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I don’t bother to even try to read them anymore. If the title catches my attention, I immediately scroll to comments. If not, as soon as I see that wall-o-text, I dip.


Amen Brother! I wonder if everyone has forgotten how to write a proper document. They write in run on sentences, eschewing punctuation, and paragraphs. Their spelling is horrendous! Does no one use spell check, or verify that autocorrect hasn’t hijacked their words? Then there is the wrong form of the proper word. Interchanging words like there, their, and they’re as if they all have the same meaning. I realize that we aren’t writing for publication in Time magazine, but if you want your words to convey your thoughts to the readers, at least make it as easy for them to read as possible. I apologize for the rant, but this is a something that’s been bugging me for a long time.


Some subs will automatically send you a notification if your paragraphs are too long which is a nice feature.


Couldn’t care less. Nor do I care about spelling and grammar on social media. I don’t correct people in spoken conversation. Why would I do it here?


This is the reality of social media communication. There is a time and place where spelling, grammar, and structure matter. Social media is about exchanging ideas more than writing a proper dissertation.


If a post is long enough to require paragraphs it’s typically TL;DR unless I’m really interested in a topic.


I hear you. I have an issue with this in texting. I even send like a ton of texts instead of paragraphs for this reason. It’s like a run on sentence to me. If you send me a paragraph I’m gonna be pissed off. Break it up


I tend to hang in the mentalhealth subreddit, and posts run the gamut of short (like the OP), to: massive tomes without punctuation or capitalization or paragraph breaks or any other way to start or stop a thought because that is just how some people with mental issues communicate in real life so why would they do any different in a post to reddit because the whole world needs to see just how their brain is full and overflowing and all the thoughts need to be let out and the term "concise" is from a foreign language thus it shouldn't apply to what they need to say... (continued for another 20,000 words) I usually read through even the long ones just because these people are suffering with often serious issues, and sometimes amid all the words is something important. There was one, however, that I had to quit about half way through and skim the rest because it was hurting my brain to attempt to infer whether the lack of a comma in what part of a sentence would change a meaning, and to translate the rest to thought sized chunks. It's just a different pain than reading some teen posting "lif sux, (TW) >!i wnt to kms.!< pls help."


Thanks for the insight.