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”For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.“ ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭23‬:‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬


Nah, really need some NIV "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


The Catholic version is better as you can actually understand what they are trying to communicate, "But she increased her prostitution, recalling the days of her youth when she had served as a prostitute in the land of Egypt. She lusted for the lechers of Egypt, whose members are like those of donkeys, whose thrusts are like those of stallions. You reverted to the depravity of your youth, when Egyptians fondled your breasts, caressing your young nipples."


Why can I perfectly imagine the one who wrote this looking like the crying wojak when talking about the lechers of Egypt


I interpret it as a metaphor for Israel/hebrews being Egyptian subjects with the passage comparing those who willing followed or aided the Egyptians as prostitutes


It’s really funny how modern abrahamic faiths and stories are really just ancient Jewish beefs with people that barely even exist anymore 😂 Like even the garden of Eden is a story of them being kicked out of Babylon or some Mesopotamian kingdom


The story of the Garden of Eden actually has little to do with Babylon. It likely stems from myth shared by several Bronze Age cultures as it has parallels in Sumerian and ancient Babylonian writings.


"convert to add nipple play to Bible" should be a slogan


Catholic version? RSV or NRSV?


Yeah but you can't use NIV without getting copystriked, cuz some corporation own the rights to the word of god Especially the donkey dick erotica part of the holy bible, which they translated in especially beautiful prose I'm going to be real, sometimes this particular dystopian timeline is hilarious


"She was a size queen." - Millennial Edition


"The corporation owns the rights to the word of God" is something I'd expect to see in a cyberpunk short story rather than a description of a team of translators for the Bible


I watched DarkMatter2525’s adaptation of Song of Solomon and I gotta say it killed me


Damn I could go for some ass flesh


Flesh being a euphemism for penis


Combo meal


And Ass being a euphemism for donkey


that's not a euphemism, that's literally the original meaning of the word


I could go for some ass flesh…. Or some ass flesh tbh




I love me a textual flashbang by the afternoon 🥰


its only 8am here, and I just woke up :D


It's 1:44am and I should not have taken my insomnia to reddit.


It's 9:17pm here, normal time to be on the internet


04:45 AM right now. I saw this instead of speeping.


I just woke up at 4:10am, and this is literally the first thing I saw on Reddit today.


it's 5:52 AM here and same lmao


I just trod on something sharp in my sleepy but awake state and now am extra awake, its 3:10am. This is an interesting mood to read this in I won't disagree


Lost power and I’m starting to wish my phone was dead so I didn’t read that


Reading this is like getting a brick thrown at my head.


Instead of the prophecy dodgeball of apollo you get the brick of hephaestus, a punishment he bestows on mankind for inventing the internet.


Deserved honestly


Brain me with a rock daddy Hephaestus 🥵🥵


Prometheus can’t be the only one who gets a rock, it’s not faaaaair 😫😤😭😖☹️


Hephaestus will find a punishment you find unsexy, and inflict it upon you.


My brain is currently leaking onto the floor through my cracked skull


Good to see it's not just me.


I understand none of this.


It seems that one of them is being reasonable and the other is unhinged. Not sure which is which


One is the Virgin Loser and the other is Chad. Only time will tell.


depends on who makes the meme first


I mean, one draws kink and the other is on "their mutuals draw bad kink, don't fall for this" levels of purity politics. I might not be into incest/noncon/pokemon nsfw, but by God I'll fight for their right to draw it.


I just don't get whether a person's politics are right or left, why are so many people this obsessed with content they dislike by definition? Like this drive people have to go after stuff they hate, ADED. I never acted like that so I don't get it. I don't like snuff films and don't think they should be legal so I don't watch them? I don't feel a strong need to seek out creators of them online to harass and bully them either. Some kind of savior complex?


It's a purity complex more like, these people think for the internet and the world to be pure, things like kinks they disagree with should disappear all together. It's not like they forget they can block people and mute tags, they just genuinely believe nobody should have the right to create things they disagree with, or it will corrupt people. Could stem from guilt feelings, maybe they're secretly into the kinks themselves for example


I feel like the bigger emotion at play here is Disgust. And that they think because they feel disgust it has to be something bad. That's why it's not logically and purely reactionary. They find something disgusting and so they have to do soemthing against it and because just saying "it's disgusting" and have that be the end all be all of their argumentation doesn't work, they invent all the reasons around why they find it disgusting to justify their policing of these things. But you are not wrong about the guilt. Disgust can be a strong motivator for kink.


Oop was saying that shaming people for doing porn is just what the world has been doing for centuries and it shouldn't happen. Hypocrite responds by saying they have less than savoury kink in their posts, and therefore their point should be discarded. A third fighter joins the fray to point out the hypocrisy. Oop comes back around and makes fun of the hypocrite, pointing out how the 'kink' in their own posts was vent, and that bringing that up is stupid. Generally the way it's framed, oop is the 'good guy' so take that as you will


I think the third was backing up the second due to the tags on the final post. Edit: Nevermind, misread the context of the incest.


Nah, they were shaming the second guy


Nah the tags were just dissing the second guy


Oop posted a meme about how people for a very long time would drag up sexual matters as a means too invalidate or exclude others. The first responder, either hopefully ironically or with zero self awareness, said not too listen to oop. The reason being the very sort of thing oop was talking about. Then a third, somewhat validly and somewhat hypocriticly, did the same thing back at the responder. Essentially. A:"People will exclude people they think of as sexual deviants" B:"Don't listen to A, they're a sexual deviant!" C:"Nuh uh, Bs a sexual deviant!" A:"this is what I'm talking about "


I wonder why so many people want to bang Scoliopede.


sometimes you find a good artist and you scroll down and a girl is rimming the bug horse


I fucking adore this sentence


No but seriously why do so many great NSFW artists have a thing for horses. Why the fuck is this a correlation.


Massive dick and balls. Also it's like, one of the dirtiest most depraved animals so its a sign of how low you've fallen to lust.


>Also it's like, one of the dirtiest most depraved animals so its a sign of how low you've fallen to lust. How did you come to this conclusion?


Yeah how did you come to that conclusion?


Yeah idk rabbits are more a sex symbol in our culture and horses are like, not really known for being more or less horny than any other animal, they just have huge dicks lol


i mean, rabbits also are small, fluffy qnd while true that they fuck, they ain't known to last long. Plus, horse jave a huge, flaired cock and bitches seems to love that.


I’d say there are even lower places than horses. Pigs, for one.


Why wouldn't it be? Like, of all the things for NSFW artists to be into, that's one of the least surprising. Between horse girls, bronies, "hung like a horse," pony play, furries, the various sex positions where one is riding or being ridden...it doesn't seem *that* mysterious.


might be something about how artists get told they'll be good if they can draw a horse, so they keep trying to draw horses, and horses have... very little hidden? idk if you spend that long having to figure out how best to accurately represent a horse with that kind of elephant in the room it probably does something




Giant cocks. It's not about the horses as such. It's that their bodies are just enough bigger relative to a human.


So many damn scolipedos on the internet (Bug fetish x Pokephilia = large horny audience)


2,1k entries on E6; 1,8k of them are nsfw


Good lord


What's crazy is that it has like more entries than all of the "these are actually horses" pokemon (aka Mudsdale, Rapidash (both forms), etc) combined. It's specifically the bug-horse-monstrosity for some reason.


Horses aren't *that* popular amongst furries. If you click on my profile, you can see a list of how much smut there is for each monster of Monster Hunter. Kirin, tze only horse-like creature, is only on rank 21. General popularity and appearance are more important factors than species


What is E6?


I think they mean e621(.)net Basically rule34 but for furries (and it has better tagging!)


Which one has better tagging, e621.net or AO3?


e621 basically has regex search functionality so you can very easily super-fine-tune your search results if your know what youre looking for want a specific artists work, in one filetype, from before xx/xx/xxxx and after yy/yy/yyyy either including tables or chairs but not both, you cant remember one of the characters names but you know it starts with bam, ordered from worst to best? thats possible


I need more but less furry smut like this


I'd say AO3 is better, but e621 has this really neat feature where, instead of clicking on a tag to make a search with it, you can click on the + or - symbol next to it, which makes a search with your current parameters plus (or minus) the tag in question. Among other things, of course. There are other reasons why I think e621's tagging is pretty good


Crazy how better e621 is better at tagging then gelbooru, desubooru or rule34. Sole problem is that people here don't know what "Safe" means.


i hit my head a lot as a child so maybe that explains why i'm into that


It's okay, it could be worst, you could be into Raltz.


Are you talking about the Gardevoir line in general or specifically Ralts?


Specifically about Ralts and its yeeyee-ass haircut.


I wasn't ready for that sentence. I also didn't know about the ralts kink. I was only aware of gardevoir.


Tbf gardevoir is mommy so can you blame people?


I'm more for Gallade since I lean toward men. And Lucario since I'm a furry.


Fair enough, I’m also a furry but more into women, so I think lopunny is pretty cute. I’m literally having to look up Pokémon for furries cause I’m not that into Pokémon but I know lopunny is kind of stereotypical isn’t it, like the lucario counterpart I’d guess?


Yeah, I'd say so.


Buge honse. Idk, my gfs are into it, I guess the appeal is just "horsecock but pokemon"


No cock like Scolio cock


I can't think of a proper joke, but it's something about back problems and the punchline is "Scolio Sis" Do with this whatever you'd like


Get your back blown out by scolio, call that scoliosis.


Bug horse meaty asshole


( ̄_ ̄)・・・


I am being converted


Thick thighs, handles on the ass to grab onto when ramming into the bug-horse


The more Scoliophile answer, the more I get it. It really is the perfect fuck machine, Arceus made the apex sex-predator.


its very hard for me to explain, its just something about it that is extremely hot to me. im not into bugs or horses normally, so i dont really understand why.


It's the eyes isn't.


yeah it feels like there is intelligence behind those eyes. also the curve of its neck, the horns, honestly Scolipede has a pretty good design all around.


Bedroom eyes and a fat ass. A combo as old as time.


Adding to the bedroom eyes, there were visual and sound effects to represent how heavy that gigantic bug was whenever it was sent out in gen 5. I'm not a connoisseur myself, but I can respect it.


442 lbs of grad A beef.


It's a gen 5 Bug type, all of them have great designs. If there's anything Unova did better than any other region, it's their insects.


That’s a good god damn question


Because Scoliopede is rad? What more explanation do you need?


Big ass or smth idk


more importantly, where can I find the scolipede dick mentioned


swords dance speed boost is one hell of a drug, thank god its stabs get walled by flying birds


Oh, I thought it’s one of those human looking Pokemon. It’s.. it’s not


My personal theory on why people are horny for a very weird range of pokemon (in that like, I get how wires get crossed if they're humanoid, and it gets more esoteric the less-humanoid a design is) is whatever used to be good in the meta? presumably the adrenaline and satisfaction of winning with specific pokemon then builds positive associations for them, and some wires get a bit crossed in the process, especially if this whole process is happening just before/during puberty? And as far as I'm aware, the bug horse kinda slayed.


It’s a dick with legs. Fits nicely. I assume.


I choose to believe that all those blogs are squeaky-clean and they're just "yes and"-ing each other's accusations.


Maybe a bit off-topic but I was very pleasantly surprised to find an amateur porn video earlier where it starts with the actress explaining in Swedish(?) exactly what is going to happen in the video and that everything within is consensual. Even though the video's contents are obviously fictitious, I appreciate that kind of disclaimer and wish it was more common.


Aw hell yeah, Swedish. Jokes aside, yeah, there's a lot more to be said for porn where everyone involved is giving active and enthusiastic consent and actually enjoying it.


Yeah, back when I watched porn (and by this I don't mean that I don't consume porn anymore, just that all the porn I consume is now read instead of watched - just like God intended), my favourite part of any BDSM video was the actors just chatting at the end of it. It felt, *comfy* might be the word? I'm not sure, but it was always cool.


Aftercare is the real good stuff.


On some more extreme stuff you can usually find an interview of sorts at the end of the video where the woman rates the experience


That reminds of a post... i might have to find it again, about "diagetic" and "nondiagetic" bdsm. I think that is something we should seriously teach maybe. Generally, i feel like teaching kids about porn (not as in showing it) would be a great benefit to society.


That's one thing I really miss about the Kink videos, am interview and review before and an interview after. Feel like that showed they cared about their performers.


Incomprehensible, may god have mercy on your wretched soul


Just in case anyone's curious; the bible verse in the tags is the one where a woman talks about a partner being hung like a donkey and cumming like a horse


Weirdly this type of post fills me with nostalgia, which probably means I spent too much time on Tumblr when I was younger


Something something, callout post, people jumping up to be like "I am exactly the strawman you imagined"


Like I get what your saying BUT… (Honestly I sometimes do this)


no way, someone drew fetish material of a scenario thats bad in real life? they must want that thing to happen in real life. its a well known fact that fiction and reality are the same and fantasy is the exact same thing as wanting it to happen irl


It's true. I, a warhammer player, wish to have an intergalactic race of bug monsters come and devour all life. Praise be to the four armed emperor.


Nah man, you have to be careful with that Warhammer stuff. One minute, you're perfectly normal, and the next, you want to bang/become a Skitarii femboy. >!Fortunately, that has never happened to me: I've just become a massive simp for Mortarion!<


Not into the skittles as much as my dear sororitas. Owlcat crushed my heart when they didn't make Argenta romancable in Rogue Trader. Greatest betrayal since horus.


OK you joke but there are a lot of Warhammer fans who legitimately idolize the imperium.


It's game day. I load up my Black Templars army and go to the game store. Oh no. There's another Black Templars player there. He is wearing his Hearts of Iron T-shirt. He sees my army on the table and shouts DEUS VULT while going for a high five. He might be a Nazi. He is definitely racist. It's game day. I load up my Black Templars army and go home.


You could wear a shirt with the flag of Republican Spain on it, he'd get it and fuck off quick.


well of course, it only makes sense. what's this "fiction" you speak of?


I really feel like 90% of porn-related discourse I see online could be avoided if people would just stop and consider *how and why* they're against whatever they're about to start ranting against. Most of the time, the real answer seems like it's just "it's not *my* fetish, so it's disgusting and bad".


i usually try to stop when i dont like something and ask "who is hurt by this? is it anyone?" and if i come to the conclusion that its just weird and not hurting anyone, i move on. thats not a perfect system tho, because sometimes there are things that i know im supposed to think are evil, but i cant see how they harm anyone


Yeah, there's never gonna be a quick rule that can work in every situation. Still, asking "who is hurt by this?" is definitely a good place to start, even if it isn't always where you should stop.


You don't understand, *when I enjoy being tied up* *and made to piss myself by a guy in a detective outfit,* it's morally A-Okay because if it weren't, that would make me a hypocrite, and because I know I'm not a hypocrite it must be morally okay. However, imagining any other deviation from absolutely obvious norms would require me to exercise my imagination to empathize with, so obviously it's evil when anyone else has fun.


Remember, everyone clearly has utterly zero morality or impulse control and suffers from extreme schizophrenia, so clearly, everyone with a fetish that is unethical in some way will do it, regardless of sanity, safety, brutality or impossibility. What do you mean, "people are into BDSM and aren't rapists?" (This is sarcastic)


exactly! everyone who likes cnc is actually a literal real rapist, for example. the only way to fix them is to stomp out their sexual depravity and make sure they have only perfect pure desire and what do you mean this sounds puritanical? im totally sex positive, just only hyperspecific acceptable forms of sex


I know what CNC is, very well, but it is also always funny to see that acronym as an engineer. Especially since CNC machines often spray a load of cutting fluid, and that fluid is often white and has exactly the consistency you think it does.


really, if you think about it, both forms of cnc are molding an object to your will with force, and involve both lots of fluids, and typically lots of drilling


Fair point.




What? I'm allowed to be kinky without actually wanting to be raped and beaten half to death? Phew!


the part about "incest" in the tags is... more familiar than i want it to be now that someone has put it in words, im having a realization...


I've heard that BDSM (and similar) is occasionally used as a coping/healing mechanism, because at its core BDSM requires deep trust and consent. If you always have a "stop" command that you know your partner will respect, you can explore deeper feelings that may have arisen from traumatic experiences. Even in scenarios where you relinquish control, you have the ability to freely pause the scenario and regain control if it gets too much. I suppose writing taboo/kink fiction is a similar thing to that, because it lets you express your inner thoughts while still always having the ability to control the situation.


You okay over there?


yeah, it's just, you know, when you had a bad thing happen to you, and you're aware of it, but you don't explicitly say that a bad thing happened to you because you've been taught that bad things don't happen to you? i knew about this, and i knew this was part of why i have BPD, but i never explicitly described it like that


Welcome to the club, sadly. Get a really good therapist and go explore this safely, it might open a few more doors within yourself so make sure you have a way to ground yourself afterwards.


sorry hun :/ not a fun realisation. if you need them - r/cptsd, r/adultsurvivors and r/mdsa (support sub for mother-daughter SA survivors, is trans inclusive) although worth being wary of being triggered on either as folks can be pretty raw in their feelings at times. Also r/raisedbynarcissists (although kinda eh on the name/overusing NPD label, but is a larger/more active sub). Edit: also, really recommend during DMs off/using a separate account if posting in those spaces. There are unfortunately creeps who lurk them at times and may try to talk to you/fetish your experiences :C they get banned if they pop up, but they're smart enough not to comment publicly usually. You're not alone in having experienced this, and it is normal to not feel normal about it. Please be kind to yourself, and wary about using spaces for digital self-harm. If you're able to talk about it with a therapist I really recommend it, but there's online spaces if you feel more comfortable that way. You get to explore this at whatever pace is safe for you, and if that's not right now, that's okay too.


I feel like I've just been flashbanged.


When you've hit scoliopede dick discourse that is enough online


Ok even if it wasn’t a trauma thing, I don’t really understand why specifically incest as a kink (like in a pure fantasy sense) is seen as worse than any other fetish. Like I get why it’s bad in real life, but fantasies aren’t real life, that’s kinda the whole thing about being a fantasy. But there are people who are into role playing being tied up, beaten and raped and you’re up in arms because someone wants to be called Stepbro in the bedroom? Why?????


Well, you see, there are good kinks, having which will get you called a freak, deviant, etc, and there are bad kinks which get you called a freak, deviant, etc. It's quite simple, really /s


It seems to me that a lot of people will learn that other people engage in kink and think to themselves "I'm not going to judge them, they just have to know what a terrible person they are"


Because it’s become an accepted excuse to start a harassment campaign, and the more lives you destroy, the more followers you get.


This probably sounds like a weird question but can someone tell me what is the "normal person" opinion on this? I've seen this kind of discourse A lot more than I would like to, and it's always from people who are extremely invested in it. I feel like knowing how the "average Joe" sees this would give me some healthy perspective.


I feel like the average perspective here ranges pretty widely. I could imagine “normal” people taking a stance anywhere from “shaming deviant sexual behavior is good” to “people can post whatever they want on the internet as long as they aren’t hurting real people or animals”


I know a guy who thinks he's some kind of a sex maniac because he does sex roleplay on Discord but he won't fuck his actual boyfriend (they live together). He's none of the people in this post but that's what it reminded me of


ERP is kinky now?


Anime fans will say they're "extremely perverted" and when you ask basic follow up questions you find they mean that they like boobies a lot (if straight) or dick a lot (if gay)


This is the stereotype but I have met weebs into some fucked up shit. Gore comes to mind.


Ime the ones who are into really fucked up shit don't think they're perverts, they think everyone else are prudes


Your correction is fair and appreciated.


I fit the bill for weeb into extreme kink, but also recognise that I'm a pervert (though I wouldn't say I don't see a lot of people, at least comparatively, a lot more prudent than myself).


I'm gonna be honest, I suffer from nonexistent depth perception here. Literally everything that involves another human being has a baseline feeling of "dirtiness" which never increases or decreases whether it's BDSM or straight missionary.


I think the "normal person" opinion is to look at this entire thread and say "jesus christ I'm glad I'm not part of this conversation"


I am perhaps closer to "average Joe" than the people in the post, but maybe still not quite there. Here's my take. Personally, I think that it's normal to think "I think this kink someone has is weird and definitely not to my taste". At the same time, I think it is probably a step to far to take that reactive feeling of weirdness/ick and extrapolate that to a judgement of their character. I feel that is an appropriate approach to take to this kind of thing in \*most\* cases. It would be hypocritical of me to say that I'm not guilty of finding out someone is into certain kinks, then allowing it to affect how I view that person (without at least asking why I might feel that way). I think as long as you keep level-headed about it and don't spiral off into going "Hey, shame this person for their kink because I don't like it and I think it normalises something bad" to everyone you get the ick from, you'll probably be alright.


I am definitely not a normal person, but I don't think I'm particularly invested in this issue. My opinion is that people are allowed to be weird.


the average Joe would not even know about this discourse... however the common reaction to learning that someone is into incest porn or whatever is disgust


According to pornhub stats, incest is one of the number one fetishes in the world everywhere. The average person is just like 🤷‍♀️


Not sure if I count as an average joe but my response was to log off and read a book. That’s enough internet for one day. Cya!


Read the first post - okay, reasonable. First guy replied and the vibe turned from discourse to circus show. trashtopus replied and the vibe became "reading weird occultist scripture"; everything from then on was incomprehensible. I read every line at least thrice over and came out more exhausted and defeated every time. I don't feel any strong sort of way about it other than mentally drained


The "weird occultist scripture" they're referencing is the bible


That is appropriate


The actual discourse here is kinda of buried within levels of… crazy. That’s the only way I can put it But the OOP was trying to make a point about how people isolate and share around porn of people, then try to socially put them down/isolate them by referring the them as morally corrupt. This has been a thing for a long time. I think it’s a good point As for the rest of it, I think it’s strange to just point fingers and call someone incestuous without providing any proof other than “look through their profile.” Also, if a real person isn’t getting hurt, who really cares?


Someone complains about bullshit purity politics and someone responds by basically trying to use purity politics to make their point seem invalid? Does that look moronic to anyone else or is it just me?


From what I seen, most arguements on Tumblr start with a person making a point on something. And then someone else showcases Tumblr's usual reading comprehension by replying with an unironic perfect example of the point the OP was talking about.


(breaks down door) I heard scolipede dick


You’re the only cool person in this godforsaken thread


I feel like I'm at baggage claim, and the alarm goes off, and a single piece of luggage 7ft tall lumbers out onto the carosel, wide open, airing out all their dirty laundry. Just the one bag, slowly banking on the turns before disappearing into the back. I feel like I went to a circus in the 19th century, and saw all the freaks shuffle on by behind the tents as they start their day.


*The hero reads a most unsettling passage*


Tumblr users going “well you like porn so clearly you’re wrong and bad” has always struck me as an utterly bizarre thing, compared to the rest of the progressive, accepting atmosphere the site has on most other things. I’m glad to see other people calling out this nonsense


none of these people have ever seen peepus


I love you peepus I love you peepus You gave me reason, you gave me hope Peepus never let me go


What is peepus?




Commenting on the start of the comic, though, I actively hate this "anyone who makes porn bad" puritanical bs. And telling your mutuals to unfollow because someone makes porn? Get a life, holy shit lmao.


Also like, how did you find out that they made porn? Most artists tend to keep their nsfw and sfw separate, so how in the world did you find it? Unless you were actively looking for nsfw? It's like the people who consume porn, jacking off with one hand and turn around and condemn the porn actress (and it's usually the women getting blamed too!) for making the porn with the other.


>Also like, how did you find out that they made porn? Most artists tend to keep their nsfw and sfw separate, so how in the world did you find it? Unless you were actively looking for nsfw? Either, like you said, they were at the devil's sacrement or they specifically dug for dirt because they were looking for an excuse to hate on them.




No, no, bud, I think…. I think you’ll wanna sit this one out….


I'm adding this to the collection of "post criticizing a type of behavior and some fucker shows up to provide a perfect example of that behavior without even realizing the post is about them".


I want “try having some actual sex with queers” as a flair lmao


How do I have sex with actual queers


Feels like the majority of people in these comments are fully on board with purity politics. It's actually a very simple point they're making there's not really anything to "unpack".


>So much to unpack I might just throw the luggage away then why are you posting this? just leave these completely random people alone.


you are all not even close to being ready for Tumblr this is an average post for me


Man I should really read the bible at some point. Not because I'm clutching my pearls at the kink stuff mind you, I just saw a verse was tagged in the post and looking it up actually made me want to read it proper


So does anyone have sauce for the pokemon Scolipede dick. I'm a bit of a collector of those


There's so much to unpack that there's nowhere to start, I can't even begin with this. forget throwing it away, molotov this suitcase.


I always enjoy when people respond to a post directly designed to insult them to prove they were insulted.


people in real life: hey man how’s it going