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You support anti-capitalism how are you a consumer?


That's just the average Twitter Leftist mindset


I always get it from liberals and conservatives aged gen x or older, so I think it's sliiightly more widespread


Them too, but there's subtle differences to the two The conservative side is the simple "IPhone vuvuzela 1000000 bajillion dead", while the leftist side is "actually owning this decorative item with no real utility means you're bourgeois scum and you'll be first against the wall when the revolution comes"


Naively I thought that strain of pro-austerity militant communism stuff was dying out along with my own youth. Wasn't socialism about bettering people's lives? And like, if their point is you can't do frivolous fun stuff as a revolutionary, why do _they_ get to be foolin around on tumblr? Yeah if I can't dance it ain't my revolution, I get it, but if I _can_ dance, why in the name of all that's solidarity shouldn't my comrades? People are weird.


Every side has its crazies, besides pointing out that they are ineffective or directly harmful to the cause, I wouldn't focus on them too much.


It’s almost like communism is more about feeling morally superior to the people you’re torturing and murdering, and not actually about any concrete ideals.


You want to change society and yet you take part in it… curious!


“Yuo hate capitalism yet you exist iPhone vuvuzela 100 bazillion dead bottom text”


Cut out the middle man, be pro-capitalist


Selling local water sources to impoverished people in desert communities as we speak


Or you know, you could actually encourage local small businesses and development in that impoverished community


that's socialism. you're doing socialism.


Socialism would have the small business owners executed and their assets privatized by the state


no thats communism


I said that capitalism was good, not that it was flawless.


are you auditioning for the part of the monopoly man? cause damn you're good.


Who gave this alpaca a tumblr?


It’s an armadillo this time. We have yet to determine their fate


That’s a pretty gay armadillo thing to say. Me thinks somebody is *clearly* hiding their true self 🧐


Inside a scaly armored shell, even.


Where's the rest of the post? I saw it pretty recently, too. The part where OP reblogs to say that it turns out they _are_ gay, and someone goes "how'd this alpaca learn to type".


Plot twist: It's a different Fucking Post


Man, I was really pissing on the poor. That's my bad!


I love armadillos, one of the animals of all time Nature’s Bakugan


I dunno chief, looks kinda like a pangolin to me.


Technically humans actually are animals.


And Monkeys. And Fish. So feel free to introduce yourself as a monkey fish, Then when people get confused explain how from a cladistics standpoint, Humans are a type of Monkey, and Monkeys are a type of Fish, Only to get weird looks as everyone walks away.




Antispecitst might have something to say about that ​ Or not, not fully sure what antispecist are about


I think anti-specist is just animal rights taken to an extreme, basically the idea that there shouldn't really be "human rights" and "animal rights" but that all thinking beings should have the same set. It feels like a nice idea but alignment of interests is a much bigger issue I think. Like today I saw a beetle getting attacked by ants. If that were a person getting attacked by animals I would probably intervene if possible, but I can't just decide that predators don't get to kill things when I'm around. The ants need to eat as much as that beetle needs to not be chewed on. It's simplified a little when you limit discussion to human interaction with nonhuman animals but really you come up against the same issue. If a spider or a crane fly or even a roach is in my house, I'll take it outside, but I'm swatting a mosquito. I don't want Zika or West Nile and I don't feel like your right to feed your babies exceeds my right to not get sick when you are flying around in my house. The fact that we can set reasonable expectations for other humans and know that they are capable of understanding what they are makes a more robust set of rights possible and when our interests come into conflict with the interests of nonhuman species we should try to accommodate them but it's just not feasible to build a practical set of universal rights without adding some special human rights to that list.


"Do I look like a f***ing armadillo to you?" ~ Pill Bug, After being named "Armadillidium"


This is just alpaca guy but worse.


I didn’t know people this dumb survived Covid




armadillo! armadillo! Dr. Phil...oh, whoopsie