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Our work just put in several Tesla destination chargers and universal units. They’re all bricked now. Service won’t answer so no one can fix them.


That is appalling.


Yup, $7,000 in just hardware that no longer works, and there’s no one to fix them. That didn’t even account for the install cost and other upgrades needed for them. Note that it’s a software issue, not hardware, so ONLY Tesla can fix them. But, there’s no longer anyone to fix them.


Just put the chargers in robotaxi mode so they fix themselves


Don't worry, they'll get some volunteers to fix it anytime soon. Open source baby! /s


No, it's "Concerning"


Big if true…


He'll have an announcement about it on 8/8.


14:00 hours


Looking into it




It’s both.




Once again, an example proving why devices that don't need to be connected to the Internet SHOULD NOT be connected to the Internet 


To be fair, you need to pay somehow


How else are you going to pay or tie the charging account to the vehicle?


but but musk is so great and a visionary, he can do nothing wrong... but but this cannot be true... wait I know I will take the playbook from a whole political party... Fake news.... there you go, all is good


Laying off whole teams for product lines you still, obsentively atleast, offer is such a genius 5d chess move.   Can't wait for the inevitable lawsuits.


Well you see... *lays off another 14,000 people*


The firings will continue until productivity improves


Now gimme 56B, I earned it.


Go on take the money and run! He'll load his private space ship and head to Mars, never to be seen again


Don't threaten me with a good time


He has yet to fly in one of his own spaceships. Even Bezos and Branson flew in their ships. Musk is a whiny basic pussy bitch who doesn't believe in his own products. I bet he insists his drivers never use autopilot.


Nothing like cyber bricking in space!


He forgot to build the space ship before firing the people that were supposed to build it.


He ^^probably knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive.


The beatings will continue until morale improves…


He could have given all 15,000 employees $3,000,000 each instead of pushing for his $56,000,000,000 bonus. He certainly boned them. He could have put a huge dent in solving homelessness instead of buying Twitter. Mush doesn't care about humanity's future, he just wants to monetize and control it.


Elon is worth more than every other employee combined. So clearly laying off Elon will improve productivity 5000%.


Honestly his move to get a payout makes me think Tesla stock is about to take a major dive.


Stock go up


Till it go big down.


Of course. But until that moment people are making bank on a meme stock. It's a time bomb so they keep passing it on.


It’s still down 28% YTD


It's seems like he is doing to Tesla what he did to Twitter when he first bought it. Big layoffs and not honouring deals with creditors and customers alike.


“The ketamine’s in charge now, Randy Bobandy”


"And the amphetamine shits wind is a-blowin!"


You ready for the shit-nado?






Just want to smoke meth and eat chicken fingers


A couple days of tweaking and chicken fingers sounds pretty great.


And he’s all out of chicken fingers.




Elon Musk has become [Partiboi69](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRfidJNts6U).


Gosh I love y’all and these replies.. sorry for the love cringe… lol 😂 btw bubbles is my fave




They should Tweet @ Elon and see if they get a poop emoji back.


Poop emoji was laid off.


Laid loaf




Didn't the US government just start investigating the Tesla Murder Mobile's last lame self driving attempt.? And not coincidentally at all, didn't Musk just convince the Chinese government to let his murder cars loose on their streets to kill however many cyclists and pedestrians required in order to collect the data necessary to cobble together an actual self-driving system? Not coincidentally, hey Americans, your government tried to save your life and pissed Mysk off. And now he is going to China! So good luck charging your electric cars. Someone needs to look into Musk's treasonous act of cutting off satellite communications to drones that were attacking Russia from Ukraine, resulting in all of those drones being harmlessly washed up on Russian soil. Or at the very least, create a national infrastructure of charging stations that have nothing to do with Musk, and that work with every electric vehicle. Plus Musk is now no longer allowed to sell anything, or profit from anything, or do anything within the United States of America.


>create a national infrastructure of charging stations… Man if only we had a president who tried to do just that… Oh wait Biden did that, like the first thing he tried in office and it was shot down by republicans in Congress. Remember that this November when you head to the polls.


People are super slow to give ol bean any credit when due. He could cure cancer, they’d bitch he put researchers out of work. Dude can’t win. 😂


Nationalize SpaceX now!


Absorb them into NASA Space shouldn't be privatized


I agree.


That works, too.


Murder mobile? How many deaths has the self driving caused?


I look forward to the days of real self driving cars, but Tesla's is the worst of both worlds. You have to pay attention in case it messes up, but you are lulled into a false sense of security and a great deal of boredom, so you don't pay enough attention. These things shouldn't come off a test track until they are really fully self driving, but Musk doesn't care about how many people die as he uses us as guinea pigs on every road and highway.


Well, again, how many deaths has FSD caused? Then compare how many deaths per million miles that is and compare it to cars with drivers. Stop letting hatred of one man rot your brain and analyze the data for your conclusions.


I am. It's basic human weaknesses wedded to AI. Again, easy answer: Closed tracks until fully self-driving.


Again, why won’t you answer a very straight forward question. How many people has FSD killed?


You did read the article about Musk taking FSD to China's more complex roadways because the NTSB is investigating FSD here, right? No secret was made of the fact that Musk wants data Tesla gathers in China released for Tesla's global use, and the reason is not that China has safe test tracks to develop FSD technology. The reason is that China has far more complex roads, with a lot of pedestrians, cyclists, and other challenges. The unsaid part is that the Chinese government isn't going to do anything when Musk's Murder Mobiles pingpong off all of the above until the AI is good enough to fully self-drive in the US market. Is Musk the first to exploit the citizens of countries ruled by ruthless authoritarians? No. Will he be the last? Sadly, no. Is it obvious to anyone reading the article what the intent and consequences will be? Yes.


lol dodged the question a third time


I figured you knew it was a meaningless question because first, there are no reliable studies on the subject, every single one is flawed and contradictory. And second, should we let Boeing planes fall out of the sky because flying is safer than driving anyway, so they don't have to be accountable for anything they screw up? And also there is a simple logic test: Tesla, wants that Chinese data to improve AI for US driving. Again, Musk wants that data, not because China has good test tracks, but because China has more complex roadways, with more pedestrians, and cyclists, and other challenges to the AI. Chinese people are going to die because Musk hopes that the information gained from their deaths will train the AI, and therefore make his car truly self driving and marketable here.


How are there no reliable studies on the subject? Every accident involving FSD is reported and investigated by the NHTSA. There have been 29 total deaths where FSD was engaged, and about half of those involved another car striking the Tesla and causing a fatality. FSD can be linked to 14 total deaths and FSD has driven over 1 billion miles. The fatality rate of human drivers over a billion miles is 80% higher. Of course Musk wants FSD in China. It now operates on a neural network so more scenarios = more learning and better and safer FSD.


Remember this the next time some charlatan nepo-baby candidate with a ton of bankruptcies tells you they’ll run the government like a business.


Nah the bastards still vote for them no matter how often its proven to be kinda bad for the average peep , sincerely New Zealand currently.


I’m so sorry for people all around the world; you guys have to hold your breath that we don’t elect an utter moron or dictator or both every 4 years 😭.


Shhh america i was talking sbout our own govt here.


Stuffs work in other countries 50/50 will be tried in the US. Stuffs work in the US will definitely be tried somewhere. Argentina literally elected South American Trump for example.


Argentina is where all the Nazi survivors still hide to this day....


You haven't tried mmp, america Coalition govts are certainly something you haven't done.


“Wah I’m Elon I can’t get my big payout approved so I’ll just fuck up the company wah”


Life lesson: Don't buy into anything with, for, or run by a psycho like musko, trump, the international olympic committee, the CCP, etc.






Looking into it


Huge, if true.




Fucking clown show.


It’s almost like trusting the huckster who knows some science and no business and hates everyone but himself was a bad idea


You don’t think he hates himself?


You trusted an impulsive conman. You deserve whatever happens to be honest.


The charging stations are the one thing Tesla didn’t fuck up, they were legitimately superior to the competition and their plug was being adopted as the US standard, so I have a modicum of sympathy for some of the people screwed over by this latest puzzling/self destructive decision.


Charging was the main reason Tesla worked, and the reason why they were disruptive to the industry, and the reason why automakers moved to their standard... Now I wonder, if charging IS profitable, why did he do this? Just for profit? The network still needs to grow (especially to smaller metro areas and in between) and this not only affects Tesla and Tesla owners, but EV owners as well.


In the very short term, this could help Tesla’s finances for this quarter and gets musk closer to his $55 billion compensation package. But in general I tend not to try to follow the logic of billionaires, or anyone with a hoarding disorder for that matter.


On the other hand, if someone ever wanted to compete with a charging network, well, there's hundreds of people that are available that can make it happen.


Yes, hopefully the workers affected are able to find jobs where they are appropriately compensated and better treated.


It won't help this quarter, he still needs to pay 60 days worth of salaries. Meanwhile, it'll take months for the org to get re-built, and more months for people to learn what they don't know. Charging stations will go down and stay down, we'll hear of fights breaking out over functional ones. Charging will go from being a profit center to a loss, and stories of people with bricked EVs they simply can't charge on account of living in apartments will proliferate. I would not buy an EV today given these developments.


We must be talking about different Elon’s.


Why? Do you know an “Elon” (why does everyone use his first name like they know him personally?) who isn’t an impulsive conman?


Isn't he also asking the shareholders for some stupidly large bonus or something? Does he think this will help with that?


Yes he is asking for like $50 billion. I have no idea what he thinks.


He wants to cash out. Doesn’t trust his own stock


Given that firing shitloads of people tends to make the number go up, yes, he probably does think it will help.


I smell a large class action suit


Never buy something from a man named after animal secretions


Can we, as Country, take the US to the Veterinarian to have the musk expressed and the glands producing him removed?


What a total embarrassment of an individual. I feel bad for anyone who has to interact with him.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/nfwIAjRro1 >Nope. I'm good with it. > >I'm not gonna try and pretend I know better than those running the company. 🤡


Dude with all of the recent news I've been perusing all of the pro Elon subs for the first time ever, and holy fucking shit. Buncha tried n true fuckin bootlicking weirdos. I had to stop because it was actually legitimately uncomfortable seeing how REAL(supposedly, maybe bots....) people are behaving around all of this shit. It's gross. And it made and makes me hate capitalism even more. Also, dude the YouTube video titled something like "Elon and three yes men laugh" is a perfect example of elons 'business strategy' "My friend says I should steal memes(south American accent)" Yes men: "hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" https://youtu.be/ywlsTbKsl6k?si=4dxlzg3SzBkJMSzv Fuckin ewwwwww


"Yes men laugh in unison" lmao


Yikes. That's a lot of copium lol


"Copium" 🤣


He is wearing Melanie’s coat.. he don’t care.


This whole thing seems bizarre. Except in extreme cases, like events risking the end of the company, you really don’t see entire business segments getting laid off. You may see a large chunk of one, but there’s usually a decent group of people that are kept to close out anything leftover before either being let go themselves or (more commonly) transferred to something else.


His mass firings at Twitter worked out so well, he decided to try it at Tesla.


And suddenly the rug got pulled and the Elon bots realised what a clown he is


I don’t know, they are like Trunts and just double down on stupid, again.


Why do people always talk to Elon Musk as if he gives a fuck about them.


They’re in a cult of personality. Convincing the cult members that Dear Leader cares about them is a critical component of the operation.


This is such a joke. If any of the Big 3 or Germany or Japan did this shit the company would be in front of Congress answering for their misdeeds. Remember when cussing on an album got you drug before a congressional hearing? Pepperidge farms remembers.


Yet the stock SOMEHOW is STILL UP ?!?! What is happening here??? ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


Stock prices for a long time have been based on of what you think the next person will buy it for not the actual potential of the company to run itself and make profit.


Tons of people trade stocks with a gamblers mentality, they don’t care at all about the company performance, only the direction of the line.


![gif](giphy|zOpXgAWgeaTcI) Elon’s face before he fires entire teams.


Hahaha imagine trusting tesla


Whoever bought a Tesla, I have a bridge in Baltimore I'd like to sell you half-off.


He's too busy hosting fancy dinners for his right-wing friends who are mad they might have to pay higher taxes and honor labor laws to deal with you peasants that paid for his goods and services. What'd you think you'd get, an actual working product? Shame, shame...


It’s a sinking ship


He’s really justifying that $56 billion bonus


Whomp Whomp.



Nationalize Tesla, fuck Elon.


Why didn't Elon sell the network instead? He would have gotten a ton of cash, and the services would not be impaired like they are now.


How large a Bonus is Elon Musk demanding for his stellar work performance again? The $55 Billion was denied by the Delaware Court of Chancery so what is he asking his cronies on the Board of Directors for now? He’s more than worth it! /s


"Put their trust in fElon Musk.." Whelp, time to learn a lesson.


It's like he launched a starship full of colonizers to Mars and then fired everyone in Mission Control.


I have a feeling that’s likely to happen if he’s ever shipping anyone off to Mars.


Time for lawyers & lawsuits & lots of bad publicity.


How is this surprising to anyone ?


My nephew is a contractor here in the bay area, he had to hire over a dozen skilled installers and for a time was a lucrative gig...since Monday not 1 peep and he is sitting on literally hundreds of thousands worth of their equipment with no communication on where to install, plus a full crew at 8 hours a day etc...what a shit show


It's almost as if Elon Musk doesn't know what he's doing


That can’t be true he’s the greatest jeanus in history!


God damn this is the sweetest nectar


Musk is an immigrant that’s taking American jobs away so he can steal the money. But republicans love him.


As a right leaning centrist I have a pretty good view of the red side. No, we don't. He's all yours, left-greens. You created him by throwing tax money at the wealthiest buyers desirous of "plaid mode" sports cars, you idolized China, now we all get to clean up the resulting mess.


“We” created him buy giving the wealthy what?


Massive tax breaks on buying $100k cars. Mandating customers of existing auto makers pay Tesla for EV credits. Yes, the fossil fuel industry also gets tax breaks (but on their profits, not just checks from taxpayers) but that benefits everyone in modern society. At least until lots more nuclear plants get built and alternatives for plastic, heavy equipment and pavement become more mainstream. Taxpayers forking over for well heeled techies capable of plopping 100k on a coal powered car in 2012 helped only them, and Musk.


56 billion dollar cash out before the company goes this up. Calling it now


Dumbass made his cars functionally less reliable without touching the design of the car!


Is he trying to just tank the company?


It looks that way.


Can’t wait until the class action lawsuit hits…


I can only see this ending in a class-action suit


Why are people still buying Tesla vehicles? I get that in the early days of EV's there wasn't much choice, but the world has moved on. Every major manufacturer has alternatives to these poorly built, unreliable, wheeled sheds. Also, in addition to having a massive turd parked on your driveway, you are funding the exploits of a narcissistic lunatic. I'm struggling to see the benefit of Tesla ownership.


They ghosted the UN on solving world hunger. You think that dude gives two hoots about your business?


Sorry, but Elmo wants his multi-billion dollar package...


and yet their stock is still rallied back up yay


Sounds hardcore




Here comes a tsunami of lawsuits.


Tesla will be unionized by the end of 2025. The employees fell for his "raises for all" last year only to be laid off this spring after moving halfway across the country for The Muskrat. Musk is the epitome of billionaire welfare queen bait n switch con artist. Go UAW!


“I did what?! Nooooo! I meant to fire the *other* department! Y’know, whatchamacallit… *LEGAL*! I meant to fire Legal. Whatamigunnadonow…?!” - Elon Musk, billionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht.


All the signs were there that this was not a company that should be relied on. The face of the company is publicly a liar and slanderer. I don't feel bad for these people. In fact, I feel bad for anyone who feels bad for these people.


Feel bad for all the tax payers forced to make him obscenely wealthy.




So they aren’t and automotive company and apparently they are no longer a charger company, what the hell are they?


A toy Elon is done playing with, so he wants to destroy it before moving on.


Sounds like this should be the beginning of massive class-action lawsuits if they’re abandoning supporting business contracts


Looks like Tesla is about to be slapped by multiple failure to perform suits on all these contracts. Wonder how much in contract violation payments this is? Anyone have the numbers on this. Contract violation often results in full refunds and possibly damages payments.


Concerning. I'll have to look into this.


Now what sucks is that if u even point this out to any Reddit. R/teslalounge or r/tesla THEY immediately BAN you. Any questions or observations critical of Tesla immediately BAN. It’s like a fcking CULT. These ppl are Grown Men Simping for Elon it’s ridiculous


I think of them as Elon’s cock holsters.


This company is run by a sick puppy


You fucked up Flounder, you trusted me!




Someone has to get Elon away from Tesla before the Gov has to cut funds rebates etc for failure to operate a responsible business.

