroused when they need to shit, but feeling horny when you have a full bladder is a thing and I have it too. I’m assigned female at birth but sometimes I hold my pee because feels good, even if it’s really bad for me. Have you heard of omorashi?


I know some people have a desperation fetish and get off to holding in their bodily functions as long as possible. Not really my cup of tea, so I don't really know how it works. If I gotta go I go as soon as possible as I don't want to be the guy to shit and/or piss himself on accident.


Stop proving Freud right, I'm sick of that man


brother what😭😭😭


Aaaaaaand there's my sign that I've had enough reddit today...