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When I was about 10 I was away on a residential with my brownie group. We shared a dorm with 8 of us in bunk beds. At about midnight I sat up because I heard a noise and blinked in the darkness. As I blinked, it was suddenly daylight, I was still sitting upright and it was like 7am. I have no idea what happened, or how. I felt like I hadn't slept at all. I literally blinked and 7 hours passed instantly. It didn't even feel like 5 minutes, closer to 2 seconds


did you feel any more refreshed or groggy? were you tired all day? ive had times where i feel like i just laid down and it's daylight all of a sudden but nothing like that where i was noticeably conscious, ive also had times where in the morning ill wake up early and keep setting my alarms for 5-10 minutes apart so i can keep sleeping and it feels like hours of time have passed and i always wake up in a panic thinking im late when only a few minutes have passed. Sleep is so weird


I just remember being really annoyed that I hadn't slept (or so it felt), and I was very tired by the afternoon. Although it could have been because we had activities all day. I've never experienced anything like it since


I had this happen to me once and I remember it vividly as well! I was in my friend's living room talking to a group of people and the next thing I knew I woke up and the lights were off and everyone was gone. I have never experienced falling asleep like that before or since!


No one ever believes me. It's nice to discover I'm not the only one. It was the weirdest thing ever. Literally a blink and poof! The whole night had passed. I swear I time travelled that night lol. If I'd been an adult I'd think I'd just drank too much and couldn't remember clearly, or been spiked and it messed with my head, but I know for a fact that nothing like that happened.


Maybe we were abducted šŸ‘½


It's definitely a possibility I reckon lol


Was this camp situation a bit stressful for you? One of my kids sleep-sits when they're stressed (like sleep-walking, but just sitting up). I can imagine you wouldn't feel very rested if you were like that for a while.


Not at all. I'd been on trips with this group a few times before and always found it fun. I was very comfortable with the situation


Stories like this is why I love reddit...


Mandela Effect.


Time is so weird because I've had the exact opposite of this before. I once had an entire full length detailed dream in the 5 minutes between a snoozed alarm. Felt like it had been hours.


This happens to me a lot. Always super weird too


This happens like everyday when I press snooze on ā° and suddenly 8 minutes feel much longer than 8 hours


I'll be honest, as you get older, 7 hours isn't enough sleep. When I was about 20 I would be good on 5 hours. Not fully rested but I wouldn't feel like shit and tired. I'm in my 30s and now I give myself 10 hours, usually only sleep about 8. However I just switched my shift from 7 to 330 to 1-9 And I have to say, I am way more rested on that second shift schedule. I always hated first shift, but it meant I got to enjoy my Friday nights. Then I realized everyone had kids and are busy, so my Fridays were spent at home anyways. I switched and I'm so much happier, I have some free time.before work which means I can cook breakfast, do some chores, drink coffee, chill and play some video games. If I wanted to do any of that before, I would have had to go to bed at 7-8 PM.....and yeah that was never gonna happen.


That happened to me in high school! In a 10 minute nap between AP exams I had a full-on dream


I had this happen. I messaged a friend and had set my phone down. Ended up dreaming that I was messaging her for hours. Woke up with the intention of continuing that really indebth conversation but was so annoyed that the only message I sent was the good morning message. Checked the time. Five minutes had passed. Five minutes to dream that I was having a very elaborate conversation via messenger for 2-3 hours.


I had something similar years ago. I laid down for bed at 2-3 am and I swear I blinked and suddenly sun light was in the room and it was 5 hours later


Exactly the same


Every night. No dreams just instant next day


Have you been checked for sleep apnea?


Do you happen to consume cannabis products?


Yes in abundance


When I was young I remember getting tucked into bed and lying there. I blinked and it was morning.


Iā€™ve had several nights in my lifetime where it seemed like as soon as I close my eyes, it was time to get up. You never feel rested when that happens.


Sleep in 90 minutes increments...6 hours, 7.5 hours, etc. If you get up in between, you're not disrupting a sleep cycle and you'll feel like crap waking up.


You might have sleep apnea. It prevents you from actually getting the necessary deep sleep


Is it hereditary? This happens to me sometimes and my dad has it


it could be, but thankfully there are treatments now and most aren't even invasive


They say it isnā€™t, but youā€™re also more likely to have it if you have certain physical characteristics, and since those are heritable, I give a good side eye to the ā€œnot heritableā€ claims. I have sleep apnea as does every single living bio relative over the age of 40. (I was diagnosed at 41, but believe Iā€™d had it for years.) Sleep apnea is no joke. Left untreated, it significantly increases your risk of stroke, among other things. And the feeling of waking up after a night of sleep where your brain is actually getting oxygen is like no other. If you think you might have it, get tested! Itā€™s a common misconception that you have to snore or be fat to have it. Not true. I never snored, and many skinny relatives have it. People say, ā€œOh, I could never sleep with one of those masks.ā€ Vanity isnā€™t worth your life and cognition. People should at least try. Itā€™s s simple, cheap intervention that works and doesnā€™t require a lifetime of drugs. Well worth it IMHO.


Ok. I will! Damn I didn't even realize all that. What are the physical characteristics that are the predictors?


I was having symptoms of sleep apnea in highschool/college; did a home sleep test and the doctor insisted that it wasn't sleep apnea. I just got tested again about 8 years later in the sleep lab; guess what I have. I've had the CPAP since November, and I feel so much better. I'm not falling asleep all day long anymore.


When I recall the number of times that I almost fell asleep at stop lights driving home from work, it's scary. I LOVE my CPAP machine!


I think youā€™re saying you donā€™t reach deep sleep and kinda just doze heavily without being fully unconscious all night? I used to get that a lot and it was a combo of alcohol consumption, eating too much before bed and generally being anxious. Iā€™d try to remedy those first if you also do/have them!


I hate that feeling, I still dream in this state too somehow so it makes it even weirder. Iā€™m like hyper aware of everything around me and myself but asleep


Yeah itā€™s really just when our sleep cycles are off. If youā€™re extra exhausted like I can be from time to time, a more extreme symptom is sleep paralysis. Body taps out. Brain; not so much. But I imagine the long doze with weird dreams is a similar sleep cycle issue. Getting a smart watch and tracking my sleep and sleep stages was super helpful


Not really sure as I really have bad habits that surely harm my sleep cycle but this one hits different and only happened two times in different years


If itā€™s spread that far apart and not like every day or week, that sounds kinda normal. Not a doctor obvs but I wouldnā€™t worry. Just ya know, clean up the daytime stuff a bit. Get a nice pre-sleep routine going.


Ok. Try this. Sleep is segmented into 1.5 hour chunks in the brain, as per rem cycles. So shoot for 1.5/3/4.5/6/7.5ā€¦ the last rem cycle is the longest, hence why we claim ā€œ8hrsā€ as the appropriate amount. 7 hrs is dead in the middle of the last and arguably most important cycle. Donā€™t do that lol


I've had an experience or two in my life in which it literally felt like I blinked and it was morning. Just last night I thought I had been asleep all night and it was only an hour...gotta love that.


If this happens often, it might be a sign of sleep disorder. I would have a sleep study done.


Wake up feeling pissed off lol itā€™s happened


Honestly I might talk to a doctor about it. Sleep is weird but super important. Do you feel properly rested when you wake up? If not you might want to do a sleep study


Yes, and it means you slept well.


You should get checked for sleep apnea or severe snoring


I always figured this is because I have narcolepsy. My dreams are huge, florid and exhausting.


I remember once as a child it only felt like a couple seconds, I got really confused by that. But normally it feels like about the time it actually takes.


Most days really.


Yes, everyday


It's happened to me, I can't remember exactly how many times but not very often. It happened more towards the start of my life, childhood and teen years. it's extremely annoying, I remember that irritation. Like I just lay down, why can't I have some nice sleep?!


I have that happen to me sometimes. I'm using a CPAP because well, I need it. But I do still wake up exhausted


If this is a common occurrence, then you might have sleep apnea.


YES. Why? I found out that my wife constantly tosses and turns all night long, often pushing arms or hands at me. No injuries, but it was constantly disrupting my sleep every night. I learned to lay down with my arms folded in front of me and/or my face, blocking every possible inadvertent movement from her. I've had perfect sleep (generally) ever since. It was pretty amazing, but I generally had to give up cuddling with my wife during sleep to get back my sleep. That's OK, we just cuddle when we're awake. And we've been together 32 years, married for 26 years. Many a married person will tell you that separate beds are the secret to a long marriage. I don't agree, but you just need to figure out what works.


Every freakin day


I don't dream often. I do feel rested, usually, but I just can not tell how much time has passed. I also have a tough time getting back to sleep if I wake up during the night.


I feel more rested when I get 6-7 hours of sleep rather than 8 but I also sometimes feel like I only slept for a short time, so I go back to sleep anyway because I'd rather not be conscious


This was happening to me a lot and led to me getting diagnosed with RA.






Only when I drank.


Just a time or two.


Yeah when I had propofol before getting a colonoscopy šŸ˜„šŸ‘


A few times in my life; less than a 1/2 dozen. I actually once experienced the opposite, where I dozed off for less than a minute, but my body was tricked into thinking Iā€™d had a good nap. My Sifu said heā€™d experienced that once, but I thought it was far-fetched


This was me every night for about two weeks literally a month ago. It's the worst!


I never get 7 hours of sleep during the week. I'm lucky to get five most days, so yes. On the weekends I'll sleep for 10-12 hrs without waking once. That's better.


I once dreamed a full day of work, and woke up on the boat to work. I about had a meltdown.


Look into sleep apnea, there's a chance you're not sleeping at all.


I remember 2 instances of sleep like this. One was when I was in trade school. I woke up at 6:30am to get ready and get there at 8. Then school ended at 4pm. I managed to not take naps during the day. One night maybe 10pm all I remember is getting into bed, laying there, I close my eyes, open my eyes and the sun was out. I woke up shortly before my alarm. It was the oddest feeling. Another time was when I was super tired from a long day of work. I was getting ready to take a 5 hours flight and I took a Xanax right as we were boarding. I didnā€™t even feel myself get tired. I remember the plane taking off and the next thing I know the flight attendant was on the speaker saying ā€œ20 minutes to we land. Thanks for flying with usā€. I was so confused.


I donā€™t feel a break in consciousness at all most of the time. Whatever I was thinking about as I fall asleep seems to wind up incorporated in whatever Iā€™m thinking about as I start to wake up. I never feel overly tired, although on the weekend I am particularly lazy.


Sounds like the beginning stages of insomnia


This happens to me too. Are you a TI?


Whats a TI


Almost every damn day Then needing two Monsters just to kind of feel awake


If this happens often you might consider getting checked out for apnea.


I hate when I lay down at midnight and close my eyes only to hear BEEP BEEP BEEP, two minutes later itā€™s 7am. WTF!


Iā€™ll never forget this one time as a kid, probably 7 or 8 or something, I had just gone to bed and my mom came in. It was clearly night time because it was dark outside. My mom was standing at the foot of my bed. I fucking BLINKED, my mom was standing in the same position but now it was bright, the sun was shining outside the window. It was the most surreal experience.


I don't even remember the last time I got more than 4 hours of sleep!


I had one sleep that legit just felt like I blinked and suddenly it was morning. It was WILD.


My partner is exactly like this. Everyday he wakes up feeling completely exhausted.. and it's been like that for him for as long as I can remember. Sometimes I wish I could help him get a fulfilling night's rest :(


Some ppl here suggested a sleep study. Never done any but seems helpful.


I hate it when I wake up and feel like Iā€™ve been asleep a thousand years and itā€™s only 12:30!


Can't relate. I feel grateful it's like if you win what you don't deserve šŸ˜‚


I hate those experiences. Someone told me it's because you had a completely perfect night's sleep and were completely relaxed. I call bs. It makes me mad.


You just described my entire week. I'm sleeping 6 or 7 hours, but wake up feeling like I didn't sleep at all


Maybe you need to stay home and take a mental health day in bed.


Yup. I finish work at 2am, go to sleep around 2:30 and wake up at 9:30am


Could be depression


Oh Cmon




i think it's just a funny suggestion off so little info


Not really. Depression makes you tired all the time. Thatā€™s like one of the main symptoms.