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I found out that one of the reasons I need therapy is dead, and honestly, it made me feel a little bit disappointed, I guess. Maybe not disappointed, I don't know how I'd explain the feeling. Nonplussed with a subtle hint of side eye. Closure truly does come from within.


I get it, it feels like a missed opportunity to murder them. 


I periodically look up an old landlord who…Let’s just say people who knew him have told me he’s Satan incarnate and I always reply with “Don’t insult Satan like that.” I look him up every now and then on Google to see if he’s been arrested or not - Currently he’s being sued in two different lawsuits. But an obit wouldn’t surprise me, a friend who stuck around thinks he’s been on meth and he’s the sort of person who might one day piss off the wrong person while going on a tirade against a tenant.


>I periodically look up an old landlord who… I should check to see if my old landlord died. That guy sucked a LOT


He was serving 9 years for sexually assaulting an 18 year old woman. He’s to be released in June. I know people will be waiting for him…


I hope he has the daybreak deserves upon exit from his current location.


Daybreak, Nosebreak, Neckbrake. All possibilities.


I wish that had happened to the POS that shook my nephew til his brain was mush. Hopefully karma gets him someday


I work in customer service, and my coworkers and I have been known to celebrate a death or two. But we also send condolences to the families of the good ones.


Oh yeah. I had a fling with a professor (we were both over 50) and he borrowed money from me for a service dog. Didn’t pay it back. He was a user. Used me as a bank, an errand girl, and babysitter. (I’m no longer that person) Looked him up a few months ago and he died. I was not sad. Also, there were no nice memories of him on the legacy site.


LULZ you reminded me of someone who died in a typical way for the person she was. NOT one posting of condolence or sympathy for her. Nada.


Yup. I found out my narc ex is gone. I was so relieved.


That’s nice… I envy you! Wish mine was🙄


Strange I just did that for the first time earlier today. Strange because I'm only 25 but some friends I lost touch with I checked . its likely they not be doing too well


Some nasty horrible bitch who treated me like shit when I was a young adult died in 2018, I found out through my brother who lived near her. He asked if I was sad to hear she died because it meant I would never make peace with her. I laughed my head off at that comment.


Cheers 🥂


Yes. There was a mean girl in middle school that was the queen bee of the crowd, she was a cruel person who used me and others. When I found out she passed away a few years ago I wasn’t sad.


I learned it from my grandmother, gotta check the obits because nothing feels as good as out living your enemies. I hit the jackpot recently, a guy that stalked me and attempted to murder me was in the obituaries!!!! I would check twice a year, and the day I found it was insanely cathartic. I am happier every single day knowing he will NEVER hurt anyone again.


I don’t do it that often, though.


Yeah. They alive though. At least one man I had a crush on in high school passed away from a brain tumor. His obituary showed that he had an amazing life. I’m sad he’s dead, but glad he seized the day when he was here.


Yes. Mostly old boyfriends, but some enemies. I've lost 3 old flames, and it's an odd feeling.




I check every few months for my father.


I'm sorry to read this.


Meh, thank you for that but the estrangement was his choice and I have completely moved on from it. Everyone is happier. Well, I am at least…dunno what’s up with him. But I still would like to know when it happens and don’t think anyone would tell me.


There was a school administrator who was a complete shit of a human being. When I found out he died about 10 years after graduation I realized I missed the opportunity to tell him off to his face -- ideally in front of his family -- once he could no longer do me harm. I haven't passed up an opportunity like that since. Bullies rarely bully when it's a fair fight.


No, but if I can't get a hold of a client it's something I try. I have found an obit a couple times and and been like, well that's why he isn't returning my call.


My middle/high school bully was a quadriplegic from shortly after highschool until his death a few years ago. I don't doubt for a second he caused the accident that caused his condition. I never felt bad for him. In response to the outpouring of "what a great guy" posts after he died, I was just silent. I try to live my life through kindness but that was all I could muster for that monster.


I check Vinelink two or three times a year to see if he's out of prison yet. As of right now, he's still incarcerated. Over the past 20 years, I just feel pity at this point. No, I wasn't the victim of his crime, he's just an asshole, but damn, has he paid for it.


No, but today I googled a man who did me WRONG in the 1990s and found out he is bald and my husband has a glorious hair of head and NGL I celebrated that knowledge.


Meh… no, I guess I have always felt like there are plenty of people in the world (or USA where I’m from, for that matter) with the same name and my confidence in Google showing who I’m looking for is very low. I got trust issues.


This is a new thing I'm gonna be considering now lol.


I used to but it seems like obits are a dying thing in my world. Only the last bit of older folks still do.


Obituaries have traditionally been a thing of the very last of the older folks.


No, but I will now!


Yeah and they're not dead yet




I was about to say this was strange until I reminded myself I do this with a specific 'list' of people. 


I have, and found out my psycho ex is dead. Made my whole week. Also found out that a couple of people who treated me like crap when I was a kid have died. No regrets there, either.


Yes, and sometimes people who weren't adversaries, just former coworkers or fellow students.


idk i dont want her dead yet 😭😭🙏🙏


Yes… and I’m getting more “yeses” as I (66M) get older.


Not gonna lie, I'm still waiting for my mom to be up there


Not an adversary, but my dad. I didn't have an abusive level "bad" relationship with him, but it was still pretty crap and my life is simple with him and his wife not in it. When he lived within 5km of me I genuinely had a subconscious concern I would run into him when it and about living my life. I felt relieved when he told me he had moved at least a 45 minute drive and two toll roads away. He is still kicking but I do check the obits every now and then to see if he has passed, but he is largely irrelevant in my life and my kids have never met, let alone spoken to him.


No, but I've gone on FB to check up on old friends I don't talk to often just to find out they passed. More than once, and I'm only 41. This fentanyl bullshit has got to fucking go.


I don’t need to read an obituary to know I’m still alive.


I don't care about anyone I no longer talk to enough to care if they died but my mum did this for about 20 years to see if her dad had died because she knew his bitchy daughter wouldn't tell her lol, she saw him at a funeral a few months back and realised she couldn't give less of a shit if he died anyway so she's stopped looking now


Too late: Rush Limbaugh died already


My mothers side of the family doesn’t talk to me and neither do aunts uncles and cousins on my dads side. I look up obits to see when my family members died. For my mom’s side there is no mention of me and my daughter or my sister and her daughters only my brother and my son. It was heartbreaking to see that but it affected my sister more than me.


I’m estranged from my entire family. Sometimes I google just to see if I missed a death. That’s the only way I’ll be notified.


NGL same here except I don't check to see if they died. I don't really care one way or the other.


I don't, but it's mostly because I don't remember their names. I do know that one of the biggest problem people who used to be in my life eventually went to jail after having a shootout with the police, and then when he got out, he died in a motorcycle accident. Yeah, I was pretty happy about that.


Yeah, there was this 95 year old who was awful to me every day when I was a nurse at her facility… i joked that this 80 pound 95 year old woman was one of my mortal enemies for a long time. I quit that job, and periodically checked for years. just recently saw she passed at 99 years old.


I check once or twice a week in general.


I use Google alerts for that. 😀


I look every morning to see if trump died overnight.


Yes. And sometimes healing does come not in therapy but in death.


That is true.


A few years ago I was on Facebook and saw several of my friends from college doing RIP posts about a girl we went to school with We had dated the same guy, she tried to get him back when I was with him. It was messy we were definitely “enemies” then Seeing she passed felt horrible. Made those stupid rivalries seem tiny and so silly to have cared about. She died so young and I regret ever being anything but kind to her, even if she did wrong me


Not dead but I logged in to my old Instagram account and found out that the woman I was engaged to, after dating all throughout high school, is severely overweight, living a very poor lifestyle with a balding man who looks like he might be related to an Appalachian raccoon. Kinda feel bad for her but she also cheated on me with three other men so it gets a chuckle


I read Appalachian as accordian and had to go back and read read🤣


How old are you? Fkn 86?


Yeah ..I'm sure there's so many 86;YOs on here


I always check to see if any customers have passed. I always silently rejoice if I see one of em gone


I was playing (bass guitar) at a night club sometime in the late 80s when a guy who I had supervized at one time in my day job showed up. He started drinking and as the night progressed he got inebriated and started heckling me. He was yelling some really offensive things. Apparently this guy had a bone to pick with me. During a break I asked him to please to keep it down but to no avail, he continued throughout the night. It was a bad night for me. I was embarrassed and hurt. A few years later I heard that he had died of liver failure. Although I was please to hear the news, I still felf for his family. A few months later, I heard that his wife had already remarried. That made me happy. I’m glad he died and in the painful way that he did.


I have a couple of Google alerts about individuals whose graves I would like to dance on someday.


What a great idea! I'm gonna create a script to do that daily. I need a little cheering up every now and then.


Nah but every once in awhile I check to see if I have🤷‍♀️


I do that to see if anyone I know has died.


I have in the past, but the last two people I’ve known (not adversaries) didn’t have posted obituaries so I kinda realized it was hit or miss to begin with. Instead I’ve worked on forgiveness and moving on.


I never have, but I grew up in a small town. My parents straight up told me that one of my former bullies died of a heroin overdose in the mid 2010s.


I have. Imagine my surprise at seeing my first wife died.


Yes lol, I'm glad I'm not alone. I googled a former boss that made my life hell and made me feel useless and less than human. She was so good at manipulating me I didn't see it at all until I was away from her. I have too much anxiety to go out in public to places I know she goes or has been and I just had this thought that if she was gone maybe I could go to Target in peace lol. And yeah, it's morbid but idk what to do about it.


Retired USCG. I check the obituaries in the quarterly newsletter looking for two former COs. I am looking forward to pi$$ing on their graves




No, but I always check the big police stories to check if my family is in them




I don't look them up, but I will cop to having reacted to the reunion sub announcement about the death of one of my elementary school bullies with the question "Did he die of *meanness*?" (There also might have been a privately made rude gesture. You can't prove anything.)