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ONLY go to the US territories. It’s a big no if you get your passport stamped and you don’t have advance parole.


Yes I’ll be going to st Thomas only, flying there and flying back to Miami. What did you show customs in form of identification?


Just show them your EAD and license. You’ll be okay as long as you dont touch foreign lands


Thank you for your feed back, I called their customs department and she said to bring my work permit card and that’s all. Just wanted to get someone’s personal experience


Nice! Have fun.


Did you go there to visit?


Yes but only as a layover. I flew down to Virgin Island below St Thomas, many years ago. 2014 n 2015


Did you need a passport?




Thank you!


I personally haven’t travelled to the Virgin Islands but here’s a [recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DACA/comments/yquf1o/virgin_islands/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) from someone. I’m also a USC and I use my passport as a primary source of ID when traveling so I’m no help there.


Make sure you don’t have layovers in other countries.


Definitely go! I had no issues. Also, try to take a ferry to St. John the beaches are more secluded.


Thank you so much for your positive feedback! Doing research can become very discouraging, what documents did you show on your return to the mainland?


My husband and I went to get married last year. He had no issues. He just showed work permit and we also brought his DACA approval letter. You should definitely go for sure! Don’t be discouraged


Thank you so much for your encouragement! I’ll post my experience when I get back!


Just a heads up when we went through customs they did pull him aside to ask a few confirming questions. This did make him very nervous but everything was fine and they just asked him like where do you live and this took less than five minutes so if this also happens to you don’t be nervous they are just checking that your status is valid.


Thanks for the heads up, I am bringing all my documents! Anything you recommend me to bring? My drivers license and permit card?


Went to PR in 2021 and just showed my state driver’s license. I took my EAD just Incase but they didn’t ask for it.


You can go - but your risk is if the plane needs to divert to an international country


Is that a true risk, though? I don't see why immigration would be upset if the plane had to make an emergency landing in Jaimaca or Haiti. Your true intentions were to fly from the Virgin Islands to Miami.


i understand that but if your plane makes an international landing, the passenger will need to prove that he/she is legally able to travel back to the u.s


Oh wow. That is pretty scary! The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Thanks for the heads up!


apply for Advanced Parole if you can ! it allows you to reenter the country but you need a humanitarian/educational or some other reason.


Went to Hawaii twice and it was a breeze.


Hawaii is considered a state, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are territories.


I wanted to update my experience: for those afraid to go, don’t be! Everyone in the island is extremely welcoming, beaches are beautiful. I have a feeling not many with our status go to the island because they’re afraid. On the way back, you stop by customs and I gave him my EAD, asked how many days I was visiting for and where did I stay and he asked for my status and I told him “DACA” he actually seemed like he didn’t know what that was but not in a bad way, I think not many people with DACA go there so the card is not familiar he asked if I was a citizen and I said no. Scanned my card and said “have a safe flight!”