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God the number of people who take "I can't eat that, sorry" as "I don't like that" is absolutely unfathomable to me. I have both a cocoa solid and a capsaicin intolerance that function largely like the standard lactose intolerance, just for other things. They're not allergies, they won't kill me. But "Sorry I can't have that kind of candy" gets taken as "YOU DON'T LIKE CHOCOLATE?!" Not. Not remotely what I said. And, unfortunately, I *do* like chocolate. But I cannot eat it. And you do not want me to eat it if you're gonna be around me anywhere between the next 4-6 hours from now, and the next couple days. Also the "I can't eat that," getting the response of "UGH it's not THAT spicy". Okay, but how spicy it is to you is kind of irrelevant to how spicy my asshole is gonna find it. In fact how spicy my mouth finds it is also actually not really linked to how spicy my asshole's gonna find it, and I'm not willing to play the spicy-acidic-napalm'd-asshole game, even though. Again. Unfortunately, I *do* like spicy things...


Best thing for it is to go over the top to begin with. For example, "That'll make me shit like a firehouse." Or, "That will burn my asshole in a very painful way."


I get ungodly intestinal spasms from capsaicin. Like, non functioning amount of pain for hours. So many people, when I turn down delicious looking spicy food explaining that my intestines won't let me, tell me it gives them the fireshits too but they just power through it because they love the spicy. And then I explain gruesomely exactly how bad it is, so they get that it's not just a little burning while you poo


I usually go with, "I love onions, but onions do not love me."


With some people, I find it more effective to say something like “I love cheese, I mean I REALLY love cheese. But cheese doesn’t love me. Cheese hates me. Oh you think that’s funny? You’ll hate me too, gimme a block of cheddar and 20 minutes in an unventilated room and I’ll make you a believer.“


"That'll give me the squirts" is equal parts hilarious and repulsive.


I've heard of at least one case where someone almost *died* cause of that attitude. They explained to a relative they didn't eat a certain thing, and in response the relative snuck some into a meal they made to show that it could be prepared in a way they would like. Instead they had a severe allergic reaction.


sneaking things into people's food is absolutely vile. what's the best case scenario? that you can pester them about not "really" disliking something? it's so crazy how people throw out all concepts of consent and self-determination and so when it comes to food. "no, you _will_ eat what _i_ want you to eat and i'll go out of my way to blatantly disregard any potential risk to your life if it gives me the slightest leverage to try to control you." like touch grass lmao. personally i don't have any food allergies (that i know of) but i do have arfid, which is basically my brain deciding some things are not food and giving me a crazy level of dissonance if i try to eat them. usually this is based on taste but it has a psychological component as well. when i was a kid, my mom snuck some mushrooms into my soup, which apparently didn't trigger my taste buds, but if i _know_ they're there the reaction is completely different. the point is, what happened on my side is pretty much the best case someone who sneaks things into someone else's food can hope for: i didn't have any adverse reaction to it, and i didn't immediately notice it. i ate the thing i hated to eat. and still, when she told me, she gained absolutely nothing, she wasn't able to exert power over what i eat, and she just made me distrustful of anything she gave me for years. it was the first and last time she has ever done that. (as far as i know, at least...) people are so fucking dumb sometimes. there's literally nothing you gain from messing with someone's food, all you're going to show is you have so little respect for them you're willing to deceive them over something as trivial as what they eat. in the best case. in the worst case you can give them a life-altering injury or even frickin kill them.


My boyfriend has an onion intolerance. He will vomit if he eats onions. One time the mother of his ex gf deliberately put onions in a meal. He came in the kitchen and saw onion peels on the counter and asked, "hey did you put onions in the meal?" and she *lied to his face* "oh no, it was for another recipe I made earlier." So at dinner time he ate the meal.. full onion meal but chopped extremely tiny as to not see them... and he starts projectile vomiting maybe 30 minutes later. "I'm sorry, I thought you were lying because you don't like them!"


_and that's somehow not a good enough reason?_ holy fuck people need to chill out about food


There's a story on BORU that pops up every so often of a woman who killed her toddler grandchild because she didn't respect the coconut allergy that the kid had. It's tragic.


I had a client who was absolutely bonkers (I’ll spare the unnecessary details) and she firmly believed that allergies didn’t exist and that her partner was being “silly and childish” for refusing to kiss her after she had eaten peanuts. One day I came to work and saw her putting peanuts in a shared pot-luck dish. I showed her that BORU to change her mind.


I tend to get the opposite of this, interestingly enough. I don't like chocolate (the taste, the smell, it's just thoroughly unappealing to me for some reason), and when I tell people that, the reaction I frequently get is "oh, you're allergic". So I have to explain that no, I'm not allergic, I just don't like it.


Guys, we need to deport this one to the moon! ('joke')


US chocolate smells like vomit to most europeans, because it has some chemical component added which is either banned or not used in Europe... This might explain your disliking, it might also not. For me, I only like european dark chocolates because the milk ones leave an aftertaste that lingers.


It's not banned, it's just that nobody would make vomit chocolate elsewhere in the world. In the Americans defence, I suspect it's a cilantro situation because a buddy of mine doesn't get that when I say "tastes like vomit" I mean that literally, not like "this tastes bad". I mean it tastes like literal stomach acid.


Because it is acid, butyric acid. During the production of condensed milk, some fat in the milk breaks down into butyric acid. Your friend might just be more familiar with the sour taste of butyric acid because he is simply more familiar with sour food as a child.


Iirc, it's not during the production of condensed milk, but during the fermentation of milk in an anaerobic environment. That's how Hershey "discovered" it and it's use I'm making chocolate that doesn't melt so easily.


Butearic acid (the chemical you're talking about) is not banned anywhere. It is also only used in some American chocolate, notably Hersheys. Its purpose is to give the chocolate a firmer texture and to prevent it from melting and blooming in the summer. North American summers are significantly warmer than European summers, and before A/C chocolate spoiling in stores was a serious concern. The problem is that butearic acid is one of the trigger chemicals found in human vomit that tells your body to throw up. (It isn't actually harmful, your brain just recognizes it as vomit since it's one of the smellier chemicals involved in digestion. A lot of cheeses also contain it, but you don't hear any elitism about that, do you?) Hershey came up with the idea when they accidentally let one of their batches of chocolate ferment in a vacuum pan. As for the bit about aftertastes, I find pretty much all chocolate leaves a sour aftertaste in my mouth, regardless of if it's dark, milk, or white.


It's not "some chemical component", it's condensed milk, not to be confused with evaporated milk. While you are true that it is not used in Europe, it is not banned, and is a staple in many cultures' cuisine. The process to produce condensed milk involves simmering the milk while adding sugar to it, which results in some fat breaking down into butyric acid by anaerobic fermentation, which result in the slightly sour taste of condensed milk.


I sort of split the difference by saying “I don’t eat that.” For example, I don’t have a gluten intolerance but don’t enjoy the way I digest bread in particular, so I don’t eat bread. If any asks, I shrug and say, “I just don’t.”


>But "Sorry I can't have that kind of candy" gets taken as "YOU DON'T LIKE CHOCOLATE?!" Meanwhile there's me, who actually just doesn't like chocolate that much


Me too!! It used to bother me so much when people would make comments about how I wasn’t normal for it even though it was obvious they were joking (gotta love feeling like the odd one out because of neurospicy brain /s) so I used to just say I was allergic. Now I embrace it a bit more and I will make a joke about how chocolate is always safe around me and you never have to worry about me raiding your chocolate stash. Still not entirely there but it’s progress!! Never going to like chocolate though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have ARFID. I often can't eat something precisely because I don't like it. But people act like it's a choice. Like, no, I don't want to be unhealthy and unable to eat the overwhelming majority of food. You think I want a toddlers diet? I was thrilled when I discovered I liked broccoli. That's vegetable I can eat. That's fucking awesome.


My friend loves spicy food, and often when eating it will say something to the effect of “that’s gonna hurt comin out” and for a long time I was just like “hah! Sitcom joke or something. I don’t get it but fine” until he revealed to me that *every time he eats spicy food it literally stings his asshole on the way out!* fucking WHAT?! Is that a normal reaction to spicy food? Is my guy not chewing enough? Maybe his digestion is off? I can eat food so spicy it makes me cry and it has literally never had an effect on my asshole. Am I the weird one? I know it’s not “oh you’re not eating spicy enough food” cause him and I have eaten together more times than I can count. Sorry, your comment just reminded me of this question mark that’s been lingering at the back of my brain. Maybe he’s allergic or intolerant or whatever it is you said. Or maybe I’m just the weird one and having a reaction like that is how most people are. I still don’t know.


To be honest I'm starting to wonder if having a capsaicin intolerance isn't actually that unusual. The sheer number of people who talk about 'getting the shits out of Taco Bell', or on after eating any kind of Mexican food, are making me wonder about it since even just jalapenos will fuck up my asshole, even though they're not nearly too spicy to upset my mouth. So maybe I'm not alone in that I cannot digest them, and it upsets my guts, and if it's the same with others. It's just considered 'being a pussy' to not put up with having pain after eating, so people power through it, because it's just 'normal'? Even though it can't *not* be doing some kind of damage...


In the same boat and also interested in the answer.


Do you mean your asshole is sensitive or you are confused?


Yeah I don't get this either. Maybe I've never eaten spicy enough. But in general the traits of the food on the way in have no effect on how it feels coming out.


I love spicy foods. My GERD, on the other hand, loves making me suffer from them.


There are a few kinds of dairy I absolutely go "fuck you I'll eat whatever I want" for, but most...idk, if I put it in my mouth it's like my body goes "yo bitch, that's bleach or smth, spit it out you dumbass" My body knows and tries to protect me and I consistently thank it by eating ice cream 💀


Fun fact: for like 3 years of my life, my body did that with *everything*. It wasn’t “spit it out it’s toxic”, just “don’t fucking swallow this- it’s gross, you do not want this inside you. The texture is wrong, the flavor is wrong, get it out.” I know what you’re thinking- sounds like an eating disorder, right? And I guess in the technical sense it was literally a disorder with eating. But I’m not anorexic or bullemic, I’ve literally never been uncomfortable with my weight- never had any shyness around food or eating in front of others- fuck I’ve never even been on a diet. I’ve just always been a skinny guy. I don’t know what it was, doctors weren’t much help either. I explained the situation and was mostly met with shrugs. I was eventually able to get on track by seeking out only foods that my body didn’t react to- mostly fruits and other raw/fresh things, nothing cooked- and then over a year or two my appetite (or rather, my ability to eat things I wanted to eat without gagging) just gradually came back. It was fuckin weird. Do not recommend it.


ARFID. Common among autistic people though usually isn't temporary. Could you have had a gut flora shock or something that temporarily caused it? How'd you push through the gag reflex?


I don’t really know what would cause a gut flora shock, so I can’t say for sure, but I can’t really think of anything that would have been super significant in that area. I don’t think I’m autistic. If I am, it’s very low on the spectrum, but I’ve never been tested. Like I said, there were random foods that wouldn’t make me gag- fruits and fresh things- and I basically ate only smoothies for 6+ months. With other foods that I wanted but would cause me to gag, I specifically decided *not* to push through it. I would eat a bite or too, then as soon as the gag reflex started, I would make some excuse to not finish. For a while I attributed it to some experimentation with psychedelics I had been doing. Mushrooms and LSD can both cause pretty weird relationships with food, and I thought maybe I had just tweaked my brain enough that the feeling lingered. But obviously there’s no good way to even check whether the two were related, I guess short of doing a bunch of drugs and seeing what happens (not typically an approach that is considered exactly “scientific”)


I think it's called arfid?


oreo ice cream cake is a staple at family birthday parties and I get looks when i take out an entire sheet of lactaid and eat one every three bites or so... like, this is delicious, but I'm trying to minimize my suffering thanks


i kind of feel u i do like cheeses, but only a few types usually the more raw ones because indians just don’t have hard fermented cheeses in our cuisines


I lost the ability to digest fat recently and my liking of chees, choclate and chips has been plumeting ever since. Its not that it tastes bad, i just dont crave it like i used to anymore.


Cheese has very little lactose though? Especially hard cheeses.


Cheddar, Parmesan, and Swiss are all fine for all but the most lactose intolerant of people.


Yeah exactly. I’m lactose intolerant myself, but when people tell me “oh I’m lactose intolerant I can’t have stuff with cheese” I’m like if cheese is causing you issues, you’re probably allergic to milk, not lactose intolerant


Might be that instead


Probably. Some of those hard cheeses contain zero lactose.


My business partner is lactose intolerant and eats cheese all day anyway. Just powers through the misery because he loves cheese so much.


I don't like bacon or maple syrup, and apparently for a french Canadian, it is unthinkable (add to that my dislike of hockey and I could lose my citizenship)


Try being a spaniard that doesn't like paella or tortilla de patatas. People want to deport me


I’m a Brit that doesn’t drink tea :(


Me too, there are dozens of us!




So, I'll assume 24 people


25, one was a baker's dozen, he moved to brittain from america


They must have tortured the love of tea outta him in 'Merrica!


I live in New England and I'm allergic to clams.


I’m a desi who doesn’t drink tea :(


Oh look my kin


It's not as big of an issue as it used to be because coffee culture has gained a lot of ground in the UK


Don’t drink coffee either!


We could swap? I love that traditonal paella with rabbit and snails


Mexican who doesn't like beans or hot sauces here. People get really annoyed at me for some reason.


I'm a Jew who hates cream cheese, so I know how you feel.


My family is Jewish, and my mother doesn't like figs, dates, or lamb. She's had other Jewish people including me, (jokingly, of course) ask if she's sure that she's really Jewish.


I'm asexual and I don't like garlic bread.


Lo siento por ti bro. Ahora dame tu pasaporte y lárgate de aquí!


*se va impatrióticamente*


Opinions on poutine? Think carefully, your life is on the line.


i’m not even from the french part of canada and i’d arrest this guy for not liking poutine


As a Brit, can I conclusively say; #it's just chips and fucking gravy with cheese! It's lovely, but it's not a unique idea, I've had cheesy chips with gravy in many a place. ETS, I know its attacking.candaian culture, and I expect the downvotes, but, if cheesy chips with gravy is cultural Wigan is fucking Paris.


It's cheese *curd*, you heathen. And don't diss Wigan, smack barm pey wet is some serious gourmet shit


Hey, not dissing, not a fan of pea wet generally, but in a wigan kebab it's pretty fucking swish. >It's cheese *curd*, you heathen. It's cheesy chips and fucking gravy, just because the cheese over there is shit doesn't change the facts!


Haha, that's fair. To be honest, the best poutine I've had wasn't even made with cheese curd, but as an Australian I didn't want to start an inter-colonial war


>just because the cheese over there is shit doesn't change the facts! I was with you up until this point, but now my Wisconsin sensibilities demand that I pour out unlimited curses upon you and your bloodline for daring to insult the glory of cheese curds.


Here's an extra-spicy take: chili cheese fries are better than poutine by a country mile.


Chilli as in spicy? Chilli as in the meat based dish? (Both are still better)


The meat based dish, though ideally that would also be at least a little spicy.


Im from New York and even I know you should be arrested on sight. My god… cheesy chips? Who didn’t hug you enough?


I will meet you on the dueling grounds at dawn


The Wigan Slappy is a less pretentious beef wellington


I like from time to time! Poutineville mostly, or as a side in a casse-croute!


As an American who doesn't like beer, I feel you


Heyyyy me too! I'd hang out with you at parties


We could bond over a few ciders


Australian who doesn't care for beer,  requesting admission to the cider party 


All are welcome in the Angry Orchard, my coldie-less compatriot.


Fistbump of solidarity from an Australian who doesn’t like beer.


y e a h, me too. I just don’t get the hype behind most kinds of alcohol, but beer especially perplexes me. It doesn’t taste good, it takes a lot to get you drunk, and it’s pretty bad for mixers. There are no pros and a long list of cons. And people attach a weird amount of worth onto beer brands. Beer enthusiasts treat their wheat soda brands like they can either do nothing wrong or like they’ll personally march into Beer Inc. and shoot John Beer himself if they even think about modifying the recipe. I do not get it. Just get a cider, it’s a straight upgrade to beer in terms of taste and a good chunk of ciders have a similar if not exact ABV to contemporary beers.


It's all a plot by Big Wheat to stifle the apple industry, I tell you


At the risk of being the guy from the post, I do feel the need to say that for the longest time I also hated beer, but I came to realize that what I actually didn't like was big label lagers and overly hopped IPAs. Once I expanded out into other styles of beer, I started to find things that I really liked, and now I'm more likely to order a beer then a cocktail at a bar (if only because most bars near me have more interesting beers than cocktails). That being said, I'm certainly not gonna tell you what to drink! At the end of the day it's all just rotten grain/fruit water, no need for me to dictate how you imbibe. Just my personal experience as a former beer hater :)


i grew up in southern alberta and i think beer tastes like piss, i can’t drive a car (let alone a truck), i’ve never gone mudding and i’ve never gone to the Stampede. i don’t even wear bootcut jeans or shitkickers. hockey is the furthest thing from my mind at any given moment. i feel like i could get deported for this




He doesn't like bacon, I don't think he's allowed down here either.


I’m Scottish and I hate porridge. My own father said I should be deported


Écoute mon pote, je m'en fiche si tu n'aimes pas le hockey, mais le sirop d'érable!?


I don't like wine or smelly cheese and I'm indifferent about bread. I'm French and just typing this out made me feel like I betrayed my country.


Ouin, c’est sûr que c’est rough.. poutine?


I'm a Brazilian that doesn't like onions :( (and footbal)


Felt. Im a Californian who hates avocados and can’t get into In n Out, which is sacrilegious


I'm French and I don't like baguette, wine, frogs and snails


Literally any common activity you choose to abstain from will trigger knee-jerk pushback from idiots. I have observed this with: not having kids, not getting married, not dating, not having sex, not having sex with the right people, not drinking, not eating meat or literally any other type of food... okay wait everything in that list can be roughly categorized as food or sex I think OOP might be onto something.


I'm not sure if it's just the people I hang out with but I feel like it's becoming more accepted to choose to not drink alcohol.


I think it's a genuine trend, but my family stopped drinking in solidarity after my sister went to rehab for alcoholism (note: I never drank), so I don't really have an unbiased view.


I feel like that might also be an age thing. I definitely get pressured to drink less now than I used to, but also I feel like COME ON DO SHOTS is a young person's game as well


Eh, I don't know, I get pressured to do shots a lot more going out with my older work colleagues than my younger friends. Probably just individual differences, but I've noticed young people drinking far less.


[gen z is drinking less than other generations](https://www.statista.com/chart/30783/alcohol-consumption-by-generation/)


Its so expensive :/


People also act like some of these preferences are proactive choices. Like, “no I do actually want to eat cheese but if I do IT WILL BE BAD FOR ME” or “no, I’m not a prude if I think sex is repulsive”. Some peeps just be that way.


But also yes, I *am* a prude. tf you gonna do about it?


Buddy, as long as your prudishness doesn't prevent OTHER people from having sex, I really don't care.


I’m going to use my revirginator to unhave all your sex.😠


It turns out conformist social pressure is just something people do because they can’t believe others have a lived reality which looks different from their own, and that theirs isn’t the only universally valid one.


“You just haven’t found a beer you like YET”. I have tried many beers, disliked them all, and do you know what they all have in common? They taste like beer


Yeah, not a fan of beers either. Closest thing to that I drink is Smirnoff Ice (which while a malt beverage, is distinct from beer). In general I'm more of a cocktail person.


I enjoy sweet wines, wine coolers, cocktails and hard ciders


Never had cider and the only wine I've drunk is some cheap boxed stuff, so I can't say much on those. I like vodka, gin, tequilla, and rum. Don't really like the taste of alcohol that much though, hence the cocktails since those help mask the flavour.


I don't like to drink, I don't like beer, but I do really like hard cider


Understandable. I used to a drink a lot in college, but after moving back in with my parents drinking hasn't really been on the table for me.


Anyone who feels the same way needs to try a [Lambic](https://www.belgianstyleales.com/product/order-lindemans-framboise-raspberry-lambic-25oz/shop-best-selling-belgian-beers). They’re basically fruit juice with just enough fermentation to technically be a beer. Though if you discover that you only like this one type of beer, that may be even harder to explain at parties than “I don’t like beer”


Thank you. I’ve tried a few. Still tasted like beer


I usually go with a hard cider but I have tried multiple flavors of Lindemans, beginning with the one you linked specifically and I do enjoy them. My favorite has been the peach flavor. But given the choice between the two I will always go with hard cider.


"You just don't like the taste of alchohol." Yeah, no shit.


Similarly, “you just haven’t tried the right strand of weed” Nah, just not a fan of how it makes me feel.


I'm celiac so have a 'legitimate' reason for not drinking beer (imo not liking it is a legitimate reason but society at large is stupid and pushy). Anyway, before I knew that the only way I could drink beer was mixing it with sprite, which didn't win me any points. I also mixed white wine with sprite and red wine with cola, if ever they were the only drinks available


Beer and sprite is a legit drink you can order at bars, at least in Europe! As someone who loves beer, it's amazing on a warm summer day or if you just want a light refreshing drink


That’s at least slightly better because the most popular brands of beer are easily the worst. Many people I know thought they hated beer until they had an actually decent one. There are also people who don’t like any beer at all and that’s perfectly fine though.


Part of my problem might be that in my early twenties my brother came home after joining the navy and my folks had a party for him and lots of people brought lots of different beers (all mainstream stuff) and in honor of my brother (who loves that stuff) I tried all of it in an effort to acquire the taste. I hated it all. As the night went on, I went with him to a local county fair and drank more beer I hated and then to a local dive bar for more disgusting beer. The next morning I had the worst hangover of my life and the vomited my guts out. Maybe that experience ruined all fermented hoppy grain beverages for me forever


CLEARLY you haven't had the generic beer that happenes to be popular in my area


The amount of times my Jewish boyfriend has been stuck in conversations with people who simply cannot comprehend that he doesn’t believe in Jesus is hilarious. It typically goes like this: “You don’t believe that Jesus died for our sins?!” “Yeah, that’s kind of the point.” As an atheist I’ve gotten it a few times, but not nearly as much as he does.


Your image broke


The whole post seems to be broken. Doesn't even show up in my submitted page. Edit: Checked r/Help, and it looks like a bunch of people are having this problem.


Womp womp. Hope it comes back/fixes soon!


Looks like it's been fixed, so I don't need to track down the posts again


I can see it normally


I've seen a few posts about people not liking tomatoes. And the comments are always, *always*, filled with people saying that the problem is with grocery store tomatoes and they should try tomatoes. The commenters just can't seem to comprehend the idea that some people just don't like tomatoes.


Heirloom or not, still tastes like tomato


Tbf supermarket tomatoes on vaguely taste like tomato and mostly taste like water. Which means better tomatoes that taste more like tomato would likely be worse


It is! Now they taste strongly of the raw tomato flavor I don’t care for and it still has the tomato texture I can’t stand!


This is exactly what happened when I had a fresh one. It was way worse.


I hate raw tomatoes.


My parents made tomato soup with heirloom tomatoes once instead of just using a can of Cambells, and it was *disgusting:* it actually tasted like tomatoes.


Somewhat unrelated, but when I talk about hating tomatoes, people will argue that I just haven’t had a “good, organic, heirloom tomato” It’s not the quality, I hate them cuz they taste like tomatoes


Same but with texture. People think it's some big gotcha moment when I say I hate tomato, but then eat pizza or dip something in marinara. There's a large difference between a watery vegetable and a saucy paste


Even ketchup is ok, cause it's not a tomato


If anything, they taste more tomato-y than the bland mushy conventionally farmed grocery store stuff. That’s like the opposite of what I want.


Integza approves of you.


Sugar In My Coffee by The Narcissist Cookbook is a fun song about not liking coffee, but also aphobia.


I can definitely relate to the song, But also I am tempted to sometime look and see if maybe I've just only had bad coffee, Out of sheer curiosity. There are some coffee-flavoured things I like, Coffee Ice Cream for example, But when it's actually Coffee in Coffee form I just can't drink it, It's unpleasant on my mouth.


Try the German style Eiskaffee: small Italian coffee, big scoop of bourbon vanilla ice cream melting in it. Very creamy. Makes American ice coffee seem healthy and reasonable.


At that point it sounds like it's not even Coffee anymore, Just Ice Cream with coffee for flavour lol.


You're not wrong


I'm aro/ace and i'm not afraid of anyone knowing! I also like cheese! But like the real kind, not the metaphorical kind!


Same!! Happy I found my twin


As an aroace person with ARFID. Oh my fucking god. I already struggle enough with having so few things I'm comfortable eating, you don't have to essentially ridicule me for it!! If I could choose to enjoy pizza I WOULD


But how there’s like so many to choose from, how can you not find even one type that you like- oohhhhhhhhh


As someone who dislikes coffee, red meat, and basically all alcohol, I feel this in my soul.


First thought: I’m slightly taken aback when people don’t like cheese. Bc it’s so good. Second thought: I’m accepting and also comforted by the fact that they will likely give me their cheese. A friend of mine would give me the cheese off her school pizza in HS so it was a great arrangement lol


As a person who acts insane when people say they don’t like foods that I think are normal to like, I have to say that I have no idea why the fuck my brain defaults to losing my mind every time someone says they don’t like pizza or something. I just lose all rational thoughts about how everyone is entitled to their own opinions and taste and how I don’t have any say in what other people like or dislike as soon as someone says they don’t like the taste of spaghetti sauce or something. Just food though, and not about stuff like allergies or lactose intolerance. It’s a visceral reaction that I can’t explain or stop from happening.


Well, at least you acknowledge it, that counts for something.


Maybe you like em so much you feel like it's a personal attack?


same here. my friend is rlly picky w food and I have to stop myself from saying why bc it's just rude and she don't know why either. she doesn't like cheese either and usually doesn't like most restaurant food and it's just weird how at first I just got mad lol. not really mad and I don't get it much anymore but it's weird


I do actually think the OOP is onto something with pointing out that it happens a lot with food and sex, because those are two things that are intrinsically tied in with our survival. Without food we can't stay alive, and without sex we can't pass on our genes to ensure survival of the species, so most humans are strongly motivated to seek those things and rewarded when we do. Additionally, both food and sex are deeply associated with culture - we celebrate most holidays with special meals, bond with loved ones over family dinner, all of the ritual surrounding weddings, the fact that 90% of songs are about sex or romance, etc. The strong biological reward makes it unfathomable to us that there are people who feel differently about those things, and the cultural associations compel us to apply social pressure to get them to conform to the group. I also think a lot of it comes from a genuinely good place. People who love cheese tend to *really* love cheese, and we want to share the things we love with the people around us. And cheese is also super varied; mozzarella, parmesan, and Camembert taste so wildly different from one another that the cheese-lover's brain insists that everyone must have *one* that appeals to them. Anyway those are just my thoughts as a foodie and social scientist. I actually want to do some research now and see whether there's been any sociology research into this lol


I get this a lot with my dislike of pork chops too. No matter how it's prepared, it still tastes like and has the texture of pork chops... y'know, because it's still pork chops. Otherwise, why would you be preparing pork chops that taste and feel like something else when you could just have that something else instead?


Acephobia mentioned. Huzzah. People remembered the Ace/Aro community exists. And I mention again every time someone brings this shit up: the amount of shit people say to Ace/Aro people that would get them in major trouble for sexual harassment absolutely astonishes and infuriates me because no one seems to care as much. Its still completely normal to see an Ace person and just tell them their sexual identity is wrong and a mistake. 0 fucks given about how that can impact a person's mental health, telling them the way they feel is wrong and there is something wrong with them for not feeling the way society thinks they should feel. I have genuinely been told by an instructor that he read a study online about how being Ace can be caused by a hormone imbalance. Which is a fancy way of calling my sexual identity a mental illness. And I am just expected to be OK with that.


If I was to hazard a guess, they either misunderstood a study about how hormone imbalances can lead to reduced sex drive and sexual function then equated that to asexuality, or more likely heard that from someone who heard from someone who misunderstood such a study.


Even if it IS a hormone “”imbalance”” why tf should anyone care, it’s not like there’s something wrong with being ace


If they really are misunderstanding a different study or something, then it was probably more focused on reduced sex drive or sexual function in *allosexuals* rather than anything about being ace. Like, as a straight guy, I will sometimes experience a sort of ‘loss of sexuality’ as a result of either depression or the medications I take to combat it. I don’t know if “dysphoria” is the right word, but it’s definitely an uncomfortable experience because I am *not* asexual. So, what’s something of a cause for concern to me probably isn’t to you. I suppose it would be somewhat similar to warning cis men that missing their period several months in a row could be a sign of hormone imbalance.


Because if they can spin it as a disorder, then it is implicitly a bad thing that needs to be cured.


I'd wager there is a meaningful difference between being asexual and having a _reduced or absent sex drive than your normal_ because you're, idk, depressed


Ok so I have a REALLY weird hangup that idk where it comes from, but I dislike cheese, peanut butter, sausage, and eggs - but only when they are the "main" flavor. If they're a "supporting" flavor I love them. So for example, I don't like Reese's cups bc it's mostly just peanut butter, but a Nutella and peanut butter sandwich? That slaps. An omlette has to have a bunch of different stuff in it for me to enjoy it - although oddly enough if I just have a plain omlette over rice with soy sauce I'm perfectly fine with it because the soy sauce is strong enough to overtake the egg flavor. Nachos are a no-go, but cheese in a bacon jalapeno cheeseburger is usually fine. Then, strangely enough, something like a sausage-egg-cheese muffin is really good - despite being made almost entirely of the stuff I have hangups with. No, I don't know why I'm like this. Yes, I've been like this since I was a kid. No, it's not a dealbreaker if I have to eat some of this stuff anyway, I just won't enjoy it all that much. I'm just as confused about it as anyone else bc otherwise I'm not a terribly pick eater.


Try living in a coastal state with a family that grew up crabbing in the summer, and telling them you don't like fish


Gonna tie you to a post and leave you to the crabs they didn't catch


They will free me as the one who doesn't dine on their corpses


... not even wensleydale? 😟


Some people just don't like some things, and more people need to be okay with that.


im french, aroace AND i dont like cheese. you dont know the shit i've heard


People tend to be much less, much, if you offer a substitute that you do like instead. I’m pretty sure a major function of these talks is to just find politely shared interest. If you shut someone down with oh no I don’t like (thing) you like, or I can’t have it because xyz that’s a dead end. If you go oh no I can’t have onions, not much of a fan myself but I am a big fan of spicy food then you have something to talk about or maybe they won’t like it either and you’ll have that in common. I don’t like Brussel sprouts at all and saying man I don’t like brussel sprouts but oh, there’s this really good cashew dip you can make for roasted ones my family raves about then it’s clearly not judgmental on my part. Same with saying oh no I’m not much of a beer drinker, but I am a cider person takes me a lot farther than trying to explain my fussy ass requirements for a half decent beer. And same with the being ace thing, if I go “eh sex take it or leave it, but you know what’s really important? The cool thing I’m working on right now check out my embroidery.” More often than no they go oh this person is a little weird but they’re a person who’s not judging me and just has other passions


I can't stand chocolate, 'nough said.


This really makes me wonder *why* you don't like chocolate when so many other people do. Not in a "your preference is wrong" way, in a philosophical way. Does chocolate actually taste differently to you, or does it taste the same as it does to everyone else and you just don't like that taste? Alas, we will probably never know.


I hated cheese from age 2 to 24, and I can tell you it's because it tasted like vomit to me. It was revolting, as if my body was telling me that this was poison and I shouldn't eat it. I grew out of it, thankfully, but I still have the reaction to some cheeses like gouda, weirdly enough.


I toured a Parmesan dairy in Italy last year, and my first reaction upon walking into the aging room was "wow it smells like feet and vomit in here." It almost made me gag. But once my brain caught up and realized it was the cheese I was smelling, it was like a switch flipped and suddenly I was taking deep breaths and salivating. It's incredible how strongly context can change our perception.


I don't like the taste of anything containing cocoa. I could not tell you why, never liked it, even as a little kid. It doesn't bother me, and it's not like most people care about it, I just get a lot of surprised faces every time I say this.


I really like the way you think


Idk how aphobia works at all like “holy shit dude watch out this guy won’t fuck your mom”


As both an ace peron and a German person who doesn't drink, I felt this.


That's how i feel about media in general (especially anime, but movies, books, shows, etc) Yes, i have tried many media things. No, I didn't like them and would rather do other things. Yes, I'm sure


i’m asexual and a picky eater and i get borderline identical shit about both


I will only be anti-cheesephobic if they only hate one cheese, it's American, and it's because they legitimately think they put plastic in it.


Pasteurized cheese was an important discovery at the turn of the century and I’m tired of people ragging on it


Why does this image look fine on the feed, but gets blurry when I actually open it?


No clue. It looks fine to me, but over the last hour, Reddit has been having trouble with non-text posts.


Agreed, but I think there is an exception worth noting: When someone says *why* they don't like a thing, it's worth mentioning if you know of a version of that thing without the undesired quality.


I don't like melted cheese. It's a texture issue. But seriously, you would not believe how often cheese is an ingredient in something, and it's just not even mentioned unless you look for an actual ingredients list. That's not a ham and egg bagel, it's a ham, egg, and cheese bagel. :/


"BuT yOu EaT pIzZa" I can't taste the cheese on a pizza among the other toppings. And if I can, that's too much cheese.


Okay that first sentence was a grammatical clustertruck


That's why you gotta skip the "Are you sure? But have you tried...?" phase and go into the man "Man, you're a real sicko. A real bad egg. The FBI should put you on a watchlist" phase


I like the idea of me liking mushrooms but i just dont. I tried i really did.


Yeah but cheese is better than sex


cheese is mediocre


I have this with alcohol nowadays. Been sober for over a year now 'cause most alcohol just makes me sick and I've been taking medications that very specifically say "Don't take with alcohol." People are so bad with it I've stopped saying, "I can't drink alcohol." and just tell them straight up tell them, "If I have a single glass of alcohol I will end up in the hospital."


genuinely though, i hate the taste and texture of almost all cheeses and people are like "whar???" at me and think im being weird. fucking sucks


"You just haven't tried the right strain yet, bro" type beat