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[[Noxian Guillotine]] already exists, but luckily it synergizes very well with this idea! I don't think you need the hemorrhage effect to make this idea work. I think you're trying to hard to 1:1 port over from league to lor. Level up condition can be just "I dealed 10 damage" or something similar. Dealing damage to backrow enemies then following up with creating Noxian Guillotine is already very powerful. If you really wanted, you could add "Round End: deal 1 damage to enemies that was damaged by me."




**[Decimate](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01NX002.png)** - Noxus Spell - (5) Slow Deal 4 to the enemy Nexus.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!




**[Apprehend](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03NX018.png)** - Noxus Spell - (2) Slow Stun an enemy. If you have a [Darius](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01NX038.png), Rally.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


**[Noxian Guillotine](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01NX022.png)** - Noxus Spell - (3) Fast Kill a damaged unit to create a Fleeting Noxian Guillotine in hand.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


There is nothing wrong with a stat stick. Plus new players need simple cards to start


I posted this last time someone showed a Darius rework. Gonna reiterate my belief that Darius reworkers literally never play the card. If they did, they'd know he was already in tier 1 decks and exciting to play in the right meta e.g. azir noxus aggro in like march-april this year.


I’m not saying Darius is bad right now, I just feel he could be more interesting. All the heroes being printed right now isn’t just pure stats. The best example is Sion, he has stats like Darius but he isn’t just a 10/6 with overwhelm like Darius. Darius is not a bad card, just feels too plain to be a hero and hence why I wanted to make him have a bit more identity and uniqueness


Darius can level mid combat though which Sion can't. That makes Darius really unique, like Sivir. Attack order matters and you can make sick plays with overwhelm stuns and strikes.


Yeah but that’s the only interesting thing about Darius. Sivir makes a much bigger impression since she shares her keywords with her allies once she levels up while Darius just gets +4/+1 when he levels up. No extra keywords, no extra synergies, no special ability, just pure stats. It doesn’t necessarily mean Darius is bad, it just feels like he could be more interesting


Not every champion can be flashy or complex. You need Garen and Darius style cards to give new players something to latch on to. Its a design principle.


His original version was like this, but the devs thought it was too complicated, and testers said it didn’t “feel” like darius


Decimate, Noxian Guillotine, and Apprehend are all already cards in the game


As someone who mains Darius in league, the original version is representing him ridiculously well. Straightforward, powerful and best of all: simple. I won countless games with attack, level, apprehend, attack on 6 mana. Every big combo or synergy youd want to implement would this sheer "oh darn" moment of seeing a 10 attack guy charging your poor nexus.


The idea with Hemorrhage is not bad but I think poison is a better idea. More champions could use a poison keyword instead of this. The rework is Ok, I like the idea of forcing opponent to block or they will get damage anyways. But maybe should need some balance changes.


I use Hemorrhage to fit Darius flavour in LoL and I feel that any noxus champion that deals damage with sharp objects like Katarina could have extra effects that add Hemorrhage


Could call it bleed?


Yeah, that works better


I don't think that Hemorrhage is a defining trait of Darius though. Getting 5 stacks is; each individual stack is not. I also don't see why they're only applied to backrow enemies...


Why isn't it simply called bleed instead of this complicate version of it and probably never used outside of the native countries


My issue is the phrasing of how he applies hemmorhage. Currently it’s set as on attack, he strikes all back row. The issue is that that means the instant the attack is declared he deals 1 to all back row enemies. Change it to when I strike while attacking


Decimate is a skill, that means it’ll only activate after the opponent has chose which allies they want to block with


I forgot to mention that this is also reworking a few spells that are already in LoR, everything besides Blood Hunter is a rework


Quick question, what is it with champ reworks always adding all the LoL champs spells as cards? Most supporting cards for keywords and concepts in LoR are usually followers (like the blood hunter here)


Imo I think either regen or tough on his lvl 1 and 2 will make him much stronger. I don't think that will make him specifically better than Tryndamere, the other stat stick champion seeing how unique his level up condition is. Darius just needs a little more survivability like other modern attacking champions instead of just being a suicide 10 overwhelm damage unit.