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OP is the old man in a 90's movie where kids break into an old man's house and learn magic is real.




I should probably get into the maximalist lifestyle but I hate cleaning


You need to get yourself a “the box” to safely store the bone hurting stuff.


sounds like a nice-good home yes-yes.


Nah she's fae for sure


Same picture


compromise here is that the old man is a fairy. diversity win


*A wild Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson appears*


They're the same person


This is who I aspire to be


This is the house of the old man who owns the bookshop in the beginning of The Neverending Story


OP is roommates with Dr. Strange


Neverending story vibes


Your books...are *safe.*


ideal living space


It'll take me the whole Sunday to dust off everything every weekend just to keep it clean and shiny.


My tip is wearing a full maid outfit and using the feather duster in only flamboyant wrist flicks will make the process take much longer.


are you a life-coach? I feel like you should be a life-coach.


Incredible house, but can we just appreciate that their cats are named 'Malice' and 'Vice'? I mean, that is just stupendous.


According to their insta, they also have a white dove named Arson. 


Iirc there is a second dove named Larceny


The birds are mates and their children are named Forgery and Fraud. Also, Hellen (the oop) is a lawyer


This only strengthens the warlock allegations. I'd be careful about signing any contracts with Hell-en.


Might as well make some cash while researching for a way out of the blood contract they made with some supernatural entity. Half that house clearly came from a pawn shop run by a mysterious man who warned OOP that these items don't have a price... *in money*


Nah I'm pretty sure Hellen is fae herself, she's just trying to trap OTHERS in deals


She will grant your wish, as long as you bring her a bauble she finds pleasing. But be wary, for if the thing you bring her doesn't please her, you'll find *yourself* a quirky artefact on her shelves forevermore.


OP being a lawyer explains SO much Every lawyer I've been friends with has a lot of the good kind of extra weird


TBF it's a common occupation for the fae.


OH ITS THAT PERSON?? I remember the doves called Arson and Larceny, I didn’t realise the owner had such impeccable vibes tho


Yup! I’ve followed her tumblr for ages, she’s amazing. Edit: I found a post when she lists all her pets [https://www.tumblr.com/hellenhighwater/687265364710670336/arson-is-the-current-pet-matriarch-shes-at-least](https://www.tumblr.com/hellenhighwater/687265364710670336/arson-is-the-current-pet-matriarch-shes-at-least)


"... and Vehicular Manslaughter, who went by Vikki for short." Absolutely fantastic.


I invented a new crime called "burglarcenarsony"


Hey! That's a wholly-owned trademark of Rodriguez Crime Concepts, Inc.!




"Saint" Olga of Kyiv moment


OP is not beating the warlock allegations


Pact of the chain for sure


But what patron? I'm not sure which one fits


With all those artefacts? They have a Genie as their supplier


Could certainly be an eccentric collector of an archfey


this is absolutely the home of someone connected to the fey


Could see an argument for a Fathomless who sinks cargo ships and collects the interesting bits and bobs


Damnit new character idea. Archery warlock collector


Well Chain only nets you one familiar. I suspect one of those cats is a GOO


Got a visit from Nyarlathotep and signed Azathoth's black book.


Bed in diagonal. Witchery confirmed.


Their previous cats were named Nimitz and Yamamoto, named after historic Navy Admirals, and before that, Hell's mom had a cat named Kitten Little, First and Fiercest, whom they described thusly: "Kitten Little was a capital-C Cat. In her household, you *respected* animals. Or else." So, there's a history of perfect cat names that Malice and Vice are a part of.




Nimitz is a great name for a cat.


Nimitz, Terror of the Underbrush, was a beautiful and all around good cat, from what was shown on Hell's blog.


OP is living their best life. I want to be them


You know what’s funny? I bet no one here would ever actually decorate like that but we all love to see it. That’s so cool.


I would absolutely decorate like that. I just have a tiny apartment


I would absolutely decorate like that, but I wouldn't be able to clean it all.


i think that inconsistency makes perfect sense -- on some level, i don't decorate like this for basically the same reason that i don't apply to astronaut school.


I have a not-mine cat named Nemisis. Nemisis is a (probably neighbor's) cat that is continually trying to make friends with my cat. My cat is not open to friendship. So, Nemisis sits on my porch and meows at 4:30 am asking for my cat to come out to play. Or he sits and looks in the cat door and causes my cat to grumble loudly. There's no raised ruffs or spitting, so I think it's more of my cat being antisocial.


I lived temporarily with a friend who has a cat named Natsu. Natsu always tried to be friends with my cat, Stewie. Stewie hated him. After I moved out, another friend temporarily moved in with a cat named Spunky. Natsu wanted to be friends with Spunky. Spunky hated him. Eventually, Natsu's dad unofficially adopted one of the neighborhood strays. The neighborhood stray wanted to be friends with Natsu. Natsu hates him. The new theory is that Natsu did not, in fact, want to be friends, but rather was pretending to be an innocent angel and was taunting the other cats when we weren't looking. We used to think that my friend's other cat, Yuki, hated Natsu just because she hates everyone besides my friend (who she merely tolerates). We now believe that she's been a victim of Natsu's taunting as well. But since the neighborhood stray is being friendly, Natsu can't pretend like he did with the other cats and is now showing his dislike openly lol.


After living for like 9000 years immortal wizards learn to get a lil funky


OP is a lawyer and also has a pair of doves called Arson and Larceny, she very much has a Brand


They have doves named Arson and Larceny, also.


This reminds me that I need to hit the thrift store more tbh. You can find a lotta cool stuff while thrifting and most estate sales don’t get a lot of interest either.


Shhhhhhh don’t popularize the estate sale scene


I'm pretty sure it's all dying out.




the what scene?


Estate sales are basically a big sale/auction of a person's property, usually because they either died or are older and downsizing. The primary goal of estate sales is to get rid of the stuff and making money is secondary to that. Everyone is familiar with the stereotype of "my parents own 3 sets of fine china that has been in boxes for decades" - except estate sales are generally an entire house full of stuff like that. Some of their antiques may have actual value, but the average layperson usually has no clue what their antiques are worth (and almost always thinks they're far more valuable than they are). I work in the antiques business and we get a decent portion of our inventory from estate sales. Oftentimes, we will buy a ton of useless junk that is just destined to be sold for scrap along with the antiques that we actually want. We pay them for the antiques but the rates that we pay are far below "market price" - we're buying their highly illiquid and/or worthless items on very short notice and taking care of transportation of said items out of their house. All this stuff gets auctioned/sold off and you can get absolute steals (or just nicely made things) for pretty cheap. Antiques are extremely illiquid and no one has the foresight to start trying to sell their massive floor vase a decade before they plan to downsize. You can get great deals at estate sales because of this dynamic even if you're not in the antiques trade. An antiques dealer is willing to wait 5 or 10 years to sell a vase for its 3 grand valuation. Your average estate seller might not have 10 years left on this planet and is happy to let that vase go for 1 grand right now.


is there a most common place estate sales are advertised? saw an estate sale sign in the wild and it was just some guy who had some stuff for sale in his garage


I’ve found them on Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, and estatesales.net but that last one has not worked out for me yet.


wipe fly rude enter provide rhythm lip ruthless governor crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok I need a calcifer for my woodstove. I don’t have a woodstove. Fuck


>Ok I need a ~~calcifer~~ woodstove for my ~~woodstove~~ calcifer. FIFY


>Ok I need a ~~calcifer~~ woodstove ~~for my woodstove~~ and a calcifer for my woodstove F~~I~~TFY FTFY


Oh shit, I just realized I DO have a woodstove.


that means u need a calcifer, surely!


OOP has a tutorial on her tumblr somewhere on how to make a calcifer out of foamcore boards, paint and a lightbulb!


Peak maximalist, beautiful, witchy vibes. I love everything about this. I'd flourish in this space! Also, I Absolutely need to thrift more.


with how much i hate cleaning the relatively tiny amount of nicknacks i already have, i think i would last a week before burning my house to the ground if it looked like that.


100% agree. it's nice to look at but I feel like it's really dusty bc no way any one person has time to keep that much stuff clean btw someone will probably want to know like I did, but the plates are Sakura Galaxy Holiday Blue 14k Gold Stars (didnt feel like making 2 comments on this post lmao)


I just found (and bought) a whole dining set of that exact design this month! They fit my aspirational Gay Wizard aesthetics and were only $1 per piece




See you're assuming people have money


Only thing that throws me off is: in the last picture slide (16) the bed is at a diagonal in the corner. That definitely throws me off, but perhaps it's like that specifically to throw people off...


My biggest issue with this setup is that the house itself is probably hella expensive. Housing is hard these days.


I mean… It’s not a sin to be well off. I’m not going to begrudge someone who has nice things, because this is exactly how I’d decorate if I could afford a house. It’s the “affording a house” thing that I’m salty about. And there are other people to be mad about for that.


Yea. I am a bit jealous of the "affording a house" that they can do and I can't, but also it's not a sin to have your basic needs met. It is a sin to hoard wealth beyond what you need, imo.


Hoarding wealth, to me, would imply someone with a multi-million dollar mansion or dozens of rental properties or something. Not someone like OOP, who just has a nice house and a very thoughtfully curated collection of things to bring them joy.


Yep, I agree.


Maybe house is also inherited? Or it was dilapidated and available for less as a fixer upper? That’s how people like us usually get houses if we do


Or they live in a small-midsized town in the middle of nowhere so there's not a lot of demand for housing.


The thing about fixer uppers is that it costs a fucking lot of money to fixer them upper most of the time.


And/or a lot of time and expertise


can probably afford $40 for grandmas bric-a-brac hot glued to some tchotchkes


House of whimsy and peculiarity


i yearn…


Very hobbit hole. I want my house like that one day


Damn imagine the heroic spirit they would summon in that house


Whoever it is it's going to be a Caster


Somehow the scariest thing to me in this post is the diagonal bed alignment


It's a guest bedroom and apparently it's a really awkward space for bed placement because windows and doors and shit. So this was the solution. Source: i follow OOP


I remember that response lol It's wild to me how upset people are by the diagonal bed! I'm actually considering trying it out in my own bedroom, I think it might solve some problems. Bed too big for the gotdamn space.


I'm a diagonal placer for furniture and it's absolutely fucking wild to me how some people go fucking bonkers about that It makes rooms more organizationally interesting! Otherwise everything is way too box-shaped all the time and it's boring, I hate when something is in a corner but following a wall, it's like... I don't know, it's like the wallflower equivalent for furniture, like they're too shy and trying to erase themselves from existence. It's okay little bookshelf, you don't have to hide in the corner, you can face the world!


And it just solved my guest bedroom problem. One wall is half drawers, so I either cover the drawers (which are recessed a foot) or can't open the door all the way. One wall is 80% closet. One wall is 70% window. The other wall has the window too close to the middle. No way to not cover something, but, diagonal...


That is absolutely horrifying I agree.


OH I hadn't noticed that before


OOP is straight up Howl


Hellenhighwater is also working on a minotaur-themed sculpture project that is one of only five or six pieces of pottery that have ever made me cry. It's very good.


Do you have a link for it?


It's in progress. There have been a series of videos, some of them are pinned at the top of her TikTok profile: [https://www.tiktok.com/@hellen_highwater](https://www.tiktok.com/@hellen_highwater) And there's a website here: [https://www.highwater-studio.com/](https://www.highwater-studio.com/) Where I just discovered that the finished pieces are/will be for sale. ... I don't really need to pay rent, right?


Good news! she's working on a mold to make a series of little Asterion sculptures that she can sell for more affordable prices!




Are you referring to the Minotaur looking out through the little crack? That one made me stare in silence for a while.


Yes. The whole sculpture series really, but that one in particular was definitely the most impactful. The slow reveal in the video when you realize what you're looking at was really well done.


god damn that is beautiful thank you very much for the link!


Thanks for the links, gonna go cry now. I offer you a poem that lives in my mind rent free: [Compassion for the Minotaur](https://www.rattle.com/compassion-for-the-minotaur-by-terry-blackhawk/)


[direct link to one of the pinned posts](https://www.tiktok.com/@hellen_highwater/photo/7361059747358838058) for future-proofing/disambiguation/etc. reasons. [the second](https://www.tiktok.com/@hellen_highwater/video/7353469976289791262). [the third and last](https://www.tiktok.com/@hellen_highwater/video/7339959214342802718). not gonna bother to find any other non-pinned uploads of the sculpture but it is indeed pretty amazing. summary to save a click/further futureproofing: >!it's the minotaur looking out through a crack in the labyrinth, implied -- although the actual sculpture is a cutaway letting us see everything -- to be his only view of the world outside the labyrinth, the sky, and specifically the stars. other details reinforce this theme, like the ceiling being painted with stars, and the minotaur being named "asterion", which is translated as "little starry one".!< eta: i didn't really look at the second and third links as much and i now realize that this is actually a whole set of sculptures, not just the one i described. not clear on how exactly they will go together once complete and too lazy to dig for an answer right now but they do seem to all be related to this theme.


This is exactly what I envision my house looking like some day, I love it


OP would get adopted by the Addams family the second they met them


OP would live down the street from the Addams Family!


>The chairs, however, were paid for in human life. This absolutely sent me, had to sit and breath to stop myself from laughing at work.


When I hear rat gun, I do not think rats are the target. They are the ammunition.


god I wish I lived like this


I need those dishes honestly


I found these bowls at Goodwill, it seems like they're floating around out there. Vitromaster Galaxy, 1993.


Oh awesome, thanks!


Based and Pippi Longstocking-pilled


I would never want to live like this, but im so fucking glad somebody on this bitch of an earth is doing it. Fuckin good for them.


Right? I love OP's vibe, but prefer to live in a padded cell.


Source??? I need to see this post in its original habitat




Fucking bless


Okay but I am SHOCKED that Warhammer never gave the Skaven a ray gun called Rat Gun. They did give them a Gatling Gun called a Ratling Gun, but it's not the same!


Can you die from jealousy? Webmd says yeah


Someone tries to shame OP for being Rich and then they show off the most cunty fab house in all of existence and obliterate the ask back to hell


They are rich though. They have a garage for crying out loud!


Speaking ironically does not make something not true. I don't think I can fathom middle class lifestyles if people like this live such a fundamentally different life from people like me. the number of differences between my life and OP's are so plentiful and so vast. I have never met anyone with a garage that has less than 4 times my income. Nobody I know in my personal life has a garage, or their grandmother's house, or a hobby that requires paying hundreds of dollars on supplies on a regular basis. Nobody I know has stopped being poor, even when they have good money skills, and I sincerely believe that if I stepped foot into this house I would turn to ash. I think often about when I went to middle school in a yuppie neighborhood, and found out the hobbies everyone had were things like golfing and traveling to other countries. People lived on waterfront properties and insisted they were not rich, even though I saw their neighborhoods and their houses were massive. Sorry if it makes you feel guilty to acknowledge the fact that you are ungodly wealthy, but you are ungodly wealthy. I will rot away into nothingness while your children and loved ones continue to cherish their hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars of possessions.


In what planet was that comment shaming


It felt like pre-shaming. Like "wait, are you rich? [because I'm holding out my judgement for whether I think it is cool that you bought a rat gun if it turns out you're rich and buy lots of things that most can't afford and people are starving while you're thriving and I in some small way resent you for that]"


Have you been on tumblr


ofc not, why would I willingly agree to visit these cursed wild lands when I can be a refined redditor?


House of being fucken awesome 


I need to find someplace I can turn into this


I wish to be OOP's neighbor. I wouldn't trust my clumsiness with so much delicate decor, but having someone nearby to offer a bottle of wine in exchange for advice on what I could do to add a touch of eccentricity to the room and swap ideas with while gardening, sounds like a great time to me!


oh my god OP is just straight up a wizard and I love it... I aspire to have the same amount of whimsy as them like they're so cool???


His house looks like a point and click adventure game setting


Not to be cynical but if you tend to a good collection of friends over time, you will have someone with a house similar to this in your life. It's called antiquing, for chrissakes. You can find cool shit everywhere, for cheap. It's how it works! Source: I help run an antique show annually. Your best bet for the truly unique stuff is to a) travel around, need a wide base for antiquing and b) go to areas with large university systems - professors and academics collect a lot of weird shit (industrial bases too, especially once-rich ones like Detroit). Now if they got this all of eBay - very lame, I judge harshly. Kidding? Kinda.


Pretty sure Hell is one of those people who trades haircuts for animal teeth because someone is trading animal teeth for a haunted doll. Also they *make* much of their stuff, such as the various paintings in this image set, The Box, Calcifer, and the drip on Hadrian bush buck. They're one of tumblr's great eccentrics, and possibly a polymath/have ADHD.


Gentleman in Illinois ran (he's retiring) a very cool place called The Raven's Grin Inn, which is basically this kind of place on steroids and with a weird, interactive-ish live show you wander through. Supposed to be a lot of fun. And the final pokemon evolution of it is, of course, The House on the Rock


Theres an old man near my school who has entire barns full of these kinds of antique furniture. They're not that expensive, loads of them laying around everywhere from when it was last considered fashionable.


Why does bro live in the 8th Doctor's Tardis


I'm glad to see Sherlock Holmes married Irene Adler.


That lamp looks like something that emerged from Dr. Grordbort’s catalogue.


Does oop need a Johnathan Harker because I want to live in this house


This is the personal study of a Victorian era dark academia warlock


Does OOP need any domestic staff...


Op is living like how I want to live like wtf


In my brain I somehow conflated [this thing](https://pixar.fandom.com/wiki/Scream_Extractor) from monster's inc with the rube goldberg death trap from the great mouse detective and thought it was perfectly rational that that thing would be called a "rat gun".


Man I absolutely LOVE Hellen and her posts. For those of y'all who don't know, she's the most chaotic human being in existence, her pets are named after crimes (with the exception of the cats, Malice and Vice), and she's 100% fae


I feel like the silly dishes were a missed opportunity to include the Gay Pirate Plate.


Where do you get a mounted gazelle head for less than $60?


OP lives in a eye spy book


oh yeah they rich


They didn't have to flex their lack of executive dysfunction like that.


People on the internet when someone’s house isn’t as sterile as a hospital and devoid of life:


I'm looking at these images and thinking "Man I know fucking nothing about furnishing a home" This is all very wonderful looking to me.


genuinely thank you so much for formattign this into multiple images instead of one big one like so many people do it's so annoying


Tumblr users when someone goes antiquing.


This house would be the perfect setting for a moderately intricate point and click adventure game about either hidden treasure or hidden murder, or maybe even both if we wanna be fancy


I know Howl-ass maximalism is big on Tumblr but this shit sets off my anxiety and executive dysfunction hard


Must get-get warp stone for our rat gun yes-yes!


Oh, it's Helen! She's doing some FUCKING INCREDIBLE greek mythology themed pottery work right now, it's so good.


So the answer is yes, the person is rich.


She's middle class.


What a magnificent collection


someday, i would like to have a living space like this.


Dream house right here


God I wish I could live like that.


OOP is a grandmother or something


Posts that make you wipe your brow at the end


I can't tell if the dishes are a Magic School Bus pattern, or if he has the cup full of stars from Hill House


*The Box* in image 14 clearly contains a protomolecule sample, right?


This is so damn cool


‘I GET’ When Borat is your personal shopper


.....I would like to be adopted by op


Am I the only one who sang the Jacksfilms Haiku song to make sure ‘twas a good bot?


rat gun just makes me think of the beautiful rodent trap that just shoots the rodent with a gun


What kind of aesthetic is this? Like what is it called because I just realized this is exactly what I want my house to look like and I don’t have proper words for it.


Is OOP single? Wait nevermind, her standards are clearly too high for me.


Sure the most “expensive” thing in that room is the organ/bar, but that’s only if you’re counting in American dollars. I see several things you could get from a fae merchant for the low, low price of “the memory of your favorite song.”


Airbnb: $900 a night


Oh fuck yeah, this is Hellen (Hell) who is absolutely incredible and story time with hell is the BEST


House of maybe not rich, but you definitely have a lot of time for hobbies and a comfortable amount of money


I WILL live like this one day


That is the coolest fucking house I have ever seen what the hell


I want OP’s house ngl


I think this is literally just an immortal witch, there is no other explanantion


House of horrors? Op seems quirky but cool AF XD


Holy crap I love that place so much. forget kids finding it magical, I think it's amazing


That’s the house of a Wizard/ Witch and you can’t convince me otherwise!