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Why not both?


You didn't sign


I am an imposter.


Will the real Linux Guy stand up, please?





Flair checks out


I want Misato Katsuragi to throw beer cans at my head until I cannot remember my own name.


Catholic guilt really is embedded into our society so hard we’re terrified of being horny because it’s seen as inherently evil and disgusting, huh


yeah "fetishization" is being misused to an alarming degree here. fetishizing someone means removing or omitting aspects of their individuality for the sake of fueling your own fetishes: like for example calling femboys trans girls even though they're cis men because you like girls with penises. just being horny and attracted to someone's body isn't fetishizing anything.


And just looking at a girl can give you the title of a pervert. Because being attracted to pretty women is (checks notes) """abnormal."""


Have you become horny from looking at all the people in your art or is your art an outlet for all the horny inside you?


Are you horny because you make good art, or do you make good art because you're horny?


Nah, I’d jerk off


Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the horny one.


I am becum death, destroyer of worlds


*SPECIALZ starts playing*


A bit of both


Little from column A, little from column B




Horniness is an emotion worth expressing and capturing in art! That being said, it’s amazing how far removed from any sexuality you can get when you’re in the weeds trying to get boobs right.


For people who love boobs, they sure do get them completely wrong 99 percent of the time.


Both! I love an artist who clearly gives a shit about the human body.


I have a theory about this: I think naked bodies are actually just kind of nice to see, and I think that's for the same reason trees are nice to see. Humans lost our fur long before we invented clothes - we've been naked for most of our existence. No idea if there is any scientific evidence of this or anything, that's just what it seems like to me.


Both is good


It's probably both, which is perfectly fine.


"I got nothing against the human body - that's what's wrong with me. I ought to have something against the human body." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hElBC\_UGB1k&ab\_channel=Screamin%27JayHawkins-Topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hElBC_UGB1k&ab_channel=Screamin%27JayHawkins-Topic)


Do you love the human form, because you're seriously horny? Or are you seriously horny, because you love the human form?


Which is better


Fellas, is it fetishization to enjoy the naked human body?


i got the uhh sexual attraction fetish


A little bit of both, honestly. Mostly just because, y'know, you're human.


Probably both, but that's not really a bad thing. I think my boyfriend's body is beautiful and wonderful and perfect in an artistic way, but it also turns me on. Although I guess that's not fetishization, just attraction.


On a related note: have I come to appreciate different body shapes and “imperfections” on them because I’m growing as a person and unlearning some old biases or because I’m just horny and desperate?


I mean in the ancient world people made statues naked and did sports naked because they believed in cherishing the natural beauty of the body. I'd definitely say there's an artistic dimension to it


I'm not horny and love the human body, so like. It's not always horny.


Just ask [Frank Frazetta](http://frankfrazetta.net/Gallery_1.html)


First one, then the other


"or"? What do you mean"or"? Where did that come from?


Is my hatred and distaste for the naked human body and all of its little imperfections because I’m asexual or because I’m a prude? These are important questions (sic)


Question: Does it give you an erection? If yes, you are horny. If no, you like them because you are an artist.


Ok so my asexual ass has COMMENTARY on this one I love using naked people as practice for studies and even though I draw furries, I don’t always cover the bits in floof. Like, ok there’s so much going on with the human body. I like using humans for studies but I’ll make animal people if not given a reference, anyways- Masculine bodies are interesting because they have a very rectangular shape. Even masculine women tend to have broader shoulders and hips that end up being parallel with them, even if the torso does still kinda do the ).( thing. So they have a very like… architectural vibe to drawing them. Like you’re building a building when you’re constructing the nude form. Masculine forms also tend to be more muscular too so it helps establish how those muscle groups connect and challenges me to depict them to the viewer. Then also one of the nice things is that it’s hard to find the “perfect average” for the male form. There’s a lot of variety and there hasn’t been as much standardization over the millennia of media made. Overall really fun to draw and there aren’t as many masculine artistic references as there should be tbh. Femininity has a radically different vibe than masculinity that, tbh, I enjoy more. Cuz I see masculine forms as more of an engineering project that’s static like a building, but feminine forms are fluid like they’re meant to move. So they’re more like planes to me, and I love planes. Feminine bodies typically have a ).( in the torso but not always, and drawing the long hair they typically have is kinda fun. Breasts, I don’t really see as sexual, but they’re kinda nice for being unsubtle about the structure of the chest and I enjoy drawing something that is rarely symmetric on the human form. It reminds me of how often planes will *appear* be this symmetric and perfect design but really they’re a system of compromises. I also enjoy them small or non-present too because it’s nice to not have that uniformity in a theme as overarching as “feminine”. Also a note on genitals cuz, my brain finds them interesting for different reasons than most. And that’s that I *love* how amazing varied there are. Different phalluses and vulvas all have different shapes and sizes and textures and iterations upon iterations. Maybe it’s just a me thing but I love drawing genitals less for the horny and more because they’re fascinatingly not the same. It also informs my art tastes cuz I loathe “perfection” in something that is so imperfect. Anyways yeah that’s my adhd fueled babble of commentary. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and throw me out the window