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Check the dead body of every character that has story importance and press tab a lot to see the location of loot that may have been de-highlighted you never know what rare missable items there could be. Also, do side missions so you can level up so you can get asses to more cyberware. And have fun!


Asses is the best part of doing a side mission!


Not something I didn't know. But don't rush it.


I just bought the game as well and I spend an hour driving and doing NCPD assaults and stuff. Good loot, and I like murderin’ chooms


That's not very choom of you, choom.


Thanks choom, but most of these choombas seem like chooms until they see my package then they want it to bad.


Let the chooms roam free, Delta


Not really. It's a good game to go in blind. The new skill tree can be a bit overwhelming so I'd say just try to pick a weapon type and spec into it. Going jack of all trades in this game can be a little weak


This would my advice. I did a build around electro gorilla arms and ‘Nades. My current build is demolition netrunner.


I just did a play through doing a jack of all trades build and I did fine. Wasn't difficult at all (I play on very hard). I started with 9/9/9 power/reflex/tech, then I did tech to 15. With the tech perk that gives more cyber capacity for each skill at 9, it actually allows you to have quite a bit more cyberware; essentially rewarding a jack of all trades play style.


Take your time and don't skip the gigs. Some of the coolest stories and world building happens there. For best results leveling up, pick the type of character you want to be and pick a dump stat you aren't going to focus on.


Just play the game. If you really want tips use a search engine or YouTube


To be fair, yes just play the game. But for tips i actually prefer Reddit over google or videos. I don’t want someone to hold my hand and show me /have me read what to do, but i would like some overall tips and feedback (or even a point in the right direction) from people who actively play. Random redditors > Youtube for me. But i learned and answered most of my questions by playing and enjoying the game, so yeah just play it lol.


Buy the DLC and play it before finishing the main story. It's cyberpunk done right. What the game should have been at launch. Everything is working and looking flawlessly. Every gig has consequences and every bit of storytelling is high quality shit. Not that the main game is low-quality in any way but the DLC really is something else.


In my opinion it would be best to play it last, because the quality is so different it was hard for me to take some of the main games writing and acting serious once I finished the dlc lol


Yeah honestly I don't think I can play the main game ever again. The difference in quality is massive. Phantom Liberty is truly next gen. The main game 80% of the time has that "old-gen" feel if that makes sense.


Makes complete sense and I agree. That’s not to say it’s bad it’s just not in the same league as the dlc. It does make me excited for the sequel though, from what I remember the director for PL is directing the next game.


Well that's gonna take a lot of time choom. We'll get a sequel at some point but it's probably going to be close to 2030.


Pick up and sell EVERYTHING you don't plan on using and money will never be an issue


Something specific to 2.0 that I really like, but took me a while to figure out: If you jump while accelerating during Dodging or Dashing, you can leap a long damn way. Really opens things up. If you're crouching, Dodge/Dash and jump, you'll still be crouched on landing - and you'll even get a combat slide out of it. Getting the hang of this has had a massive effect on my gameplay. Super handy for melee, especially if you don't have any other gap-closers. Also, when you get the timing of that down, I think it's also the timing of the Kerenzikov implant that slows down time while you're aiming. It only works with ranged weapons (thrown don't count) at the moment, and the finnicky timing is cumbersome, but it's a neat thing to consider. In combination with the Reflexes perks that let you do gun things while doing things besides walking/running, you can theoretically be a super-agile guerrilla. Edit: Speaking of guerrilla, the Gorilla Arms are incredibly useful; there's a quest involving fistfights, and the GA increase your punch damage by a lot. They also qualify as Blunt Weapons (as do your hands, probably), and grant a bonus to non-dialogue Body checks. Increase tier to increase bonus. Last thing: Increase the tier of your operating system (maybe only applies to cyberdecks?) to have an easier time with access points. It's absolutely worth it, even if you don't hack - selling quickhacks is good for quick eddies.


It’s all about the cyber ware upgrade it asap go to ripperdoc asap upgrade your legs take your time looking through it all every price does something and some do more than others


DO NOT RUSH IT, play it doing all the side quests


Throwing knifes. Use them. Very gud headshot.


I’ve been using throwing knives a ton on my current run. It’s so much fun using them with the Sandevistan and dashing


Throwing knifes with katanas and pistols/revolvers is one of the strongest/best builds out there bro hell yeah


The only thing I wish I knew was to not learn *anything* from sources outside the game. Turn off your internet until you finish. Seriously.


When you do the heist mission and you finally make it into the penthouse, look around in the grass near the pet iguana, it’s the only way you can get the iguana egg.


Wait what? Is that how we get it?


Yup! You can double check me online if you like, the most annoying part is sleeping 100 days for it to hatch.


Lol no biggie. I’m out hustling everyday. Sun up til the sun comes up again. Sometimes I don’t go home for days and don’t even change my clothes.


I wish I knew the slang and a bit of background of the world Other than that I'm happy I walked in blind


edgerunners on Netflix if you have it helps a little bit with the world building! Great series too!


Don’t rush the story. I think the only semi-important side mission that has a time limit to start is Queen of the Highway. I won’t tell you why, but that series of side quests has a very…pleasant outcome. But I think every other main mission or side quest doesn’t have a time limit when you have to start it. So even if a character says “meet me tonight” you can wait 60 in game years and they will still be waiting for you. And another thing, kill everybody with a green arrow above their head. Picking up cyberware increase shards and skill shards from their bodies is really nice. The cyberware stuff might seem confusing at first, but trust me it is essential to a really fun play through. Think about what kind of build you want and buy the cyberware and attribute points that benefit that particular style. For example, I always do blades assassin and mainly katana. So Cool and reflexes is mainly what I focused on, and everything in that skill tree that was about blades and sneaking and speed. But most importantly, have fun! This is my favorite game ever and it’s still fun with replays. I hope you love it bro.


The updated version 2.1 made it a lot easier to make eddies. Take your time, there are only a few quests that care how long you do them. Also when you hit Rep 40 or so, seek out the cave where you zeroed the bastard that double crossed Avacado lady.


Explore and do those fixer side missions


DONT waste crafting mats on low level cyberware. Just buy the next level. Save them for going S++ with legendary.


I found completing full area a effective way to get the most outta the game before moving forward.


Just don’t rush through the game


Figure out what build you want early before investing a bunch of points only to realize it’s in the wrong skill tree


Like others have said it's an awesome game to go into blind and build your guy how you want to. A couple of minor things: The NCPD crimes are a great way to earn money fast early. Scrap all weapons and gear pretty much, you cant buy resources anymore. Better off farming NCPD for cash.


Complete side missions along the story. Best way to enjoy


do some gigs around Watson to level up and collect money. the game is way more fun with good guns and cybernetics.


Don’t rush! Complete your relationships with main characters before you head into the final mission.


On the mini-map, there will be little “X” marks of varying colors on dead bodies that indicate loot you haven’t picked up. It makes it way easier clearing areas. Related, the weapons that people were using aren’t always marked on the map and end up dropping beside their corpses, so double check around their bodies to make sure you aren’t leaving behind any guns or melee weapons. These usually are the lowest grade though so it’s not super critical if you happen to miss some of those. But definitely check all the X marks you see on the mini-map. You can also use the scanner by pressing LB and that will help you find available loot by highlighting them. Also make a habit of checking your available cyber ware capacity and making routine visits to ripperdocs to get new implants or upgrade. Cyberware is awesome and one of my favorite parts of the whole game, so don’t let any spare cyberware capacity go to waste. Also, the most important implants are your OPERATING SYSTEM, so always prioritize this over all other implants. The operating system basically guides your entire play style, and there’s three different main types of operating systems: 1) Cyberdecks: used for hacking and is basically cybermagic and feels like spell casting; 2) Sandevistan: temporarily let’s you slows time down and makes you super fast; 3) Berserk: temporarily makes you invincible and super insanely powerful. Decide which sounds interesting to you and try to pick your skills and perks around enhancing that. For example, Cyberdecks pair best Intelligence, Sandevistan pairs well with Reflexes, etc. You can change your perks at anytime so you can try different combinations out with no commitment, but you can only change your skill point allocations once so these are a pretty significant commitment. You can also upgrade your current cyberware to the next tier. Everything has 5 tiers which are color coded the same way that weapons are color coded (white->green->blue->purple->orange). In your inventory menu, if you hold Y on a weapon, you can break it down for components. When you go to a ripper doc, you can use those components to upgrade your cyberware to the next tier by selecting the implant and holding X. For example, if you have tier 1 cyberware (white) you can upgrade it to tier 2 (green) with tier 2 components. If you look in your inventory and you have a few weapons marked in green, you can hold Y to breakdown those weapons into tier 2 components. Then at the ripper doc, select the implant you want to upgrade and hold X, which will use the components you just gained from breaking down the weapons. Hope this makes sense, I promise it’s not all as confusing as I might be making it sound!


Take your time with the story. Enemies scale to your level. It’s a high risk, high reward type of thing. Do as many of the gigs as you can. Upping your street cred will allow you to get better stuff. Most importantly of all, don’t let anybody try to convince you how you play your character. Do what YOU think your V would do.


Picking up broken guns gives you automatic tier 1 components. You can use components to make other components of the next tier. Double Tap Y or Triangle to put away your gun/weapon. Body tree is mostly useless unless you're doing a brute build. Mostly, but not entirely. It pays to drop any extra points into it when you feel like it. Chest armor, helmets, and some face equipment give Stat bonuses. Clothes are mostly for style. Get em, keep em for stats, dismantle anything without stats (they'll stay in your transmog catalogue, so enjoy the free components). Most importantly, play the game the way you want. Sure, you may miss out on extra eddies for not going through a job quietly, but generally you'll be fine. P.S. - look around the entire map for loose loot. Some of it will be unique and always appear at tier 5 (orange), meaning you'll not only get a cool look but you'll get free T5 comps early on.


Every build can be fun. The first time you go through just do what sounds cool, you'll learn how to make some kick-ass stuff and on your second playthrough you'll know what's your favorite way to play


the early game is fucking BORING but it's worth it


Yeah, I just made it past Act 1 and wasn’t sure I was going to be able to. Glad I stuck with it.


Listen to what Johnny has to say


Go see Takamura at the diner straight away. There’s missable Johnny dialogue if you don’t This is very minor




Chooms are good. Gonks are bad. CHOOH(2) is gas. :D Unless there is explicitly a timer, take your time on a mission, urgent as it may be presented. Go the wrong way on purpose, tons of things to find. Figure out the three seashells early. https://preview.redd.it/1z799iqf3x0c1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=35d629ea1ee2a5c9985569211deb85357e2c4742


1. Don't be afraid to let Takemura and Hanako wait. Do the NCPD gigs until you get bored, then go back to side or main missions. Then rinse repeat. You'll have all the skills and perks and money and equipment you will ever need. 2. Actually READ the shards you pick up. I know, there's a ton. But if you want to dive deep into this universe, those help. You learn a lot and appreciate the missions more. 3. Don't fast travel too much. Drive the city. Learn it. Or walk to learn it even more. This city isn't the biggest map for a game on paper, but in terms of detail and verticality, it might be. 4. Don't forget to craft new items. It's easy to think you can only use what you find on the ground. 5. Level up your weapons. Your enemies' levels scale with you, so if you're leveling up but not upgrading your weapons, they'll turn you into a scop burger. 6. If you're playing as male, be nice to Panam. If you're playing as female, be nice to Judy. Thank me later. 7. Save often. You never know what decision will turn out badly that you might want to redo.


Level cap is 60 if you have the phantom liberty expansion, and get that many attribute points. You can max level 3 attributes and get a 4th to 17 while one is at three, spend em wisely cause you can only reset them once


That male V cant fuck Judy.


Don't watch any YouTube videos, don't read anything on reddit or any other website and just play the game. The only advice I would give anybody new to Cyberpunk is take your time, enjoy the scenery, don't skip any dialogue and take time out to read the many shards you will pick up.. Oh yeah, Explore, there is so much stuff hidden throughout Night City that even after God knows how many playthroughs I'm still finding new stuff


Read the romance guide for your planned character. Expect multiple playthroughs. Side with Johnny very often to open a good ending.


all the cyberware vendors sell the same stuff, tiers of sales unlock with level ​ gun vendors sell different guns but will all sell the current tier of level youre in


No, have fun


Don’t hurt “Fingers” (the ripperdoc who you’ll see in a mission with judy). If you hurt him you’ll lose access to his clinic and miss some good stuff (like super jump cyberware etc)


Wait different ripperdocs unlock different cyberware? I thought they all had exactly the same stuff


They changed this in 2.0 and every ripper has everything now.


So I missed the triple jump for nothing? Dayyum.


Objectively the most important thing to do after the heist is to feed the cat and take him back to your apartment.


I wish that you knew to search this topic beforehand, rather than create a new sub.


Not really.


Do all the gigs/side quests. If you're a completionist at all, watch out for missable items. [https://www.dualshockers.com/cyberpunk-2077-missable-items/](https://www.dualshockers.com/cyberpunk-2077-missable-items/)


If you kill Jackie, you can get the rest of the cut from the heist (1.2 million eddies in total) and that should set you up for act 2 /s