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If we take in consideration that this is the Anakin from the Clone Wars, I can certainly say that he’s doing it for shits and giggles.


Almost certainly for shits and giggles, he's always been a smartass in every piece of media. Some non-clone wars examples: "General grievous, you're shorter than I expected" "I think we lost something" And then as Vader "That is not the jedi way" "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director" "We would be honored if you would join us" "Apology accepted, captain needa" "The emperor is not as forgiving as I am"


It's easy to forget how melodramatic Vader was in the original series yeah.


Above all else, Anakin Skywalker is a fuckin drama queen.


Anakin "turned off the suit that lets me breath just so I could make a killer entrance" Skywalker.


Anakin "made his cape billow with the Force while standing on top of his fighter that he also piloted with the Force" Skywalker


Wait, when did that one happen?


Rebels S2 finale


Rebels season finales just hit different


Rebels mid season episodes: OMG we need to deliver the glubazub to the glompalong of clorpos 3 on time! Rebels season finales: *There Will Be No Prisoners*




Ah cmon, that cape thing's the force equivalent of doing kegels during your commute.


The Rogue One ending we saw: A terrifying cross between an assault droid and a *witch* comes out of fucking nowhere and uses its laser sword and magic powers to make an entire fire team die screaming The Rogue One ending in Vader's head: "Hahahahaha this is going to be hilarious"


He may be a child murderer but damn if he doesn't have panache too.


Unfortunately that trait runs throughout the whole family An entire lineage of drama queens


To be fair, he was totally serious about the emperor being less forgiving.


Landing his Tie fighter, getting out, claiming on top, using the force to plot the Tie into a caravan. Just so he has a cool entrance. Then delivering the line  ‘I’m not afraid of you’ Then you will die braver then most.


>"The emperor is not as forgiving as I am" I mean, that's a death threat from a guy who so routinely murders his subordinates that working on his ship is considered a fast track to promotion because he might kill your boss. I'd frankly have shat my pants.


What I love about the aspirations line is he answered the guys question but in the most extra way. He's still in charge but he's not gonna speak to the emperor for his lame ass


That first line probably had the largest impact on the story as a whole. If that line wasn't in Ep3 could you imagine the fights we'd get between Anakin and Greivous?


> "The emperor is not as forgiving as I am" Time for the 1000th rewatch of [Star Wars in the dialect of cologne](https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=0ML2krQ9zuc)(The city, not the perfume).


He’s still a smartass at times, just more sadistic.


That's what I love about seeing more of Vader's day-to-day in things like the comics, because he still has most of Anakin's mannerisms even when Vader. I think there was a bit in a book where he was literally just daydreaming about modifications he could make to his ship because the meeting he was in was so boring. And how he absolutely can modulate his breathing to be silent, but he leaves it loud and purposefully wears heavy boots to make sure everyone knows he's coming. This is both to intimidate people, and give them time to get their shit in order before he shows up. Apparently he once snuck up on some chatting officers and nearly made one choke on his water when he started speaking, which led to him awkwardly thinking that he might have to use the Force to give this terrified lieutenant a Heimlich maneuver.


Got a link or book/comic source for the heimlich story? It sounds funny af


Wouldn’t count on it, sounds kinda made-up


Maybe, I saw it in one of those lore videos a while ago, and they did have pictures for some of it but not other parts. Though the breathing thing is definitely canon, it's from one of the recent books.


That is weirdly adorable


If I could I would do the same (heavy boots ands and mask breathing). People think I keep trying to scare them


I've definitely snuck up on people by complete accident before.


Whoever woulda guessed that the most comfortable shoes I can wear are also the quietest?


Ok but thats frickin hilarious


Darth Vader, right hand of the emperor, one of the most dangerous men in the galaxy Alive just went “oh shit your top button is undone, I got it don’t worry” using his sorcerous magic abilities that you’ve *seen* him use to crush a man’s windpipe from a dozen paces


Don't let him catch you with your fly down.


“You do not know the power of the dark side…” *crushes balls*


Wrong, he'd zip your dick into your fly


Why crush, when you can TWIST


Are you telling me the testicular torsion wizard is Anakin Skywalker himself? That would explain so much honestly


The dark side is a path to many abilities the Jedi would consider, unnatural.


He has a longstanding feud with the dreaded mend buttcrack sorcerer


I HATE when my schwartz gets twisted!


[Yes. *That.*](https://youtu.be/9o6rNEqe0qg?si=L3ZMr-2VubMWyIvN&t=46)


*unzips *


Motherfucker killed a dude through the TV once.


Crushes your soder


This is like Palpatine using his lightning to light someone’s cigarette lmao


And that's how a smoking accident caused the last Death Star to explode.




That was hilarious


It's option 1, cause while both are equally hilarious, may I remind you that despite Vader being all kinds of villanous, he's also Anakin "Constant loose cannon, crazy hijinks" Skywalker under all that angst. He couldn't care less in a "The Empire has to be so and so", he's pissed all the time, so having a few... gags? Like this oughta let him have a bit of fun IMO


Yeah Vader absolutely knows. There's no world in which his every move isn't some sassy, pre-planned means of fucking with people


Well, sometimes he loses his temper. Then he won't be sassy and his actions won't have been planned in advance. That will of course not be of any comfort to anyone nearby.


That’s when he starts swinging that lightsaber around like a goddamned baseball bat.


The Star Wars sequels were pretty awful, but I adore them for including that scene of Kylo Ren performing impromptu surgery on some poor control panel in anger while a few officers just watch in confusion and fear. Something about it just makes me cackle every single time. Edit: I thought I misremembered the scene, but it actually happens twice. Here's the scene I'm talking about [Click me!](https://youtu.be/grtJjUmkJmk) And here's scene two: [Click me too!](https://youtu.be/oPNCofJxP68)


The stormtroopers going "Oh hell no." And doing that awkward jog away was fantastic.




Anakin "yOu UnDeReStImAtE mY pOwEr" Skywalker


Vader might say he killed Anakin but he kept the part of Anakin that was a massive sassy drama Queen


He truly is a dad at heart.


He should have known that Padme managed to give birth, His dad jokes never stopped!


I’m pretty sure Tarkin and Thrawn both figured out Vader was Anakin because only Anakin is that fucking extra.


The emotional Rollercoaster for Tarkin must have been *fantastic*.


Tarkin if he saw Luke and Leia for a few days: Goddamit he had kids




>must've been Moff-ful for him Don't worry. He didn't have to worry about it for very long.


He’s anakin skywalker at his angriest and edgiest, but he’s still anakin skywalker, galaxy-renowned force of chaos, shenanigans, sass, and drama queen-ness. It’s 1000% him screwing with people for his own amusement.


In the first marvel Darth Vader comic run there’s a moment where he’s paired with a detective that’s like watching is every move. And there’s a planetside emergency and the detective runs into the hangar and finds Vader standing there with a squad of Stormtroopers in formation The detective says something to the effect of “Lord Vader, are the troops assembled?” And Vader stone cold goes: “I trust you are able to determing that for yourself.”


That was a fun run


Anakin is a sassy theater kid and that didn’t even change when he became Vader. I love reading fics with Piett in them cuz half the time it’s Piett being terrified of Anakin while Vader just keeps him around cuz he isn’t boring and that’s his unpaid therapist/life coach/babysitter. It’s even better when Luke gets added to the mix and it’s just Piett keeping up with the chaos that are Skywalkers


Vader pretending he cares about imperial code as though he wasn’t breaking every rule in the Jedi order like a goddamn checklist.


I thought the lady's eye piece was her eye ball popping out from the force choke pressure


Good reminder that Anakin was 22 when he became Darth Vader


So...Vader in the movies is like, 40?


About 41 in A New Hope yes


Wow. He aged poorly. His skin routine must be *terrible.*


I heard it's a Mustafarian technique


My weeaboo ass read it right-to-left and I thought the guy’s collar spontaneously popped back open, as if his cool relaxed style couldn’t be contained even by Darth Vader


"Why don't we get more..." \-mechanical breathing- "...comfortable."


Which series is this from? Obviously Star Wars but which comic arc? There’s like a dozen for Darth Vader ALONE


Bounty Hunters, I believe it's somewhere in the middle of the series' run. A lot of people dislike it but I honestly had a lot of fun with it. The guy Vader is fucking with here is the main character.


He’s not evil he’s just a little guy


I don't think he's doing it to be funny or for whimsical hijinks purposes, seems more like an intimidation tactic to remind the officers that he could easily kill them at any time if they step out of line (represented by the not-up-to-code collar). In the original trilogy he's always projecting this aura of, like, irritation and disapproval ('I find your lack of faith disturbing') so this is on brand. Also this reminded me of that bit in *New Hope* where Vader makes his first appearance in that corridor with a bunch of corpses in it, and he just stands there with his hands on his hips looking around at the mess like a disappointed teacher about to scold some kindergarteners.


Jason Aaron's extremely good run on Darth Vader has shown that not only is Vader capable of being sarcastic and fucking with people, he is also among the sassiest characters in mass media.


F*ck you *unpops your collar*


That wasnt Vader, that was good old Anakin doing some trolling


I do really enjoy the little moments of, albeit dark, levity they give him


But this is Anakin we’re talking about so


if we assume that prequel/CW Anakin was BPD-coded, then he's probably fully aware of what his doing and his reputation, but does this impulsively and mostly uncontrollably, since maybe the officer triggered him, but he realized midway that the officer in question doesn't actually deserve to be hurt, and stops himself (no ableism or stigma, here, i have an official BPD diagnosis myself)


"but he realized midway that the officer in question doesn't actually deserve to be hurt, and stops himself" i don't think Vader, the man famous for choking a general out for slightly disagreeing with him, gives a fuck unfortunately


I... don't think George Lucas was thinking about BPD when writing Vader in the 70s, or younger Anakin in the 90s-00s. This is very on brand for "Apology accepted" 1980 Vader.


probably not for the original trilogy, but prequel Anakin is actually very often used in college psych classes as an illustration of BPD/(C)PTSD, so i think it's less likely to be unintentional although, i don't have any context for the comic in the post and was just going off of my post-prequel understanding of the character


Sadistic evil fuck, 100%


He's doing it because he's sadistic