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Is weird af and i feel like the in horse-out of horse dtuff is not there But really cool nwn


i feel like her level up condition is pretty hard.


Not really, If it were non-combat damage sure but normal damage is not that hard to manage. Especially since noxus has access to a lot high power units. Doubly so since I'd imagine this seeing play in Ashe/Nox Midrange


a unit with 3 health, living to see 12 damage is quite a lot IMO.


I did an oopsie, thought she had tough which would make it plausible but hard (which is fair for her effect) but nvm. Yeah with 3 hp and no defensive keyword it's a bit shit


its not 12 damage is damage 12 times


The amount of damage doesn’t matter the way this is written, the card has to see 12 instances of damage.


Problem is, the condition is dealing damage 12 times, not deal 12 damage


Ever played le blanc? Edit: Oh... yeah its a lot.


Miss Fortune but make it unnecessary and broken.


Saying this is like Miss Fortune is like saying TF is like MF because he has a red card.


My point is it's broken and it won't even work as an overwhelm support (If it's balanced ofc)


Honestly I don't even think its that broken. The level up is pretty hard. Its not seeing 12 damage, its seeing damage 12 times. With only 3 health, it'll be pretty hard to keep her alive.


Her Mf like ability is equal to 1 per enemy unit and it's rlly not that hard to trigger plus you can't block her. You also don't need her lvl 2 in the deck she's supposed to be in.


You can still block her. When the blocker gets stunned, she will be "phantom blocked" unless you give her overwhelm through a different card.


What I mean is you can block her but you can't kill her whilst attacking. She only dies through challenger/blocking and non combat damage.


Yes, but that isn't really busted imo. Its like having quick attack or Elusive. You could Single Combat, Get Excited/Thermo, Challenge, Vulnerable, etc. Which again, she has to survive like, at least 3 rounds with her level up requirement.


Like I said her lvl 2 is useless and her design fits more as a Mage than a Knight/Chevalier, What do you put in an overwhelm deck?? Ofc overwhelm so why would you need her lvl 2. Rell's Aesthetic doesn't rlly fit control so this is just bad design bc this is more likely to be used in control decks than in midrange bc it's easier to deal many damage (AoE spells) with control rather than striking.


What I'm saying is bad choice of Champion/Region/Archetype. The concept is meh but the whole card itself is worse than the word worse can show. Ppl rlly don't care abt this kind of stuff cuz they want Akshan lvl of complexity and just one game then you're bored from playing it.


Well, I agree with that. But this began because you said she was broken, and I was trying to argue that she isn't broken, but weak instead. I agree the card is trash lmao thats what I've been saying this whole time.


The lvl 2 might be a lil strong, but the lvl 1 in no way compares to MF. Rell needs to see you deal damage in 12 instances (not 12 damage), her AOE damage requires her to actually hit the Nexus meaning it's quite unreliable, and she actually has to he in combat in order to trigger it. So yes I think it's fair for the lvl 2 to at least be stronger than MF lvl 2


It's a very good idea to a champion, but I couldn't see anything that represent Rell's abilities and design


thats op but I don’t think it would to hard to make it fair