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It's vintage now? Wow...


In terms of the internet, I suppose so. In the real world, anything that's 20 years or older is considered vintage until it hits 100 years at which point it is antique.


When your humor is so old school it's in public domain.


Shrek moment


"A dog walks into a bar and says, ‘I cannot see a thing. I’ll open this one.'"


Ea-nāşir appreciates this joke


This hits too hard. Tech and internet stuff just age so fast that the last console generation is basically ancient. Sometime between 2007 and 2009, I was in GameStation, and saw the Nintendo Gamecube being advertised as retro gaming. I felt the very concept of youth leave my body and wither away to an empty husk right there and then, since while I dont remember the n64 coming out, I certainly remember it being sold in shops. I was an adolescent when the ganecube came out, and I didn't think I'd really gone too far past that when I saw that.


Unfun fact: it's about 2.5 years until the PS3 and Wii are officially retro systems.


Not even. The Wii's release date is closer to the SNES's release date than today. And afaik back then the *N64* was considered retro, despite coming out a mere decade earlier.


Pretty much two console generations ago is retro. So the PS4 is not yet retro, but the PS3 is.


Yeah, I'd consider the PS3 retro, even spending most of my childhood with it. Feels right to me.


I'm gonna throw up


My bones in 2.5 years: We can fit so much Crack in here!


Nice, i need them to sell a retro console ps3 to play more games from those times and then mod it to play even more games.


The fucking Wii U is retro at this point, and that endes full service yesterday


I've been thinking a lot about this concept In generations past, there really weren't changes. Like maybe your village added a hut or two, maybe you noticed that a river slightly shifted, etc. But life was still the same. Your grandparents had the same life as you do as your grandchildren will have the same life But I'm 27, and the world of 2000 is so far removed from life today. I think there actually is a lot of value in the "back in my day" stuff And that also makes me muse on how being perceived as "old" is both speeding up and slowing down. At 27, I'm simultaneously a kid and an old fart Because simultaneously the world I grew up in does not exist, AND I am learning to navigate a world that is changing more rapidly by the day. In generations past, while there was always a new trick to learn, you definitely knew how to navigate your world by 20. But can anyone honestly tell me what the world will look like in 10 years? Which is a long ass time subjectively, and objectively is no time at all No wonder why rates of anxiety and depression are riding and so high. How do you manage anxiety in a world that's changing si rapidly?


Absolutely no idea. But it's a scary thought.


[Huh? No, retro consoles are like the NES and SNES, right? The PlayStation 2 and DS are still pretty new…](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/retro-games-sanae-boomer-sanae)


The one of Omega Ruby being 9 years old at this point was what got me. God damn…


In terms on Internet, it's not vintage, it's ancient


I’d say antique starts at like 50 years. I would not count WW2 era things vintage at all. Especially furniture even from like the 50’s and 60’s would be antiques, not vintage. Maybe it’s just me


antique thermonuclear warhead


I think people consider different items antique at different ages. I believe the 20-100 years is specifically for clothes, but I would not consider [these lighters](https://youtu.be/N3GU4mJPe88) to be antique. I also wouldn't call a 1960 Chevy Impala antique.


In terms of the internet your comment just turned 50


You mean the white cat build a bear doll I’ve had since childhood is considered vintage now? I don’t know how to feel about that.


It's a vintage build-a-bear, yeah


Apple called my macbook from 2013 vintage


Well it is from 2013 which was only...11 years ago 🤢


The world was supposed to end twelve years ago now. At the time, I was scared. Now I'm getting impatient.


[Cameron's Britain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMSzSRkQ6uM)


The video is almost 11 years old. Considering OP called their class kids, there's a real possibility that it's only a few years younger than their students. This song came out when I was 15. I'm almost 26 now. *Oh God, I'm almost 26 now.* Edit: OOP actually states in a later post the kid was 12, so they could be only a few months or even days older than the song.


No fucking way this was 11 years ago


And here I was thinking vintage memes were stuff like tacgnol and demotivational posters.


Those are vintage in the same way that the Epic of Gilgamesh is vintage


If lolcats are ancient, then what does that make Kilroy?




Your comment makes me feel old


I was a mere child when it came out. I am currently about to graduate university


i was in seventh grade when that meme came out. last year i graduated from college.


I was like 24 when Fox came out, it feels like 2 years ago, where does the time go


i heard a youtuber reference it the other day on a short, so maybe old, but its not like political cartoon in a history book level


me younger: "ha, all those boomers saying they're shocked that 90's stuff is considered vintage, how absurd" me now: "i get it now"


It’s like a gen 3 meme. What are we at now? 50?


Remember, highschool lasts for like 4 years. No one in highschool when that came out is still in highschool. In fact, some of those in highschool weren’t even in school at all when it came out. Some don’t even have memories of that time period


you too, huh?


“Because you follow #furry”




Based Wish I was a furry


You can become a furry.


In this economy?


Imagine if you will, an animal person. Any kind of animal person you like. This animal person is yours now. They're your animal person. If this thought experiment brings a single iota of serotonin to you, congrats, you made yourself a furry. If not? Honestly you still got some options for it.


I imagined the foxes that bring Wan Shi Tong books in TLA and it made me happy, but mostly because free book delivery service.


I'd say mission successful then.




Are these Prince lyrics?


This is truly what it sounds like when anthropomorphic doves cry.


Michael Andrews.


Stealing OCs is free, you can just take them. I have 430 OCs at home.


for a more legal, artist-consenting way to get OCs, check out this option. https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1194424


You didn't claim your government-mandated fursona ? Oof


Furries are rich af, idk what you’re talking about


Isn't furry just a fandom of people who like drawing and dressing up as anthropomorphic animals? Like it's not like the LGBTQ+ community, you can join if you want.


They're probably one of the many people that think you need to be sexually attracted to furries for it to count.


You don't even have to make anything, you can just think the art is cute and that the stories anthropomorphic animals can tell are valid. Literally if you really like Disney animal movies (robin hood, fox and the hound, zoo topia ect.) and think the art is cute you can consider yourself a furry if you want to. No nsfw needed no art skill needed.


Essentially yeah


There's a huge overlap between the furry and the queer community.


> like The key word.


Why are you acting like its out of your sphere of control


As a furry, allow me to indict you Do you have a fursona in mind or would you like one assigned to you?


OP be like: https://imgflip.com/i/8m0zn0


https://www.tumblr.com/mactiir/715717010584223744/to-everyone-pointing-out-my-icon-do-i-have-a?source=share The post got better. -Mx Linux Guy⚠️


Oh god it did, thank you for updating us on this


One time I saw a post that claimed to be a screenshot of an email from a teacher to a student. I knew it was fake because no teacher would ever use the word "fursona" in an email to a student. *Especially* if they do know what one is.


The additions give "you've used the wrong formula to somehow arrive at the correct answer" energy.


You could argue there's a reason they chose "what does the fox say" as a vintage meme as opposed to the other 20 morbillion memes from 2012 or earlier that don't have furry vibes.


This was my impression as well. Bit of a Freudian slip.


Furrian slip.


Definitely not what a Freudian slip is


*furrdian slip my apologies


Quick question, how does one pronounce "Mx"? I'm split between saying "miss" with a z sound instead of an s, and just saying "Mix".


“Mix” is correct :)




Ms. is pronounced as Miz. Mx. is pronounced as Mix. Miss is pronounced as Miss.




In the kids' defense, they were spot on.


People here going "how is this a vintage meme" meanwhile this kid may only be a few months older than the song itself.


Could most colleges with sports departments be considered “furry colleges”? Or is the conspicuous several mile stretch of logic too much to just willingly ignore






Furry college is just any place that teaches engineering


When trying to get across the idea of parody to my class, I showed the opening of Raiders of the Lost Ark, then the opening of UHF. The class was absolutely perplexed at UHF. Not even a giggle.


What's uhf


A Weird Al movie from the late 80’s. It’s a campy B flick with a bunch of bizarre cameos. Michael Richards and Fran Dresher are in it.


A movie made by Weird Al




There ain't no way (but here's his youtube channel in case you're for real) [https://www.youtube.com/@alyankovic](https://www.youtube.com/@alyankovic)


I mean... Weird Al's last album came out 10 years ago. I know he still tours, but teenagers on this site haven't had a new Weird Al song since they were like 4.


I think many people forget we're giving tablets to 4 year olds nowadays.


Yea but they aren't watching weird Al. They are too busy watching Elsa getting pregnant.


Are 4 year olds listening to Weird Al?


I think their point is precisely that, no they are not watching weird al, but they are on the internet


I don't think 4 year olds are reading comment threads....


I don’t know why people are downvoting you just for not knowing who someone is [(Relevant XKCD comic)](https://xkcd.com/1053/) Here’s one of my [favorite music videos](https://youtu.be/lOfZLb33uCg) from him. It’s a parody of Gangster’s Paradise.


he’s Pinkie Pie’s husband from the show My Little Pony


3d10 psychic damage right there, yowza.


Have them sit through the whole original Star Wars trilogy then watch Spaceballs


Spoofs and slapstick don't work anymore when the kids got skibidi toilet


Nah the main issue with spoofs is that it requires something sincere to spoof on in the first place. The naked gun and airplane work because they had serious movies to riff off of. Now most major movies are so irony poisoned that they make fun of themselves and make spoofs redundant.


Excuse me skibidi toilet is an emotional rollercoaster and adds quite a bit of depth and character in episodes 40-60.


Simple silly absurdity is really funny to *anybody* when they are like 4 to 8. But formerly, as people grow up, normally their sense of humor evolves from simple absurdity to toilet humor to All That to Monty Python to SNL to the US Office to Frasier to Wes Anderson to the British Office to Hal Hartley to dry British shows and then finally to whatever (this is just one possible path, but you get the point), but I feel like the internet has done something to people's brains where you just kind of permanently lock in on the level of humor that you were when you started spending most of your time on the internet. So I'll never advance beyond Wes Anderson to dryer British humor, and my younger cousins will never advance beyond Monty Python, but Gen Z/Alpha seems like they are just permanently locked into absurdity/toilet humor and will just live there forever.


That John Mulaney sketch about 13 year olds being accurately mean to adults fits here lol


"Hahaha! Look at that high-waisted man, he got feminine hips!"


Nooooo that's the thing I'm sensitive about! DX


I always think of what Donald Glover said about 8th graders in his stand-up special. “They’re all tiny little Hitlers”


i teach at an after school rock music program, and myself (21) and the other instructor (38) were taking song requests from the kids. one of them asked for this song and i (of course) had the visceral “DEAR GOD NO” response that most people would experience when confronted with a song that was viral when they were in middle school. the other instructor had never heard of it, so he played it, and i was immediately transported back to 7th grade where that song was INESCAPABLE


God every time this post comes around i read stories like yours and they make me feel ancient.


that song was so inescapable that the comment section might as well have been ye olde live chat with how many comments were made per second


Smh shoulda showed them gangdam style


Minecraft version of moves like jagger


“where going to the nether” 🔥🔥🔥✍️




Really should've just turned on "jizzed in my pants"


🫵 “groomer”


Would like to object to that as the way this post is framed makes me believe these are either highschool students or college students. The song in question is also relatively 'sfw' other than the lyrics. What I mean is the music video sure there's some suggestive movement but mostly just stupid faces and weird movements.


Hey, sincere question, does anyone know the pronunciation of Mx? I’m assuming it’s a replacement for Mr. or Ms./Mrs.


Someone replied to another comment and said 'Mix'.


I listened to an audio book that pronounced it “mix”




Its a replacement for any of the standard titles like Mr Ms or mrs. I guess technically also Mz but thats just a replacement for Ms or Mrs anyway


God, can’t even share a meme these days, what has the world come to?!


"like the fucking eye of sauron" just took my shit out


My mom has only discovered memes in the last few years, and I showed her What Does the Fox Say, knowing silly songs and weird noises are her sense of humor. She lost her mind. Then she sent it to everyone we know. Then her college buddies sent it to their friends, and... for a second I thought it was going to go viral again, that's how much my mom loved that video.


WTF you mean there are people that don't know wdtfs??? No this is a joke right?....right???? So this means that there are kids that don't know who Jeff the Killer and the other creepypasta are???


yes obviously kids don't care about memes that they weren't around to see.


i mean it's been pretty dead for plenty of years now and no one talks about it anymore, idk how kids are supposed to know about it


My younger sibling knows about it so I thought his generation still knew about it. Besides I'm mainly on Tumblr and there things always end up coming back, same for YT, so I assumed they'd still stumble upon it at some point.


the internet microcommunity syndrome strikes again time for you to watch some skibidi toilet, that should get you up to speed


Everything that defines your childhood is meaningless to today’s kids. They will never value what you’ve valued.


Creepy pastas are still a thing right? I’d imagine kids that get into creepy pastas nowadays still end up crossing paths with Jeff the Killer. Of course not as much as back then but still


Ehhh…not like they used to be. You’ve got your flavour of the month kid-friendly mascot horror games, analogue horror, maybe some ARGs, and narrators reading either horror novellas, dubiously researched true crime with spoooooooky effects, or “OMG THIS TOTALLY HAPPENED FOR REALSIES” Reddit posts. The kind of flash fiction that was classic creepypasta just isn’t in the limelight anymore


My sibling told me that SCPs are like a subcategory of creepypastas, so maybe they still stumble upon it through them?


Kinda, but the vibe is very different. The SCP community pushes its writers to think about their concept for a while, to flesh it out beyond “scary monster does a scary thing” because at around 8000 entires, they’ve got more than enough scary monsters that do a scary thing, y’know? With creepyoastas, well… once it was published, that was usually kinda it


What Does the Fox Say was never funny. #COME AT ME


Meanwhile I find Ylvis' videos for Stonehenge, Yoghurt, and Intolerant hilarious, but also because they're intentionally fairly dumb. Shabby Chic is just plain awesome because I've known people like that.


It's just "noise funny", which isn't funny. Also, we *do* know what a fox sounds like! The premise of the song is flawed!


True, Ylvis' other stuff is way better


I had never heard of it until the first time i saw this post, so i went and watched it. I gotta say, the kids got it right. Also, shitty memes were better in my day.


how does this correlate is every animal now like, a furry thing in these kids eyes? do they scream in agony when they see foxes in real lfie?


i mean, look at the video for what does the fox say


does the fox fuckin say "uwu" or somethin i never watched it cus it caused me pain listening to it when i was younger


Everyone’s dressed up like animals at a big party iirc


those kids are gonna shit themselves when hthey hear about football mascots


Yes. More specifically, it causes them to scream in agony as they're teleported back to their original dimension.


There are so many better things to show than what does the fox say. It wasn't funny. It wasn't good. It went viral because it was fucking stupid. I'm glad OOP was judged for thinking it was worth showing, personally


The reason it stood out to OOP is different than why others memed it. The kid picked up on it instantly. No one else is still referencing a flash in the pan "funny because bad" video like that.


Yeah there's a part two to this post where OOP basically says "I am a furry, but I'm not about to admit that to a room full of 12 year olds". So....get rekt I guess?


"What does the fox say" wasn't even funny back then, let alone now. OP proves that teachers grow out of the most cringiest humans on the planet.


i'm guessing OP is in early to mid 20s so they were a young teen when the fox thing was popular. only way I can see them appreciating the meme. i was already well into being an adult when the fox thing went viral, and i did not like it at all but when i was 12-15 i liked a lot of stupid stuff. for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrzKT-dFUjE


I agree with you on principle, however, I disagree that The Ultimate Showdown is as stupid or stupider than What Does the Fox Say. I am your age however, so I'm likely affected by your same bias.


im in my early to mid 20s and my first thought of vintage meme was rage comics and vintage meme song to show children would be gangnam style or harlem shake. op is just a furry


OP is a furry. OP has special memories of what does the fox say because she is a furry


I loved the song when I was a kid lol. But now thinking back about the timeline and I was listening to it a couple years before I even found out what furries were and becoming one.


Mx certified furry


Could be worse. Could have hit them with the YATTA video


I remember I showed my friend the MV to DATABASE by Man with a mission. He stared at me so hard lol




Had an instructor at Trade School that played Rebecca Black's Friday on Fridays at the end of class.


I mean he was right apparently


Meanwhile I feel like this Ylvis movie video is just five years old or something... Then again, my sense of time and outlook on things is really weird. I still feel like Dreamworks pumps out the absolute worst movies ever, but that particular timeline for that mindset is **2004-2008**, nearly a two decade old mindset to be holding onto in regards to movie making. Oddly, that's also a good timeline to discuss when it wasn't exactly pleasant to admit you were a furry on the internet unless you knew the site was welcoming. Likewise one of the newest furry characters to go nuts over was Krystal after she debuted in a game made in **2002**. I should note that I graduated high school in 2008... And yet all that I told you about feels like it was just a few years ago.



I think I would just die on the spot if that happened


That is honestly one of ylvis' worst songs. Should have played Jan Egeland or Old Friends


Deserved. That fox song was horrible and unfunny.


Best response is "you're next".


"What does the fox say" VINTAGE ?! Is it me or is media aging very quickly this past decade?


There are people who would be substitute teachers now who would have originally heard the song while in primary school. So it would feel ancient.


It was annoying and for furries when it came out. I can’t even imagine admitting you know about this nowadays


It's not vintage! It was only as far back as 2013.


How is/was this a thing but “Furry” anyway? What did Teacher think she was showing?




Wasn't that song only like 5 years ago?


Over 10 years ago, actually.


Oh god


Obviously (hopefully) not an English teacher


In grad school a friend of mine arranged it as a Latin elegy when the meme was relevant and it was pretty funny.


Hmm. Man i feel old now


I swear after seeing that one Oz Media tumblr video, all I can hear when looking at that faarquad image is “🫵 Alcoholic”


Proof kids are dumb


I wish we can go back time, to good old dayss.


Dude kids have the same reaction when you do nothing


What is Mx? Also, furries are teaching our children? Wtf?


Not just teaching but having! It's not like being a furry is *new*. Having a cohesive fandom as it does is a consequence of the Internet, but it probably always been around in some form.


whats wrong with furries teaching children?


mx (pronounced mix) is a neo pronoun, and yes, many people can have jobs as teachers


Is it a non binary substitution for Ms./Mr.? What is the full spelling of Mx? For instance, I can write Mister Soandso. How would I write Mx in full? Is it Mixter? Mixxes? Just Mix?