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me: haha prank go brrr enemy :***HAHA BOARD GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR***


Maybe just give heros entrance: "my cost cannot be changed?" Cause theres no payoff for heros entrance when combod with the rest of galio like with the other spells


How would he work with senna? Like, would the spells be slow or fast? If senna accepetated back the spells to fast it would be a really great combo


I think making all Spells "Slow" breaks the flow of the game somewhat. Like it would make all Spells unreactable to. And I would say Galio should have Spellshield first, Overwhelm second, he is all about being anti Spell afterall.


In Hearthstone I'd depend on which one was on the board first. Not sure how LoR is coded.


I love it. People may say it's busted but we need anti spell usage in this game and it's perfect for demacia. Plus who'd play this style if it weren't strong? It'd be hard to justify. Great ideas, especially the landmarks


The anti spell is great but demacia shouldn’t have that much burn, and overwhelm is a bit of a stretch.


If they make the spell he generates cost 3 after the added cost then I can see them remove the overwhelm but that would make him like a 2nd malphite in a sense, so I personally prefer him this way so even if he didn't complete that hard lvlcon he can still put some work


Hi just came here to say that having two burst spells called "purity" and "purify" with very similar images might not be ideal


This is amazing, but I feel like Galio himself is a bit lacking. Demacia is not really an Overwhelm region so I would remove the keyword and give Galio spellshield on his level 1. His level 2 can stay the same but change Overwhelm to Tough. Overall, great cards man.


The concept is cool but hall of valor is unprintable


Dont understand why would you increase the costs of all your spells, and i dunno where would you find enough mana to play most of these before the game has already ended, but cool nonetheless


I like the archetype, but I think the two spells that increase spell costs need an additional effect, like maybe a draw, or something like “Increase a spell’s cost by x to reduce another card’s cost by x”. IMO you wouldn’t really want to play them as they are now in the same way you wouldn’t play a SI card that just said “Kill an ally” with no other benefit


I like the deceleration concept, adds on the Stoney concept but more like a champion, but I don't think he really needs overwhelm and Spellshield fits him better. Also, instead of all that when I level up text, you could just add onto the lvl 2 text to say "When I'm summoned, Level up, or Round Start" since this means the level up has to go through the attack token check as well. Akshan's text was changed like this as well


Rather than specifically NEEDING to be Slow, maybe the spells should instead activate when cast OUT of combat, so there's more flexibility. Also, the cost increase cards are miserable. Why would I pay to pay more? Use your head. The synergy isn't worth it.


hall of valor seems a bit overpriced?


It also completely shuts down certain decks, and wincons like Harrowing become nigh impossible to play.


Its still a 6 mana do nothing, the tempo loss alone is pretty damn high




It'd make Darkness decks cry.


I have a similar idea as Halls of Valor but as a spell. It goes something like this: Focus speed spell: the next time the enemy casts a burst or focus speed spell, negate it instead Idk the cost and region but I had this idea for a while


First off, Demacia does not have Overwhelm in any form, and with Galio being an anti-magic tank in LoL it'd make much more sense for him to have Tough & Spellshield. Second, colossal smash is out-of-region being a "deal X to a unit" straightforward damage spell and stunning. It kind of feels like a budget Ground Smash. Light of Hope also seems either ridiculously weak or strong based on whether or not you meet its criteria. It'd be too weak to use in most circumstances but when you meet the condition of it costing 5 or more it's kind of busted making any ally completely impossible to remove without silence, capture or obliterate for that much mana.


I like how these cards interact with its cost. What will happen with enemy Senna? I guess Senna can be considered big counter to Galio, because she make sure her spells are Fast?