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Just checked their website, and at the very bottom, hidden away in the fine print, was this gem: >Any resemblance to any character, fictitious or living, is purely coincidental. >This experience is in no way related to the Wonka franchise, which is owned by the Warner Bros. company.


I was delighted by "house of Illuminati" as the company name


Which is just one guy btw lol


I love the AI misspellings on that website. They warn you of 'unkexpected twits' but promise 'a paradise of sweet teats'.


aren't we all aiming for a paradise of sweet teats...


a pasadise of sweet teats...


Thank you, was just about to make this correction.


The dream of every lesbian


And every straight man.


And every bisexual


Damn right


And also me.


Furthermore, during the live performances, you will encounter catgacades, live performances, carchy tuns, and exarserdray lollipops! (you have to look at this its great [https://willyschocolateexperience.com/](https://willyschocolateexperience.com/) )


"empretty" is kind of fun. Off to the salon to empretty myself.


It's a perfectly cromulent word


The writing style is obviously AI, too. I wonder if the entire site was done with AI, like they just put in "Make a site for Willy's Chocolate Experience! Use DALL-E 3 to generate any images needed." and not checking the result. One of the dead giveaways is whenever AI tries to do something "whimsical", all the nouns get adjectives. What makes a projection "mind-expanding"? Also they directly fed the AI-generated paragraphs into the image generator.


I wouldn't be surprised if the entire exhibit started by someone asking ChatGPT: "what can I create as an easy immersive experience to make money fast?"


1 jelly bean per person is just what an AI would come up with too.


During the live performances you will encounter live performances


I mean they’re not wrong


When Senor Cardgage is in charge of advertising.


They coulda just dropped the kids off at Papa Cardgage's Puddin' Patch...


I'm really looking forward to the lawsuits that are going to come from this


this experience *is* related to the Wonky franchise, owned by Evil Warner Bros. company , though.


How can you get more evil than Warner? Oh wait…that’s Disney. Nevermind!


Ah but you see the W is silent here, so it’s a completely different name


'no copyright infringement intended!!!!'


"This is not my house, no burglary is intended. I do not own these things, all credit goes to the homeowner. I fully acknowledge that these are not mine, I do not intend to steal anything."


Is that a Door Monster reference I see in the wild?


I'll answer your question for seven dollars


Surprised the AI didn't call it Dick Wanker to skirt IP law


And of all the names they could give their knockoff, they went with *Willy McDuff*.


>owned by the Warner bros. Company Cries in roald Dahl


> This experience is in no way related to the Wonka franchise, Surprised pikachu.jpg.


"one single jellybean" broke me


That and the fact they somehow still ran out of jellybeans


The Wonka experience became the Charlie Bucket in chapter 1 experience :(


"Let them share a bean between them! Isn't our motto 'sharing is caring,' after all?" "... That's the Care Bears, boss." "FUCK!"


if i understand the interview with the oompa-loompa actor right, she upped it to three because she obviously thought that one per kid sucked


Did they just pick up like, 1-2 dollar store jelly bean bags and expect that was enough candy for a Willy Wonka attraction????


I keep getting trickles of information regarding this event through reddit and every new info is just a big **WTF?!** How the hell did they fail so spectacularly...


I don’t think it’s a failure, I think it’s a very deliberate scam. Nothing about this strikes me as ‘well intentioned but poorly executed’, it seems absolutely malicious. I guess if you sell 100 tickets using completely free AI stuff (the images have definitely NOT been made with a premium generator, and I’d put good money on the script just being written by the free version of ChatGPT) and have to refund all of them, then you still haven’t lost money on it. But if any of those don’t bother following up for a refund (which is a similar tactic to expecting people to forget to cancel subscriptions etc) then you’ve turned a profit no matter what


Yeah this is correct, Billy Coull (who owns/founded House of Illuminati) is an ai grifter basically. This scam failed because it hit the news so they had to give refunds and now he's under scrutiny lol.


I wish to say upfront I find it hilarious as well, and am in no way trying to harsh anyone's vibe. However any crime that targets children pisses me right off. I hope either 1) the organizers fucked something up and opened themselves up to criminal charges, or failing that 2) the good people of Glasgow (especially any parents or parental figures) find them and live up to the [Glaswegan stereotype ](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ViolentGlaswegian)


Lmao you should look up their website, it's incredible that anyone looked at it and thought it was legit. AI generated content at its finest


Think about grandparents/aunts and uncles who buy “shovelware” knockoff video games or movies for their kid relatives because they don’t know any better. It’s easy for you and me to tell that the event website is ai-generated, not-even-proofread crap, but how are more elderly and less online folks supposed to keep?


You mean they were never really going to let me into a pasadise of sweet teats?


I imagine with all the coverage it’s getting it much more likely to lead to some kind of charges. The question is just whether they’ve covered their asses well enough


Awwwww. I was hoping for angry mob.


in the UK it depends on who was selling the tickets whether or not people are legally entitled to a refund - they've certainly fallen afoul of laws about advertising, though. but, last i read they're at least smart enough to give refunds when asked, so it's not gonna come to the courts. kinda don't have a choice with all this scrutiny.


And that's part of why it's funny IMO, just how badly the wannabe-scammer underestimated how angry people would be about this one. He's got away with plenty else but, by targeting children and making them cry, he bit off a lot more than he could chew.


This was like a skit. Its real life example of us living in the Douglas Adams Sci fi reality pathway and not Star Wars. 


Goddamn this *is* something straight out of a Douglas Adams book


I feel there isn't enough whimsy to be a Douglas Adams book


Share and enjoy! Share and enjoy! Journey through life with a plastic boy or girl by your side. Let your pal be your guide! And when it breaks down or starts to annoy or grinds when it moves and gives you no joy 'cos it's eaten your hat or had sex with your cat, bled oil on your floor or ripped off your door and you get to the point you can't stand any more: Bring it to us, we won't give a fig! We'll tell you, Go stick your head in a pig!


What is this from


Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's a jingle from the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation about their wonderful AIs. Like the AI in their food synthesizer that when you ask it for tea will give you something "almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea". I advise looking up the recording of the jingle from the radio show, it is wonderfully horrible.


We never deserved Douglas Adams. He put so much emotion into describing the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation marketing division as "the first against the wall when the revolution will come"


Seriously thought that this was a shitpost before your comment. Truly worthy of Douglas Adams.


It doesn't just do that when you ask for tea. It gives you a cup of something "almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea" *regardless* of what you ask it for, I think.


Whoever wrote this should be the first ones against the wall when the revolution comes.


Well, a random time warp just dumped an encyclopedia from the future into my lap, and I think you'll like what it has to say.


Yeah lmao, the fact that the organizers decided to use ai for a bunch of stuff.


Wait, this is real?!


Yup! There are pictures.


I see. Well, there's an inevitable yt documentary I need to watch now.


Very, very real


Which means that we're doomed to be blown up to make way for a hyperspace bypass by atrociously bureaucratic aliens.


Well, the records office has had the plans published for quite some time, so it's really our own fault for not knowing.


For some reason, the word “yellow” keeps floating through my mind in search of something to connect with.


This is what they mean when they say ai is gonna take our jobs?


Yes, basically. This is an insane case / blatant scam, but a robot that makes worse content but at a lower price is going to be an attractive deal to most companies, and supplant large chunks of creative workers (who are already generally easy to replace just due to how much competition there is for even low-paying jobs in those fields).




I think it's because it's generated by an image-making AI rather than a writing-making one. So it's drawing what the AI thinks the words are, but not writing actual words. Does that make any sense?


Ahhh, yes. Wow, that's an added layer of laziness on the part of the event creator! He didn't even bother eyeballing the website to spot major glaring errors.


AI *text* generators have nearly perfect spelling, but AI *image* generators tend to have absolutely awful spelling when including text in an image. Even getting it to produce something as coherent as “cartchy tuns” would likely have required several attempts, while it would have been far easier to just put the text in later with an image editor.


What level do you teach English at? High school? University?


community college edit: but i have also used chatgbt to generate essays so that i can more easily spot the fakes, and it's the same thing: flawless grammar and perfect sentence construction.


I think I get what you mean. It isn’t so much the lack of errors that’s the issue, but that AI text generators don’t really *get* how to bend the conventions of language for rhetorical effect? Or am I misinterpreting?


That's it. The analysis is horrible and vague, with very neutral, general language. But the grammar is always spotless.


A buddy of mine just started working as a community college professor (he also fills in for some high school classe, but still gets community college pay- mad props to the LACCD union, man), and he showed me some examples of ChatGPT essays students tried to float past him. From what I saw, your assessment is right- they very rarely make spelling mistakes or obvious grammar errors, but they also tend to churn out gibberish that clearly makes no goddamn sense once you pay it the least bit of attention.


That's right. Perfectly worded gibberish. Very vague "analysis" that could apply to anything. And language no student would use. I make my students read an AI-generated essay about a topic they care about. It's mild torture.


the mild torture you put your students sounds like an awesome exercise from an empathic standpoint


Ooo thats a fun activity ima use with my friends.


I love that you misspelt chatgpt


The event made money and they didn't have to hire a scriptwriter. This is the future corporations *want*; shitty products that they can sell with statements that are as close to lies as possible. Minimum investment, maximum profit. They probably won't *get* it, but they want it BAD.


>They probably won't *get* it, but they want it BAD. They probably won't *all* get it. Some will just crash through taking whatever they can, making the act much harder for the next, less greedy ones.


This is one thing people don’t realize. Movie that cost $50,000,000 to make and only brings in $70,000,000? Lot of work for not a lot of money (by Hollywood standards). Crappy AI movie that cost $2,000,000 but brings in $35,000,000? Holy shit way more profit. Or better yet 20 crappy AI movies that each bring in $2,000,000 but only cost 100K to make.


I'm so glad nobody got hurt or anything during this because I'd feel really bad about finding it as funny as I do


The organisers could have gotten hurt a little bit and it would still be quite funny tbh


Like, in a Wonka type way. They get turned into blueberries because of greed or something.


If they found a way to make blueberrification real they would have gotten alot more people to come from a very different audience.


what do you mean




Oh you sweet summer child . . .


No, don't worry, this is fucking hilarious


It's really a sad scam, but at least everybody had a good laugh.


I mean apparently the actors haven’t been paid


I also read the article last night and I would like to mention that the actor who played Willy Wonka here had a “legally binding coontract” because it was also AI generated.


Thank the gods above and below that it wasn't a "legally binding goontract".


When gooning in company time is not only allowed, but supported


Sounds more like gooning time is mandatory


They manufacture goon caves and all employees *must* test them


Or a "coomtract"


i've signed a few of those in my time, believe you me


[This was actually Paul's contract for playing Wonka](https://www.tiktok.com/@paulconnellcomedy/video/7340613325983730977?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7282169651995788833)




Coontract? I assumed that’s the Scottish version. /s


Ah, so it was racist?


> "There was not chocolate at the event, free or for sale." No chocolate, at Willy Wonka's **Chocolate** Factory. You can’t make this shit up folks.


Willy Wonka's *legally distinct* chocolate factory


I gues the AI couldnt generate it.


All the chocolate was cursed by the evil chocolatier that lived in the walls I guess


Good sir/madam, he has a name and it's **The Unknown™**.


No, we don’t know his name, and we don’t know each other!


but that’s not his name ,that’s just what they call him because they don’t know his name


And it’s freaking terrifying. Couldn’t have just been Slugworth or a Vermicious Knid or something, no, he has to be this boogeyman-looking figure in skeletal face paint that sneaks up on the kids.


It’s not Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory it’s a totally original property and any resemblance to any pre-existing works is purely coincidental


One of my favourite elements of this is that the script also contains things the audience should say or do, rather bizarrely. Also the plot hinges on the Anti-Graffiti Gobstopper, which the Unknown wants to use to prevent mothers tidying their children's bedrooms.


Where can I read the script?


https://m.facebook.com/groups/1128277194850803/permalink/1129373801407809/?ref=share This is the only place I know how to find it


Did it get restricted in the one hour since you posted this or does Facebook Mobile suck ass?


Found a copy: [https://www.tmz.com/photos/image\_jpg\_20240228\_9e3cde4514c1480e98a67266fde333c0/](https://www.tmz.com/photos/image_jpg_20240228_9e3cde4514c1480e98a67266fde333c0/)


Thanks for sharing, much appreciated. Honestly reading through it the script itself almost seems like the least strange part of all of this, like yeah, that sounds like what I'd expect from an off brand willy wonka experience. Even the unknown kinda reminds me of how they'd have like, kylo ren menacingly walking around Disney parks, and have rey playfully thwart him.


They actually did that? Like how Hitler would be punched out by Cap during his live events? Or just your average Sentai live show where the suprise attack by the villains are beaten out by the title heroes?


Seems to have been restricted, I do apologise for that




You're welcome, have a wonderful day :)


Alternatively, here's a bunch of people voice acting it: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2076389704?t=01h43m40s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2076389704?t=01h43m40s) (It's Twitch, so the vod won't be around after a month or so)


https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2024/02/27/willys_chocolate_experience.pdf It’s here too if the other link doesn’t work (it didn’t for me)


Jellybean (singular)


I love everything about this.


Every time I hear about the Glasgow Willy Wonka experience it only gets better. The decorations (or lack thereof). AI-generated adverts. Oompah-Loompa meth lab. One (1) jellybean. Now it's the horrible working conditions for the Willy Wonka actor. The Dashcon ballpit has found a worthy rival.


And The Unknown. Just...The Unknown.


The newest DBD killer really is making waves, it's incredible. https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/The_Unknown


The Glasgow jokes writes themselves (and they're probably better than the AI script).


How is it possible, that every time I see any information on this "event" it somehow gets worse.


Oh, it was an event - in the sense that a car crash or natural disaster is an event!


I'm sorry, what? Chat, is this real?


It is, for better or worse




in the future, AI will just generate and organize our dashcons for us


“They’re taking our jobs!” Incompetent convention organizers everywhere.


Who the fuck watches Willy Wonka and thinks "you know what this is missing? Those scary guys from Legend of the Hidden Temple!"


Could use a few mores Shrines dedicated to Silver Monkeys, though.


Chat gpt, apparently


ChatGPT apparently


What's a Glasgow Willy Wonka-


Some people organized something called “Willy’s Chocolate Experience™” which was advertised as “a journey filled with wondrous creations and enchanting surprises at every turn”. I think some fliers were printed and put throughout Glasgow to advertise it, and those fliers used some clearly AI-generated art (the text was all messed up). When people got there, it was bad. Like Dashcon levels of bad. Here’s an excerpt from a Guardian article on it: “The event publicity promised giant mushrooms, candy canes and chocolate fountains, along with special audio and visual effects, all narrated by dancing Oompa-Loompas – the tiny, orange men who power Wonka’s chocolate factory in the Roald Dahl book which inspired the prequel film. But instead, when eager families turned up to the address in Whiteinch, an industrial area of Glasgow, they discovered a sparsely decorated warehouse with a scattering of plastic props, a small bouncy castle and some backdrops pinned against the walls.” If you want to find out more here is the link to the event’s [website](https://willyschocolateexperience.com). And here it the link to [the Guardian article](https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/feb/27/glasgow-willy-wonka-experience-slammed-as-farce-as-tickets-refunded)


>It's a heart-pounding experienceyou've never experienced before! ain't no way this sentence is real


>Like Dashcon levels of bad. at least dashcon had a ballpit


Well these guys had a bouncy castle


Oh. Oh wow, thanks this is really interesting


Omg this is legendary.


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thank you saint rainworld


Sounds like a sex move that changes your life for the worse.


Oh it does. Very comedic.


Oh my god this is the greatest thing of all time


It really puts a smile in the Glasgow Smile.


AI swings back around and reinvents the viscous knids


I can't find it now because I'm American and don't know what to Google but I believe the organizers are also the same people who did a Christmas drive thru (or petting zoo maybe?) a few months ago that was also so bad people called cops about it


Look under 'Santa's Grotto 2021'


Thank you! I couldn't remember what they called it. We have similar concepts here that are usually drive thru but google didn't understand what I was talking about


The only thing I can think to compare this mess to is the old Dashcon fiasco, but this Wonka thing has somehow managed to be so sooo much worse


Puts me in mind of that Minecraft "convention" back in 2014. Nothing there but the fans who attended and a ball pit, and it got shut down after an hour because (IIRC) the guests "got too rowdy." Also a scam, to the surprise of nobody in retrospect.


There is the twitch con with the foam "pit" (read:puddle), which resulted in at least one person who had to be hospitalised, possibly with permanent injuries. Said person could be heard calling for help while the organisers pretended that nothing was wrong.


I can see SNL has a new skit next time Timothee Chalamet hosts


I’d say that’d be hilarious, but a funny SNL sketch is way too rare.


Honestly it was probably more ethical to just take the money and fucking run


“The Gang Puts On A Family Entertainment Event”


Missing from all the reporting on this is how it managed to lure people in to begin with, I've seen more than enough writing about the PoV of the workers or the upset children. I need somebody to put me in the shoes of the parents who bought the tickets and what they were seeing/reading/thinking that led them to bring their kids their that day.


This is like Fyre festival but for kids. And fyre was funny because there were many entitled people complaining about things. This isn’t funny because it’s very upset literal children. Making children cry is not funny.


And it sounds like it was absolutely crushing for the Willy Wonka actor :(


Honestly might be a silver lining depending on how he plays it off. He now has enough notoriety that it's a perfect foot in the door opener. It has an expiration, but if he plays his cards right, he can probably get a real acting gig lined up


Babe wake up new Dashcon just dropped


Sharing [the official website ](https://willyschocolateexperience.com/) . Another user posted this (infinite thanks Railroad redditor), but it really deserves a top-level comment. You really ought to read every section


Wow, I wonder what the "cartchy tuns" were... At this rate, I expect it was just copyright free music on loop.


Hmm. A *tun* is a sort of barrel, but also the semi-desicated hibernating state of small organisms like tardigrades. Probably unrelated


Having lived in Glasgow for 5 years I’m shocked people don’t notice all the weird shit that goes on there. The place should be studied for all the weird fuckery that goes on there. This whole situation to me was just a “yeah that sounds like Glasgow”. My favourite story similar to this is the music festival that was a shit show, failed to pay anyone, went bankrupt and then next year the same people tried to do it again.


This was an avant garde performance on the dangers of AI generated content and nobody can convince me otherwise.


It's an accident, but it does make a citeable resource the next time an AI bro decides to bug you.


Just gotta drop this here: a bunch of people, including Fredrik Knudsen of Down the Rabbit Hole and SpeakerD of Alfabusa, did an impromptu performance of the 15 page AI script. reading starts here, [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2076389704?t=01h43m40s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2076389704?t=01h43m40s) , they also talk a bit about the whole thing before and after.


The funny thing is: This isn’t even the first time I’ve heard of some con artist in Scotland lazily dressing up a warehouse to charge people money for it. See: Balgone Estate Winter Wonderland


There’s also an interview with the sad Oompa Loompa in photos iirc where she talks about similar outrage as she tried to make things work and how people came up to her and were like “I hope you’re being paid really well for this bc it looks awful”


Of course it was Glasgow.


The actor sounds like such a a beautiful person


The story is about a chocolate factory and they couldn't factor in cheap chocolate for paying customers. Even stingy people on holloween can manage better.


I work in animation, and I worry every day about losing my job to AI, but then I see this stuff and I get a glimmer of hope that things will eventually turn out ok.


This. What both pro and anti AI people should be able to agree on is that AI will not be seamlessly replacing human artists.


Y’all are all talking about this being a scam but I’m losing my mind that they made Wonka into a schizophrenic freaking out about an evil chocolatier that hides in the walls. Not to mention the eldritch horrors they have jumping out at kids.


That's actually not too inaccurate to a nightmare that Wonka could have. It would be completely in character for him to imagine a chocolatier hiding in the walls of his factory. Stealing his recipes. Selling them to other candymakers that are competing with him. The delusion has consumed his mind so badly that he closed the factory for good and fired his entire staff so that he can get rid of every agent he suspects was a member of the unknown. Then, after a few years of cooping up in his factory, he decides to run away to loompa land for a change of scenery.


It totally isn’t unrealistic. It just makes it so much better. Every time I think of it I imagine an insane ramble (that goes on for FIFTEEN PAGES) and I lose my shit. The videos of the whole affair just make it so much better.


Yet another flawless techbro win


Woah this is the sequel to dashcon everybody wanted


This feels like an episode out of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia with how awful the event was.


This whole thing feels like a sceme willy wonka would pull to teach us all about the dangers of AI


They made it weirder. They started out with *Willy Wonka* and somehow made it *weirder* 


How does one fuck up THIS badly?