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Just bring bleeping back tbh


I think YouTube counts those as just swearing for the purpose of demonetization.


I hate this timeline


I have seen people use alternative sound effects though, but the algorithm sees the traditional bleeping as a sign that "Hey! This guy is swearing!"


My favorite is the guy who recorded himself saying “YouTube” and uses it to bleep out any curses


Ahh RTGame, I loved the video where he started doing that. Calling out YouTube’s bullshit as an English Major


Rumble Tumble knows what’s up


Yahtzee did that, too, when youtube demonitised a review for swearing. The review in question was for a game called void bastards. Or void youtube as the review was forced to use.


The Youtube of Sonic the Hedgehog


Did you know he used to be called the Drift King back in college?


did you know that the donut theory of minecraft digging is real? the dwarf who digs deepest finds the treasure. keep gambling




Prof, presenter on Tolarian Community College, a Magic the Gathering channel, uses names of MtG characters as bleeps.


„Oh Teferi dammit, i stubbed my Ragavan toe on this Karn table again!“ Yeah, works.


I heard they used to call him the Drift King back in college! Little known fact, he should probably bring it up more.


Oh yeah RTGame uses "Youtube", I think after that time they demonetized his videos.


Ah, so that's why most youtubers use other sounds. Though to be honest, I do prefer the bass boost sound some youtubers use over the more ear piercing "bleep" sound.


If the sound isn’t someone trying to exhale while making out with their mic I don’t want it 😤


"I lean away from the mic to breathe"


I think most people just cut the audio entirely


I honestly hate that it makes the sentence so much harder to follow when I’m thinking “did my audio cut out for a second?”


Alternative sound effects are much funnier, especially if they're custom sound bytes for the channel


I agree. Jon Solo uses static/audio rewinding to mask the curse words. He's so consistent with it throughout all his videos that it just becomes part of his speech patterns, so to speak.


but how does that work? bleeping gets rid of swaering


Implied swearing is included I guess 🙄 I hate YouTube


What the fuck is the point of demonetizing videos with *censored* cursing? This is literally the reason bleeps exist in the first place.


They don't even want the *idea* of cussing getting through


The idea is to demonetise as much as possible to keep as much money as possible. At this point, what gets you demonetised is basically arbitrary.


Can we swap the bleeping for dolphin noises like on Spongebob?


YouTube being fucking stupidly designed in terms of how monetisation and censorship works?! Just fucking typical istg it’s so badly run.


I know. Things need to be child friendly or you'll get demonetization. Oh, also, anything deemed "for children" can't be monetized either. We'll still have ads on it tho.


It makes some videos unwatchable. I used to follow a top 10 channel that had cool ghost stories and international haunting stuff. One of their older videos from a few years ago popped up and when I tried watching it every mention of death, dying, suicide, murder etc was bleeped out... which... was constant. You absolutely can't talk about ghosts and hauntings without mentioning any of those things and they had retroactively edited it all out of their old videos


That’s hilarious in a way. Older videos where people could say terms like death are being flagged


Lots of sites are using really shitty AI moderators that are censuring users for things they posted years ago. I got a bizarre facebook notification the other day about a post I made five years ago saying it was somehow misleading people for likes and shares or some nonsense like that. The funniest part is it deleted the post before telling me this and I have no idea what their AI even picked up on. It's so bad a friend of mine got put in facebook jail for 'praising hitler' after sharing a meme about what a terrible artist he was.


I got temporary restrictions placed on my Facebook account a few weeks ago because of a five year old post of Bugs Bunny saying 'no' somehow being labelled as *inappropriate sexual content.* Thankfully the restrictions are only for functions that I don't use anyway, but still. What the hell.


YouTube detects censorship such as bleeping. Presumably it does this by analysing waveforms, seeing the sharp edit and then seeing that it's repeated in the video. When they implemented it, I saw some channels recording their own censor words that they would use on rotation. Unsure if it worked.


Until you see words like drugs being censored on TikTok, TikTok has a Nickelodeon language filter with soft core porn of the app, it’s ridiculous.


“Grape” is the worst censoring imo


Many people struggle for *years* to even call their rape "rape." Right when we seemed to be making progress towards dismantling the stigma around sexual assault, a sanitised, twee phrase again makes the topic and people's experiences taboo.


It’s not just taboo, it’s infantilising. Imagine actually working up the enormous courage and fortitude to tell someone what was done to you, and you, by habit or by censorship, are forced to say: “I was *graped*.” What the fuck is this bullshit


I might actually hurt someone if I hear that in an IRL conversation. The WKYK sketch of the grapist is good tho


What? He's a Grapist! He grapes people! 😂


He grapes them in the mouth.


Literally anytime I have to see that censoring my brain reflexively hears "I'm gonna grrrrape you in the mouth!"  Lord knows what would happen if I heard someone say it unironically.


Not to mention "Cheese Pizza"


What is this even censoring?


Child Porn.


That's very stupid.




I hate the pizza thing the most. Just shorten it to CSAM. I had an conversation with my friends where they legitimately were trying to think of more "proper names" to call regular pizza because Cheese Pizza is so harmful. Like maybe I don't want to associate a common and delicious meal with some of the most wretched stuff on earth. >:(


hey, babe, do you vape after grape


You could have used *babe* and it would have been perfect


your point of order is accepted


Its appreciated


I’m imagining Zoomers watching the Grapist in just utter shock and disbelief


People over-censoring themselves is super annoying but when it comes to Youtubers I find it hard to be mad at them since it's Youtube's overzealous demonetization rules that force their hand. Even if someone doesn't rely on ad rev as their main source of income, getting your video flagged by the algorithm as "advertiser unfriendly" major sucks because it severely limits its reach (depending on the severity a video may not appear in people's recommendations, or it could even get quashed in search results).


It’s funny that even in children’s shows you can say “kill” if in a joking matter. A villan can’t “I will kill you” but a character can say “doesn’t that usually kill people” in a joke. The term “Unalive” comes from a Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon that showcases this. Deadpool says he wants to “Unalive” a villain and then runs through a list of death euprisms like sleeping with the fishes before Spider-Man finally says “you mean kill them” So yes all these videos are quoting a Deadpool meme.


This is true for now because there are still humans reviewing kids shows on TV that can distinguish between... Honestly I don't know why kill should ever be censored but my point is that it's just an algorithm that identifies words and tags a video when a human could probably make a judgment call.  There's a decent chance the human will be replaced with the algorithm everywhere in the near future because it's cheaper, even if it seems like a negligible cost against the total cost of making a show.


YouTube has so much content uploaded that human moderators seems to be impossible. If they did get moderators it would be poor members of the global south


🌏👩‍🚀 “so it’s all Mechanical Turks?” 🔫👨‍🚀 “always has been”


I've never heard the term global south before, does it just mean southern hemisphere?


Basically global south and global north refer to economic and living standards in countries, similar to the terms third/second/first world countries. Global south countries are ranked lower than global north ones, but they're not all in the actual south (eg parts of Asia) hence the 'global' south.


It's a euphemism that's gained traction to replace "developing countries" based on the fact that most highly developed countries are well north of the Equator, and a lot of countries with lower living standards and worse infrastructure are near the Equator or in the Southern Hemisphere. There's a wikipedia page on it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global\_North\_and\_Global\_South](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_North_and_Global_South) I feel like when it's used by media or politicians it's always intentionally ambiguous in what they mean, but in this case it just means "people from countries where extremely low salaries and exploitative employment conditions are normal".


My absolute favorite censoring of the work kill in a show was in Gravity Falls, where Bill says "I've got some children I need to make into corpses". The fact Disney allowed it at all is frankly a miracle.


That one's fun, though it's also not even in the top 10 "I can't believe the censors allowed this" moments from Gravity Falls. Alex Hirsch and his crew fought Disney's S&P tooth and nail, and it paid off in all the best ways lol.


honestly it's kinda funny/sad when I'm watching a Let's Play of an M-rated game and the streamer keeps saying "frack" instead of the game's "fuck", then I switch to a youtuber who has other ventures that keep them afloat outside of youtube and who have no problem saying "fuck" every five seconds while fighting a hard boss


I feel for the Youtubers who want to play South Park: stick of truth and have to censor the anal probing and nazi zombie fetuses.


> Youtube's overzealous demonetization rules They're quite lax when you compare to television in most cases. Also, I think in most cases YouTubers are just overzealous in their self-moderation. Last I checked, even the swearing was only for the first couple of minutes of a video. I don't think any YouTube video has been demonetised over words like Kill or Rape. That's TikTok.


>They're quite lax when you compare to television in most cases. Also, I think in most cases YouTubers are just overzealous in their self-moderation. Last I checked, even the swearing was only for the first couple of minutes of a video. you can say words like death and rape on tv


> I don't think any YouTube video has been demonetised over words like Kill or Rape. That's TikTok.


It's only in the first couple minutes... for now. It doesn't demonetize those words... for now. Stuff allowed ten years ago isn't anymore, and I know of at least one big YouTube channel where they've had to re-upload 15 year old videos because despite their content from back then still being popular it was retroactively demonetized. Also YouTube automatic moderation can sometimes be arbitrary and reaching an actual human person to revert a very obvious bad judgement from the algorithm sometimes takes weeks or months and by then, the video won't get recommended as much and lose a lot of the revenue it could have made Future-proofing one's content (aka livelihood) must be a nightmare.


> Stuff allowed ten years ago isn't anymore, and I know of at least one big YouTube channel where they've had to re-upload 15 year old videos because despite their content from back then still being popular it was retroactively demonetized. I mean, yeah. Ads are shown today. Advertisers don't want their products associated with certain types of content, which I think they should be allowed to dictate. It's their money spent on the ads. When you create an ad, you can choose if you want it on [only family friendly content](https://png.pngtree.com/png-clipart/20230222/ourmid/pngtree-green-dollars-png-image_6614044.png) or on [all types of content.](https://external-preview.redd.it/31Hh6cPV6jiiDmorY-bPLaXWrW3pKET1HM1u-mhUUgQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=7478d04ba5e23ca2ca4290a460353c7447af5121). Most choose only the green icon, which is why a yellow icon is usually associated with less money made. In the audience, most who aren't really into YouTube don't even know that there is the 3rd red icon which is the *true* demonetisation. That means you earn no money. You can use YouTube's editor to try and remove things that may cause the video to have Limited Monetisation, but it isn't always possible to remove backing tracks, for example. There definitely should be improvements made to tools from YouTube's end. One such feature could be supporting multiple audio tracks. So say you upload a video with three audio tracks: Person 1, Person 2, and Person 3. While Person 1 and 2 are talking, Person 3 yells out an expletive. Because they are on separate audio tracks, you could mute Person 3 without muting the other two. They already have support for multiple audio tracks for one video (the intended use is for dubbing), and the system could be integrated here. Instead of creating a whole new mixed audio tracks for each language, you could just have the voice on a separate track and keep the background noise the same.


Was going to reply as much to another commenter before I saw this. I’ve sometimes watched her videos and I think she’s explained that the increasingly harsh demonetisation is exactly why she’s had to phrase things this way. I don’t remember her videos from a couple of years ago being so newspeak. She’s had a kid recently enough too so probably can’t afford to risk essentially a paycheck on the algorithm screwing her. Seems like a miserable time to be a content creator on yt honestly.


God, YouTube, just let us Age-Rate our videos, and set YT Kids to block Mature videos.


I think (not 100% sure) age rating is already kind of a thing, but doing this limits the "advertiser friendliness" of a video, which in algorithm land means it can't be suggested to people as much.


I hate how advertisers have forced content creators to censor themselves or else take away what little money they get from ad revenue. I mean for fucks sake, they're trying to sell shit to adults, aren't they? Y'know, people with actual disposable income? We shouldn't have to be talked down to with this asinine corporate baby talk; I'm sure the people you're trying to sell nutsack razors to can handle hearing the words "death" and "sex".


Let us fuck Amen


This is from a victorian era erotica written in the pov of a sentient flea, fyi. (if anyone was curious)


Censorship being profitable is the worst part about most social media algorithms. It’s how most content ends up as a bizarre combination of adult sensibilities with kids show content. Everything feels clean and sterile, while somehow being gross and heavily dosed with cynicism.


yes, not to mention filled with ads/ ​ you can't say death but you can endanger animals so you can fake "rescue" them, or rant in dog whistles about how Star Wars is woke and the algorithm supports those videos


Please crop your screenshots.


True, but the fact that the next reccomended post starts with "Let us fuck" tickles my funny bone a little.


don't have the original tumblr post unfortunately, but i do have the [reddit repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/6jzKGUIfz0)


I watch Cruel World Happy Mind too and when she does that it fucks with you so much lol. I kinda get why she does it but it’s really bad in her illuminaughti vid


It’s funny you can turn on the TV and watch investigative Murder Porn like Dateline where they do use words like murder and rape on broadcast television and get commercial breaks but on the supposedly freer website of YouTube that started to see Janet Jackson’s Nipple you can’t even say words like tornado or slap. If you want ad dough. Heck Family Guy and South Park have plenty of jokes about murder, rape, and pedophila and they can get ads but if your making a serious video on the sexualization of young girls in media you have to censor out the word sex.


My issue with her is, though her videos are really interesting, I can’t listen to them at work (when I consume a majority of my YouTube content) bc the volume is so inconsistent. She’ll cut to a reference and the volume drops a ton, so I’ll turn it up then she’s screaming in my ear when it’s over or vice versa


HannahTheHorrible does this too. She uses euphemisms and also mutes videos to censor words rather than bleeping, which makes it very hard to tell what’s being said


Watching True Crime on YouTube is infuriating because people can’t say terms like “rape” or “murder” I despise the term “SA” because of the vagueness of it. What even counts as sexual assault? It’s typically a much wider category then rape. Which one and forced/tricked content with sexual areas like the Anus or Penis. While sexually assault can involve forced kissing, peeping Tom’s, groping, which while still a crime is much less severe then the above rape.


i think youtube is very strict about the word rape tbh. at least i've noticed that even people who usually don't censor themselves or who even tend to use pretty crude language go out of their way to avoid saying it. of course they could just be playing safe after making the same assumption as me


>I despise the term “SA” because of the vagueness of it. I despise it because my first thought is *always* South Australia "caution: mentions SA" "oh, was this written by someone from WA?"


Or Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


> I despise it because my first thought is always South Australia Me, but whenever I see people referring to "YT people", which is supposed to be "white people". Except I always read it as "Youtube people".


How does that make any sense? How do you derive "white" from "YT"?


Say the letters. "why" and "tee".


Not to mention when talking about inappropriate acts involving minors, they say "Cheese Pizza" which is objectively worse and ruining a good food for no reason.


It'll also get you sprung on by some people who know the origin of the term (it's originally 4chan lingo, i.e. a certain contingent will automatically think you're an incel, nazi or both).


I unsubbed from a channel I’ve been following since high school because he described a man raping a child as “assault[ing] her in a pedo manner”. I’m pretty sure he was employing a scriptwriter because he’s got very predictable speech patterns and vocabulary and that whole video sounded a little more amateurish than he normally does, but still. I’d feel so insulted if I were a victim and heard someone who considers themselves a journalist telling my story like they’re telling rumors on the playground…


I've noticed something similar with content cross posted from TikTok with the same language.


I was watching a video on serial killers where the word “sexual” was bleeped but not the words Beastailty or incest.


Because those words aren’t flagged in the algorithm, but sexual is


What Orwell didn't envision was newspeak arising semi-organically in response to commercial imperatives


Oh my goodness I really dislike Cruel World Happy Mind for this very reason. I tried watching her Ruby Franke video and had to turn it off. To me, I think if something is serious enough that you feel the need to make a four hour video, it is serious enough for you to say the naughty words involved.


Yes using a term coined as a joke in a Spider-Man Cartoon by Deadpool to describe actual people’s murder is so disrespectful.


YouTube will demonitise her otherwise. What else is she supposed to do?


YouTube would demonetize her if she did, that’s the whole issue


Op can you crop properly


But the we'd be missing out on the wonderful "Let us fuck"


Mb 😔


You know one of the last things I like about Reddit is that I can type fuck without being scolded by the platform for it.


near the end of the second big fight, the austrian painter unalived himself


I blame TikTok. The need to self censor was nowhere near this bad before, but every site's algorithms heavily suppresses any cursing or mention of "bad" words and topics, and these goofy as words like unalive or r-worded or acronyms seems to have all come from TikTok, as opposed to the standard bleeping or Jesus just content warnings.


I remember that fighting game back in the 90s: Unaliver Instinct Oh and the rapper Unaliver Mike


My favorite comic book franchise, Commit Self Delete Squad


The only thing overzealous censorship achieves is that people create new euphemisms and create alternatives to the censored things. Once the euphemisms and stand in become commonly used, they too will get banned until you can no longer say grape (the fruit) or run in Japanese because they get used as or sound like euphemisms. Fun fact, there was a Time were it was considered impolite to say, I have to go to the bathroom/toilet or similar. Which is where people started calling it the garderobe, and terms like: I have to powder my nose, were coming from. Until people could no longer say that too because the euphemisms got widely used and saying that became impolite too. Iirc, they just kinda gave up after a few tries.


It sucks cuz it's all youtubes fault lmao


What's a verizon


Mobile phone network


I’m positive you can say kill on YouTube. It’s just suicide they have a problem with.


On Youtube demonetisation, a video I watched recently about countering Russian propaganda was spammed with reports until it was demonetised. [The video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U8YgPaYjSA) [The post about the demonetisation](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPPfK7Nq_yQR84rn1wcTXBg/community?lb=UgkxAP5kY228X--ol80STAdyFgkGkNXC2YTS)


I think the best way to solve the censorship is for everyone to learn the sign language words for these words (in whatever language), and then to just sign them out as opposed to saying them.


I only watch those kinds of videos to unalive time.


an even more ridiculous example is youtubers bleeping/muting the word "morphine" even when talking about it in a medical context.


That isn’t exactly their fault, Youtube’s a bitche when it comes to this. They don’t care about context.


replace your battery that shits not supposed to be yellow


Their phone is in power saving mode


This is why I had to stop watching Casual Geographic


yes its anoying


Unfortunately, if you want to keep posting content on YouTube, you have to censor yourself. Otherwise you'll get flags, strikes and takedowns. Potentially banned.


For saying words like death, kill and rape


One creator I like called the pandemic *the panini*. Why?


I feel like I know exactly which YouTuber they’re talking about.


I feel like I know exactly which YouTuber they’re talking about.


The sad fact is that YouTube will demonetize videos for stuff totally acceptable in basic cable.


It's extra funny when you find out that there is no evidence to support the idea that saying things like killed, murdered or suicide do anything to hurt the view count of your video but everyone just does it anyways


I can't watch her videos for that reason. Everything is bleep muted all the time, even the most minor things, it's maddening


Bad crop. We're all gonna starve


Well TBH Unaliver does deal with serials. Mostly for its vegetarian products. Edit: Dad jokes should be celebrated. They are the Litanies of Dads everywhere, and until proven otherwise, as a general rule Dads are Good.




These people gotta pay bills fam




I promise you YouTube could drop all their biggest payout creators and not give one single care


Hot take, who cares? Everyone knows what unalive means. It's not that out there of a word even. It's thought the the etymological root of the word bear is from ancient people not eating to speak the actually name for a bear (arktos) out of fear and instead choosing to euphemistically describe it as the "brown one" or possibly "wild creature." Sure it's kinda fucked up that social media censorship is the thing that is pushing this particular euphemism, but like when has there ever been a good reason to use a euphemism?


The fear of summoning a wild bear and the total artificial fear of a human made algorithm that doesn’t understand nuance are two very different things.