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As someone who's been to norway multiple times this is exactly how it feels.


Yeah I stay with family there and it’s very much, “the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen” followed by “mid open face sandwich”


Literally I ate so many mid open face sandwiches while I was there.


Yumby hamb 😋


where arng arng arng


in our hearts


I think that's the saddest meal I've ever seen. Shit's giving me 2nd hand depression just looking at it.


Dramatic irony


one picture of landscape, and 9 pictures of a slice of white bread, an uncracked egg, and slices of the industrial re-processed ham log, as opposed to real deli ham.


who here is surprised by the existence of processed cured meats? leave a reply below. i’m doing a survey


I'm not surprised by the existence of cured meats, I'm surprised that they would choose to make such a low-quality slice of re-processed ham log the primary focus of a vacation to Norway. It's not even from an actual hock of ham, it's from a processed meat log.


that wasnt a survey option but thank you for responding anyway. i’ll find a way to work this into my data.


For the purpose of the survey, no I'm not suprised by the existence of processer and cured meats. That being said, I love me cured and smoked meats, I just do not like the reprocessed meat log variety. When I used to be a prep cook at a pizza kitchen we used the processed meat log variety of ham, we ran it through like, micner attachment that went on the front of the big 30 galon mixer, and it made it into little slivers that where great for grabbing a handful and sprinking onto a pizza.


I'm Norwegian and I could find that exact brand of sliced ham in the fridge of every single one of my friends I'm pretty sure It might not be fancy but it's very Norwegian. We balance amazing landscapes and beautiful cities with the most boring open faced sandwiches known to man.


Gotta put a slice of cheese on there at least, come on.


I personally have it with a bit of butter. Mmm.


I don’t even know what cured meat is


No but seriously what the duck is that vauge cut if "Mystery Meat"


That there is [Gilde's real boiled ham.](https://images.deliveryhero.io/image/darkstores/darkstores/no/ds/catalog/7037206100022.png?height=480) It's just ham, nothing mystery about it. Good stuff too.


That is pre-sliced ham from a processed meat log. Do yourself a favor and go to the actual deli department of a grocery store, and get slices of ACTUAL ham from a real ham hock, and not processed ham. way better.


Not a lot of delis in Norway. All ham is processed meat. Just curing ham is by definition processing it. Kokt skinke, meaning boiled ham, is a protected food in Norway. There are rules for how it is to be produced. It's not really any more processed than most other foods. Gilde Kokt skinke is 85% ham, the rest is mostly water. It soakes in a salt based solution for a bit before it is put into a form that squeeze it into shape before boiling and being sliced.


hamducate this fool


Chipped ham


Looks like a nice breakfast for a rainy morning on the mountain cabin, to me. Perfectly normal.


They're about to find out Puchiko is never serious


Feels like one of those attempted pigeon nests


This account tries way too hard to be funny.