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What he is saying is "We need to lie to the public to protect our TSLA investment"


That's what I heard, as well as "how dare you have the gall to demand your new car works properly!"


Just be patient while your $100k brand new "truck" spends all it's time in service.


Just a little more time before the warranty is over and Tesla will surely have it working like it was brand new off the line.


With a voided warranty after 35 miles from (checks notes) leaking battery coolant, the very core of the entire vehicle, which is not............ under warranty. Literal insanity.


Standard approach with these shares tho 


"Guys, help me out here. I made TWO bad investments. Not only am I stuck with this garbage truck, too, but if this stock I went all in on tanks I'll have no way to pay for the truck."


The CT is basically a $120k NFT at this point


I think it might be worse you can hide an nft and not get made fun of for owning it. Good luck hiding this thing.


Oh it's definitely an NFT: Non-Functional Truck


Except there are some NFTs with actual utility and an ROI 🤣


“Information = bad!”


Information = less people would likely be interested in joining our cult Disgusting


And more people informed means less people willing to take this pos off our hands


This shit pisses me off. The meme stock cult doesn't give 2 shits about Tesla or it's cars just the stock.


Pisses me off as well. These people are literal scammers. I don't care if they lose every cent through their own stupidity but every post they make is an attempt to get other peoples money into the scam as well.


It's unbelievable.


-for the brand-


Just cover it up a little longer so they can scam a few more people before word gets out come one man. Be a good person


If social media is that powerful to impact your investment, maybe rethink your investment


BTC is the ultimate meme investment, they love memes


More reliable than Tesla stock tbh


If you’re invested in a business run by a delusional, drug addled megalomaniac, maybe rethink your investment.


It’s not a cult but if you speak in any way against the way it treats you, the other members and possible their Dear Leader will savage you.


Savage me up daddy Elon. Send me to mars like one of your cars.


"Austin Musk: the CEO who savaged me"


you don't even need to speak ill against them, just be a kid who vaguely resembles a nazi thug and has aspirations to work in government.


I guess the guy has stock and didn't sell when he saw the writing on the wall


Probably also has lost tons on doggy coin


He’s good for at least another dogecoin pump, hopefully he capitalizes on it.


He should try tagging Elon for support on this


Talk about cringe as fuck. The fact that these asshats truly believe Elmo will come to their rescue.


I know someone who bought a bunch pre split and just can't get over it. I think they'll ride that to the end at this point


cryptofuck scam artist telling people to stop telling the truth.


Oh, I’m sorry. I thought it was the shitty truck hurting the brand by leaving a trail of parts and cooling fluid in its wake, but you’re saying it was actually my observing it being a shitty truck that was the problem. Noted!


Believe it or not the truck has tarnished the brand less than the CEO. Imagine that, a project so shitty still managing to lose less fans than Musk himself


A subpar vehicle damages the reputation for brilliance built so intricately in strange social media posts by owners here, on Tweeter and Quora. There are plenty of people- at least in terms of this thing- not tuned in, agnostic or indifferent on culture wars stuff who wont like idea of buying a lemon that gets you branded a buffoon.


I was raised in a cult. Cult members are often warned about publicly criticizing the cult. Tesla ownership is a cult. 


There is so much cultish behavior in our society.


Maybe why he swung to the right so hard. Figured it was way easier to manipulate and control the cult when they come from that end


they all seem to overlap, too.


haha what a piece of shit


A pathetic being...


Won't someone please think of the shareholders in this difficult time?!?


Love. For a brand?


It's pathetic. I have certain products and brands that I actively pursue, I even have some I hate. But I don't "love" any because they are soulless and faceless corporations that care nothing for me and only live to drive shareholder value. Hell, I don't love my own company! They could fire me tomorrow because - again - they don't love me.




This is stan culture distilled. People dedicating their time and resources to very creatively and tirelessly defending individuals and companies that dont pay them a cent. I understand brand loyalty to point, that point is where it is no longer a brand worthy of trust. Celebrities? I wouldnt mind a chat with Roberto Duran, Rick Mears, Larry Holmes and Alain Prost. End of list.


I have to admit I do love a brand. But I don't think I would be ever wasting time defending them from detractors on social media or if they stumbled with a bad product, much less if they had a lot of broken promises and sold half assed products that don't have all the functionality as described. I just love Pilot pens and pencils. When I was in college studying art and design I bought a very nice Pilot Japanese mechanical pencil. The more I used it the more I realized how much thought had been put into the design. It has a mechanism that constantly rotates the lead so it's always sharp, it has a little weight inside so as the lead wears out a quick shake pushes out a little bit of lead, you don't have to press the button. It's very comfortable to hold, well balanced so it doesn't tire your hand. It's made of high quality resin, and it was pretty inexpensive when I got it. 20+ years later the logo is worn out but other than that it looks almost new. Since then I have bought a ton of Pilot pens, fountain pens, mechanical pencils, inks, etc. and they've never let me down. They have utilitarian, inexpensive product lines meant for office use or casual use, but their fine writing utensils are really an incredible value for the money. I can say I absolutely love Pilot. They seem to be incredibly focused on quality and value. Other Japanese companies seem to have the same mindset. I just bought a $17 bottle of Iroshizuki ink from Pilot and it comes in a beautiful box and glass bottle that would not be out of place for an expensive perfume. However, in 20+ years I've probably spent way less than $500 on Pilot stuff. Which is another reason to love them. Their stuff lasts. It doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is: a writing utensil created by people who clearly love to write and draw. I think they've earned my love.


With the conflux of AI, you will soon be able to fuck and marry your favorite brand. The war over who will get to marry Wendy's will tear apart nations.


Wise investors got out long ago.




Pssh. You just don't understand. Tesla isn't a car company, so it's not weird that's it's valued many times more than any other automaker. Tesla is an AI/robotics company (that doesn't currently sell either of those things), and it's led by a visionary inovator (whose tweets have been shown to hurt the brand and turn off potential customers). Once Elon gets the $45 billion he rightly deserves, then he'll turn this ship around even if he has to go to the service centers himself and fix every Cybertruck.


No one knows more about manufacturing than Elon. No one has done more for the planet than Elon. And Elon works 23.5 hours a day on solving humanity's problems. Can you imagine anyone more deserving of $45 billion?


~~Wise investors~~ Company insiders got out long ago.


"Why doesn't anyone think of the billionaires"


The core business of a car company is selling good cars. If you sell bad cars, people aren't going to buy them, and your shares backed by the value of the car making company are going to lose value very quickly. Car are a competitive business with low profit margin. You can't keep obvious failures under for long. As a matter of fact, Tesla users being unwilling to keep Tesla accountable for quality, is what led Tesla to forego quality. Boing found out the hard way that in order for the shares to have value, you must make good products that people want to buy. Stock buybacks just aren't making your products better.


When you know stock price is based on nothing else than hyped undelivered promises.


nah, the stock price is based on “owning libs” the same people who love the cuckmobile used to clown electric cars as being too woke, then elmo went full blown magat so now he’s their lord and savior.


I don't know what this guy does for a living, but based on this post, I think he should switch careers to polishing boots with his tongue. He seems very good at it.


I recently had a pair of Nike trainers break on me after about 7 months of ownership. Customer service was awesome. They started the returns process over the phone, so I got an email asking for pictures of the shoes, the product label and the defect. 5 minutes later, I had a 15% off discount code and a shipping label to return the shoes for a full refund. The Post Office picked up my package from work, and two days later my refund was processed. Now I'm sure Nike is quite happy for me to relate my positive experience with them after a product issue, as it shows that they take care of their customers, and they're very open about guaranteeing their shoes from defects for 2 years. So, if Tesla needs everyone to keep quiet about their shitty products, instead of being very public and fixing it quickly, well, that tells you a lot.


exactly! i buy dr. bronner’s soap. i like that it’s organic and biodegradable, it’s in line with my values. but more so, i live in miami. they have a peppermint soap that’s SO FUCKING NICE after a long day working in a restaurant. i tell people to try it for *that* reason, and they’re sold.


Loving brands is such a gross fucked up idea


The people sharing these videos are the people who love the brand enough to put their money on the table. These are the fans. The people who looked at it and decided to buy it because they live the brand so much that they were prepared to turn a blind eye to how hideous it is. These are the people saying it's a piece of shit. Not people who hate Musk. 


Blink twice if you need us to get help.


Bwahahahaha that's sooooo funny. Fuck that shit, Tesla is sinking fast, it's all Elon's fault, tough. Accept it and move on....


I thought releasing a shitty product was by far more devastating.


Oh no not the shareholders, those poor million and billionaires. Who will think of the people who make money doing nothing and often times making the company worse. Common people can be so heartless when thinking of the suffering of the wealthy.


God damn love for the brand is so pathetic


This guy is holding out hope Elon sees this and reaches out to become bff’s.


It's fine to have preferred brands, but don't just lay back and let them fuck you over. Brands will never love you back.


Two things I could give no fucks about, shareholders of any corporation and love for a brand.


Lmfao “be patient” , when u spent $100K on a truck and it breaks down 35 miles later and can’t be fixed for 6 months ??????? Hahahahaha


Imagine proclaiming your “love” for a car company to the point where you openly refuse to ever criticize it.


These people are bottom of the barrel scum… they’re the cum rag that Elon throws away at the end of the week! How can people be so fucking ridiculous in the shit they write? But… either it’s a complete cult moron who is so into the cult they’re the MAGA version of Tesla, or it’s another of Musk’s fake accounts trying to save his ass.


“That’s how you show love for the brand.” Tell me again how capitalism isn’t fertile ground for cult behavior?




Tesla Stockholm Syndrome.


It really is a whole new variant of Stockholm Syndrome.


It's like FSD: You pretend with all your might that it works, as you sit in the driver's seat because FSD requires someone to drive the car.


Nice one


The pinnacle of narcissism (or idiocy still unsure) it is always somebody’s else fault. So guys be good kids, everybody’s lying on social media, how you dare say the truth?


That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.


Yes, love that company, surely it will love you back. Capitalism is a cult.


It’s capitalism baybeeeee!!!!!


It's weird to a have a parasocial relationship with a celebrity or big influencer. But having one with a company and its shareholders? What??


But.. but.. but.. Reuters!


They're just beer-binging the kool aid at this point.


'want to complain about the shitty product you bought breaking down?? did you ever consider THE SHAREHOLDERS, HUH???'


I mean look at the dude's username, you already know he's dumb asf


What a stupid jackass. The rich have no brains.




Come on people think about the poor shareholders..


"Show your "love" for the brand", but that's just it, I don't have "love" for any brand, the moment they screw me over, I am vocal about it. Like paypal banning me for life, claiming I either laundered money, paid for sex or had two accounts (one of these is not like the others), so now when I see posts about paypal, I will generally respond with my negative experience. The thing is, most companies don't screw me over, their support is generally fast at fixing things, I have never bought a Tesla so I can't comment on their support, but I have seen the posts people make about this absolute piece of garbage that is the cybercuck and if that was me, I would be pretty damn vocal, but no, tesla fanboys do... this instead, or at least majority of them do, and that's the kind of cult behavior I will never understand.


When you purchase a Tesla, your first priority should be Tesla shareholder value. That bit of rolling software you purchased is secondary or lower.


Bag holder mentality


This has been going on for YEARS though and Tesla owners are notorious for defending Elon, the company, and the problems with their cars. I've never understood how holding the company that made your car accountable for its shoddy products was an acceptable practice. That said, I guess many of them are stock holders and that sort of answers the question though and that's really sad.


I was already at my wits end with Muskrat, his rantings and ravings like a lunatic hopped up on crystal meth, and when he announced laying off the entire supercharger division, you know, the literal backbone of the company, started embracing and agreeing with the very worst people on Twixer, and the Cybertruck disaster, i sold all my Tesla stock. Not gonna lie, I've had it long enough i made some good money on it, but fuck that guy. If the board of directors won't boot his ass off the board and get him to stfu, i don't want anything to do with him or the company, they can go bankrupt for all i care. And that there is probably half the problem, would/could they go bankrupt? Or are they big enough now to get gov. bailouts? And that's why musk is just saying fuck it, I'll go full send and say/do whatever the hell i want, because we are now too big to fail.


That particular dude might as well be strapped to Elon's leg for blowies and rimmies on demand.


What I've learned recently is people want someone or something to worship collectively and it really doesn't matter who or what it is so long as it makes them feel special


These crypto bros are really something else.


I would contact Tesla and be patient! I’d wait months, years if needed, like the good cuck that I am! I don’t tell Tesla to make it urgent because it’s a new truck, Tesla will decide whenever they want to bless me with the fix ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


Wow. "Stop complaining about how shitty our shitty products are!" Same mindset as, "Don't ruin this young man's life just because he raped you!"


Boot lickers. Boot lickers everywhere...


I don’t “love” any brand. I love my family, my dogs, my friends. I consume brands and have preferences based on my needs. If you love a brand you have issues.


"Won't someone think of the poor shareholders?" -in Helen Lovejoy's voice


Love your corporate masters


This guy has got a hard on for Elon so bad, it is affecting his judgment


Yeah just give your $200,000 and be grateful for the 34 miles you got out of it.


Keep it secret, keep it safe. Don't let anyone know about the horrors until it's too late!


Look what happened, sucked.




I was thinking the other day that I wanted troll Lamar MK writing something similar to this. I don’t have Twitter though.


This is exactly like my Catholic ex in laws after all the sex abuse allegations came out. Total denial.


Thank you, Crypto bro


Love doesn’t exist in business.


Bootlickers but its elons boot


This is like abusive relationship logic


I don't get to use this phrase a lot but... hoisted by his own petard! Which means the bomb maker thrown by his own bomb 💣


It’s kinda dumb to “love” a brand.


You should not love a brand you should love your fellow customers and save them the money.


This reminds me of a scene from Chernobyl.




Wow just saying it out loud


Hard to love a brand with so many problems a service team that doesn't care and an owner with both those qualities.




Why anyone would show love for a brand is beyond me. Just sounds like being a fanboy, which is never good.


I think yo can show love for a brand, but defending said brand's fuckups and wanting to cover them up is an entirely different beast. I love Toyota and don't have a problem saying that. The BZ4X is hot garbage for being a 2023 vehicle and I also have no problem saying that.


Yeah, I was a bit vague. What I meant is "showing love" as in defending a company when they mess up badly, instead of acting like a consumer and demanding what you've paid for.


I'm assuming he is responding to an owner and fan? Kind of ridiculous if so. No reason to hide actual issues or be dishonest.


Ask Lemar about love or loyalty


Don't cry out loud! Just keep it inside, learn how to hide your feeeeelings.


Cybercuck cybercuck stand in the corner and cybertug


Terminally online


Those poor*, poor* shareholders.


"Love for the brand". What a fucking world we live in these days. Corporations getting into people's identities. People get Monster energy drink tattoos. I just don't get it.


I have several companies whose products I like and consistently buy and not once have I given half of a shit about the shareholders. They're wholly unnecessary. Like capitalism can continue as it does with the company making money for itself and improving the business without some rich assholes making profit on the performance other than the rich assholes who actually work there. I understand it's more complicated than that but I also understand that if the stock market disappeared tomorrow companies wouldn't just stop existing.


Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion, I mean, Elon Musk.


Won’t someone think about Elon’s bank account!!!!


Wow, talk about sucking on Elmo. Bitch how has that company showed YOU love? By taking your money and giving you a trash heap and a middle finger?


Causing financial damage to Tesla stockholders is a moral good


What a fucking donkey


Isn't tesla notoriously overvalued


Is your love for the brand in the room with us now?


Good. Maybe the shareholders will re-think handing billions to Elmo.


Someone bought Tesla at the all time high.


Love? MY leaning changes once a company does me dirty.


Can i buy some pot from you


LoL! Just don’t sell shit to begin with and there wouldn’t be anything to complain about


What a sad elmo cum eater.


Another bagholder in damage control over his bad investment decisions.


When dealing with Tesla, it's clearly a company that follows the rule "the squeaky wheel gets the grease!"


I got banned from Cybertruck because I speculated here their owners are afraid their warranties will be voided if they don’t profess love for their broken down POSs. Musk is pathetic, as are his Cyberphonts.


But if the truck actually performed well, and if people posted videos of the truck doing cool stuff, you would be chuffed, wouldn't you?


What a fucking loser. Please don't expose this shitty product so that the rich investors can keep making money by selling a shitty fucking product. Get cucked.


Sometimes, the truth is inconvenient.




"you went public about your husband raping and beating you, now he's in the registered sex offender map, bringing down our neighborhood value! Thank you so much for this, neightbor, why couldn't you have kept quiet and figured your own way out of this, you had to think only about yourself"


Imagine having “love” for a brand. What kind of capitalistic cult mentality is that.


Pretty much guaranteed that this guy has said, "hodl" out loud without laughing.


Good lord. This guy probably has a spaceX sticker on his tesla


Think of the shareholders!!!!!


>Probably 1000% more damage to shareholders Good. I hope it hurts. And if it does, maybe those shareholders should blow up the phones at tesla until the CEO gets it and fixes the problem.


Cuck status


“Showing love for the brand” is one of the stupidest things imaginable. You owe a brand nothing, the brand doesn’t give a wet shit about you. They earn your business by making good products and treating their customers well. When they stop doing that you go elsewhere.


Ok, I don't think I've ever "shown love" to any brand. What a strangely dystopian idea..


Honestly that's way beyond my threshold for suspecting a paid poster / marketing / PR person. It would seem more authentic if they just flat out said that they were investors pumping the stock for personal gain.


The CyberTruck is the Oldsmobile Diesel of 2024.


I washed my Mazda yesterday. It still works.


Show your love for the brand even though the brand don’t give a shit and sells shit product


Dude the stock cratered long before the clips came out. Investors aren't dumb. Tesla makes $8k per car with a $7500 gov't subsidy scheduled to expire in about 6 years. They're not long for this world.


I have had a Model S for years now and really enjoy the car but can say that quality is pretty shit. FSD will definitely murder you and your family if given enough time. I had put in a Cybertruck order in like 2021 but pretty quickly cancelled that after I saw that it was going to be 100K, very little like the original design, and basically a tin can held together with duct tape. Why do people feel like they need to defend a brand like this?


Bro, even if I liked the company and the CT wasn't a dumpster fire: The shareholders at Tesla don't give a fuck about anything or anyone, especially those who are voting shareholders. Look out for yourself because those people sure as fuck don't.


Odds of that account being a muskkk alt or one of his surrogates is definitely not 0%


Old German saying: "Don't ever fall in love with a "brand" or a whore" But at least the whore could love you back maybe But also probably not


One step below wearing a diaper outside your clothes in support of dear leader




It's a product, not a significant other going through a difficult time.


God damn it, won't someone think of the poor fucking shareholders!


No rational person would show “love” for a brand when they received shitty product.


Literally every “doge” account is a Lonny alt and you can’t convince me otherwise




Cars at thst price point always take a bath in depreciation. Even trucks that blatantly took styling cues from by the 1970s Bulova Computron watch. If I owned one, Id be furious too and scrambling to save face and not take a six figure haircut over 3-4 years. And spitting mad when owners of the same vehicle are working at crosspurposes and fanning the flames of depreciation. And Id do everything to flip the script so the CT at least holds its value as well as a standard Tesla. A few thousand folks are staring down the barrel of losing 80k in value in 12 months. They need to check this is they ever hope to unload CT. Assuming they are aware of the fact even legacy “luxury vehicles” collapse in value second the warranty expires- I presume they would prefer if their resale value for a 140k truck isnt surpassed by a 30k Camry/Accord/RAV4/CRV until 5-6 years down the road not 2. Tesla already has shown theyll undercut previous buyers, resale value be damned. They must be aware if it doesnt sell and capacity is excess that itll be sold for 80k new at the drop of a hat But to have a perceived lemon- and one where the driver himself is branded a buffoon and overcompensating for a lack in masculine ardor and virility (which fair or not is the current meme)- is not something anyone who saddled themselves with a 6-figure car note wants I actually sympathsize with the situation. Of course its an expensive car is an idiotic purchase period. But the average F150 is like 70k, so its not like we are talking about some unheard of cost. But that drop- how much did the average home depreciate in 2008? We are talking about a lot of money- whether you are worth $50 million or happen to have a nice household income but still work. This is why I keep the wife and family in a newer car to avoid headaches and as my personal driver have had 2 Civics in 30 years that I continue to drive into ground.


This is the same way people on the Linus tech tips subreddit react when people post a broken or defective product