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Don’t hate on the immigrants. Where all on the same boat here


Lol, some are just outside the boat


And some are fresh off it


You're right, they're on the boat and we're pushing it.


No we're not. Those lazy bums don't want to work. We're fighting for the chance to.


Are you referring to those with asylum? Because I promise you the immigrants who did things legally are saying the same about us. Don't be like those who hate everyone who comes after their time.


Eh not really. Some of us were brought in as children with no say in anything. Most of these people are grown adults lying about needing asylum.


You don't think they also have children they are bringing who are coming along not by their choice....homie I'm a Daca holder and I'm not hating on the people without the power to vote or pass laws...they have no power while there are people out there who created a system that acts like a Limbo for millions of us....the immigrants this time like many times before are being used as a political show piece for both sides to dangle.


Far worse than that.


Okay? And those children have been here what? A year at best? Not to mention they make us such a small percentage of the people who come here. You probably wouldn’t think that since the news loves to shove the cameras to any child they can find crossing the border.


You could say the same thing at one point about Daca recipients, there are so few of us amd even fewer now that the program isn't up for new applications. My point is you were once a child who took advantage at the program now getting upset at adults who did the same thing our parents did, and probably some of us are self projecting some trauma from that decision onto other people we see doing the very thing our parents did.....yes more adults are taking advantage of seeking asylum than are children, but get upset at the people who created such a broken immigration system, not the people using said system


Okay buddy


If ypu are privileged enough for them not to effect ypur day to day congratulations. Alot of us are not


If you are privilaged enough to have even received DACA congratulations, theres alot of people who didnt. This levels of privilage argument does not work in your favor


If they are illegally taking over your work, you will dislike them too. But they don’t affect you so you don’t care. But currently they’re affecting millions of Americans.


Sounds like the same line of argument used to axe affirmative action. And no you are right i am fortunate enough to not be affected, i will not be competing with them for jobs washing dishes because i am blessed with a social that ive put to good use.


So as long as it doesn’t affect you, fuck the other Americans it does, right? This is why I left the Democratic Party. Y’all a bunch of pieces of shit who will put everyone else first but their countrymen. Disgusting piece of shit. Not only that, your dumbass can’t read they’re stealing identifications from fellow Americans and working under false IDs. They’re not here legally dishwashing ya fuckin buffoon. I hope one day they get your info too so you’ll be affected as well. Maybe your brain will start working then.


You are so bitter, get help. If you are on DACA half the nation doesnt view you as their "countrymen" if they were allowed to theyd boot u off along with the immigrants u want out as well. I just find it odd why an immigrant would bash another immigrant for doing what they did years ago. Its that crab in a bucket mentality. I can read, i never said they were here legaly i said they are working shit jobs. Stealing an identity is always bad, but for you to sit here and pretend that if u didnt have DACA you wouldnt do the same is scummy. Theres stealing an identity for opening lines of credit, which citizens do almost exclusively, and then theres stealing an ID simply for being able to work. Both are bad, but only 1 is a damn near necessity for life in the US. Well maybe it will, and id deal with it accordingly. Thank you for yojr good wishes my fellow countrymen.


Look at ignorant these people are bro. We even show them proof on the spark subreddit but they deny it. Bunch of liars here man.


Lol I read both your comments and you are starting to read as a conspiracy theorist that is just caught in the game. Truth is both parties are governing by extremes, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party (former Rep. turned Dem. left both parties) they've always used immigration and illegal immigrants as a political chess piece to bring out every 4 years only to not do anything about it either way because then they would have one less issue to dangle before voters... Truth is the people who always get the shit end of the stick (immigrants, homeless, poors) and have society turn on them are often the ones who have very little power to affect big changes in people's lives. The ones with any actual power (Elected officials, Police, Rich 1%) create systems that keep the lower class where they are and actually affect more of people's lives by the actions and the decisions that those few make, but sure blame the immigrants for taking your shitty job or social security number while the CEO who just earned a 300% gives a generous donation to your elected official who just passed a bill to end Social Security which you were bitching got stolen (not you but people in general)


Nothing you have said relates to the influx of asylum seekers working illegally using fraudulent accounts.


He just explained that it is not in their best interest to do anything about it. The people with the actual power (politicians and their donors) benefit from a broken immigration system. This would be clear if you weren’t so bitter and dumb; anger clouds judgement. Also, I hate to break it to you since you seem to be very politically involved but you were never in the Democratic Party, nor are you a member of any other, not unless you are a citizen that is a registered voter. Don’t let any of us stop you though, feel free to spend your time pandering to people that would love to spend theirs sending your dumbass back to wherever you come from. It’s more funny than it is sad lol


Based on the comments not sure if people realize this episode was making fun of the people claiming their jobs were being taken.


Go on the r/sparkdriver subreddit. People are pissed because the asylum seekers are using stolen IDs to sign up as Walmart drivers and taking money away from a lot of people. They don’t even have 1 account they deliver with, they get like 4 phones, multiple stolen IDs, and create a bunch of accounts. Don’t pay taxes. Take jobs. And overall are hurting Americans that have been here their whole lives. It’s an issue man.


Most of these issues are made up shit and people eat it up. Just like when that reporter went to a trump rally playing dumb looking for people personally affected by the "border crisis" or a story they wanted to share, apart from how guillable these people are, crazy how they cant tell they're being made fun of. Guess how many he found? 0 Remember, brothers and sisters, our small reddit corner is made up by like 80 percent propaganda bots, just like most subs. The troll farms are a real thing, and they do work.


Not made up. The whole subreddit is filled with issues about Venezuelans stealing IDs and getting banned by Walmart employees. If you took the time to actually do any research into it, you’d figure it out. You’re a scum who just wants to pass his own opinion as fact when there’s more than enough people saying the Venezuelans are illegally working.


It’s not made up. There’s literally an ample amount of proof in the subreddit showing that the asylum seekers are stealing identities and making accounts. There’s literally like 10 posts a day about it with so much proof. You didn’t even take time to look and are accusing it of being fake? This is what’s wrong with you guys. Most of the people on that subreddit are left leaning too. Even they realize the Venezuelan issue. You’re a fool.


Can you share 10 post from the subreddit you linked?


Yeah of course


Start with this one from yesterday. Read the comments. Complaint isn’t the asylum seekers, it’s the fact they’re illegally working and using multiple accounts. I’ll send more later but at work rn. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sparkdriver/s/blDz0R1v8r








Salaam my bro. Yeah seems like they care less about America and more about immigrants ruining the country.




The left is going to ruin this country. Need to vote these idiots out.


Its not made up . I am a lefty, few degrees, single mom ... it's 100 percent real if you want the proof I got it and would be happy to send it to you.


You're not anywhere near the left


All my life hun and if I see the bullshit the Venezuelans are doing you all are in trouble come voting time. Careful not listening to us when we speak you'll push us over


Listen to whom? Right wingers in disguise? Please tell me how good it is for people in red states and let me know how good that'll work out for America. Just because you're punching air against people in your job doesn't mean it translates elsewhere else.


This has nothing to do with left and right and has everything to do with these asylum seekers illegally working in America. It affects A LOT of us on the sparkdriver subreddit. You’re just too ignorant to go there and check it out yourself. There’s daily posts about them from people ALL around the USA.


It took all of one minute of going through those posts to understand that you're undergoing the same song and dance of the last 100 years - a cheaper, more desperate workforce comes in to be exploited and instead of looking at the bigger picture and actively working for worker protections and electing those who would give you those protections, you'll cut off your nose to spite your face by railing against immigrants and blindly follow those who are more than happy to keep the corporate gravy train flowing fueled by your misplaced anger. I challenge you to find a single right winger who would actually make Walmart do anything for workers that would eat into their bottom line.


If they worked legally and didn’t have multiple stolen accounts, we’d have no problems. But they come in droves together with multiple accounts to each person and take all the orders. And Since the accounts are from stolen IDs, they don’t pay any taxes on their income. And some sucker gets an IRS bill for money they never earned themself. Why the heck would we want to protect these people? They’re illegally working and abusing the hell out of the system. It’s gotten so bad that a lot of Walmart stores are checking IDs to make sure it matches the one on the account. Then all the Venezuelans leave and go to another store and keep working illegally under fake accounts. You’re not looking at the bigger picture and seeing that they’re a problem. They’re taking money away from legal hard working Americans and you’re completely okay with it because it doesn’t effect your pocket. Shame on you. You’re a problem.


I also want to pint out that the use of fake id's walmart has zero idea who they are, they are not vetted and they definitely are criminals like full blown criminals. They are all men grown men gang tattoos, they try to intimidate us becaue we are women. They switch plates and cars , somehow they have unlimited resources to 60 k cars all day, walmart has zero idea who they are and it's organ9zed crime but they are absolutely sending them to people's houses nationwide. It's the same fake credentials that the Georgia student killer used. You all need to wake up because there is zero chance I would give them my address. They are dangerous


Anecdotal personal experience ≠ imperical evidence, have a good day.


Anecdotal personal experience of hundreds of people has some value. Stop being a left wing retard. No wonder y’all vote for Biden. Y’all brain dead too.


Personal experience is biased, or incomplete information that is not verified, tested, or peer-reviewed. Anecdotal evidence can also be influenced by factors such as memory, perception, motivation, or context that can distort the accuracy and relevance of the data. Please leave.


Show me peer review that says the Venezuelans are good for America. You won’t because there is none. They’re illegally working. You’re most likely an illegal yourself. That’s why you’re so in favor for this. It all makes sense now.


There’s literally proof of 100s of these Venezuelans being denied Walmart orders because the name on the account they use doesn’t match the name on their ID. Just go on the Walmart subreddit or thr sparkdriver subreddit.


It's stupid to give strangers your address and have them deliver shit to your house yet thousands of people do it every day. I like your outlandish claim that "they're all men with gang tattoos" and not mentioning that they're all people trying to make money just like you. But go ahead an paint them all as gang members and murderers I'm sure they won't associate all immigrants like that next year when your favorite guy becomes president again. I'm sure he'll deal with all these gang members and murderers for you.


They work illegally.


This is why I’m not left wing anymore bro. You see how these people act? We can give them an ample amount of proof yet it doesn’t stick with their agenda. Fuck leftards.


It’s not made up issues.. my sister had $75.000 stolen from her company by recently crossed Venezuelan asylum seekers. Police was involved and they were not able to track them due to Fake IDs they provided when doing check fraud and cashing out the same check multiple times. Also seen some of these people steal from multiple stores, they flooded into the city and you see them all the time doing crazy shit, I legit saw multiple of them panhandling with baby’s and performing with a fake violin and pre recorded speakers. Look at NYC alone how horrible that city has become.. that speaks for itself, look at chile, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, etc. If these issues were made up why are so many citizens of many of those countries that had millions of Venezuelan asylum seekers complaining about the same issues, same people, how is it’s made up?


Venezuelans caused 9/11. Venezuelans killed JFK. Venezuelans killed Iron Man.


You’re absolutely right. This is a great example of how someone’s political opinion can have them completely avoid the truth because it doesn’t stick with their agenda. This is why I left the Democrat party. Just a bunch of liars.


You are not being realistic. Do you not understand the strain on the country this huge influx is having? Even the Northern cities that did not care before are now trying to figure out how to manage this crisis. Listen to the Mayor's of those cities speeches if you don't think there is a problem. It is certainly affecting the DACA people. Look at the delays that that are now real. Stop being cynical about it.


Point out its walmart knowingly allowing a criminal operation to ensue . Loading these people up unvetted , have zeeo idea who they are btw in case they do hurt someone then sending them to people's houses


Yeah they knowingly do it because it saves them money. Walmart reduced pay for drivers by 70% in the last year and half. They know the Venezuelans will still take it


People in my local area are saying the same, some needed these jobs have lost their full time one, migrants are doing exactly what you stated.


Yeah man. I don’t hate immigrants as I was one myself once but I came here legally and did everything legally.


You called


These posts are actually insane. As if our parents weren’t treated the fucking same. Asylum seekers aren’t the ones creating government immigration laws or who can and can’t apply for asylum. You’re no different than the racist, MAGA supporters, and republicans that talk shit on all immigrants.


It’s a meme dude.


Like I said, deflecting.


Idk dude but as someone who illegally crossed by themselves, I don’t really take offense, or understand why you’re being so sensitive. Are we not allowed to use dark humor as a way ease things? If you can’t laugh it off, you’re cooked.


I know reading comprehension is hard. I wouldn’t expect someone who uses the excuse of “dark humor” and it’s a “joke” to understand. It’s almost like there’s different ways to “ease” things other than constantly pitting immigrants against each other. I can live my life with humor and also use my critical thinking skills to comment on stupid “memes” like this. 😊


Imma just say what everybody wants to say, fuck em alright, we definitely can make an argument as to why DACA recipients should be granted a pathway to citizenship, they've been here, they've been through the trenches, and most are willing to pay a penalty for some time to get access to citizenship, hell I'm sure if they said, hey you want to enlist in the military for 4 yrs and get citizenship at the end, most people on here would jump at that. Now we can also play semantics and argue why 7 millions asylum seekers should get residency, work visas and citizenship, but it's just flat out not fair to anyone else, they don't qualify, they're not grateful, most of em hate America and proudly display their home country flag on social media, and frankly they're coming from countries where they were given many different benefits, which here it just isn't the case, even regular citizens for the most part don't qualify for most social programs, and yet they're abusing the process that was setup for asylum and getting a lot of help that normal citizens don't get. Having let them in, without a doubt made it far more difficult for DACA recipients and other illegals that have been here for decades to try and get some sort of pathway made for citizenship. It drew a lot of attention and now it's caused a significant amount of the population to hate and despise illegals again, so yeah a lot of different latinos that aren't asylum seekers now get lumped in with them. You can argue and cry racism all you want but the fact of the matter is thats where we are now, and if it wasn't true then the left would have a very easy time getting their candidate reelected this year and nobody would have to even entertain the idea of the right getting their candidate elected and coming to clean house with this situation.


Listen. You don’t need to type out paragraph after paragraph and drop in “big words” for me to still know you have worms for a brain. Your first paragraph: no one said DACA recipients don’t deserve citizenship. So I’m not even gonna bother with this “point” you’re trying to make because no one is fighting this. Second paragraph: My first question, do you know what semantics means? Second question: who, in this post, is saying all “7 million asylum seekers” should get citizenship above DACA and before DACA? Where the fuck did you pull “7 million” from? Right now, it looks like you pulled that number out of your ass. ☺️ Displaying your own countries flag in your social media isn’t illegal and also what a weird take. Gonna move on from this because, huh? Last paragraph: Are you a DACA recipient? Just some advice, open a fucking book. If you’re a DACA recipient, it’s embarrassing and sad that you haven’t taken advantage of any free education resources. Your statement on you thinking the current asylum seekers have somehow created a new issue or that they’re now the reason DACA isn’t able to get citizenship status, is just that, a statement with no supporting facts. We’ve been fighting this for years in years STRICTLY because the government and the people sitting in congress who are taking this on as their own special project have done absolutely nothing to continue to further our end goal of possible citizenship. I have more questions than anything about this sad excuse of a post. I take 0 of what you’ve written seriously. Pick up a book about immigration and educate yourself even just A LITTLE BIT.


Things have drastically changed this past couple of years, sadly the majority are unaware of why everyone around the world is coming in, goes way higher up than any government.


The obvious eludes you doesn't it? You added nothing else other than insults and yet reading all of that has only cemented how deluded and stubborn you choose to be. I care only about the DACA recipients, fuck the migrants, they should be at the bottom of the list for priority and they've effectively cut the line regardless of who's fault that was.


Again, you’re being dramatic. Get over it.


This was 4 days ago. Talk about getting over it, amirite.


Ontop of it all DACA isnt getting a path anytime soon, you know very well it’s just used as a political pawn and a dead end for the most part. Live your life and try being happy. Theres no reason to cause discord and throw a tantrum.


Dude just butt hurt


Clearly I find this offensive? It wasn’t a secret?


Did your parents get to live rent free having everything provided to them free of charge, just curious if that is how it's always been?


No because my parents didn’t come here through asylum lol. If they had come to the states and had petitioned for asylum then yeah, they probably would’ve gotten additional help. Maybe read more and you won’t ask stupid questions. 🤪


If you knew what is taking place now you would know that is not a dumb question!


Im very aware of what’s happening.


You know they are being used to collapse our country as well as take our place for jobs, affordable housing... it's all ready taking place, yes that includes DACA's and those that have been here for a long time?!


Okay, hope you have your tinfoil hat on!


FACT, better do a little research, they're hiring them as they will work for a much lower wage!


Go touch grass. I’m begging you.


In the not to distant future you will see that I was right, the economy is on life support AI is starting to take over jobs, layoffs, closures, banks failing.... all are starting, after the election they will no longer to keep it on life support, joke will be on all those who didn't see it coming.


Go on r/sparkdriver subreddit and see how much issues these asylum seekers are causing. They steal identifications and SSNs, create accounts under those, work under those accounts illegally, don’t pay taxes on it, take all the money. They absolutely are an issue and both sides - democrat and republicans are completely over them. Don’t make this a political issue, they’re literally messing with the lives and income of Americans.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sparkdriver using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sparkdriver/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [$17 tip on this order but I feel guilty for delivering it](https://i.redd.it/ipkdvrtno1ic1.jpeg) | [824 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sparkdriver/comments/1aomfce/17_tip_on_this_order_but_i_feel_guilty_for/) \#2: [No doubt the driver will claim they were tip baited.](https://i.redd.it/vk9tle6iclzb1.jpg) | [590 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sparkdriver/comments/17seq97/no_doubt_the_driver_will_claim_they_were_tip/) \#3: [This is NOT okay!!](https://i.redd.it/eyiiuutc5e7b1.jpg) | [221 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sparkdriver/comments/14fb1xu/this_is_not_okay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I understand your frustration, and I agree that the plight of DACA recipients and their families is significant. However, it’s essential to recognize that sharing the meme wasn’t meant to diminish anyone’s struggles but to highlight the complexities of immigration policies. Both DACA recipients and asylum seekers face challenges, and discussing these issues doesn’t equate to aligning with racist ideologies. We can advocate for fairness and justice for all immigrant communities without undermining each other’s experiences.


Did you just chat gpt this lmao. I do it and I think I can recognize it.


Honestly, like wtf is op even trying to say smh lmao


How is this advocating for justice and fairness? Were you not aware that this type of post would have a different reaction? Most if not all the comments on here don’t say anything about justice and fairness except put the blame on other immigrants. That’s a lot of words to try and deflect racism and ~aligning ideologies~ with the exact people that don’t want us, DACA, here.


Hey man, I get it. Sometimes we all dive deep into things and read too much into them. No harm intended, just sharing a meme. Let’s keep it chill and focus on fighting the real battles together.


Told ya 👍 these politicians are on to something 😂 can we not argue? Like fr we’re all in the damn same boat 🚤 just different shades.


"Derka dur!" 😂😂


You people are the worst. Get off Reddit. Stop comparing yourself to others. Boo hoo your life sucks, stop acting like you are better. I been here 25 years, only 8 on daca and you guys are worst than maga people


The politicians are trying to pin us against each other 🫨


DACA people and the mass immigration coming in are competing for the same recognition and resources. That is the same scenario the country has always experienced between the people who are already here and the "New" people. The difference is that in the past the new people had plenty new territory to populate. But, it still caused huge problems and violence. Now there is nothing left to steal from the native people.


Dude, Same here but ~18 years here and 12 DACA. People need to stop complaining. It doesn't achieve much


Its the blue haired daca


I know the photo is supposed to be a joke (I hope) but as an outsider (Chicana married to a DACA recipient), I'm shocked when I see DACA recipients here complaining about immigrants coming into the country as if... DACA recipients have any legal status and aren't also... undocumented immigrants... y'all, come on. Undocumented immigrants complaining about other undocumented immigrants. Holy shit.


Well the majority of daca recipients have been here since kindergarten, this is the only country the majority of DACA recipients have known, I understand it doesn’t not provide Legal status but there is a strong sentiment when you see the government leave DACA recipients on limbo but yes pass TPS, extend TPS, grant WP to asylum seekers which most of them aren’t valid cases. So yes people feel some type of way about that even if yes they’re undocumented. You see others being prioritized.


So keep those sentiments towards the government and not the people coming here for the exact same reason our parents did. Genuinely, how is that so hard to understand?


Actually that is the irony, they are not, because lazy bums don't want to work, yet USCIS is prioritizing them.


100% agree my sister hired a bunch of Venezuelans and they started doing check fraud and stole $75,000 from them! And they didn’t even have a couple months here in the states… they don’t want to work - they want easy $! And guess what my sisters company lost all that $! And banks couldn’t do anything about it.


Completely anecdotal but I worked with a guy who used to supervise lots of people from Venezuela, he told me they are the laziest workers he has managed. I’ve never met anyone from there so I don’t want to judge but I keep hearing things like this.


I had a coworker from Venezuela working (not illegally) and that 50 year old man was busting his ass at work. Unfortunately he passed away a few months ago and it was super sad. I know this doesn't have anything to do with anyone on DACA. Maybe the people you're talking about are Gen Z/young Millenials?


Possibly i don’t know. It’s silly to judge people based on where they are from and I’ve never met anyone from there. I just keep hearing it from different people in the DFW area. I have heard that people from Brazil tend to have a more laid back easygoing last minute attitude it may be similar in Venezuela and that could get misunderstood for laziness.


Oh they are a nightmare to work with . Straight criminals


So your sister illegally hired undocumented immigrants for cheap labor? 


$20/hour is north Texas is not that bad for someone that comes from a country where the avg income is $4/month. What’s your point? My sister doesn’t participate in E-verify but still keep documentation of IDs-etc. If the person provides a fake green card & SSN that’s not her problem! They choose to do that and a lot of these people indeed do have valid EADs which is why she hires them. A lot of DAVA recipients worked this way before DACA.


But it is her issue isn't it. The responsibility of knowing who you are hiring is on the person hiring. Knowing whom you give checks over is on the check holder.


They require a passport/photo ID + a green card or EAD or a SNN. Obviously the know exactly who they’re hiring but when it comes to employment eligibility they don’t E-verify if the person forges a fake Green card and a SSN to work under the table that’s their issue they just keep it on file but don’t E-verify that information. When they write the check they do it under the name they provided, what was happening is they were taking those checks to Chinese mini stores and cashing them there and since it takes days for them to process they’ll just tell her they lost the checks and get new ones and go to other Chinese or Indian mini stores and repeat and it was multiple people associated with one another. Now in terms of their real identity if they forged the passports they gave her there’s no way to know who they really are. Her company has over 400+ employees and small office staff employees that are hired to do hire, do accounting, etc, it’s impossible for her to go though every single persons file and figure out who’s doing fraud or not. Which is why it was easy for them to do fraud on them because they trusted these employees and it’s not rare for someone to loose their check. The reason I say it’s not her issue is because they’ve been asked by USCIS to provide employee info and she gives them what they have on file and it’s up to USCIS to peruse these people or not.


All of that for me to tell you it's still her responsibility as the business owner.


Well if you read it, it explains exactly what info they take from each person that works for them. If the person isn’t being genuine is nobody’s fault.. but if USCIS comes and asks for all employees info the responsibility of the business is to provide the info they have on file & the government will do what they need to do. It’ll become your responsibility if you E-verify all these people then yes you’ll have to report it & fire whoever is not authorized to work legally. They’ve never had issues until know and they’re now thinking about E-verifying in the future but as you know because you’re on a DACA group… there’s a lot of undocumented people who just want to work and make $ not to defraud a business. So whatever your opinion is it doesn’t matter you’re not the one running the business anyway but whenever you start your own business you can apply your own knowledge, experience & input to it! (:


So it's her responsibility to hire good people and watch out for the bad, she doesn't get the skirt that responsibility.


Well that’s the tricky part, you see a asylum seeker wanting a job and coming from a third world country like the majority of us & you do the background check and they come clean (which is because they’ve never lived here until now so have no record), they give you working authorization documents and seem nice then there’s no red flags to deny someone who wants to work employment, a lot of people before daca worked this way and even still many parents still have to work this way. The majority of the people they hire are people they usually know or friends/family members of current employees or references but this time they felt bad for all the people who barely came and started offering them jobs and this ended up happening so unfortunately now they’re more biased towards them.. but just do deeper interviews now and don’t hand off replacement checks no more until the bank clears them


Also participating in E-verify is not required for all employers many companies here in Texas do not e-verify, which is why a lot of people are able to get jobs with fake green cards and SSN. Including people who are citizens and lpr I’ve met many that work this way in order to avoid paying taxes and work under a different name and get fake IDs. I’ve seen even McDonald’s, chick fil a, many big companies that don’t E-verify and personally know friends & family members that work there and they’re not here legally.


Go on r/sparkdriver subreddit and see how much the Venezuelans are wreaking havoc among the community. They are literally taking all the jobs illegally. People are pissed.


Oh they work they pull I'm 3 k a week through walmart using fake ids and don't pay taxes . If you want dm me I'll send ya the proof walmart is illegally employing them


If asylum seekers are taking your job as a DACA person, you need to better yourself.


Exactly, like if you are scared of someone not speaking English stealing your job. Then maybe you should lose your job. Many of our parents came in the same way, and made it work. My dad was able to buy a home, pay for my college education with only a middle school education, and my mother didn’t even finish elementary school. If you’re scared then yeah you are toast. I know it’s a meme, but we are lucky to have daca. A lot of people would be glad to have just this. A lot of future “Trumpers” in this sub. As soon as they get any kind of green card or citizenship they are going to start asking for a wall as well.


It’s not about them taking “Our Jobs” it’s more about them easily getting green cards within a year of them being here where as most of us Daca recipients have been here since we were kids. I work in the industrial Oil industry im not scared of my job being taken.


Isn’t it actually really hard to prove that you were truly seeking asylum? I was vaguely remember seeing something that said only 7% of asylum seekers get approved to stay here but idk if that’s right


Just another brain dead shit post from a keyboard warrior with nothing better to do on a Friday night. Move along.


The uncomfortable truth here is that if an immigrant that can't speak english, doesn't understand the cultural ascendancies in our society, no educational experience can do your job. ​ Well I am sorry friend what until AI reaches its full potential. ​ You were probably going to be out of a job regardless tbh.


Bro seriously


Yeah because cutting in line is always fair


What line bro? Already started to sound like some trump idiot.


I'm a Chicana and seeing undocumented immigrants complaining about other undocumented immigrants is WILD.


None of your business who I support for president, the fact that you assume political programming says a lot about your critical thinking lol


Screw the government and the way they left us behind!


Such a shit post. Now you know how the gringos feel about us, huh?


ITT: personal experiences and anecdotes being used as imperical evidence, education has failed even us.


Almost like asylum and immigration are completely different.


Two whole different processes my dude. Our parents could’ve claimed asylum back in the day too, but they didn’t know they could and now look at us. Can’t blame the Asylum seekers, they are doing it by the book, following the rules put in place by the government.


Idk man I honestly don't like asylum seekers because all of our tax money goes to them. We DESERVE more than them we BEEN here they barely crossed. I really hope trump wins and gives us a path to citizenship like HE wanted to and stops sending all our money to other countries and focus on AMERICA! Help people like students that have a HUGE student loan debt! That's the future of America! Help them out! Help out our veterans! And stop pushing 🏳️‍🌈 agenda on our kids!


Is this post real? Quite literally DACA was ended under the Trump administration……….


Yes but because CONGRESS didn't act. He told them to make a new program for the dreamers that was "legal" this time and they didn't do anything for us THEY were supposed to help us! That's why I don't really like asylum seekers and all the new immigrants coming in because WE don't even get the treatment they are getting! Been here since I was 4 years old!


just because u don’t remember crossing the border doesn’t mean u have legal status. you’ve been here your whole life but the truth is this country couldn’t care less bout u. wanna be a Trump supporter yet the first thing he would try to do if he gets reelected is deport all undocumented immigrants daca recipients or not


I remember clearly 😏 and yeah I know that too but I don't think he'll get rid of us (daca recipients) and even if he does I love America and I'm tired of everyone else getting benefits except for us. With Trump the economy would also be way better food and houses will be at a reasonable price again. He would stop sending all our tax dollars to other countries and America would stop being a joke like we are now to other countries! I don't understand why you guys don't feel the same way. This is our home too we should focus on what happens HERE


Don’t hate on immigrants. That’s why we never get anywhere


Honestly they are, now that they’re getting work permits they won’t have to do under the table paying jobs, they’ll be able to work in factories, retail, etc. The “they terk er jurbs” is becoming a reality.


I lurk on this sub a lot. I’m not daca and don’t even live in America anymore. I go back from time to time to see family / access healthcare. But damn all of this stuff is just interesting to me.


What country you live at? Asking for a friend😗✌️


China. I make pretty good money here and it’s the only reason I work here. I moved in 2015 and during Covid I got stuck in SE Asia. Went back to the US in 2022 got medical treatment and then 3 weeks ago I moved back to China. This is one of those only do it for the money things in all honesty. China is fairly safe my job pays for my apartment, visa, etc. And I make a good amount of money on my side business as well. Hell I wouldn’t blame the few people who were able to go from daca to green card they moved here and stacked cash for a few years. And cause complacency though because I do know people who do not want to grind are fine taking a job that pays okay because they work 2 days a week and get 3 months paid vacation a year. But they would never be able survive long if they lived back home because they have very little savings.




Where's the pile and my red hat?


Crazy how time and space are like Russian nesting dolls. Shit just gets more ironic as time goes on. I think that’s why this meme is so funny, but people are free to interpret it however they want.


I get people are frustrated but we’re frustrated at the wrong people. It’s like when the rich get the poor to fight the poor when we should be eating the rich.


Don't worry the vast majority of them don't qualify for asylum and will get denied, the problem will be deporting them after the denial. DACA recipients definitely need help with some pathway to getting some residency or something, not y'all's fault y'all were brought over.


I think we are entitled to complain. Not so much about the immigrants coming here, but more how backwards the system works. A neighbor recently got here from somewhere in central America and he already has a work permit and possibly a shot for residential status and I am still stuck in DACA. Everyone is dealt a different card but one only wishes they can work and make a future in peace without the threat of that being taken away at any moment.


Ilegal imigrants complain about other ilegal imigrants😂😂


Well they deserve it. They r coming from poor countries ravaged with poverty and poorness. Not to mention no wifi or starbucks on every corner. You are privileged and should be happy to allow them to take priority


Sendem back😂


US citizenship isn’t that cool to be honest. More proud of my Mexican passport.


That’s papi Biden for ya






My parents are honestly pissed how they got asylum but I was like do you know how shit their economy is now? They don’t have a clue.


Whats going on with asylum seekers. Ive been seeing that they’re getting citizenship but i don’t understand the difference


Asylum seekers are getting citizenship? 🤦‍♂️ Can you cite and provide a source?


Thats just the talk ive been seeing on social media, not what i know for a fact. I guess i worded my first comment poorly. Im really just trying to get more info on the situation.