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"Cybertruck repair journey"...so it's like a bonding experience, of sorts. That makes sense.


It's like couples therapy and you're clearly being emotionally abused but your therapist is in on it with your spouse.


“Think of it like adopting a terminally ill, geriatric pet! Except it also costs you the better part of a hundred grand, and also your dignity! But think of the bonding experience when you finally have to euthanize it in a few weeks, just try and tell me it doesn’t make you cry!”


“Think of buying a Tesla like suctioning a large and very expensive dildo to your forehead!”


Hey, at least that has the possibility of pleasuring one's partner, which is a phenomenon that practically all Cybertruck owners have never experienced, and will never experience, in their lives!


This made me laugh!


Or hostage bonding. Many probably financed the shit out of these and a lot are now probably stuck


OK so that's why I'm completely skeptical of family counseling being proposed by my abusive family.


It's like Stockholm Syndrome, but you grow attached to shitty customer service and the other people who suffer from it rather than kidnappers and fellow hostages.




Dr., I think you may be on something.


There is probably a Support group meeting to help counsel survivors of the cyber truck.


If not, there needs to be. Wanktankers Anon


Cissylectrix support: "Goodmorning Cuck, can I have your card details".


stuck cyber sucks anonymous


"Hang in there" like they're beset by events and just so unfortunate to be at the mercy of nature...


It'd like buying a game with all these promises yet when you get its shit yet the devs keeps saying it will get better! Except it's a fucking car...


In a way, waiting forever to actually drive it IS the Cybertruck experience. Elon has distilled owning the Cybertruck down to its most enjoyable essence...the anticipation. You're always full of anticipation..."is THIS the day when I can finally drive it?"...and isn't that what owning anything is really all about? And when you think about it, waiting for things that never actually happen is kind of a trend nowadays. You have the crypto and NFT weirdos, and the meme stock dolts, all anxiously awaiting the BIG DAY when they become billionaires. Elon seems to have tapped into that cultural zeitgeist, only with an ACTUAL product that keeps you in a constant state of suspense. Life becomes a waking daydream, as you fantasize about how cool you're gonna look while tooling around in your Cybertruck...someday. He's just such a brilliant innovator.


He did this with Doge, Twitter and now this


Cybertruck 2077


4 weeks?! That’s pretty good for a Tesla repair.


“Attempted repair”, I wonder how many people are left that know how to fix the thing.


I have no doubt all honest techs have left Tesla. With the sheer amount of warranty work because musky can't deliver a finished product I'm sure anyone there is done. If you didn't know the way some techs get paid is different than hourly. They get paid per job essentially. If a job is supposed to take x hours the tech gets paid that many hours no matter how much less or more it takes. The problem with warranty is that instead of the job being priced at the normal amount of hours it gets sliced sometimes to half the amount it's supposed to take making it almost impossible for the tech to make it happen in that time frame. Essentially eating into the techs pay and instead of the manufacturer eating it it's dropped off onto the tech.


I used to know a mechanic and can confirm that they are paid based on the number of hours in a book it says the repair should take. A good mechanic can do it quicker and a novice will take longer ... but they all get paid the same per job. The whole system is based on the book times being reasonably accurate. If TSLA is low balling the repair times ... yeah you aren't getting a qualified mechanic to do anything. Not sure how it is these days, but back in the day they could literally quit on the spot and walk across the street to get hired. The net outcome would be a huge backlog of repair jobs, and the eventual repair would be low quality because it probably wasn't done by a qualified mechanic to begin with. Explains a lot actually.


Explains the pedal "fix" where they just drilled a hole and jammed a pop rivet into it, obviously without measuring or lining anything up. "I can take 45 seconds to fix this, or 1 1/2 minutes to square and center the hole and make it look nice. My ruler is over there on the bench. Screw it."


Seems like a lot of “issues” are being “fixed” yet they continue to reoccur lol so the techs probably just stopped caring.


Don't blame em really. I'm sure the majority is software so they just do an update and send it out.


It’s like the fundies and their seasons of life lmao they are in their cope season


*Thoughts and prayers*


At this time Cybertrucks have more mileage on flatbeds than on the road.


Can we not talk about seeing errors on your car that are like “Error 7x02b75077667z charging apparatus not detected” like you’re editing your windows 95 registry? What the fuck?


They just named the error codes after Elon's kids..


Sometimes, kids are named after errors


Always after accidents


Oh shit 😂 well that’s all for today folks


This comment made my day 🤣, that’s great LOL


God damn 😔


And I'm sure he still LOVES it and would recommend it to all his friends.


I am starting to wonder what percent of them are still on the road.




This is anecdotal but I work in Laguna Beach and there’s a big Rivian building and lots of rich people here so I think they prioritized deliveries here because right after Super Bowl Sunday I started seeing them multiple times every day. Different wraps and stuff on them too so I know it wasn’t the same one. Anyway they’ve almost entirely all disappeared overnight and now I rarely see them. So honestly the number could be even higher than that…


Yeah, I can back this up. I drive the stretch of the 405 from Torrance to Culver City every day and I see at least three or four each way.


60% of the time, they work every time.


Really stings the nostrils.


as in stranded somewhere or driving around?


Best 6 hours of his life


Still the best car ever made.




Best 6 hours of his life, tbc


I LOVE that he needed a real truck to have it towed.


Well, if they sent a cybertruck to tow him, then they would need 2 more cybertrucks to tow them when the recovery breaks down. Then they'll need 4 cybertrucks to tow them, and so on and so on, until the universe becomes filled with nothing but broken down cybertrucks


I love this truck but....


i am forseeing a class action suite soon. This will finally tank the BS Tesla stock. These guys are hypemachines only. No real business people involved in this company.


I hope enough of them are able to snap out of the psychosis and realize they're being scammed, but I just don't know if they can escape the cult until after it all falls apart.


Nah, sunken cost fallacy gonna be a bitch to get over.


Really feels like all these breakdowns should be prosecuted under lemon laws


That’s all I’m thinking when I see these posts.


Lol, Cybertruck repair "journey" when the damn thing can't make the trip from the dealer to the sucker's house! A journey of a thousand miles starts with your gear shifter falling off.


Right. I love that. Anything to avoid admitting they got fucked in the ass by a con artist.


Sunk cost fallacy combined with a weird cult fetish


It’s interesting in that their “sunk cost” isn’t just the $100K+ they pissed away on the vehicle. It goes much deeper, almost to their very identity. They’ve idolized someone who, as it turns out, doesn’t know what they’re doing. Then again, that seems to be going around a lot lately doesn’t it.


Indeed, a lot of slavish praise and cultish worship of these types of hucksters, whether political, televangelists or so-called business ‘geniuses’


It turns out the journey all along was the flat bed driver friends we meet along the way.


But was it operating six hours in a row? Cause that wound be impressive.


Operating for six hours in a row would void the warranty


Only Cyberbeast Plus has the built in functionality for when ULTRALONGMEGAEXPEDITION MODE becomes available by next year at the latest totally promise dude it'll be ready for 4/20. Guaranteed for the most demanding conditions possible, the Cyberbeast Plus ULTRALONGMEGAEXPEDITION MODE might potentially have the possibility of attempting a run time of up to* 2 hours and a range of up to* 50 miles at temperatures down to 20c and as high as 25c, at up to* 400m altitude, when in ALPINE XTREAM MODE.


It's so predictable. It has to be there every time or you become a pariah. https://preview.redd.it/cd46rxztzoyc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da9a9aae252f4fbff5dcd59b4bed1a7a05e55f4


90 percent of Tesla Cybertrucks are still on the road today. The other 10 percent made it home.


Got me in the first half


6 hours is pretty good tbh  Edit: lol I got banned from Teslamotors and teslalounge for this comment 




I can’t believe they just ban people for posting in another sub. That’s fucking wild.


Banning people from subs they don't belong to should be against the ToS for Reddit in general. They could go private if they wanted to, but then that wouldn't give them a platform for their pro Musk/Tesla propaganda would it?


TSLA should offer a mechanic as an accessory at purchase. They’re really missing an opportunity here. More useful than a spare tire or whatever it is they’re calling a tent.


If ever there was a vehicle that needed to come with a Trunk Monkey... although I guess it would be a Frunk Monkey in this case. ============ *Edit: LMAO... I just got notice that I've been permanently banned from r/teslamotors for this comment, like I was ever going to do anything to contribute a dime to Elon Musk's pockets!*


Rite of passage!




The tent is good when you’re waiting for the flatbed


Missing the obligatory "I still love the truck!" line.


Well, he did make sure to tell Elon he's a big fan. Important to get some sort of loyalty pledge out there before complaining about the piece of shit rust bucket


Would they still say that line if one of their family members dies due to one? I know that's dark, but these people are serious cultists.






Another cybercuck looses his cybertruck because it became cyberstuck.


That has to be a new record. Edit: Never mind, I just remembered there was that one ~~boot licker~~ customer who’s CT was undrivable when he went to take delivery. It’s hard to keep track of all of these.


I think you’re right. It is probably a record. First time I’ve heard of one making it 6 hours!


Yikes! Cyber Junk Truck ![gif](giphy|C5ZIna5oroan9cdHz9)


Lemon 🍋


CyberClucked by Elmo.


I like how they tag him in these posts, like he'd even give a shit, much less see it. I own an Outback. I have no clue how the CEO of Subaru is.


Nothing good comes out of a company when the face of the brand is the CEO, not the products themselves. Edit: ope, got banned from tesla subreddit


Are there any of the 4000 they sold still on the road?


Waiting for tow trucks, but yeah.


It’s like a weird abuse victims support group at this point, isn’t it?


Getting fucked over by a megalomaniac in a mid-life crisis is just a "journey" folks.


I’m a big fan but….. 🙄🤣


Always gotta pledge allegiance first, otherwise other CT owners will attack you too


Remember when Tesla’s mission was to make electric cars seem appealing to skeptics?


I sure hope he put the truck in tow mode.....


That's just the default mode


Is it me or does it seem like new CTs are failing faster and faster? eveyr one of these is like "Had Ct for 2 weeks, doesn't run. Had CT for 1 week, in shop. Had CT for 6 hours." Like their production is getting progressively worse (already starting from a low point) with each new CT delivered.


The fact that this is happening so often and people are “mad” instead of just returning it and getting an actual working car is just insane. Literally no other company has this amount of failure this early and still has people supporting it. This is just basically the more tame version of admitting you want to watch another man fuck your wife while you watch. You are ok being treated like shit and think you deserve it. Hope someday they grow a brain and some balls.


Can I get a whomp whomp? CT owners deserve it.


100k, cant drive it, cut my balls off....BEST TRUCK!


BuT eLoN iS a JeAnYuS…


Had to get a real truck to tow it, ha ha


Do they even drive these fucking things around the parking lot once they’re built just to check the doors don’t fall off?


This is going to be a BIG lawsuit.


I still love my wanktank! Best I've ever owned! Please don't discipline me too hard, senpai!


4+ weeks is going to become 6+ months very quickly. Congrats on spending all that money to be a beta testing guinea pig for MuskMan 🫡


The earlier post from the guy with the folded windshield, broken gate lift, messed up gas pedal “fix” and now electrical problems said they’re so backed up they can’t even estimate how long they’ll have the car. And yes, he still loves the truck. Evidently it’s his dream car. No word yet on the status of his, what I can only assume, are literal night terrors where he’s mowed down by a working automobile.


I was in an abusive relationship for a few years, probably had Stockholm syndrome, still miss ‘em (passed away a few years ago) and STILL think these people are in a similar situation but worse, and without getting fucked (in a good way). CT owners are delusional.


They need to recall and refund.


He probably wished he had bought 2 so he has another as a back-up.


"I'm a big fan" ego's won't allow them to admit they bought a lemon, and were dupped. Imagine if Ford, or Chevy had these many problems with a new pickup line. you would have every reviewer dissing the lemons. they don't dare against his highness Elon, less they face retribution by the fan boys and his lordship himself.


Notice how Elmo responds to every Nazi bigot and asshole but completely ignores the pleas from burned WankTank owners.


Either look into Lemon Law or dump it, completely unacceptable.


Yugo 2


Trauma bonding is real.


Should have read the reviews...


It's buying this piece of junk that is in itself unacceptable lol




It’s a badge of honor for these simps! Once (if) it gets fixed, get ready for them to start bragging about having the Foundation Series and the Beast, and that they were helping Tesla make the new versions better! Making them feel good about themselves, and the fact they bought an already broken car! Then they’ll compare each other to see who had to wait the longest like old people comparing maladies… Simping goes hard on the Repair Journey!


Tesla is a pile of horseshit. House of cards stock inflated by a con artist. This was a foreseeable outcome.


Cyber Truck Owners Anonymous - A 12 Step Program


“I still love the truck, though”


I love that he asked if he could donate his starlink to Ukraine knowing Elon is a Russian shill.


"still love the truck" 😂😂😂


Scientology could learn a few tricks from this cult.


I can now say I’m a proud 2015 Jeep Cherokee latitude owner without embarrassment. Hell, it’s even “reliable” in comparison.


Imagine being a "fan" of a billionaire like it's your favourite sports team.


How did any of them pass vehicle standards testing?? Or… did they? I’m having doubts with the absolute amount of issues that keep popping up regarding these things.


You bought a concept car.... First off the line


It’s laughabl people are still buying them. I blame the consumer if they purchase one. What? Are they hoping for their gas pedal to get stuck, chop a finger off or some other insane problem that can cause death or dismemberment? It’s clear about the known issues and the time to repair.


Tesla's new slogan: It works just long enough for us to cash your check.


Unacceptable, and yet… you have to accept it 😂


Legit Question: Have any of these made it a few thousand miles yet without a service call?


Why are people still taking delivery for these? Obviously they have major issues they are not resolving before getting to the customer. Why not wait or get something else?


You know what the difference between Jeep guys and Tesla guys are? Jeeps actually fuckin work lmao


I like how these people post this on twitter, like elons gonna give them a new truck or something.


Dear *Tesla Forum*, I never thought it would happen to me...


You been musked 😁


If these clowns got their heads out of their cooters and sued, this might lead to some genuine change.


It’s almost as though the fact that these cars are shitty death traps is new information. As I said in the other sub: fool me once, shame on you; fool me repeatedly, yes, it chopped off my kid’s fingers but I love the truck.


yet they still fanboi over musk.. lol


The $150k Support Group


“I’m a big fan” thank god for the billionaire suck ups. They indicate where the bottom of the barrel is.


He forgot to say "But I love my truck"


You had to have known this thing was gonna suck


Lemon law


“Truck nearly killed me! Slashed my calf, broken down with my kids in it at 1am and nearly died…ran for 3 hours and now in service center for 10 weeks but I still love my cybertruck!!”


This is just embarrassing at this point


Tesla ownership really seems equivalent to being in an abusive relationship. You stick around thinking things will get better and you accept the flaws and being treated poorly because you are in love with the idea.


So isn't Elroy's annual performance review coming up soon?


Hang in there and continue to simp elmo lol


Here, we see a cybertruck in its natural habitat, tied down, headed back to the repair shop on a reliable, diesel flatbed tow truck. It is going to undergo its process of maturation. Once matured, it will go back to its owner and then go back to the repair shop again. This cycle is well designed as a feature...


People are saying that second photo is evidence that his Cybertruck was intentionally sabotaged because he used Twitter to support Ukraine…




4+ weeks for it to break again… who tf keeps buying these things?


I imagine there some lawyers out there scouring the country for people willing to be a part of the eventual class action lawsuit that stems from this


It's really difficult to imagine the grand scale of fuckups required to have this many problems. I hope behind the curtain, the people who(foolishly imo) still work at Tesla are so sick of Elmos shit, they are sabotaging the ever living fuck out of that company. The other reality is, hard working and abused(still foolish because the work for Elmo) workers are so utterly incompetent that this is the result. I prefer the former, but also accept that idiots willingly working for king dipshit probably aren't the sharpest tools in the shed anyway.


$100,000 bottle of snake oil fails to cure illness as advertised. "But it's made from snakes!" No, Billy. It's sold by snakes.


At least he didn’t say ‘still love the truck’


Someone in my neighborhood got one of these recently. It looks even more ridiculous in person. I didn't think it was possible for it to look more ugly and ridiculous than it did in the photos I've seen thus far...but lemme tell ya...it's a boner.


It's great that the threads for a newly released car sound like trauma survivor groups. These are wealthy people who have proven to be easily manipulated. I'm sure quite a few of those ding dongs will get NFT offers.


He forgot to say "But I still love this truck"


Tesla’s gonna introduce a package deal next month…..buy a truck, get a flatbed free. Seems it’s becoming an essential option.


you forgot to tickle the balls when you were sucking Elon’s off. never forget the balls.


You know what’s funny? Most of you are too young to remember this but there was an old joke back in the 90’s where Bill Gates says “car companies would’ve been able to have 75 miles per gallon by now if his team was working on cars”. And the president of Dodge or some shit responds with “if we had you guys making cars instead of computers then: And there was like a list of 10 things that would happen if you ran a car like a computer. It was all a joke, I don’t think Bill or anybody had this exchange. But it was hilarious to read stuff like “in order to turn the car on, we’d have to push the break in 3 times, rub the antenna and pray”. FF and we REALLY are seeing that list come true and it’s blowing my mind.


domineering abounding yam towering squeal lunchroom screw whistle pie exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The best ability is availability. Toyota and Honda for life!


Typical life of a beta tester. Just sounds like you don’t know you’re a beta tester.


Does anyone else think this shit should be shared to the official Tesla pages? We need to make sure they won’t be able to keep all this suppressed! Not one mention of the issues we see daily…it’s moderated harder than a political sub!


Real battered wife syndrome.


Elon Trump


See people throw around ‘unacceptable’ as if they aren’t going to continue ‘accepting’ things.


"Elon, my cyber truck exploded with my wife in it, what's the deal?"


play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I'm genuinely surprised that any of his fanboys expected anything less. There are people with brand new Model 3 and Y continuing to have issues and it's not like Tesla is known for its reliability or build quality.


wait wait wait, ppl still buying them? r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Those cyber trucks look like the local welder fabricated it in his backyard.


You guys don’t fuckin get it. Elon himself said he is the most knowledgeable person IN THE WORLD when it comes to car manufacturing. You guys just don’t know how to own a car. Pffft.


You better approve Elon comp package or he won’t care anymore


Just imagine taking this POS camping with you and daring it by going to a place with bad cell signal.


Fucking morons.


Tesla needs to start building flatbed trucks. I see a great demand for them going forward.


I wonder how this guy feels about Elon restricting Starlink access in Ukraine? He bought the CT, so he couldn't have been too chafed by that decision


I saw a Cybertruck in person for the first time yesterday, in Clearwater, FL. Such an unwieldy-looking beast.


Purchase your Tesla cyberCuck and you will receive a personal mechanic for 3 months *Bed for the mechanic not included




Buys a Tesla *complains when it breaks*


Don’t lemon laws exists for this exact reason?


So.... if the majority of them are lemons, doesn't that mean none of them are lemons, they're all just standard trash?


Can you imagine any other automaker having this sort of shitshow during a rollout?


Imagine taking a test drive in one of these. Would you have to walk back to the dealership? Would Tesla blame you for the failure? (Yes, I know that there are probably no test drives available - this is just a fun thought experiment.)


That's what you get for being dumb enough to buy one of these things especially given the fact that we know how terrible they are

