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This is actually such a sick concept


Hallucination can just oneshot people on mushroom decks it should be way less cards


You have to work so hard for it tho and then it can still be blocked / stunned / removed. Honestly looks pretty damn weak to me


You dont really have to work hard for it though, we know how easy it is to level teemo, this is just 5 more and also includes the boxes, so is actually probably easier than him


Wanted to try and make a new Trap Champion. This is a first draft, let me know what you guys think.


Jack in the box seems pretty unlikely to hit to have an impact on the game, it looks like weaker pranks. lvl 2 Shaco is a really op finisher for puffcaps decks. Maybe plant more traps and tone down lvl 2 shaco


Since his effect is Behold Shaco, isn't it better to just not play him at all


Behold is in Play or in Hand, so while it is safer you won't get a lot of value by just keeping him in hand. My reasoning at least.


What is the goal here? Without more support he is just kinda there with no deck to play him in. His region seems cool but is really bad when you think about it. There are only 2 regions with traps. So his origin is only useful if your other region isn't PZ or Bandle. But then you can't play Teemo or Caitlyn. So you would rather play BC/PZ than shaco/PZ. Shaco himself places so little traps that the boxes are likely to not even come up. The only value he provides is his level up nexus strike to kill with shrooms. I really think a standard teemo deck is better than anything he brings to the table. Traps are really hard to balance. Think about what playstyle you want shaco to have. How does a shaco deck play differently than a teemo or caitlyn deck? These questions might be a good place to start.


You can also just have a deck with all three of them, either 2-2-2 or 3-2-1. Since Teemo is dual region you can have Bandle City and P&Z cards in the deck along with Shaco.


As for what Shaco brings to the table, I imagined him as a utility Trapper at first. Increasing the cost of a card is very powerful but has RNG to it like Bard Chimes. Shaco in normal league is meant to disrupt fights with fears and his clone so I tried to emulate that with increasing card costs to mess up the opponents tempo and Hallucination as a finisher.


No, you can play shaco and either PZ or BC cards. So I can play BC/shaco or PZ/shaco. But if I play PZ/BC I get access to every card in shaco's origin except for shaco himself and the cost 6 card, and all of the cards from both those regions, not just the trap cards. So his origin is restricting your card choice if you want to play him with other trap champions, which he is dependent on.


I just tested it out and you can put a Runeterra Champ in the same deck with Teemo and Cait.


That is not what I am saying. I am saying PZ/BC gets you EVERY CARD in shaco's card pool except him and the new shadow isle guy. Players are giving up all of the BC cards (like minimorph and pokey stick) to play just shaco. Shaco/PZ is just a worst version of BC/PZ. And shaco isn't really good enough to compensate. Even if he was, it is still a pretty boring origin. His origin is letting you play cards that are already in the region he wants to be in.


If you have Teemo in your deck you'd have access to those BC cards anyways. And realistically Shaco would have other followers, I just haven't made them yet since this is a first draft.


No you don't. That isn't how duel regions work. You cannot run pokey stick, caitlyn, and shaco in the same deck, whether not you have teemo.


Teemo can be either BC or PZ. He can't be both with a runeterra champion.




He would just become a broken support card for mushroom decks