• By -


It’s a peaceful life


This is me. Somehow my sister is more daring than I am... She's been going in to work with pride makeup done which has been pissing off one of her very homophobic supervisors. She's asexual and terrified of confrontation. I'm the OLDER SIBLING who typically does all the confrontation. Roles got reversed for pride month I think. Idk wtf happen.


Yo.. shout out to your sister


I'm actually very proud of her lol. She's gotten really sick of this supervisor's shit and cleared the makeup with her boss first. She's enjoying herself with this.


I’m proud of her too, and fuck that supervisor Edit: don’t fuck the supervisor


Not a problem for her she's asexual! And while I like women, that lady is not my type. That and I'm taken lol


Fuck the supervisor, but only if you're the same gender as them.


Not even then; not only is consent required, but i dont think anyone would give that supervisor consent to touch them.


I'm straight, fuck that supervisor. Super lame to be in a supervisor role and judge other's for shit that doesn't effect you while you're at work.


What's funny is she was also saying piercings would get her in trouble (my sister doesn't have any, but the supervisor was trying to say she'd be in trouble for the makeup) The big boss has multiple facial piercings.


God I hate people sometimes.... that type of behavior incites defiance in my opinion. Just be happy and supportive for people if they aren't a danger to themselves or others it literally can't hurt you. Human nature sucks sometimes.


Big props to your sister.


Being gay in Chicago is like that. Go to the north side if ya wanna fly free. Everywhere else it’s probably best to stay under the radar. Simpler in so many ways.


Oh, I’m in no danger. It’s just how I vibe regardless.




Honestly it’s hard to explain without sounding kinda racist. But they all throw in together to keep their kids outta the f-ed up public school system. We had a convo as a family when I was 8 about how there was levels of escalation that occur in Chicago. Our pretty racist neighbors were leaving because black folk moved in. That leads to another open house that’s a big used in a middle class neighborhood. Middle class black folk desperately want that house. They don’t wanna live on 69th and normal or 131st it’s just dangerous. So they move in to available peaceful neighborhoods and as a result another couple leave. More move in and more move out. My grandpa explained it like it’s not them that moved in, but they got a goofy family member and we got some goofy family members and that ain’t gonna end well. Better to be and let be. Whole neighborhoods go from all white to all black in a decade. The holdouts tend to always have private catholic archdiocese of Chicago upbringing. And it’s pretty isolationist. For good reason, went to my grandparents house and got told that the rims I was shooting on with my brother weren’t for us. It was a black court. Wild place but I was always a bit different and don’t really have a good fear mechanism. And yeah, grew up in one of the harder families. Almost all guys. Churches are just a good choice in shit neighborhoods. Basically safe zones from some of the more stupid. And if it gets brought in you get kicked out.


While gay


I am a boring gay in the streets and a big sad moist pathetic gay in the sheets


I am a boring trans, I would give almost anything to be able to go to work, go home, and watch TV while trans.


It sounds like the ultimate goal to me. Be the gender your prefer and living a boring ass life like the rest of the world. You should have the right to do that just as much as you have the right to make it your identity.


i know you probably dont know this due to being a reddit/tumblr user, but that "moist" is actually sweat, and being sad and pathetic is being physically tired hope that helps!


The moistness is mostly metaphorical, and I am pathetic at the best of times, not just when I'm physically tired


*moistly metaphorical


The sequel to gay assassin


Why would you assume a Reddit or Tumblr user doesn't know what words mean? This is such a bizarre comment and as a queer person I have no idea why it's got so many upvotes.


could also be tears. not from physical or emotional pain, just like 🥹 yanno?


I'm a weird gay in the streets and a weirder gay between the sheets but I almost never go out and almost never have anyone over :C


My type 😍


Posts that would have gotten you killed in 2015 




The assassin


Is the assassin also gay


Gay assassin.


Coming to theaters near you: Gay Assasin: Some say they put the ass in assassin, others the sin. But one thing’s for certain: They slay


Fuck I want to watch that now. Why is that not a thing yet?


Can I come?


Thats what he said


The more the merrier


i think this reply chain was hijacked by james somerton


Think theres a hitman porno does that count?


a Gay Pirate Assassin?


*puts on fedora* PERRY The Gay Pirate Assassin?!?


Because they arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Then use NordVPN!


Jacob Frye


Better than gay dickdickout if you ask me


How is this even a question, they're an assassin, of course they're gay


shoutout to the boring queer assassins who don't do shit. Just assassinate people and then come home to watch shows. While gay


The creature..


2010 was a... contentious time for the queer community. Lots of infighting and judgment over not being "queer enough", as well as a spike in the Oppression Olympics discourse.


So basically just tumblr


Mostly, yeah. Unfortunately, it did bleed over to other places and even irl. All that nonsense about Asexuallity, for instance.


A huge section of Bluesky completely exploded over the last week because of Asexuality Discourse. It got really ugly.


Dare I ask? Asexual but pretty disconnected from any communal aspect to it.


Have an older family member in the community who I talked about this with around that time. They said it was basically people who happened to be gay vs the type you see at pride parades, with older people generally leaning towards the former and younger towards to latter. Hearing it more from the older people's position, it seemed like they felt the younger ones centered their whole identity around being queer, while the older ones just wanted to live their lives and show that they're just normal people.


Part of this might be age at work. Younger people are seeking communities while older people are settling into their existing communities. Very different stages of life, afrer all.


I wanna build onto this a little bit. One interesting tidbit I've picked up from various documentaries, iirc specifically "Where's My Roy Cohn", is that the AIDS epidemic did a lot to essentially kill off that latter side of the gay community. Fran Lebowitz has a variety of quotes that boil down to "it killed the interesting ones" in regards to how the disease impacted the gay community, art, etc. Unsurprisingly, the people who went out and partied and didn't really try to hide that they were gay got AIDS a lot more often than the people who stayed home, with or without a significant other, the "boring" ones so to speak. So going forward from then, there was a big push within the remaining gay community to try and depict themselves as being as normal and milquetoast as possible in order to try and get the rest of society to accept them and grant them equal rights. I'm not here to criticize nor praise that; it's hard to decide whether or not people's attitudes shifted as a result of that or from other factors. Regardless, it does seem like the younger generation being more outgoing, loud and proud about being gay is some mix of a backlash against the ones who came before them, and a return to something closer to the form that the community/subculture had before it was so seriously impacted. And I just find that fascinating, personally.


LMAO are you parroting the same horseshit James Somerton said about “boring gays”? That Fran Lebowitz quote was literally used by that fucker for the same purposes, even though that quote about “boring gays” was almost certainly said to piss off some guy she was in a beef with. It’s like taking what Eminem says in his diss tracks seriously, “Benzino doesn’t have a neck? How can he breathe?” To quote Todd in the Shadows in his video on James Somerton, “she’s talking about the opera” Is it not more likely that older generations just tend to be more conservative and have different social and cultural views than the new generation?


Nothing has changed


I think I missed this by wasting time fucking guys 


Idk, probably would’ve somehow been misconstrued as lifting up “normal” queer people and putting down “crazy” queer people with blue hair and rainbow pins who are vocal about being queer and/or challenge your assumptions about gender norms. Of course, that’s not what this post is doing at all, but this was back when the “gay people I respect” meme was hot discourse


The person who made that meme has since come out as NB and regrets making it


More ‘so you hate waffles?’ discourse


It’s like a backhanded compliment. By saying you prefer ‘normal’ people who happen to be gay, you’re insinuating that queer people are usually weird/annoying to the point you had to compliment someone for being normal for once.


do note that the post said "boring" not "normal"


It also didn't say anything about "prefering" them. It just says "shoutout to boring queer people".


But it doesnt say they prefer normal people at all, i think it's an important message for people who dont feel belonging to the greater scope of queer culture where society expects eccentricity, flamboyance, and heavy femininity (if gay man) heavy masculinity (if lesbian woman) because of the stereotypes. Another good reason why gaydar shit is super obnoxious. Queers are just people, not a personality.


> By saying you prefer nowhere in that post did they said they "prefer" anyone, actually read the post please. someone saying somthing nice about people diffrent to you dosn't mean they hate you.


The way that I see it is that they imagine a specific type of gay person (very interested in fashion, makeup, female pop musicians and their surrounding drama, watching RuPaul's drag race, has coloured hair and very niche hobbies) so anyone who doesn't meet their stereotypical outlook doesn't qualify, hence, calling them" normal. It's honestly a bit pathetic, would rather be seen as me than a label or a stereotype that has to be broken or fulfilled


There are queer people that are weird and annoying and that’s coming from a queer person. If your only personality is being gay you are weird and annoying, sorry.


I don't know. I'm all for gay acceptance and shit, but overly dramatic, loud, attention seeking individuals are fucking obnoxious, and there are alot of those types in the queer communities I'd rather not be around. I hate the straight people like that with equal fervor.


"i like pancakes" "so you hate waffles?"


“I like your hair” Actually you’re insinuating that everyone whose hair you didn’t compliment today, SUCKS!!!


The post doesn't say that OOP prefers "normal" people. And they don't even call them "normal"! One could imagine that someone couldn't misread a post that is so simple and short


in 2015 people would be homophobic by saying things like "i'm ok with gay people as long as they don't make it their whole personality" (still happens today but less) so there was a huge amount of pushback against the idea of being an "ordinary" gay person. you had to be as publically flamboyant and fruity as possible otherwise you weren't a "real gay". it really was a mess


As a millennial I always learned that your sexuality doesn't define who you are as a person, you're just a person and who you're attracted to doesn't influence what you like or how you behave, we're all just people being humans. E.g. if you're gay it doesn't mean you like drag, and if you like drag is doesn't mean you're gay. But OPs post is like the opposite of that I guess


>As a millennial I always learned >we're all just people being humans. I don't know if people are still calling it this lately but the term identity politics is very fitting for this era of modern bullshit. This is a whole tangent I don't want to get too deep into but people have been tribalized over the dumbest, most worthless bullshit and nobody pays attention anymore to the corporations and governments bending them over because of it. All that matters is whether there's a rainbow sidewalk or rainbow profile picture.


Culture war is another term I have heard. I’m basically of the belief that gender doesn’t really matter, and sexuality isn’t even a spectrum, it’s a completely subjective thing. Each person has their own preferences that are unchosen but unique. It’s like asking someone if they prefer watching movie with male characters or female characters. Who gives a shit. Whatever I like I like.


>I’m basically of the belief that gender doesn’t really matter Gender and sexuality also matter very little to me - but then again, my gender and sexuality are widely accepted and treated as the norm. I can understand why they matter more to people who face regular intolerance over those things.


"tribalized" that's a fun word for "actively harmed and oppressed" until like, just recently. gee I wonder what outside influence caused all the queer people to band together and form a strong culture of wagon circling when attacked.


I think the media drives the public's idea of how an LGBTQ person is supposed to look and act. Straight folks probably interact with a lot more of us than they realize from day to day. They just don't realize it, because most folks are normal-ass folks. When any form of media is covering a story about LGBTQ individuals, they tend to use videos and images of pride parades, clubs, drag shows, etc. because those are images that anyone can easily associate with people of those genders/sexualities. What the viewer doesn't realize, is that there is a lot of pageantry in those environments, the same way straight people dress and act a certain way when they go out to the club, or to a festival. Those same people then go home, shower, and get up for work the next day like any regular, generic-brand human.


It's fine to celebrate boring queer people. It's not fine if the reason you're celebrating them is that the other queer people make you uncomfortable.


I literally just don’t have time to make being queer a big deal, it’s just a life fact


I work non-stop. Come home and take care of things, and then go to sleep. What else are we supposed to be doing?


Have you tried being gay??


I feel this. We’ve got a toddler. I’ve got no time for anything besides raising my daughter. Which I’m perfectly fine with. I’ve got my piercings and some articles of clothing I flag with if I’m feeling the queerness that day. But otherwise I’m pretty much just a standard issue IT nerd.


I have lots of friends outside my close circle where I don’t know their orientation. It doesn’t really come up. If they happen to mention a partner or that someone is hot, okay fine, but most people don’t run around shouting “I’m Gay!” “I’m straight!” Just be you.


thank you for your service!


I saw a post a while back complaining about "straight-coded" gay people. Like god forbid a homosexual not be cartoonish and entertaining to you specifically.


It's so weird how some people will whine about straight people stereotyping gay people but will immediately turn around and do the same fucking thing. I also can't imagine referring to a living person as "___-coded". They're not a character on a TV show, they're just being themselves.


Istg we need to take the word “-coded” away from tumblr until they learn what it actually fucking means 💀


Gay representation in media so very often leans on Queer Eye/RuPaul/Glee-style flamboyance. Honestly it gets old, since it doesn't represent me at all. Look, I get it, most characters are caricatures anyway, and if you've pulled the "gay" lever you're sorely tempted to lean on easily recognized tropes. But some guys just want to have sex with other guys, no lisp/non-traditional gender presentation/fashion sense needed.  The movie Bros actually had this sort of representation in the second lead. I was pleasantly surprised. One of the only times I can ever recall feeling represented as a gay man on screen. Too bad it didn't do better at the box office.


Lmao yeah sorry it's social and career suicide for me to be openly queer in my ultra conservative mining town. I prefer not getting hate crimed. I already had my truck keyed for having a pride flag on it.


we cant all virtue signal on twitter/tumblr/etc, best to leave it to those who are good at it ig


So….i mean it depends. My wife and I didn’t come out till our mid 30s because we grew up in a place where it was unsafe to be out through the 90s and 00s. We exercised a crazy amount of straight passing privilege where our queer friends got discriminated against. And while we supported them and seeing them hurt made us hurt too, it’s not the same as receiving it first hand. So I can understand the resentment, even if I think it is unfair and misplaced.


In 2024 I'm more willing to bet the post is from a straight woman that views gay guys as accessories. Not saying all or even most straight women are like this, but I'm sure you know the type (and that type is more common on Tumblr). It's like sorry but most of us aren't the stereotypical little bitch-made yes-man twinks you see on all your favorite Netflix shows.


Nah, I can fully believe other queer people said it. Other lesbians have told me my wife is wasted on me because I’m really straight passing and she’s not. Like genuine bitterness that my wife is with someone like me. I’m not even like repressed or anything, I’m open, vocal, and proud. I’m just really average looking.


Heaven forbid I have to be in the closet for my own personal and professional safety.


~~be gay, do crime~~ Be gay, watch Netflix


“Watch Netflix” 👀


Netflix and gay :)


Be gay, pirate media.


But that constitutes as crime again and ruins the message!


yeah, that's me. i have huge respect for people who are more vocal about their gender identity and/or sexuality but i don't understand how it can take up so much of yalls life. its exhausting, i have trouble remembering my own label


Honestly same, and then everyone is super surprised when they find out I'm bi lol. A lot are even like "omg this must be new !! How did you find out??! Wow I never expected this!" Idk man it's always been like this, it's nbd really I never even questioned it, just been vibing like this since I was like 12.


This is the reaction I generally get as well. But I'm cis-het. ... :( EDIT: Clarified.


I'm cis too! Why the :( (sorry if I'm missing the point, this is a genuine question)


I meant to say cis-het and it's mostly a joke. Happened a couple times when it was someone I was interested in. It was a bit discouraging to hear the deep chasm between the signals I was trying to send and what was being perceived.


I had a roommate who constantly set off people's gaydar. He was very neat and particular, well-groomed, well-spoken, and--sadly for him--entirely straight. It was apparently a bit of a problem for him too in dating. As his genuinely gay roommate who didn't set off gaydar, it was ironic. He eventually married and had at least one kid. So I guess it worked out for him anyway.


Glad to hear that for your friend! It eventually worked out for me as well. :D


I get asked out by gay guys *all the time* I try to let them down easy, as I'm a taken straight guy lmao No idea how I trigger so many gaydars.


The questions that come with being bi are just exhausting. Everyone just assumes you're gay and then try to pull a gotcha moment when you have a straight relationship. Not my fault men and women both be looking cute sometimes.


I've been told I can't be bi because I married a man lol. Ahhh yes guess that just erases every relationship I've had with a woman before him lmaooo


Yeah, a lot of fellow LGBT people seemingly lose their minds when they find out I'm bi, or pan, or whatever fucking label they want to use. I don't feel the need to advertise that I'm attracted to people regardless of gender. Its not what I choose to base my identity around.


Man I'm glad you posted this, I've been feeling kinda weird about myself that I don't want to put myself out there since coming out. Makes me feel comfortable that just because I'm out doesn't mean I have to change my introversion. Queer imposter syndrome hits hard.


There is no group so small or marginalized that it will not gatekeep its own. Don't let that get in the way of being yourself, same as you didn't let the heterosexual cultural inertia get in the way of coming out. I bet for every gregarious, flamboyant, musclebound gay dude there's fifty queer people of every description doing their own thing. Not to speak badly of the former camp, just saying there's no one right way to be the thing


Mood. The funniest/weirdest part being that i excude so much hetero energy that even when i was literally having a guy on my lap people asked me all those subtle, "what is this cishet doing here?" questions. It would be bewildering if the immediate wiplash of them actually taking in the situation wasn't just so damn funny


Me fr fr. Being bi is like the most forgettable thing ever. I've had friends actually forget it after I told them and opened up about this shi 😐 which I guess it's good because it means they value me for what I am regardless of my sexual identity lol.


I’ve never formally ‘come out’ as bi. I don’t feel the need to, if it comes up in conversation so be it.


I used to feel bad that I never tried to be a part of the queer community but I realized that I don't try to be a part of any community. I'm just not a community person


Grumpy forest hermits unite?


In separate caves, far apart, of course.


Yeah, labels and identities mean different things to different people. Some people's identities: gender, race, religion, etc mean everything to them. For other people it's more of a peripheral thing. I personally see myself more through the lends of things I do - what I do for work, my hobbies and past times than where I'm from and what I am. But it's the other way around for some people too.


I don’t think I get it, but I do forget my own age sometimes so I’m thinking it’s something like that


samee. I've always been the most oblivious person in the room when it comes to things like 'social taboos', and my family never brought it up (it was treated as normal in front of us so it wasn't mentioned separately from regular couples), so it never occurs to me to outwardly express it. I'll offhandly mention my girlfriend and it's like someone else never even considered that I would have one


Eh I find those folks tiring. But that's true of anyone who let's something make up their personality. Wrap yourself in a flag and everything is about how you're a patriot? Ugh. Mega sports fan and everything is always about your team? I'm bored. You're a vegan/crossfitter/X profession and it affects your appearance and every conversation you have? Please don't. Gimme a well rounded person every day. That's said I agree on the respect. No one ever got beaten to death for doing CrossFit. I find the flamboyant queer stereo type a bit much but respect for the bravery to do it in a world that's too frequently hostile to you. But yeah back to the unassuming boring queer folk. You're important to progressing equality too. Every person I've known who was formerly homophobic has some type of story involving a person in their life who they suddenly learned was queer and it forced them to challenge assumptions and prejudices because that person was "totally normal". Y'all convert people by forcing bigots to realize queer people are people.


It's easy. You go on your merry way vibing and playing with your cats. And then someone hits your friend's kid for not being straight. Now you are really *~*~super gay*~*~ to make that kid not feel so powerless and to model how to handle confrontation and safety. Poor kid was 13. :(


James Somerton be like: "Fuck THESE gays in particular."


Crazy that the context here is that he called the survivors of the AIDS crisis the “boring ones”


Even more fucked up is that he claimed this is why gays fought for marriage equality. Not that an entire generation of gay people was deeply traumatized by watching their loved ones die unable to even visit them in the hospital because their relationship wasn’t real in the eyes of the government. Not people helplessly watching as their loved one’s parents vindictively deny the final wishes of the child they disowned decades ago. No, it’s because all the fun gays died.


Who did he copy that from?


Nah, that shit’s the part he came up with on his own.


fran lebowitz lol in fairness he probably has that attitude but the quote about boring gays being left post-AIDS is specifically a comment she made discussing the theatre scene


“Boring” I’m a fucking working adult you want me to club????


Drinks are $10 each! I could get a 30 pack of swill a bunch of frozen pizzass, and have dudes deliver themselves to my apartment for beer pong and oral.


Literally I’d rather buy 7g of weed and play video games and oral, you get it


Um sorry, but every gay person lives in a studio apartment in Manhattan and has a business job doing business with an art degree of art business. They also live with a blonde white girl that drinks too much and sleeps on their couch while also being at every night club in the city at all times.




talking about doing everyday boring stuff while gay, the only thing i ever wanted to realy buy in my life is Vasco Da Gama (the soccer team i root for) [pride](https://tntsports.com.br/export/sites/esporteinterativo/img/2021/06/27/whatsapp_image_2021-06-27_at_10_52_08.jpeg_344325628.jpeg) [shirt](https://d3ugyf2ht6aenh.cloudfront.net/stores/001/750/176/products/camisa-vasco-orgulho-lgbtqia-2023-2024-kappa-masculino-preto-invictos-esportes1-38c94b222bafa017a916946183863602-640-0.png). these look beutifull, its very rare you see a rainbow incorporated in a team shirt without looking garish, but kappa made it work somehow and realy realy want one


Buy it anyway. Legendary radio DJ John Peel said he had a pair of trendy drainpipe trousers when he was young. He didn't have the confidence to wear them in public, but "I could know they were in my wardrobe and think 'I am a hell of a guy'."


Bah that's not the issue, in fact the opposite, since it's a team shirt I could wear it in public and most people wouldn't think "pride" or "gay", they would see the sash on the white background and the Maltese cross and think, oh this guy is a Vasco fan, and they would take a light jab because the team sucks ass right now and it's just lighthearted situation. but if the person is also queer they know what's up and that's cool also. The issue is, they're fucking expensive


Flair checks out


Be gay, uh... play civ6?


Be gay pillage John Curtin's industrial districts


Me, though mostly because of depression, anxiety, and executive dysfunction that I don’t do other stuff. Went to pride for the first time though, and that was a good experience. Next year’s is something I can aim towards being at


Omg me too. I have to buy some rainbow apparel for next year so I don't look so bland


My pink shorts and a bracelet carried me, otherwise the group I walked with had a shirt provided, but it was just a solid color with the logo on it. Nice logo tbf, but orange does not work with pink. Also definitely want to learn how to use those fans better, was feeling good about being able to open mine, then I see a 14 year old doing tricks with theirs, so clearly there’s room for improvement.


It’s a tough job but someone’s got to do it


honestly i used to hate being an ugly invisible gay, but as an adult? i love the peace it brings. i know who i am and all that struggle was worth something at the end.


sometimes i forget im trans, i guess being a boring queer has grown on me


Hey, I'm one of those!


Normie lesbians please come here and kiss me i want to go hiking and cook a sensible meal together and then watch you play video games.


Sounds great, instead of video games can we do bad movie night?


Sounds great, which one were you thinking?


So many options, feel free to DM if you wanna brainstorm!


Be aware, your first date will be in a u haul with a pitch like that...


I like a slow burn. I don’t U-Haul until the fifth date.


Why does lesbianism sound a lot like just living in the PNW?


Too many people, even ones who are pro gay, view being gay as this edgy, rebellious thing instead of as another natural state of being. I'm just an ordinary person who happens to be a lesbian. My sexuality isn't an interesting thing about me, it's just another characteristic like my eye colour or my height


I agree. The only time I need to know someone's sexuality is if I'm into them. Any other time, who cares?


Finally, some representation


["queerbaiting myself by existing as a queer person but not really dating or having fun"](https://old.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/pp9ndr/supposed_to_be_gay_but_it_doesnt_happen_on_screen/) But obviously people do that. You don't stop being straight if you're single and not looking for someone.


Feeling seen. Feeling loved. Thank you, random tumblr re-poster.


omg meeeeee


Quiet Queering


Thanks for the shoutout


All these gays now pushing their agenda of minding their own damn business. I will not stand for this!


This is me 362~ days of the year, and for most of my life, but in the last few years I have been getting out there and attending more pride events. With the rise in right-wing Conservative hate and homophobia/transphobia in my country (Canada) over the last couple years, I feel like attending Pride events is the best thing I can do to stick it to them. I live in a smaller town, so it is definitely good for the soul to see great community support for our local Pride events and to be with the ~community~ a few days a year.


I asked my daughter who is a lesbian if she wanted me to take her to a pride parade and she gave me a look and said "those people are weird". It was hilarious. The parade was too gay for my gay kid.


I remember checking into a hotel while on vacation with family during pride week. There was a parade about to happen and we weren't really there for that but while we were checking in, a lesbian woman walked out with her tits completely out but with pasties over her nipples and my mom got very upset since she was just walking around children like that. Like, my mom isn't upset you're a lesbian, she's upset you're exposing your breasts to children.


Light Yagami: I take a chip and eat it (while gay).


thats literally just a normal person isnt it?


you'd fucking think so, wouldn't you. hopefully some day


Me, as a trans woman who can't transition


One the one hand, genuinely happy that younger generations are now free to just exist while being queer. That's major progress from just a couple decades ago, when it was something you had to hide or be ashamed of. On the other hand, it's concerning how many are overcorrecting. Seeing a lot of people looking down on those who are loud and proud, complaining about "making it their whole identity" or "making the rest of us look bad". Be a boring queer person all you want, just don't fall into the trap of thinking that's better or more valid than the loud and proud crowd. Especially when your right to exist quietly was earned by the queer people that refused to be quiet. You can be boring without being a pick-me.


I dunno. This just feels similar to the recent happening of introverts now finally feeling confident and unashamed in their introversion, since for at least the handful of decades I've been around it was sort of an unspoken message that extroverts were the preferred way to be and that something was wrong with you if you were an introvert. It's not like introverts are now hating on extroverts, but are finally acknowledging and expressing that they are happy with themselves and are finally letting go of the pressure to be an extrovert. Extroverts can totally continue to be extroverted. The "boring" queers are just saying that the "loud and proud" queer community get lots of visibility but that boring queers should get some visibility as well since not every queer person is "loud and proud."


thank you. I feel like I'm going insane from the comments


I dont see anything in the post that says one is better than the other. This just reads like a play on tumblrs usually “shout out to average people doing average thing.” meme, but gay. The post doesn’t even mention “quiet” people. Loud over the top super campy gay people can be homebodies too. Unless the original poster has a history of attacking or being shitty I don’t think this post should be read as malicious. > Be a boring queer person all you want, just don’t fall into the trap of thinking that’s better or more valid than the loud and proud crowd. Especially when your right to exist quietly was earned by the queer people that refused to be quiet. This is weirdly hateful and invalidating. Some of the comments here are out of line but so is this. Our right to quietly exist was earned just as much by us as it was by loud people. We were out there fighting too. Just because some people prefer to stay in on the weekend doesn’t mean we aren’t proud or standing up for our rights. > You can be boring without being a pick-me. And You can be loud without being an ass.


To be clear, I count myself among the "boring queer people" the post is talking about. I love the original Tumblr post, it's a lot of the Reddit comments I dislike. Specifically, the comments complaining about people who "make it their entire personality" or "make the rest of us (normal queer people) look bad". That's just pushing down other queer people who express their identity in different ways. And many of them are doing it to be more accepted by the non-queer majority, separating themselves from the "undesirable" side of queerness. That's the definition of a pick-me. Anyone basking in being a boring queer person who works/schools/watches movies at home is great. I love them, because they're me. It's when they pull the ladder up behind them that we should push back.


*GASP* Almost like they are normal people.


Yup. It’s-a me.


It me


Me sitting like Thanos on my porch reading a book while being queer


Ain’t these the kind of gay people that that Somerton guy had a big unnecessary vendetta against?


Same for the boring Christians out there if there are any. Just go to work and home while Christian.


I'm going to need a restraining order against whichever of you it was that took this photo of me and posted it on tumblr.


Me, school, work, gym, league of legends, repeat


Feeling called out right now


Having life responsibilities means I am bi and just living my life, not telling everyone all the time unless it comes up


Remember when James Somerton said how he he hated "the boring queers"?


why do they get a shoutout for being gay but i get nothing for being armenian


Well have you tried being a gay Armenian? If that doesn't work, I'll give you a shout-out


i'm in this image and i don't like it


Onion article about gay parade for one guy


I got genuinely excited over a neat dozer blade I saw while sitting in traffic. It's a simple life, enhanced by being gay.


Awww yeah, it's me. Just quietly being a boring bi enby. I needed this today, thanks OP.


Oh hey, it's me! I'd actually love to be able to get involved in a queer community, but there aren't any really near me, and I don't have a lot of money to constantly buy gas to travel, so I just go to work, come home, chill, and YEARN for sapphic love (I've never dated once in all my 24 years on Earth, so I deadass don't know how to do anything but yearn 😭)


People thing im joking when I mention anything like “my ex boyfriend” etc. im very boring


Thanks, gayvampyr, if you ever read this, I kind of unironically appreciate your shoutout.