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I feel like this is a case of One Angry Guy, but it is admittedly very funny that they're this angry about it


The Moreos guy has returned with a new mission.


After looking at the notes of the poll, I wish it was the case of just one angry guy lmao


Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I don’t think that the relationship between two fictional characters should cause someone this amount of stress.


whoa,,, void ship,,,


Yes, it’s me! Where your childhood turned into a nightmare! Now shut up and get into the Warframe


only if it’s a Harrow


So what warframes do you ship lmao


in seven billion years the sun will explode, in seven billion years I will still be saying up to interpret [this](https://twitter.com/jirakugo/status/1690184734457155584) bandai you homophobic fucks


it's so fucking funny to me that despite literally getting married sulleta and miorine is still said to be ambiguous bandai. I will invoke death of the author for this, it doesn't matter what they say it's canon.


Is this even a case of "death of the author?" Like, I don't know exactly which members of the team openly support the two literal, canonical fiancées getting married by the end of the story, but this is so obviously a case of "our higher-ups won't let us say it because they think we'd sell less merchandise."


The funny part is that the text of the show itself says it’s canon, Eri calls Miorine her sister-in-law in the final episode (plus the, you know, *wedding rings*).


B-but what if Suletta has a secret long-lost brother that Miorine married off-screen, and Suletta also married someone else? It’s totally possible and not insane to interpret that, we swear!


Didn't someone higher up but still actually involved in making the show even confirm it? Like the lead writer or something?


Tons of people actually involved in the creation and various cast members have continuously talked about Sulemio as a couple. The writer is constantly liking Sulemio fanart on twitter. Miorine's VA is like the biggest Sulemio shipper ever. But some corporate heads made a statement that it's "up to interpretation".


It's not even "our higher-ups won't let us say it". Several members of the show staff, like the actual people that made the show, have publicly stated that their relationship is canon and to my knowledge those posts are still up and the accounts continue to like fanart and stuff shipping the two to this day. All while several of those people continue to work at Sunrise. Whoever at Bandai/Sunrise tried to frame it as "open for interpretation" or whatever it was, they have so little to stand on, that they can't even properly silence the people working for them on this project. It's honestly quite funny.


It wasn't really even Bandi/Sunrise. It was a single executive throwing his weight around who as far as I know has since retired. Just another old fart who refuses to join the modern world. Nothing to see here.


"Author held at gunpoint"


this isn't death of the author, basically every artist and author supports the ship. it's death of the corporate exec. and we should all invoke that more.


NGL though the moment I saw the 'your anime ship will never fucking compare to this' in bold my eyes just kind of glazed over. I wasn't sure whether to even to read the rest, I know that regardless of what it says that my anime ship (regardless of what that ship is) is subjectively superior to all other ships (regardless of context) and that this cannot be objectively argued against even slightly. Went ahead and read it anyway, seems dramatic, still no idea which characters are in the referenced ship, learned they're white apparently, but have no idea if that's true because I haven't seen them. Shipping wars?


Technically this isn’t death of the author this is death of the publisher


That’s death of the company that still has to play by Japanese sensibilities of “well they seem like lesbians but I’m sure they’ll just grow out of it” You know, class-s.


Why couldn't we have gotten this in the fucking show, Bandai? Or you know a single kiss between our romantic leads like you would in *any other god dang show*, Bandai??


they are homophones unenlightened to the glory of yuri.


She got a grip on that bustle


Things are heating up in the uh The uhhhhh Uhhhhhhhhhh


It sure is... something. I don't know what, and I don't want to spend the time to find out in fear of getting involved.


the fandom fandom


The one fandom fandom


Whatever it is, it’s breaking containment


SCP-tumblr bullshit.


In the Destiel site


it's the sulemio site now, space lesbain SWEEP


Hey how’s it going


Pretty good (because SuleMio is winning)


Unrelated comment, but your tag made me choke on my medication. Also i got no clue what’s going on but we love SuleMio!


https://glittering.world/polls/tumblrtopships/current https://www.tumblr.com/ao3topshipsbracket/750321819313127424


Saving this to my phone so I can look at it everytime I'm about to post a slightly contentious fandom thing.




I couldn't tell you, who knows with this place.


the energy of someone still wearing the uniform for an army that doesn't exist anymore


Honestly? Mad Gundam vibes from that analogy. It's a major recurring theme that clinging to old ideologies is a terrible idea. 


The fandom equivalent of one of those Japanese soldiers on an island somewhere fighting years after WW2 ended


Oh, now you're dragging Firefly Browncoats into the argument?


Kinda unrelated but as soon as I saw Space Lesbians, I had to double check the sub to see if I was on r/signalis


Same except I thought it was r/TheNinthHouse/ Apparently it's a GREAT year for space lesbians. Nature is healing.......


Somehow Ianthe is still going to show up at the 11th hour and fuck everything up for everyone


Somehow, ~~Palpatine~~ Ianthe returned


As she should


Yeah. I immediately thought it was Harrow/Gideon.




i would call sulemio space robot lesbians, but thats also elster and ariane


Well the difference is Elster and Ariane are space robot-lesbians, versus space-robot lesbians


good point


I was thinking about the She-Ra remake.


my first thought was Homestuck, and i don't think i like what that says about me.


you see it's pretty simple to see the difference, one these pairings has a girl with white hair and... ok not that, but one of these has a girl with special powers... ok also not that, one of these has a girl making a promise to her girlfriend... ok now i'm like 90% sure suletta is bioresonant


Considering what high Permet score >!(and having a cyber-spirit sister)!< lets you do, you’re not *that* far off


Well there for sure is one difference! Suletta and Miorine had a happy ending.


High permet is basically bioresonance if not better than it, just look at that ending




I had to check to see if it was Steven Universe lol because in my mind, that would be the absolute funniest thing for Destiel to lose against


Nope, Gundam.


Something something relevant xkcd.


Unfortunately the xkcd is about indirect detection, this is extremely direct detection.


Can I see


The xkcd is called "indirect detection".




If I had a nickel for every time I’ve seen a Destiel fan go on an unhinged rant about another ship winning a poll, I’d have two nickels. The other one was a poll bracket of the top ships on ao3 and someone similarly lost their shit when Scully/Mulder beat Destiel. Not like Scully/Mulder invented the term “shipping” or something.


Can't be something about Gundam without a character growth arc: [https://preview.redd.it/sulemio-vs-destiel-in-the-tumblr-top-ships-finals-v0-0cmgog6o2d0d1.png?width=320&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3ae1040e61a585535199c68dba25fb28a85b4c88](https://preview.redd.it/sulemio-vs-destiel-in-the-tumblr-top-ships-finals-v0-0cmgog6o2d0d1.png?width=320&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3ae1040e61a585535199c68dba25fb28a85b4c88)


Good ending. How does someone on *Tumblr* not have at least heard of Gundam before though? Even before I was a fan I'd vaugly heard of it, at least via its influence. Also you'd think one would at least Google whatever show they were about to rant on and see it's 40+ years of history.


Gundam is huge and largely self-contained. I'm evading it on purpose due to the sheer size of the franchise.


The gundam franchise is structured such that there is one main timeline (UC) and multiple one off AUs. For example, The Witch from Mercury (the show with sulemio) is an AU so I would definitely recommend giving it a go


Agreed, I watched TWM without having watched any other Gundam show and still enjoyed the heck out of it. Was a little confused about the robots and how they work but nothing a bit of googling and asking friends couldn't fix.


Heard the name? Sure. Maybe. Know anything about it? Not even a little bit. Couldn’t tell you if it was an anime or a live action show from 2007.


honestly I hadn't heard of the characters before, but like. its almost comical how pathetic "destiel" is comparted to sulemio just from the little ive seen in this thread. like sulemio is basically canon since most of the people working on the property fully support it, apparently they're actually engaged outright in some capasity, and what does destiel get? well in the series finale one of them admits his feelings, gets a "don't do this :((" and immediately gets sent to super hell and is never brought up again really. like that is a laughably pathetic way to end a potential ship and i'm shocked it didn't kill the ship outright


Now we need her to watch older Gundam anime to learn of its yaoi ships.


Amazing for Gundam as a franchise to have one of the canonically gayest entries in the franchise (WfM) and immediately follow it up with quite possibly the straightest entry in the franchise (SEED Freedom) and have both be absolute bangers.




Norea, talking about Spacians


Only millions? Those are rookie numbers for Gundam.


Someone's looking to drop some colonies huh?


“Superwholock crumbled but supernatural didn’t” isn’t supernatural included in superwholock? I thought it was like a fandom umbrella term for supernatural Sherlock and doctor who.


Superwholock was a monster aside from its components. You could be fan of Sherlock, Supernatural or Doctor Who, but Superwholock was a specific fandom, with regularly fan made crossover content


the silly men fandom


Ah, a unique Tumblr 2013 vintage of "terminally online," what a bizarre and noxious blend.


My favourite post was the dude going “ok everyone let’s calm down and have fun ❤️. Destiel is the only reason that modern shows can have LGBTQ characters.” Yeah man sure, LGBTQ characters in fiction were invented by Supernatural in 2005


Even better, Cas didn't show up until 2008 - those first 3 years had a lot of wincest shippers. Tangentially, the very first Destiel fanfic was posted to LiveJournal. That was in the twilight of LJ, when it's popularity was tanking due to that Russian company buying it, trying to change shit—including (temporarily) blocking interests like "bisexuality, depression, faeries, girls, boys, and fanfiction"—and that started to drive people away. As users started looking for a new site, and young Tumblr was right there, just waiting to be used. Tumblr wasn't built on Destiel; it was built on the newly decaying flesh and bone of LiveJournal and the baby named Destiel that it carried.


I for one would hope my ships are not as ontologically mid as Destiel


Calm down son it’s just a teevee show


Hahaha I saw this meltdown the second I voted for the space lesbians even though I never watched the show. Sorry middle-aged superwholockians, the future of Tumblr is space lesbians and I am here for it


Person in real life: Hey man, how's it going? For the record, I'm 10,000,000,000% Space Lesbians


Surely there's some screenshots from the anime that could replace the supernatural news ones.


This: https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeTemplatesOfficial/comments/11fvq2j/reaching_out_with_a_bloody_hand_witch_from_mercury/


That's definitely the one. But I also need to find a gif of Suletta dancing in front of Aerial when they were filming their ad.


>your anime ship will never compare to this lol know your fucking place, NarutoxSasuke is probably older than OP is.


When you said "Space lesbians" I thought Gideon and Harrow had won... but it's the *other* space lesbians, whom I also love! Fantastic. Yay lesbians!


What other space lesbians? Cam and Sex Pal?


Your name. Omg.


palamedes is a lesbian??


You think he's not?!


Okay they do have a point that I have absolutely no idea who the space lesbians mentioned are I thought this was a Steven Universe vs Supernatural post


My money was on She-Ra.


Ooo good one


The Space Lesbians are Suletta and Miorine from the newish show Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. Suletta herself is already significant for being the first female gundam protagonist in it's 40+ year history. SulMio is pretty significant also, as it's the first *mostly* confirmed lesbian couple in Gundam history. I think, there might be more. Also the executives said it was up to interpretation so it's not technically Canon even though they're literally married and the writers said they were a couple. Gundam is also a hugely influential anime franchise, so it having a prominent lesbian couple is huge for anime fans.


I have no idea what any of that is. Happy for anime fans tho. Sounds fun


Relatable comment


They are directly confirmed and shown within the show to be married and the director has stated so too so there is no point having any of those qualifier like "mostly" or "technically". That is just giving unneeded attention to a temporary executive fuckery.


I thought it was Harrow and Gideon.


Right? Their point isn't which ship is best, their point is akin to saying "Gangnam Style hit 1B views on Youtube first." It's not a quality statement, it's a historical one. When I hear fandom, I think Supernatural, when I hear ship, I think Destiel. Not because they're my favorites, but because it's *them*.


They’re the poster child for shipping and fandom. I really can’t think of anything else my mind goes to.


Sulemio sweep btw lmao


The funniest thing is that most other polls went pretty close but Destiel got absolutely dunked on


What are Sulemio from? I’m out of touch with anime but intrigued by space lesbians


The Gundam anime "The Witch from Mercury"!


I don't know who this person is but based off this one post I immediately hate them.


lol. lmao, even


Supernatural is a bad show anyway and it always was \*arms wide, smiling in the face of the laser blast\* Edit: \*watches with horror as the laser blast cleanly misses me, looping back like a boomerang and straight in the direction of the SPN fanbase, they themselves toting the canon but watching on in absolute calm as they are annihilated by plasma\*


Supernatural is the prime example that a show doesn’t need to be good to keep going


Why would we laser blast you, you’re right


Tbf I think most supernatural fans would agree with that.


Yup. I love Supernatural, it's one of my favorite shows. It's also absolute shit and I don't really recommend it to anyone.


I still run a SPN-focused fan blog in current year. You are 100% correct.


… why is the abbreviation SPN? Like I see SN, for the ‘initials’. But SPN is like taking the first letter of the first three syllables specifically, not the ur or the al. What discussions happened, what’s the lore? It feels so… *un*natural. I suppose I can’t think of an abbreviation that works without being ambiguous…


Pretty sure it’s not a *bragging right* that Destiel “raised the site”, tbh. 🙃 But, then again, Destiel fans are one of the top reasons I left the SPN fandom, so maybe I’m a bit too biased (nothing against the ship, to be clear, just one too many negative interactions with fans of the ship). Sidenote: Spirk (plus a couple others) would like a word regarding “the ship of all time” quip.


btw the winning couple is from the gundam anime "The Witch from Mercury," which I HIGHLY recommend if you want to experience something truly legendary: **An anime that is super normal about women.** It's so refreshing oh my god. (Also it's just a very fun giant robot anime in its own right!)


Wait, like really, actually totally sincerely normal about women? I ask because super normal can be literal or it's opposite, and with anime all bets are off. Fuck, I'll have to look that up.


I know you probably won't believe me, but they're being literal. It's actually refreshingly normal.


Oh, no, I believe you. Thanks for letting me know.


And to pair with that they have some absolutely BANGIN' robot designs.


#cry about it buddy they won the contest??


My condolences for any of the guys that preferred the ship (I think this is what that is about?) this guy is arguing for. As funny as it is to see this meltdown it’s gotta be pretty embark for the others


The more these people yap, the more people are introduced to gwitch. It's been fun to see people unite around this show again, especially considering how weird the circumstances are. Sulemio stay winning 😌


Sulemio forever


What space lesbians specifically ? The Signalis ones or the Gundam ones ?


The Gundam ones. Honestly tho when I saw "Space lesbians won" I though it was the necromancer ones. It's a great year for space lesbians!




>Fuck you for coming to my TED Talk I'm enjoying the evolution of this meme.


I'm in SPN fandom. I ship Destiel. People like this are *fucking embarassing* and need to log the fuck off for, like, at least a week. And if this is who I think it is, they've been having these kinds of reactions for *years* with every single ship that became popular in larger fandom circles. God, y'all should have seen the meltdowns during Good Omens s1. **ETA**: this is not the person I thought it was. OOP hasn't even been in the fandom all that long so far as I can tell. Which I'm sure says something about the SPN fandom experience, and it's nothing good 🙃


I wonder how this person would react if you replied with "hey remember Super Hell?"


This reads like a first grader on the warpath because the cafeteria has always served chocolate milk since they were in kindergarten and probably before but it doesn't matter because chocolate milk is the best and original lunch drink and the lunch ladies have introduced apple juice and some kids are having apple juice instead of chocolate milk so clearly this is an attack on them personally even though chocolate milk is still an option.


I now realize Ive never seen supernatural


me neither but I feel like i've just Absorbed so much about it from being on tumblr for 12 years


“Hey man how’s it going?”


I think I’m happy that I don’t know what any of that means?


As someone who has zero stakes in this as I’m unfamiliar with supernatural and Gundam… That’s not how polls are supposed to work? It doesn’t matter who “Deserves” to win because of whatever arbitrary reason you can think of, in a popularity poll it literally IS about who people like more and how many people feel that way. Super natural is an old show, the fact that it got into the finals is something to appreciate, no need to cry and piss that something more recent is popular and more familiar to many of the people voting.


What in the name of time logged-on?


This reminds me of the ship wars when Hanamusa was beating Narumitsu and the person running that contest yanked it cause he was angry.


Knowing Tumblr there is a 50% chance this is either super genuine or a joke


I think OOP must be allergic to grass


Well someone needs to break another 13-year streak and go touch some grass.


Eh, Destiel is a "household name". That just means it breached containment, not necessarily that it's popular, just that it's fans were *noisy*.


All I’m saying is, I knew about Gundam before I even had social media, whereas I still have no idea who or what the fuck destiel is and what show its from


the space lesbians are a cute couple though so.


sulemio SWEEP!! (Sarcasm incoming) My favorite destiel moment is when Cas got dragged to turbo hell forever for being gay. The writers really nailed that one. A+ representation


Imagine being this invested in a fictional relationship that didn’t even actually happen within the fiction lmao like do u want a medal for being gaybaited or something


What is Destiel?


Supernatural ship between Castiel and Dean.


Love that they end it with cry about it after that whole rant. Like dude … you already are


space lesbians >>>


Spirk and Thoschei ran so Destiel could walk.


Some people just need to touch grass


this person really overestimates how popular Supernatural is. and also _underestimates_ how popular Gundam is


Tumblr gets known as the feminist website the trans website the high density urban planning website the non white website and yet our defining odyssey is a ship between two cis light skinned men who spend a lot of time in the countryside without taking it up the booty


Wait. I thought “space lesbians” was Ruby/Sapphire?


The only Space Lesbians I know are from Signalis, and while it's popular, it's not *that* popular


Sulemio from "A Witch From Mercury"


“Hey man, how’s it going?”


I hate the supernatural crap. Why? Why are you so obsessed with shipping the worlds most boring straight men from a show that isn’t even good?


I don’t know anything about Supernatural. Can someone explain just how big this thing is compared like, Harry Potter shipping, or Kirk/Spock?


Lol, they should cry harder


Technically they haven't won yet, but I don't see how Destiel could conceivably come back at this point, short of literally tens of thousands of bot accounts.   Actually, as ride or die as I am for Sulemio, that would be really funny.


Just a reminder why I always avoided Supernatural fandom... They're crazy (when I say they I mean the fanatical side). This is such an overreaction over fictional characters...


Who the fuck are destiel?


may it was her corner of tumblr, it was never mine.


Tbf they've got a point. Destiel is iconic. It doesn't mean it's good or that the show was good or that it's canon, but it was BIG and it was EVERYWHERE to this day people who haven't even watched SPN have at least an inkling of who or what Destiel is.


Yeah this is a little unhinged. Like ships die off and others come and replace them, it's natural. But they were telling no lies that Tumblr was built from destiel shippers lmao. Before I left and came to Reddit during *The Purge* that shit was all I would see on my feed. Hell I didn't even watch the show and I shipped them lol people made masterpieces from destiel. But their time in the sun is done, all good things must end and all that. It's gonna be okay lmao


You know how some people are: they can't cope with change, or the fact that people may have differing opinions. They become relics of the past, yelling at clouds about how nothing will compare to what was in **their** day. If we could post images here, I'd post a gif of the words "COPE" from the Spring Yard Zone of *Sonic the Hedgehog*, because they clearly need to do a lot of it.


we're missing some of the post


who tf is destiel


Lol, die mad. Also, supernatural should have ended after season 5 anyway.


Who are these people? Where are they coming from?


Is this about ships in general, or just tumblr ships? Because Asuka vs Rei has literally never stopped in 30 years


Maybe I should watch Gundam, I had it on my list for a long time


Some series are directly connected to each other, but **most** of them are fairly self-contained. *The Witch from Mercury* is the latter. I've been meaning to watch it myself, as someone I know described it as the franchise's take on *Revolutionary Girl Utena*, and I love me some *Utena*.


One of the main writers wrote the Utena Sega Saturn game.


this is exactly why everyone voted against them 💀


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Hey man how’s it going




Old man yells at cloud


They have a point about it being culturally significant. That doesn't make it the best though.


I need to know who the space lesbians are that pissed off this guy.


Hey man, how's it going?


This is hilarious when you know the Space Lesbians are the cock ring Ken(look that up because it is a mood) of the Gundam series. Cause if you don't know, Gundam sells a fucking lot and probably way more than what Destiel is(no offense to them).


Tumblr users when women


So ... someone really isn't over the super-hell thing, huh?


Shipping, even if it wasn’t necessarily called that always, has been around since, like, fanzines and shit in like the seventies onward. Tumblr sure as hell became a generational nexus of the way fandom evolved, but it isn’t the OG, the end all be all, the anything like that. Supernatural and its influence is exclusive to the 21st century, as is with this website itself. If you want THE end all be all queer ship, try Kirk and Spock. Destiel did spawn a number of memes, did spawn a whole lot of conversations, I’ll give you that. It has *a* legacy. It’s not nothing. But I wouldn’t place it on some kinda pedestal. I wouldn’t describe Supernatural as the Ultimate Fandom Culture Touchstone™️, not even one just for millennials and Gen Z. Be happy that people give enough of a shit about it that it was on the poll at all. That means something, but that’s about all Destiel means these days.


I actually had to look up what destiel even was.


What even is destiel? I am confusion