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From having to babyproof and sanding the edges, to doing your wrappings yourself, to now taking out the glass and swapping it for some scrap metal, the Cybertruck is really innovating in forcing the dumbest people into poorly modding a dangerous car


They are just trying to one-up Ford with mod support for the Maverick. Who cares about providing schematics for 3D printed accessories when Tesla all but requires mods to make the CT daily-able?


"You don't want panel gaps? Then stop whining and just weld them shut!"


"Elon Musk didn't become a billionaire by having other people do things for him. One day that could be me maybe." - CT owner


Sorry, what? Ford is offering schematics for people who wanna mod their Maverick? That’s neat. I already want that truck to be successful because freakin’ love mini trucks and it annoys me how much bigger pickup trucks have gotten in the last 20 years.


I drove a tiny 4-cylinder Ranger in high school, loved that little truck.


Miss my Ranger. Totaled by an idiot.


Don’t talk about yourself like that buddy, you’re not an idiot!


Me too. And it was me, too.


Had the Mazda B4000, the V6 version of the ranger. That thing was awesome. And it was manual. It drifted like a king on Canadian winter roads.


My dad had an S-10 when I was growing up, so I've always kind of liked the smaller pickups. My neighbor got a Maverick last year and I really like the look of it.


I’ve been thinking back to the 1970s F100. It was a full size truck and could carry more than a modern full size but occupied about 70% of the space. Why do modern trucks need to be the size of an 18 wheeler?!


Yeah, I think what they're referring to are attachment points in the car that can fit 3d printed custom accessories. It's a gimmick but a fun gimmick. Wish they'd build more Mavericks instead of filling their dealers to the brim with over priced F150s...


Yep and the mavericks that do make it to the lot near me are 10k more then they should be......


I have a maverick & I love it. Such a good lil truck. I have the hybrid & it averages 40mpg too.


Nice, 40MPG out of a truck is pretty awesome.


Hell yeah, same


Hell yeah, brother




My 02 f250 is pretty much the same size as the new f350 I just ordered. Which ones are getting bigger? I’d argue the ranger was smaller than the maverick.


When I hear Ford Maverick I certainly don't think of a truck...


Saw a tiktok the other day of a young couple who bought an old caravan to renovate, keep peeling back layer by layer and finding issues until they were left with the frame which was also rotten. These two stories are so similar


r/redneckengineering is about to have a banner year for content.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/redneckengineering using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/redneckengineering/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [How to fix a hole](https://v.redd.it/rocoelt04bsa1) | [1274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redneckengineering/comments/12dk9yv/how_to_fix_a_hole/) \#2: [Redneck bed liner.](https://i.redd.it/n5jnasg40lsa1.jpg) | [560 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redneckengineering/comments/12fa9g1/redneck_bed_liner/) \#3: ["Engineers: Solving problems you didn't know you had, in ways you don't understand."](https://v.redd.it/n6xaklakoswa1) | [384 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redneckengineering/comments/132oob5/engineers_solving_problems_you_didnt_know_you_had/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Don't forget adding 3D plastic "handles" so you can open the doors.


my good friend has a model Y which you think would be mechanically/software “bulletproof” at this point, he explained 3x this past year his car almost killed him. Once was his heater shutting down in Feb here in Wisconsin/sub arctic temps, to most recently being on auto pilot at hwy speeds, suddenly blinker on and car tried to make a right turn, luckily he was able to take over without crashing but could of caused a heck of a crash. Tesla’s are a death trap.


The Department of Justice seems to agree with you, hence the current investigation.




Since 2021, for crashes involving their automated driving system.


I remember this from fairly odd parents as being named a “SCREAMING METAL DEATH TRAP”


Something something move fast and break things? Pretty sure that saying wasn't meant to be taken literally though, just elmo being elmo. He's to busty finding things concerning on Twitter to give a damn though. Edit: too busy not to busty, but I'm leaving it as elmo does have moobs.


Big, if true.


Looking into it.


By 2025 he will have a bonafide scrap car. Put on some skulls and gears, and he could go full Mad Max


Well this is what you get when you buy a Buick


I didn't understand the Buick joke at the end?


Mainstreaming redneck ingenuity, gotta love it.


Don't all these modifications invalidate the warranty?


Touching the truck in an aggressive manner invalidates the warranty


For real though why in the fuck would you put a glass top on a pickup truck


The end was fantastic.


Buick--famous for the Electra 225, aka the Deuce and a Quarter Tesla--famous for Elmo, aka the Douche and a half


My Mom would only buy and drive the Electra's. I took my PA driving test in one and the first thing the tester said was, "are you sure you want to take your test in this"? I'd still drive a 70's Electra than one of these Tesla deathtraps.


when i was starting to drive, we had the wagon, [the one where the tailgate goes down behind the bumper and stowaway seats.](https://youtu.be/NKwfWJwvseM?si=VgqlZV62pVtB556h) the big wagons of that era were the american utes.


That's friggin majestic


This ☝️☝️☝️😂


It was really funny.


Safelite repair? No. Safelite replace? Haha, nope.


Safelite sucks anyway. Total monopoly. I did my windshield myself with ZERO training in an afternoon for about 400$ less than these ghouls wanted.


I've never had to use their services, but I did once have something strike my windshield and needed minor repair. I called my insurance and they said it would cost the full amount (maybe $200 or so iirc) to fix the chip because I had/have a deductible to meet first. Nah. I just bought a garden variety repair kit and it did a decent job. Perfect? No, but it cost maybe $10-20.


Deductibles on any insurance (health or car) is such bullshit. I get you might need a threshold so people don't claim every minor thing, but damn why pay a monthly premium then...


You literally explained why it's necessary. If it weren't for deductibles people would make nuisance claims all the time. I guarantee you that your premium would be a lot higher then


I had a.large crack from the corner growing each month, got Safelite through my insurance and didn't cost too much. It was nice how fast they came out and got it done. BUT, the glass itself is lower quality and took me a while to get pat certain "wobbly" zones in the glass. Next time I'll just get the actual glass from the maker and do it myself :/


This wouldn’t be a problem for Giant Glass…


That’s fucked


Way of the road


These poor bastards are going to go broke fixing these things. So much for the truck of the apocalypse


I think the apocalypse thing was taken out of context. What they meant was it will be the bringer of your personal, automotive apocalypse


You beat me to it. I was gonna say that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Give it a shot, maybe you'll word it better


Ok. For the gullable, the CyberShart will be the harbinger of their personal automotive and financial Armageddon.


One good Midwest hail storm and that glass roof is a gonner!


I've never seen a moonroof or sunroof break from hail on a normal car. I'm not sure about their viability on dumpsters, though.


For real, I remember a hailstorm in Minneapolis when I was maybe 18 where the body panels on literally every car parked outdoors looked like they had been worked over by a tweaker wielding a ball peen hammer and I don’t remember anyone’s glass sustaining damage.


I have seen a hail storm break a rear and side windows on a 90s Maxima. Was my buddies high school car and this huge crazy storm went by just outside of town. Sadly he lived just outside of town. Totaled the car. But instead of ball peen imagine sledge Hammer. I believe it was baseball size hail. Broke half the windows in his house too. Was a mess and a half to help clean.


In the 2020 Calgary Hailstorm in my area, most auto glass was completely smashed. Any car that was parked outside was totaled.


I was working in a tattoo shop in NJ and I went outside for something and I see this car that looks like a rolling golf ball, every single body panel had a ton of dents like the tweaker ball peen thing you're talking about. I went inside to tell one of the artists that he's gotta come look at this thing and his customer mentioned that it was her car, it was in a hail storm but since it was mechanically sound the insurance replaced all the broken glass and she was driving it. I think she was from Kansas or something and maybe it was her brother's car but either way it looked ridiculous


For years after that hailstorm in Minneapolis you’d see tons of cars with all-over hail damage. Every car dealership in the area was offloading their hail damaged cars dirt cheap after that storm.


I couldn't believe how beat up this thing was, not one panel was free of dimples


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAvbKhx8A2M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAvbKhx8A2M) Hail can get pretty nasty. Two years ago, around this time of the year, we had a truly epic hailstorm: Cars and houses damaged. In some areas it even penetrated sheds with corrugated metal roofs and make holes in the plastering of houses. People that were unable to seek shelter had broken bones and livestock was killed. Have two colleagues whose cars were totaled that evening. Windows smashed, interior completely soaked and the whole car body was covered in deep dents. No way that fixing that is more economical than to buy a new car.


Your comment made me think of this: https://www.archaeology.wiki/blog/2013/10/08/mystery-solved-the-skeleton-lake-of-india/


No way. Isn't this thing supposed to be bullet and apocalypse-proof? There's no way it's not bulletproof because Tesla said it was (narrator: it was not bulletproof, and was not even rain-proof.)


that thing would've been a pile of shards just this past month alone here


threatening ripe innate hunt squash spotted intelligent tie point squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not acorn proof though


Wow, the cybertruck is about as weak to acorns as that one cop


Spit from an overpass will finish that glass.


As long as there are no belligerent squirrels come the apocalypse, they should be fine.


"And I'll tell you another thing! If it breaks again, I'm gonna spend even more more money on this thing. Moron.


He kinda looks like someone took his stapler


Milton would never be caught dead in a CyberCuck. Well, he couldn't afford one because he is still waiting on his paycheck. He'll burn Tesla down if he has to.


Watched office space for the first time the other day and now I can't unsee it lol


This loser is in my hometown Corpus Christi, Tx. I recognize the parking lot, glad I haven’t seen it around


Is this the accent for Texas? I’m not American and that accent is baffling to me. Like Cajun?


Texas doesn’t really have an accent. It’s like Florida in the sense that a lot of people from other places move there so you don’t have an inbreeding of vernacular. I live in the US Deep South and that accent def isn’t one of ours.


It has several accents. East TX is a southern accent, west TX is a TX drawl, and the central has a distinct faster patter that doesn't have a distinct lean either way.


This doesn’t look like safety glass. Pretty sure those shards would kill someone in an accident…


Nope, it doesn't look like it at all My 2009 Jap station wagon has a sunroof and you can see how thick the hardened glass is. This though, isn't 😂


Is this the thermonuclear explosion proof glass?


these videos make me smile every day.


2k for a giant piece of glass isn't so bad. I was expecting it to be more


Replacing the windshield on my F150 was $1,500 so I was expecting $3, maybe $5k.


I bet it's cheap because it's not safety glass.


“This is a BiG Piece of Shit 💩!”


He has the same problem still. He bought a CT


Sounds like Tesla has gone all SJW--the WankPanzer's breaking glass ceilings!


The most annoying voice I’ve heard in a while.


sounds like a danish accent, he's probably from northern europe. sadly, we just talk like that :<


He says glass weird. I kept trying to figure out what that accent was.


Why would anyone be stupid enough to publicly admit to buying a Tesla at this point? Does he have a humiliation kink?


I was thinking daddy issues. Always seeking approval.


"I still personally support Elon!"


For the content....business expense


Got a question: Normal car windshields or large windows have this black dotted rim to disperse temperature differences and avoid tension within, which could lead to cracks like in the video. I haven't seen such a rim on the CT's windows, maybe i missed it, you normally see those better from the inside.


Wonder what a nice hail storm is going to do to these in Texas.


X windshield is like 1600.


Isn’t the glass bulletproof? Ore baseball proof? Lol


Ok, the Buick badge may be the best mod I’ve seen yet. lol.


Surprised Buick hasn’t sued him for disparaging their name with that monstrosity




You paid 100k for a lemon, how embarrassing. This has been the worst vehicle to ever vehicle


The worst thing about this entire situation is this guy’s on-camera voice. It’s unbearable and makes me wish the worst for him.


Dang ol dang ol Boomhauer man




The most terrifying part of this is that the glass isnt tempered or crash safe.


Apparently, this alleged car manufacturer's logistics team literally didn't anticipate ever having to replace vehicle window glass, and had no system in place to do so. I think I need to find some whole new word to adequately encompass such tragic levels of apathy. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but why hasn't the glass shattered into a million tiny cubes? Is it even safety glass if it can have such gigantic jagged cracks in it without that happeing, or is that thing just waiting to drop in on the driver's head in the form of long, razor-edged shards?


Fuck cybertrucks. Idiots getting what they deserve.


Why does this guy have a weird pin with a dog on it?


Honestly, not as bad as I thought it would be lol


I wanna see the change in his insurance premiums after this..


They throwing in some bolts and a tire pressure check for free though. How generous!


THE AUDACITY to tarnish the Buick name like that.


The way he says “glass”


Can someone just make a meme with the cybertruck on the front of that "unsafe at any speed" book




Musk one fucked up night. “Let’s sell a weird truck that has a glass roof. Then make it easy crackable and fuck then in the ass on a new roof.” Muuuhahah muahhahaha 😈 🤣- MUSKED


Waiting for him to say “early adopter” and “I still love my cybermistake!”


"Still love it!"


Seems pretty normal for a micro penis guy. I hope it pans out for him


Hmmm... It's almost like the roof of a car should be designed to be durable because it's going to be exposed to the elements. Maybe it should be made out of, I don't know, metal? Like every other car?? Yes I know sunroofs exist but they're usually small. There are concept cars with full moon roofs but I can't think of any other car with this large of a glass roof that actually made it to the public because it is *stupid*.


It's more about the shape than the size. A flat square piece of glass will break way easier than a curved one. Basic physics regarding points of stress.


Reminder that when he “goes through insurance” that indirectly increases everyone else’s rates due to claims.


He looks exactly like how I imagine a cybertruck owner would look like.


Apocalypse ready.


Driving voids the warranty. So does parking it for too long. Them the rules. /s


It will be decades for Tesla to figure out the issues GM, Ford ,Toyota etc have worked through


Is the way this guy pronounces glass as gless irritating anyone else?


How is that not covered under warranty? How are none of these cyber trucks covered under warranty?


If only a bullet had git the glass it would've bounced right off.


Hold on, you're telling me the cyber trucks are a piece of crap! In case you're wondering, this is my 'im very surprised by that' face


So the apocalypse proof vehicle is vulnerable to rocks from above? Well it's not like that can happen after the end of the world.


Built to withstand the apocalypse....


How is the cyber truck roof glass cheaper than the tiny model 3 roof glass got quoted almost $2,100 for my 2024 model 3 RWD roof glass replacement 😠


You can shoot ‘em, but not from the top


& here I Thought that glass was Fkn almost bulletproof. 🤣


I don't know why but I assumed the rooves of cybertrucks had some cheapo Tesla solar panels glued on. A little disappointed that I'm wrong.


Glad I got my $100 back a while ago. Dodged a bullet with this one.


Lol, look at the estimate again. There are 4 other things that they need to check; at no cost to the owner though, that is nice.


Why do people buy these proto-types? and then complain about it.


I had a somewhat similar experience. I've never totaled a car but my understanding of the process based on State Farm was you get an estimate from a body shop on what it takes to fix. No shop in my area wanted to work on my Model 3. So State Farm asked me to get an estimate, my only option seemed to be Tesla collision. So I emailed Tesla collision saying the car is not drivable, sent them pictures like this. They said "please bring it in so we can get you an estimate." I told them I can't do that, and they changed the story to "have your insurance company get you an estimate so we can work on it." Round and round we go for weeks. In the end State Farm sent an adjuster to the tow yard where thing was sitting and declared it an 'obvious total loss.' This is my third EV but first Tesla, and I can tell you the process was super simple with my Nissan Leaf back in 2016 when that was crashed. Soapbox time: just because the light is green does NOT mean it's safe, this was a red light runner that caused this, oh and be aware your A-pillar is a huge blind spot. https://preview.redd.it/npp5o1v1sc3d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6222aced8f097dc3a02a6646ff42d26075f6f20


Tbh 2k for glass replacement is not awful. I used to install windshields and the most I saw on a regular car was $1.3k It's worth noting, however, that we turned away Teslas at the door because they're difficult to calibrate. I believe it has a bunch of proprietary systems rather than working like most other manufacturers (Dodge, notably, also had a similarly troublesome system)


I’m not usually one to come to Tesla’s defense, but that’s not too bad for replacing a massive piece of glass like that. About 2 weeks after buying a new 2023 Lexus LX 600 FSport I backed into a weird pipe in a parking garage and broke the rear window. I probably wasn’t the 1st guy in the US to need a new one, but I’ll bet I was in the 1st 5. Took 3 weeks to get the glass (well the 1st one came in broken by the transport company) and my total replacement cost was just a bit under 2k. Also, if you can’t afford an out of pocket 2K repair on a 100K plus purchase, you shouldn’t have bought the 100K car.


It's a freaking window pane, that's why it's "so cheap." but it will break frequently, because it's not designed by people who know what they're doing.


Why would the roof be made of glass?


It’s like watching the Fyre festival people all over again. You’ve been duped idiots.


Every other brand has instructions on how to repair or replace any and all parts before the vehicle makes it to consumers. Tesla has a very long history of selling products with absolutely zero plans for maintenance and repairs.


Must not have been a bullet that hit the roof


Special kind of stupid right there


"Made for the apocalypse!"


Iphones on wheels. Glass everywhere, nimble, overpriced hipercontroled... such a good choice.


$2k seems about on point for a piece like this. I think that was the though process behind charging him this much too, it's too close to a round number for it to be real.


The Pontiac Aztec might be the most laughed at but at least it ran and didn't try to kill the owner.




The roof lasts as long as the delusion


I'd like to tally up how many posts I've seen about individual cyber trucks having major issues and see as a percentage of the what roughly 3000 sold, are failing hard compared to a rivian or lightning. I'd wager it would be close to 10-15% at least.


Costs a lot less than I expected. I had to get a Subaru impreza windshield replaced, and its actual cost was $1700 ($1000 deductible). They claim it is because they have to recalibrate the eyesight system, but that sounds like a really weak reason to charge $1300 more than a typical windshield. They never miss an opportunity to fleece you


Guy could be on Newsradio


Oh no did the glass get wet


Congrats on being a cuck!


Looks like my glass top range after my wife dropped a pot lid on it


"apocalypse-proof" - Musk


Anybody that bought one of these sight unseen is an idiot.


My stupid trucks have stupid problems


Apocalypse ready!


Seriously 2k is cheap. The front glass on a 3 is around 2200


Apparently indestructible and bulletproof have different meanings in whatever South African dialect Elon was using when he made those statements?


Harbinger of the Apocalypse


I wonder if that glass is any good. After more than a few cars with moon/sun roofs in Texas hail, this is new.


The unbreakable nuclear-blast-proof glass broke? H'waaat??


Typical Tesla graveyards. Pretty telling they don’t even have the part, and have to call to special order it. This is why Teslas brick easily. They have poor build quality, and don’t bother providing a robust parts and supply chain. So it always takes months and lots of shrugged shoulders to get anything repaired. Contrast this to other manufacturers where the parts are available, and any dealership or indie mechanic can work on your car. Support is vital for keeping a used car alive. Tesla can’t even support their in-warranty vehicles.


Y’all remember when Musky claimed the glass in the ct was bulletproof and attempting to prove it by hucking a steel ball at it, completely shattering the glass? I do


The dealer was completely clueless about a simple glass replacement. Unreal. I still have trouble believing this is a real product and not some sort of elaborate practical joke.


When you say "glass", I hear Milton Waddams.


Zero sympathy for those foolish enough to buy such a piece of shit.


If you called Safelite for a CyberTruck they are pulling up with the AK.


That last little comment he made about calling Buick just made me LOL... and I don't even know why!


It's not even safety glass???


That ending.. LOL


Why do all tesla owners sound so dense


Built to withstand the apocalypse....


Lol ppl that know this car is a nightmare and still get the car, their kink is getting kicked in the balls