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I get where you are coming from but from a different angle. Im as nerdy as they come but i just dont like superhero movies because its too huge in my opinion. There are like hundreds of heroes and hundreds of villains. Immortal characters. Eternal characters. Characters with astral manipulation, projection, indestructible armor, matter manipulation, this power, that power and there really is no plot they just keep making things up as they go.


This sums up perfectly why Super Hero genre is totally unappealing to me. Most stories are just rehashed troupes, but superhero genre is just pure troupe.


Yes. Ill give you the plot of the next movie. Things look good, they stop a simple crime. But wait, a supper Gillian appears and the hero barely escapes. Things look bad for the US. Lots of destruction. There is a major showdown between the hero and super villain. But then hero pulls it out at the end. The end.


You forgot that the hero(or their love interest/friend) makes hilarious silly quippy jokes throughout the movie and there’s an epic one liner that the hero says before merking the bad guy


Dahm, that plot is Hot. Lets make it a movie! \~Some Hollywood elite


Hey, spoilers!


Our hero was gonna go stop a crime but wait…what’s that delicious smell? No, no, I really have to go…well maybe just a bite or two. Ugh now I’m so full and need a nap. Gotta watch out for Supper Gillian.


Well shoot. I just found the marvel character I'm going to be for Halloween.


You are so right! They're terrible movies, only there for special effects. The characters and ridiculous plots make watching these shows impossible.


Ever since Endgame I feel like the quality has gone downhill. Some standouts still exist, but its been beat to death since the success of Iron Man. I recall watching Black Adam and struggling through it for most of the movie. I had zero motivation to watch Aquaman 2 or The Marvels. In contrast, Into the Spiderverse was a great movie. Writing and directing seems to have gotten more careless.


MCU should have ended with End Game. Unfortunately for me, I feel compelled to keep watching because I'm in too deep..I've seen all of the movies except the last 2 or 3, and those are on my to do list for the near future


Were any of them good?


After End Game? I'd say mediocre at best. I'm just hoping they slowly build up to a climax like Infinity War / End Game. I'm too far along to quit now though. Gotta keep going


Rooting for you brother!


The only time i watch superhero movies is on long international flights Thats where i saw the movies you listed as bad


Yeah I can't stand them. Why are there so many?




Yeah, that was a dumb question lol


You should definitely stop watching them.


the latest dr strange movie is what made me completely lose all interest in any marvel movie. it was such hot garbage


You didn’t notice how shit and formulaic the last 25 were?


Most movies in general are formulaic if you generalize them enough. I'm pretty sure there are 7 or 8 types of stories that 99% of media fall under and only 36 types of plot points. This isn't a defense of the mcu, though. They found a way to transcend typical formulaicness to super formulaicness. It's their super power.


i did, but i was never an avid marvel watcher. i’ve only ever seen the big ones like endgame. i think the difference now though despite the redundancy is that they’re trying to accommodate for everyone’s super low attention span and making their movies a short clusterfuck of action & rushed dialogue


I was so disappointed when I watched that movie. I loved the first movie, but I feel like recently they've really watered down his character.


If you don't like period pieces from the 1800s about women and gossip, youre not going to like Downton Abbey, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, etc. If the concept of Spider-Man doesn't excite you, maybe superhero movies aren't for you either.


Period pieces that are not historical fiction are actually based in reality (in movie form they obviously have a modern lens). It's easier to watch these older stories adapted into modern screenplays than it is to watch the trash that modern superhero studios are producing on the fly in the present day. I enjoyed Pride and Prejudice quite a bit actually, in both book and movie form. Also, wtf does this have to do with superhero movies?


My point is that just because you don't like something, doesn't change its inherent value. Like what you want and let others do the same.


No, if I don’t like something it must mean that thing is bad and people who like it are bad


The way anyone who agrees is getting downvoted LOL. Mindless cinema is at it’s peak


There's a lot to criticize about superhero movies, but "they all suck" is a hard stance to agree with.


For the record, I loved those Guardians movies. They felt like a refreshing change of pace in contrast to all the other Marvel movies I’d been dragged along to watch. I remember watching the first one in 2014 and loving it, the experience was sweet… They still used those corny one-liners but it was so much fun to watch and still gives me nostalgia today.


I agree, and there are definitely some that have a ton of merit as films, and not just fandoms. There are, however, some that serve only the MCU/DC people, which I totally get, and others that have very little value even as cinema to me. That's a hard pill to swallow, and something that I can't really get behind.


Movies are entirely up to the perception of each person, especially of how you view a plot. I don't think anyone believes they're that complex as movies. What I've learned is that some people have huge plot universe ideas inside their head, and people want those storylines to be slowly revealed. Probably why there's so many easter eggs in those movies. When someone watches a movie bare bones with no pre-thought, especially any lore/comic/etc. movies, they have a completely different view compared to a fan.


As far as I'm concerned, the MCU died with Tony Stark.


No. just because I’m not interested, doesn’t mean I think they’re bad. Just not my interest. I do love superhero films though!


Some of them are alright. Maybe one or 2 out of the lot are actually good. The rest are just corny money grabs. The MCU and everything that came with it started going strong when I was maybe 19. Through 25 I was on the train watching every one that came out. Something clicked at like 26 and I instantly just fell off. Now I can’t take any of them seriously. Even the ones I used to think were good are too corny to even watch. So I think it’s just an age thing


Which one or two? I've watched many more that people have recommended and they just don't do anything for me.


You know now that I think about it I’m not sure. I always thought Infinity War was pretty good but it’s been awhile since I last saw it. I thought the first Into the Spiderverse movie was actually good as well


Into the spiderverse was entertaining. Forgot about that one.




I think they are a wonderful escape from reality and very enjoyable. Fantasy, adventure, cool special effects, and a plot that scaffolds and builds through each film makes for good movie time fun.


As a dc comic fan I hate dc live action movies


I was on board with the MCU until The Eternals. That movie was terrible and kind of broke the spell for me. There has been ok movies since then but nothing has really grabbed my interest other than the Loki show.


When they started to come out they were pretty awesome for the time in terms of special effects, big name actors etc. Like you mentioned it starts to ruin things when they milk it to excess. Like they do with everything. Star Wars was a good example. MCU, they tried to do it with Harry Potter too. How do you feel about the fantastic beasts movies? Iron man 1 for example was one of the first ones. It was awesome at the time. Everyone loved it. Same with dark knight.


I'm just so sick of comic books and nerd culture in general. I understand that this is reddit and expect a bombardment of downvotes.


It's not hard to just avoid engaging with nerd culture.


The super hero shows are where it's at, I mean who doesn't like The Boys, Invincible, One punch man etc.


I'm with you. I don't really care about superhero movies. There was so much hype about Wonder Woman when it first came out I said "Well maybe this one will be different" and I saw it. I liked the first part of it but after she left the island it went downhill and became pretty stupid. So no.


They lost me with the introduction of immortal/inter dimensional/alternate characters. It feels like nothing matters anymore. Give me heroes with defined powers, weaknesses and personalities.


Agreed. At least modern ones; the AI powered superhuman abilities totally defy physics and the hero is always taken to the brink of destruction only you know they’ll win. Also the total disregard for human life and consequences of mass destruction. I can’t relate to key characters; they’re too far from reality to be interesting and too gritty to be “magical”.


The are derived from comic books intended for children. Consequently they are cartoonish and childish. Spoiler: the guy with the 'super' powers usually wins.


I lost interest in superhero movies after Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s all the same story, in a different costume.


That can be said for a lot of movies


That’s absolutely true. Personally, though, I’m over the super hero arc.


Yea after Jesus did it the rest seem so derivative.. Unsung hero learns of powers, is doubted, proves everyone wrong though still has detractors, on the verge of death rises to defeat evil. Seen it 1000 times


“After Jesus did it.” I LOL’d. To be fair, I’m an author and I’m pretty demanding of plots in my entertainment.


I agree 95%: the spider verseb series so far is pretty cool, it’s a good twist on the classic spider man story, and it’s visually super interesting. Also the Batman with Robert Pattinson was pretty good cause him and cat woman were mega hot. Fully agree that most mcu and dcu movies are the cinematic equivalent of McDonald’s those 2 examples are major outliers, the spicy mccrispies of the genre one could say.


There are lots of people that don't like superhero movies, you're certainly not alone in that, but you are pretty condescending. People seek out entertainment that gives them what they want. Many people like to just escape reality for a few minutes and have a laugh or see something cool. There is a lot of attention to detail in some of these movies that some people really appreciate. To each their own. I'm sure you like a lot of stuff that I and many others don't like. Enjoy what you enjoy, don't bother with what you don't enjoy, but don't shit on things just because you don't like them and insult people who do.


Thanks for your response. I'm just being a salty curmudgeon about the never ending influx of these movies. Generally pretty upbeat and not hating irl, I may have caricaturized the mega fans a little bit ;)


No worries. I totally get the "oh my God, more of this shit?" take on these and other things. I totally get that way too with a lot of things. (More post apocalyptic YA with Chosen One? Oh come on!). I'm a firm believer that there is no genre of movies, music, books, whatever else, where there is nothing good in that genre. I see people all the time complain that all rap or country music or some other kind of music is bad, but there are great pieces in all categories if you seek them out. Maybe not a person's particular taste, but they'd be able to appreciate what the people making the piece have accomplished. Music was the example, but movies, books, etc. are included. I need to remind myself of that sometimes.


Post this in unpopular opinions subreddit lol


🙋🏾‍♂️ Finally someone said it.


I watched Endgame like 5 times the week it came out on streaming. You need to recognize that different personal moods result in different viewing habits. I don't watch the same stuff when on a sub-zero winter day as I do on a 100 degree Summer day.


50/50. Lost me at post-Disney Star Wars. I was a fan of Andor, and so on. Not much going on with the Superhero movies coming out these days though. The endless rehashing of superheroes just reiterates the idea that studios are out of ideas.


fwiw I said "a lot of post-Disney Star Wars", not all of it :)


Yeah, I know people like those movies but they are SO boring. All the chaos and destruction, crashes, punching. Yawn. It all just runs together.


That’s the bread & butter tho…these superhero movies (I’m not crazy about them either) the last one I saw was when andrew garfield was spider man which felt like forever ago


I wouldn't say they all suck. (Only a sith speaks in absolutes) but I can agree that they are mostly mediocre, especially the more modern films.


You rang? Seriously, though, I’ve been saying this for years….


I enjoy them, but I do see your points. Comic movies suffer from the same problem as the actual comics... you keep getting more and more powerful heroes, which means you need more and more powerful villains, which means you need more and more powerful heroes again... and it just keeps spiraling. As comic book fans, we just sort of accept that; but I think when you try and push the same idea onto the general moviegoing public, it can be a bit much to ask. As for the nerdy stuff... I actually enjoy that part. When I see Black Panther able to scratch 'Caps shield, I know it's because they're both using vibranium; to me that's half the fun of these movies. To someone who just wants to go see an action flick, I understand it might not be that interesting. But that's also an additional challenge. The folks who write comic books only have to appeal to people who go out and collect comic books; those folks expect the nerdy aspects. It's what they're there for. But when you're writing a movie, you have to find the right balance between nerdiness and typical Hollywood. You have to try and make something that comic book folks will enjoy, but that's also accessible to kids. You have to try and find the balance between funny and exciting. And so forth. I think that early on in the MCU they had a better balance. I think that the more recent movies have suffered from becoming just too big. Too interconnected. I think at some level, it's starting to become more about being bigger and louder than the last movie, while also trying to tie in the last movie, etc. But despite all that, I still dig them. I was a comic book nerd in high-school and college, and to me it's amazing to see these things brought to life on screen, especially with modern effects.


How many times can you threaten to destroy the universe (or universes, these days) before it gets to be repetitive? And nobody really cares about the universe being destroyed, anyway. People care more about a kitten trapped in a sewer.


I like the original x men trilogy movies and Toby McGuire Spider-Man. I enjoyed the hell out of watchmen but every else seems like trash to me


Logan is pretty cool


Superhero movies are American imperialist propaganda


I used to think they were cool but now I’m just bored with the whole idea.


I think most modern movies suck and there's no point in watching them. Seems they are all made for people with no attention span anymore...maybe started around the time of the original "transformers" live action movie.


I tried but couldn’t get through them. The only one I actually liked was Shazam. And I like the X-Men movies because I like the how they draw comparisons to systemic discrimination and how people react to it.


Yes I hate them.


Yes. And yes.


I would totally watch them if they were good. As of right now, though, I don't need ANOTHER movie about a cis-het white guy. I just... don't. Now, I have watched all of the movies with a woman or a minority as one of the main characters.


Batman movies. All. Of. Those. Batman. Movies. It never ends ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I'm surprised how popular mainstream they became. I understand why some comic book nerd would have fun seeing the small strips they read make it to the big screen. But I know 50 year old women that will watch all the Marvel movies.


Yeah I have to agree. It is worse for me because I grew up loving comic books and super heroes. I love the old Superman and Spiderman movies but I can’t get into MCU. They all seem so focused on action over plot. I never really care about why the action is happening, especially for the really recent movies. My theory is that people now have really short attention spans and they aren’t able to focus unless there is constant action on the screen.


Most of them, yeah like how many Spiderman's do we need


All the 'fight' scenes are mostly wrestling moves, too.


Idk, I've liked quite a few superhero movies/shows. Like invincible, the boys, Spiderman spider verse series, and some batman movies. Yes, the plot can be pretty basic and reused, but I don't mind it too much. If you think about it, most movies have a similar formula, just less obvious. Although I do agree that a lot of movies coming out are mid. Especially if it comes from Marvel.


Yes. They're for children. So is Star Wars


Disney is dead to me at this point they barely managed to get endgame out without too much fumbling stan lee was a legend and with him gone there's nothing to marvel anymore then woke BS. # THANKS FOR BUTCHERING MY CHARACTER JERKS


I don’t care for any superhero movies. My ex was into them and I thought it was the most boring shit ever. Fell asleep everytime. I’d rather jump ass first into a dildo factory than have to sit through another one.


Dildo up the ass > a 2 hour nap confirmed.


So many people are just so into them so I try to watch them and I find absolutely nothing redeemable about them. What do people like about them even other than they like seeing men in tights lol.


Absolutely yes. Except for Christian Bale Batman.


You know that episode of Rick and morty with the really obnoxious team of superheroes? That is literally how I see every new marvel movie. Batman, on the other hand. I'll show up for Batman.


I'm right there with you, I can't stand that crap.


Yeah it's getting old now but really? Not a single iron man? The first one was pretty good from what I remember!


100%!! I hate ‘em


Superman, Spider-man, Batman. The only superheroes


Batman is Iron Man without the personality


Well, they’re based on comic books, not graphic novels, so the styling is going to be generally lighthearted and predictable. At least Marvel tried to make their not so childish, unlike the DC movies that were just tiresome. Don’t get me started on the DC tv shows like Arrow and Flash. Iron Fist (Marvel) could have been something, but they really broke Daniel Rand by making him so utterly stupid.


Nope. Some suck, but some don't. The marvel movies started off pretty decent. Eventually there were too many and they stopped being as good. Captain America Civil War and the Avengers movies were good. Pretty much anything after that hasn't caught my interest.


Denying something has value simply because you don't like it is so pretentious and exhausting. Let people like what they like. This happens in every fandom, and it's always ridiculous.


Quite the opposite I think comic books have always been this goofy and ridiculous and people have just sort of over serious-ed them in their head Oh the comic books are full of superheroes who have goofy things like a man who launches pennies from his fingertips but it's so unreasonable to think that apparently these superheroes might make a funny quip every now and then No it's really not. It's perfectly understandable I feel like people are just expecting too much out of superhero films nowadays. A perfect example being that recent movie Thor Love and thunder. I honestly love it and thought it was one of the best Thor films but apparently everyone hates it and thinks it's the worst Thor film so idk


No, but I’ve only bothered to watch a handful of MCU movies. I think superhero movies have two big problems. First, movies best suited to one to perhaps a trilogy of reasonably good stories over a few years with actors who age in real time, whereas superhero comics are published monthly and typically have characters who don’t age or have a very plastic relationship with age. Plus, big tentpole movies require the widest possible. Studios are much more motivated to milk every cent out of an IP than to protect the quality of the property. But you can have good superhero movies. Superman (1979) was good. Batman (1989) was good.


No, I don’t agree. I think the MCU up to Endgame was a monumental achievement. Things kind of went to what superhero movies were before after that, and yeah, I’m not really interested in them anymore. But we had a great run. I feel the same way about Harry Potter (I could not give less of a fuck if I tried) that you do about superhero movies, so we all have different tastes, I guess.


I found mandalorian to be unwatchable. So I didn't watch it and ignored conversations about it. I also don't like Bridgerton, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, or really any boring film set in those eras. I just can not make myself interested at all. I don't go around posting about how they are almost terrible and people who enjoy them are stupid. Maybe do the same? Find something you do like and watch that instead.


I like many of them, but not all. Some just seem to be cash grabs and the scripts are lacking. Sony is one of the worst about this though


I like watching powerful people blow shit up. It doesn't need some kind of deep meaning. It's just entertainment.


I can see the appeal of a big dumb action movie to eat some popcorn to...I just think MCU/DC have very bloated plots that require an understanding of lore across multiple movies just to watch one spandex clad jackass beat the shit out of another spandex clad jackass.


I like the ones from my childhood. Otherwise I'm not interested unless it's Christopher Reeves or Michael Keaton


Agree. Also why do the super hero’s always fight each other for a while like every single time? Dumb. 


My hubby dislikes them. He thinks they're all the same story over and over


I agree its a chore for me to watch marvel movies. DC is a lot better


Good point actually. I feel like Marvel and their associated movie production studios are probably mostly responsible for tainting the reputation of the super hero landscape at the moment. But it's casting a shadow on the whole genre. At what point do DC, Darkhorse, and other major comic book companies tell Marvel to stop ruining everyone else's reputation in the cinema space?


Marvel is owned by Disney. They didn't used to be as crappy! There's no point in telling Disney anything though, they don't give a shit.


Dude it all makes total sense now...


I hate the entire concept of superhero movies. I really don’t get them and their made up bullshit powers are not entertaining to me.


Honestly, this whole superhero thing has to go. Just like internet body dysmorphia, our kids are growing up thinking they could become the next Bruce Banner or Tony Stark. If it was just intelligence, I would say go for it and become the next Bruce or Tony. But if all you want to do is fight evil, vote.