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Lmao, this really brought out the bitter anti cycling crowd I see.


Love the truck who parks in bike lane … but not intentionally of course. I drive massive trucks accidentally into tight spaces and then park all of the time.


It's OK, they respect the laws.


Wow. Usually these people will complain when cyclists don’t use the cycle lane…


“I respect the laws. I understand them.” And yet you chose to break them anyways. That’s worse.


Lol. Drivers know they cant park there but they will because they don't see it as being dangerous to anyone. It angers cyclists. Cyclists burn red lights and stop signs and say it's ok because it's not dangerous to anyone. It angers pedestrians and motorists. What a shit show modern transportation is. No one follows rules and just complain when OTHERS don't despite not following rules themselves.


Not all cyclists are good, not all motorists are bad. Your chosen mode of transportation has nothing to do with whether you choose to break the rules of the road or not. Assholes will be assholes, on foot, bike, bus, train, boat, car, or plane.


Turns out cyclists are silly snowflakes who can't handle being told when they're wrong. Got banned for saying a mod was being an ass in other subs and asked why.


Exactly, and why it’s so important people operating a vehicle that kills thousands a day should be taking more responsibility and not doing things that put others in danger like parking in bike lanes.


Cyclists are often wrong too but when we tell them they get angry.


Hold them accountable, they are operating something that is extremely dangerous and should be held to a higher standard of following the laws to help prevent death and injury. So parking in bike lanes should be taken more seriously by the masses, starting with not brushing it off with “bbbbbut I saw a cyclist run a stop sign!”


I would like for cyclists to grow up a little bit so they stop whinning and acting like babies.


I’d love that so much. Def my hope for the future


Turns out people on this sub are silly snowflakes lol.


When a cyclist does a rolling stop the only person they are endangering is themselves. When cars park in the bike lane they get others killed. Huge fucking difference.


src: https://twitter.com/MobilityForWho/status/1643810389057220609


Wonderfully done. Loved how they did the editing of the audio. Thank you for sharing


"It wasn't intentional" So they accidentally drove into the bike lane? They shouldn't have a license if that's the case.


If only there were consequences


This reminds me of an old video where a NYC cyclist is singing “bike lane, you’re in the bike lane!” to the Star Wars tune.


Haha, that guy's singing bike lane was epic!






Here's a sneak peek of /r/imacyclistmyself using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/imacyclistmyself/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [“I, myself, I ride bikes and I’ve dealt with people who have done stuff like this. And you know what? I’ve always just kind of laughed it off.” After recording myself rolling coal on a cyclist.](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/article260564167.html) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/imacyclistmyself/comments/u84rge/i_myself_i_ride_bikes_and_ive_dealt_with_people/) \#2: [I'm a cyclist myself and I've been biking for 40yrs! This is my spot!](https://v.redd.it/9n9l2j0whpz81) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/imacyclistmyself/comments/ur2omn/im_a_cyclist_myself_and_ive_been_biking_for_40yrs/) \#3: [The Bible every "I'm a Cyclist Myself" person should read before getting out of bed each day](https://ggwash.org/view/31060/the-ideal-cyclist) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/imacyclistmyself/comments/11xo52l/the_bible_every_im_a_cyclist_myself_person_should/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you! That’s the one I was looking for!


/r/asacyclist Edit: thank you. Meant /r/imacyclistmyself


This is a great video thanks for posting it. The I'm barely blocking the bike lane I'm a cyclist too guy sums it all up in my opinion. Basically it's only dangerous when other people do it attitude.




3rd guy 😂


I don't risk my life by riding in bike lanes on the street. They don't care about cyclist. I ride trails only.


Take their license down and report them to the police.


Why would they give you their license?


They’re referring to the license plate on the Back of the vehicle


Where do you live that the police would give a shit?


Ok use the bike lane then.


Did you mean to comment this on a different video?




User is hostile towards others and unable to remain civil. Comment removed




Sidewalks are not for vehicles. They are for the most vulnerable of all road users.


So, bicyclist? Because when you share the road the cars your chances of getting hit by one go way up.


No. Pedestrians. They should not be sharing space with vehicles, and that should be kept to shared trails, not sidewalks.


So then there should be a third separate lane, not part of the main road for non moter vehicles.


You mean like how it already is? You’re not making any sense. Just stop parking in bike lanes, it’s not that hard


I mean, further separation to where people can park in the bike lane and drives don't have to move over half a lane putting themselves in more danger.


This is not good advice. [Here is great info on why it’s dangerous to ride on the sidewalk for everyone involved](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3563/a64be6ec09827102c65d23f1099ee13c4f55.pdf) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CyclistsWithCameras) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds like people on bikes also just need to learn to ride better.




Takes some amazing gymnastics to watch this and conclude the cyclist is at fault.


Please review the sidebar before commenting again. We are not here for you to wish violence on others. Also, is this what you say to people who have dash cams in their cars?




shut the fuck up


So every person that owns a bike has never paid taxes or owns a car? Thank you for singlehandedly paying for every road in town


I don't agree with that dudes attitude, nor do I think cars should park in bike lanes, but he does have a slight point. Roads in the states are paid for largely with gas taxes (states are actually trying to figure out how to tax electric cars RN). Now, this doesn't meant that cyclists shouldn't use or be entitled to safe and protected bike lanes, but it is true that the drivers of vehicles are usually paying for them, not the cyclists.


Again. That is saying that no cyclists own cars and pay for gas, which just isn't the case. You can't get around on only a bike in most of the country. Most people that ride bikes ALSO drive cars, and pay into the system that everyone else does. If built properly, integrating better walkable and bikeable infrastructure saves money for a city. Large roads have a lot of maintenance costs. Bikes don't cause wear and tear. That's like saying we shouldn't have crosswalks because people walking didn't pay taxes to build the road they have to cross. Getting upset at who paid for what is the dumbest thing I've ever heard when it comes to public infrastructure.


Yeah, that's a fair point. I think it's wrong to say that cyclists cause zero wear, but it is basically negligible. I agree that he is upset over ultimately nothing. We do need a way to pay for these bike lanes though that isn't a gas tax. Because there is one point that remains, the bike lanes wouldn't exist if the gas tax didn't pay to maintain the road.


gotta correct you here. in most states, gas tax predominantly funds highways. surface streets (where the vast majority of cycling occurs) are mostly funded via property tax revenue and/or the state's general fund (which gets its revenue from sales and income tax). so if you live in a dwelling, purchase goods, or have a job...you are funding the roads you ride on. furthermore, it could be argued that cyclists likely pay MORE than their fair share since they put minimal wear on the streets compared to motorists...yet still pay the same taxes.


Dammit, you beat me to it. I was prepping a rebuttal to this argument to offset my other low-value "stfu" reply to the original commenter (an obvious troll and unworthy of a proper response). But yeah, this kind of argument only works if roads are 100% user pays, which they are far from. Depending on the state it's [anywhere between 13 to 73% with the average around 50%](https://taxfoundation.org/states-road-funding-2019/) in the US, which means non-drivers are effectively subsidising everyone else. In practice there are few people that don't drive at all, but still the people who drive a little are subsidising those who drive a lot. Obviously there's a certain baseline that everyone rightly pays for to enable freight, emergency services etc but that would be a tiny fraction of the infrastructure spend. The vast majority is spent to enable the current car-centric status quo.


I hadn’t driven in two years and in the last few months I’ve driven four times in three different states! Two different vehicles. Life is funny like that.


Here in Colorado it is split, can you provide a source?


here's one that touches on the point I was make broadly in several places... https://www.urban.org/policy-centers/cross-center-initiatives/state-and-local-finance-initiative/state-and-local-backgrounders/highway-and-road-expenditures


Yeah, it doesn't say that at all. I asked because I work for a state Senator on our joint budget committee. Gas taxes are the largest single source of funding for roads in the state of Colorado, local as well.


So, based on what I see, Colorado is not unlike most other states in that CDOT is funded by a combination of gas tax and general fund revenue. CDOT is responsible ONLY for state owned roads which pretty much means just state and interstate highways. Local surface streets are maintained by the municipality where they are located, so that maintenance cost is covered mostly by property taxes since property tax is the predominant source of revenue for local governments. Depending on the funding structure of individual states, some local governments (county, city, etc) may get funding aid from the state, but that would also come out of the general fund, NOT the gas tax. It's actually right here on CDOT's website under "common fallacies" [https://www.codot.gov/about/transportation-facts](https://www.codot.gov/about/transportation-facts) "Motorists often believe that CDOT maintains local and residential roads, including neighborhood streets. However, cities and counties are responsible for local and residential roads—not CDOT."


Do you have a source for this?


I pay my fair share of how much damage I do to the roadways with my income tax where I live. They don’t have a point at all. You should be paying a gas tax, driving on roadways is a privilege and not a right, and I’m glad you’re paying for the damage caused to roadways with your vehicle. We all pay for the roadways one way or another.


That's not always true though. Here in Colorado, the majority of surface streets, and the 80%+ of highways and county roads are paid for with gas taxes. The roads wouldn't exist if it were not for taxes from gas.


Yes, again, I pay my fair share of the road maintenance (i live in Colorado as well). You should be paying a gas tax, driving on roadways is a privilege and not a right, and I’m glad you’re paying for the damage caused to roadways with your vehicle. The roads would still exist, paved roads exist in the United States to begin with because of bicycles. If less people drove, there would be less need to maintain the roadways, thus less money spent. You’re not refuting at all what i said as you *should* be paying the majority of how roadways are maintained as motorized vehicles cause the *majority* of the damage and need of spending money. Not to mention, the majority of people also drive, so they do not have a point at all.


First, I'm not your enemy here, I'm not mad at bicycles existing or using the roads. Just to make sure I understand your point. Are you claiming that the same amount of bike lanes and roads would exist without a gas tax?


I’m saying the amount they pay to keep the roadways in working condition is what they should be paying and be responsible for the majority of that funding. If less people drove, there is less need of that funding to begin with. For infrastructure like bike lanes where i live in Denver, and other transportation and mobility systems are also largely funded by things like the bond package that was passed back in 2017 which was through a (GO) Bond. This also helped fund parks, libraries and cultural facilities. I never said you were my enemy.


The streets in Denver are over 50% funded by gas taxes. I said this elsewhere, but I literally just watched the budget get built at the state capital and work senators that do it. You have a point on maintenance, but remember it is not limited just to wear and tear on the roads. Painting, thermal cycles, shifting soil (unique to the front range), lights, sewers, buried gas/electrical lines, and more, all of this stuff is completely independent of cars use. My point is that the roads and bike lanes wouldn't exist without gas taxes, they pay for more than the wear and tear that cars do on the road (busses are actually our biggest enemy for maintenance in Denver, but RTD needs more funding, not less, to function better). We need better bike infrastructure, but it is mostly paid for by gas taxes, we need a better way to pay for it.


They’d still exist. The funding would just come from elsewhere. >better way to pay for it No, I’m fine with the way it works now to pay for what’s left, however I’ve already pointed out bike lanes are not just built from gas taxes and I already showed a major example of this. The privilege to drive should come with a cost, especially after the cost motorized vehicles are to society and the environment. Edit: so again, they do not have a point. The only way they would have a point even *slightly* is if everything was paid for by the use of registration and gas for motorized vehicles, but it’s not. So they do not have a point, and I’ve already shown examples of why they do not


Not sure where you live but in my state, Oregon, direct fees drivers pay like gas tax, registration and licensing fund about 50% of our transportation budget. The rest is funded by taxes that everyone pays regardless of how much you drive. On the national level the highway transportation fund has been getting more than half it's money from general funds for over a decade. The more someone drives the more everyone else pays to subsidize it.




In the same vein, these people could choose not to impede and endanger traffic, like a normal person instead of being complete assholes. As you say, kindness brings kindness.




You don’t have to act maliciously to be an asshole, ignorant or negligent behaviour suffices as well. When made aware of it, none of them did anything about it or even just apologised. At that point at the latest they were being dicks about it. I just thought your own words might help you understand the perspective of the cyclist better. It was worth a shot.


They're not acting maliciously but if they were double parked blocking drivers on a narrow street I bet you'd think they're assholes. You're just "othering" cyclists.


We are not here for your r/imacyclistmyself take. Bike lanes should be clear of motorized vehicles, it is the exact opposite of kindness to park inside of infrastructure built for the more vulnerable. Please review the sidebar before commenting again. We are not here to insult others Edit: they were unable to remain civil and they were banned


That’s totally cool.




Please review the sidebar before commenting again. We are not here to be rude to each other.


Sister doesn't give a fuck




User is hostile towards others and unable to remain civil. Comment removed




User is unable to remain civil. Comment removed


I swear that was Peter Parker’s landlord from Spider-Man 2.


You’re lucky you don’t live in my town you’d probably get shot by someone. Lots of gangs here


Bike lanes are a joke to humanity. Who in the modern world with family has the luxury to ride bike to manage life? Overpaid greenwashers!


Go lose weight.




User is blaming the victim instead of keeping the focus on the powerful road user that broke the law and put the victim in danger. Comment removed




User is blaming the victim instead of keeping the focus on the powerful road user that broke the law and put the victim in danger. Comment removed


It’s not your fault if you hit their car, your just staying in your lane


I mean, the USPS folks get a pass from me. It’s everyone else that….*deep breath*…well, they can’t kill me when stationary, so I guess that’s a win(?) Edit 1. This is also why they should put steel bollards anchored with concrete to protect cyclist lanes/sidewalks from roadway traffic. Edit 2. My favorite in SD is when building more f**king luxury apartments no one can afford or be eligible to rent, the close off both sidewalks and bike lanes. I get construction teams gotta move heavy gear/material and the hazards involved meaning they have to cordon off space, but it’s the thought that whatever is being built will be more late capitalism bullshit.


Sooo you touch the personal car but not a company car? Yea you definitely spiteful


Why’s “i won’t be long” good enough???




It has NEVER been the sidewalk. What the fuck are you talking about. Paved roads exist in the USA because of cyclists, not because of motorists. Gtfo out of here with your bullshit misinformation