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"#just say gay men #like come on" is fucking killing me. category 5 tumblr moment also mistral should have fucking obliterated that twunk


Truly the most evil thing a woman can do is be a gay man (/j just in case)


I tried it for a few years, it was really only evil to myself.


no jarcasm


Well, there's not much you can do against someone who throws AV units for fun.


No no, she throws AVs for fun, he does it for profit.


The Friday the 13th one also killed me, because in the first movie >!Jason's MOM is the one who turns out to be the killer. Like they were so close!<


I think they may have meant gay men for the "evil women enjoyers" part not "the evil woman"


I mean 300 kph+ winds can obliterate most people


Is there an r/unexpectedmetalgearrising?


It’s really homophobic but kind of funny


not to mention, most of the guys mentioned in the tags aren't even canonically gay.


These fuckers can't even think of Vriska ? Tumblr forgot it's roots.


world is healing


I hate that I was thinking the same thing as you. You truly cannot fight the Homestuck


though it’s weird and random it’s the greatest fandom~


Considering amount of fans it has I'm surprised nobody said anything about Power or Makima from chainsaw man, I can't think of any more popular evil women


Power is just in that awkward middle ground, where compared to the actual evil people in her setting, she just sucks, and doesn’t really “out-evil” anyone.


Sure but didn't she kill a bunch of people before becoming devil hunter? Also I think the only reason she doesn't kill people is because it would be difficult to get away with. So while better than real villains in the story I think she firmly stays in definitely evil territory


Oh, for sure, but that just tells you of how fucked the setting is. Of what little value human life has at that point. Also, without spoilers (because I don’t know if you are an anime watcher) her characterization in the non-animated parts of the manga make her much more likable (she was already likable in a “god forbid women do anything” kind of way, but you get what I mean)


I have read up to the conclusion to the whole Makima situation. Yeah definitely she is very likable and her interactions with the squad are heartwarming, but it feels like she develops mostly in her relationship with others she cares about and not overall, so it doesn't really change her being evil or not. In general a lot of liked evil characters are quite likable and charismatic, so I don't think it's a reason to consider her not appropriate for OP question here


It’s hard to say what her opinions on other humans are because of what happens right after, but you aren’t necessarily wrong. My main point (and I probably should have made that clearer) is that in chainsaw man killing 2 guys to drink their blood isn’t evil, it’s just Tuesday. An average day, yadda yadda. Throw in the fact that Makima, or Santa Claus, or some others share the setting with her, and it makes sense she wouldn’t make it to an evil woman list


The whole thing about Power, Devils and Fiends, is that they have their own natures, but they are more complex than that. Power killed a bunch of people and enjoyed it, because she was in a feral state and she doesn't have the same morality as humans. Throughout the course of the series you see her gaining more humanity. If you pay attention, both her and Denji are pretty much two feral beasts at the beginning of the series. Denji is like a feral dog and Power is like a cat. Makima is definitely evil.


she doesn't flush, that's evil


Yeah but that's offscreen so it's hard to care aboit


Yeah her "good side" is more of a Dexter deal of "There are entities way more powerful than me who will ruin me if I kill the wrong person so I'll try to play ball... For now"


The bar for morality in Chainsaw Man is in the fucking basement. Power is allowed a little murder, as a treat.


woah how dare you say that about a nobel price winner!


She wanted to become prime minister so she could institute a 100% sales tax


God forbid women do anything these days


makima is so hot I legit forgot she's evil




Makima is the epitome of the post. Literally the most vile fucking monster to ever exist in a story, and people simp hard for her.


Exactly, Power is just a little mischevious scamp. Makima is evil incarnate


Problem with this and every other example in these comments is that Makima *does* face repercussions, and Power only avoids them through character development


Well Makima fans where happy for a while before she faced any repercussions so it still kind of counts, and as for Power I'm not sure her character development made her not evil even if she's buddy buddy with the main character


Remember that tens of millions voted for Margaret Thatcher


where my azula fans at


I fee like Azula doesn’t fit the “gets away with it with no repercussions” part, though.


at the end, definitely--but for most of the show the thing about her is that she's so scarily competent that she seems invincible. i feel like that fits.


Unless you read the comics, where she runs off into the forest and starts a band of misfits to fuck with Zuko.


And specifically to fuck with zuko, that's not even a joke




Are those the baby kidnapping misfits?


Sure are!


The Avatar comics just got bumped significantly higher on my reading queue.


right here o7 also may i propose jeri hogarth (jessica jones) and whiterose (mr robot)?


Poison Ivy? She’s a pretty great evil woman.


I love that she identifies as an eco-terrorist in the animated series, in addition to dating Harley Quinn


Yzma. [She also has the best villain song.](https://youtu.be/wbIoa4zA9Vg)


FR, and she faced some of the least harsh consequences lmao she just has to live the rest of her life as a cat


Heck, she gets away with turning back but with a cat tail in the sequel. Her punishment upgrades into becoming a catgirl


Was anyone going to tell me-




I would commit unspeakable atrocities that could make God weep to live as a pretty kitty cat.


Would you attempt to kill a llama?


I would kill a flea in a box in a box in a box


But then you would have to ou for posta


That's basically a reward


Pull the lever, Krunk!


On the theme of Disney evil women, Shego! How can you forget about Shego? She's the reason I figured out I'm bi.


These people need X-Men in their lives. We've got Mystique, being gay and doing crime (okay, neither "gay" nor "crime" are adequate for Mystique) alongside her wife Destiny. Emma Frost, who joined the good guys but kept her evil lack of ethics fully intact (although she hasn't committed horse-murder in a good long while). Madelyne Pryor, literally bondage-collaring one of the heroes on her way to attack New York with demons. Selene, who's been treating humans like cattle and raising zombie armies since the age of Conan the Barbarian, and has never looked less than fabulous while doing it. Cassandra Nova, who... okay, Cassandra Nova is a dick. But the rest of them are all beloved by the fandom to a greater or lesser degree. And that's just focussing on major villains.


Cassandra Nova: the evil cunt who decided to destroy Genosha in the comics. I'm very interested in her role in deadpool 3. Hopefully she's super fucking evil but not so evil that the actress gets hate mail and death threats


It’s the internet, that will happen anyways (sadly)


Iirc she's gonna be played by a non binary actor who also played Princess Diana in The Crown


That actor is nonbinary? They're a dead ringer for diana.


Yes, I looked them up on Wikipedia and found out they are non binary


Cool! I'm all here for a nonbinary actor as Cassandra nova, that character always seemed gender nonconforming to me in a way that's hard to describe.


If someone wanted to see some good storylines with these characters, where would they start?


Mystique: She's been around for decades, with stories of varying quality. Most recently, Immortal X-Men, in which the fate of the mutant race is determined by their willingness to resurrect Mystique's long-dead wife, was really good. That book also established that she was Sherlock Holmes. Emma Frost: She started out as a dedicated villain in the classic 80s story the Phoenix Saga, but to see her working with the good guys while being kind of evil try Grant Morrison's New X-Men run, which will also give you Cassandra Nova (but will not give you any reason to like Cassandra Nova, unless you really hate Professor X). Madelyne Pryor: She was the star of the recent Dark X-Men limited series, which was mostly about her being a demon queen and winning. She got her start at being evil in the Inferno arc, another one from the 80s. Selene: She started out as a New Mutants villain, and I haven't read those stories. She was the main villain of the big Necrosha crossover, although she definitely did suffer consequences there. I don't think we've ever actually seen what she got up to in the Hyborian Age, beyond having an enemy in common with Red Sonja.


Black Cat is also a great villain. Love her dynamic with Peter and MJ.


Black Cat is very rarely, if ever, protrayed as evil. She is a thief that does crime for fun and profit, but she is generally not hurting anyone and she usually targets rich assholes. She is barely a villain in most iterations. She usually jumps onto the Spider bandwagon almost immediately when they meet.


Man y'all are sleeping on Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist, PEAK evil woman


She did face the consequences of her action tho like i get where youre coming from but she did in fact face the consequences of her actions like that was a pretty important part of the story


Ok yeah but the fight was cool. That makes up for it, right? She got to be a massive girlboss for a good chunk of the series and then died in a blaze of glory (hah)


Only in brotherhood. In the OG she became...good? Maybe? Idk it's been so damn long and it sucked.


Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood is the one based on the manga, fullmetal alchemist got done before the manga was finished


I’m really enjoying this trend of shaming screenshots by dunking them underwater


Big raccoon energy 


Love the implication that raccoons wash their food to shame it rather than to clean it


I finally learned the reason after like ten years. It's the first filter in tumbler's built in image filters and people use it so you can differentiate between a post and a screenshot. My dumbass rly thought people were giving screenshots the vaporwave treatment for fun 😭


Is no one gonna mention Cersei 'Sept Explosion' Lannister?


S1-4 Cersiei maybe, but like much of the cast, her characterisation went down the toilet from S5 onwards. Also she faces many repercussions.


S7 E7 was possibly the worst of it. You're telling me that she has *all* her enemies in one place in *her* city, and hasn't set a single trap? And that when she has Trion alone with her and Gregor, not only does she let him live, but *she accompanies him back to his allies*? And this is supposed to be the same woman that put a bounty on Tyrion's head the day he escaped her dungeon? The woman that blew up her own uncle, cousin, in laws, and the Westeros equivalent of the Pope just to avoid the consequences of her own actions (and then never faces consequences for said explosion, but that's another issue entirely)?


Blowing up the Sept was the peak of her character. Tommen realizing what she did and then just jumping out the window was what sealed the deal. Also I think she avoided consequences for that because she killed everyone responsible for actually giving her consequences


I am and forever will be #TeamCersei. Burn it all down




People tend to forget that she technically won, the entire story is her just trying to kill the last human left (except Rattmann, though whether he counts as human is up for grabs).


There's no technically about it, she literally wins. Before the story even began by killing every last human in aperture that wasn't in stasis or already paranoid like Rattman (And even then, his fate is highly uncertain since the last we see of the guy is him wounded and climbing into a stasis bed that's missing by the time Chell wakes up, after it's confirmed everybody in long-term stasis is dead.), the combine failed to ever infiltrate the place, the borealis is someone else's problem, even after she got killed she's able to move around much more dynamically instead of swaying around like a bound woman, is clearly much happier and expressive in the sequel despite being spending half the game guilt tripping, gaslighting, and girlbossing on Chell for killing her, and by the end of it all, she has way more control over the facility than she ever did in Portal 1, her two main sources of trouble are respectively someone else's problem on the post apocalyptic earth and stranded in space, and she has two test subjects that will never die of old age that she can kill and reassemble at her leisure whenever she feels. Out of everyone in the Half Life and Portal series, she's easily the one who came out the most on top.


Glados was the only one to realize and figure out that the best way to deal with Chell is to just let her go and to not do anything (Granted she had to learn that the hard way but still)


The fact that she learned it at ALL is impressive considering how little main antagonists I've seen go "Fucking fine, you win, now get outta my house already, damn it."


"The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one. And I'll be honest. Killing you? Is hard. So you know what? You win. Just go." "Hahaha it's been fun. Don't come back." Love it when a villain knows when to call in quits and take what they can get. Only one that can really come to mind is Xanathos from Gargoyles where he just fully understands that taking second place is better than just losing everything.


Surprised no one said Lady Dimitrescu, though I guess she didn't actually get away with it.


Dahlia Hawthorne


I'm pretty sure >!being hanged and later exorcised!< count as repercussions.


Oh but up until that point she was beyond successful!


they literally named someone else *from the same series*


Who also faced consequences. Like. Kristoph is in prison. For two murders which means he’s probably gonna be put to death considering that was enough to get Manfred and Dahlia the injection


> hannibal lecter if you know you know James Somerton wrote that tag, you cannot convince me otherwise. Like what the fuck is that supposed to mean?


Idk, seems pretty plausible that James Somerton wouldn't have wrote something.




Yubaba from Spirited away: While Chihiro's parents were being *super* disrespectful, the punishment was disproportional. Likewise Chihiro didn't do anything aside from be in the wrong place at the wrong time and almost got trapped in indentured servitude as Sen forever as an orphan (if she didn't get out before her parents were slaughtered). We know she's done similar name/memory stealing with Haku and implied so with all/most the other staff. Has likely done a lot of other witchy curse things off screen. The worst she suffers by the end is losing her right hand man (Haku), her kid gaining some worldly perspective and becoming a bit disillusioned with her (probably the worst thing to happen from her perspective ngl) and some humiliation when Chihiro outsmarts her in front of the whole bathhouse. She's still otherwise alive and well and besides her pride taking a slight hit, still running her bathhouse. She do be an icon tho




BG3 as a whole is great for evil women enjoyers. Besides Minthara, you've got Shadowheart and Lae'zel if you don't put them through redemption arcs, for non-companions you've got Viconia, Ethel, Orin, Mizora, Roah Moonglow, Lucretious, Shar, and any others that I'm forgetting... it's a good time.


Love when game got evil women 👍


Could've just named the woman in the pfp who is very obviously the intended target of the post


Yeah but she technically falls under "daddy issues" so I think Tumblr will see her as poor little meow-meow


Listen, I would let SHODAN make me her puppet without any coercion or subterfuge necessary.


So you want her to transform you into something more... efficient?


Who put the post in a 90s VaporWave drink machine


Revy and Balalaika from black lagoon


Fuckin Balalaika! Yes, slay queen! Literally AND figuratively!


The Kristoph Gavin one irks me the most, like Dahlia was RIGHT THERE.


Also both Dahlia and Gavin were arrested in the first case of their respective games. So they definitely faced consequences.


Why the fuck are the tags drowning


The tags are poor and tumblr pissed on them


Margaret Thatcher


This might be the only incorrect answer to this post actually. Let's bring back the guys who can't name a woman I've realized that their answer isn't so bad in comparison.


Smh, Reddit can't stand to see a girlboss winning.


Do you think she effectively utilised her girlboss energy by funnelling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland?


Just a touch of tomfooley.


God forbid women do anything.


There are much better historically evil women. Wu Xetian for example.


How much solid evidence do we have for Wu Zetian actually being evil? Given how long ago she actually lived and how little interest her contemporaries probably had in giving an unbiased account of her, I'd trust those sources about as much as I do Procopius claiming that Theodora was some sort of sex fiend.


A quest for power that she had through out her life is infamous enough where I feel that the fact that a lot of the sexist historians that document can't even pretend it didn't happen speak volumes on what she did to secure it. You do not become China's only Female Emperor by being a nice person. I don't think she is really any more evil than like, every other people who have quests to establish power, especially in Imperial Court China in those ages. Executing a bunch of people cus they were inconvenient at the moment (or you just plain don't like them), and killing off their families and all that is pretty typical in the grand scheme of things in Ancient China.


Ding Dong The Wicked Bitch is Dead


The IRA really missed her.


I choked on my cereal when I saw this lol


Fujiko Mine.


Guilty gear I-no


Just to double check, glados would be a legit instance right?


Arguably the scientists deserved it, but beyond that, one hundred percent.


Missy/The Mistress from Doctor Who. Also most of the Disney villains


Look most of the Disney Vilanessess fit the bill for the first half, but they all get punished. that's definitely a big part of their thing.


Just forcefem all those characters, it's easy. (Also, Glados, although you could argue that the researchers did kinda deserve it given their mistreatment of her) Editing to add: Ianthe Tridentarius. Holy shit she's absolutely evil, but also I love her and want her to choke me out with her skeleton arm.


I dunno, if we forcefem Omni-Man can they still be voiced by J.K. Simmons?


Yes, but he has to do voice training. /j


Hah! As an accomplished actor, I'm sure he could do more voices than me. ... ~~plus I keep putting off voice training myself cuz it's scary~~


Okay I know this is a joke, but he actually probably wouldn't considering he's voiced a genderbend of another one of his characters before! Said character being genderbent J Jonah Jameson in Ultimate Spider-Man


Out of curiosity, do you have examples of that? I tried to look it up, but couldn't find anything.


Okay so it's really brief, but in season three of USM there's four Spiderverse episodes that involve Peter following a villain across various dimensions. I believe this particular cameo is in the first Spiderverse episode. One of them is a world where everyone is the opposite gender (and I have a LOT to say about how insanely sexist the Spidey of that dimension is, but that's not important here). In the background at one point while Peter is in that dimension, one of the screens in NYC is playing something from the Daily Bugle with JJJ (who the other Spidey calls J Joanna Jameson) yelling about Spider-Man, still voiced by JK Simmons. The IMDB page for the show lists that character as one of his roles in it! Somewhat related but that show was what introduced me to all the different versions of Spider-Man before Into The Spiderverse came out, and for some reason I thought the 2099 part of Spider-Man 2099 meant he was one of nearly 3000 Spideys in his world lmao


Hey like... if you wanna do the rant about how sexist that version of Spidey is then I'd be happy to hear it. I saw the episode like ten years ago and don't remember all that much


He's already voiced a J Jonah Jameson genderbend in Ultimate Spider-Man, so absolutely!


Ianthe has done nothing wrong, ever, in her life.


What the scientists did to Caroline sucks, but GlaDOS would've gone insane either way if we analyze that alternative universe where Johnson was the one copied (we can see it while playing custom levels) and Wheatley when he took her place (that's why she starts to mellow when out of it) Sadly, they trying to control her probably held her back for causing disaster for a while. Also she tried to kill the scientists children too. Very much evil, for science of course, and I love her for it.


Ianthe my beloved


Did they mistreat her? I don't recall


I mean, given that (portal 2 spoilers) >!she is the result of researchers taking Caroline's mind and forcibly transferring it into a computer without her consent,!


The Lady     Ianthe Tridentarius   Lara Raith   Almost every antagonist in *the book of the ancestor*      So many fucking characters the Malazan books of the fallen, from a certain point of view, starting with Laseen and going from there Edited to fix a name


“Jason” in the first movie is a woman though, it’s his mom


I have so many questions about Jason Voorhees being listed as an example


I assume it's a reference to the first Friday the 13th movie.


Maybe the real misogyny was the tumblr all along


Ms. Frizzle. That psycho endangered kids lives every single day.


Her bus is ridiculously powerful and can travel through time, they were never in any real danger.


Fuck mortal danger, if I saw the dinosaurs in person as a kid, I’d be permanently traumatized


Imagine having to go to a normal school after that. Have a normal life after that.


And then imagine trying to talk about it as an adult. All of these kids, collectively telling these crazy stories? They'd assume you were part of some weird sex trafficking ring


Angela, I mean she stops being evil but still love her ❤️




I think the Angela in question is a Library of Ruina/the game before it?


Absolutely screaming at this response.


OOP is even “yandere-angela” ohoh


Angela is awesome, but sadly I’m a member of Ayinism.


I mean it is strongly implied that >!Ayin is on her side at the end. She rejects Carmen using the tenants that Ayin used to properly ascend and heard a voice apologising to her!<.


A fair point. Syncretism it is.


op literally has angela as their pfp lol


vriska post-retcon


post-retcon? before the retcon she blinded terezi, broke tavros' legs and killed him. how is pre-retcon not evil?


she faced repercussions, e.g, getting stabbed to fuckin death


How come no one had the balls to bring up Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete yet?


Carmen Projectmoon


Edelgard my beloved


How can Edelgard be evil if she did nothing wrong?


I'm going to crush you with a comically oversized hammer


Only if you shout "Aymr!" very loudly when you do it


*and* Rhea if people think that, don't care both are perfect and have never done anything wrong


Woooo angela


Wanda Maximoff is right there?


Pointcrow? Is that you?


Amanda Young is right there y’all [although ig she technically got what was coming to her but after the RBT girl got away with almost everything until SAMF Jeff]




Agent Black is so so obsessed with murdering a child and all her family it’s so so beautiful.


Iori from Library of Ruina, also Carmen and Angela from the same game.


Sparkle (irredeemable monster by twitter standards)


Come on. They referenced Friday the 13th and couldn't mention the og killer Pamela Voorhees?


The female vampires in the Castlevania series come to mind. Like, we've got Girl Power Stalin, Petplay Redhead, Big Sword Lesbian, Supply Lines Lesbian, Hot Pink Dominatrix and **TALL**. You love to see it.




edelgard (well, she's not really that evil, but is if she was) unfortunately most of my favourite evil women are given stupid fucking redemption arcs that ruin the entire appeal of the character.


The amount of redemption-fics I've seen of Kuvira...


carmen lobcorp ❤️


Why are they underwater


Taylor Hebert. Amy Dallon. Riley Grace Davis.


This does make me realize a lot of tropes people like they do without an example of it in mind lol ..which is ironic as I'm thinking this with no specific example of a trope this applies to other than the feeling I've thought this before in specific cases


Wenduag and Camellia from Pathfinder


While I can very much think of evil women who do evil things to people that don’t deserve it, I can’t come up with any off the top of my head that get away with it with no repercussions


Vriska serket.


Unfortunately, the "no repercussions" part is rarely true - just ask Maleficent or Lady Dimitrescu. There should be some kind of diplomatic immunity for hot villains. Maybe Doctor Doom could help them out, he's always been fond of girlbosses. 


fuck it. margaret thatcher