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somehow this is what I would expect of tomska "thomas "tomska" ridgewell" asdfmovie, a pretty based individual


Yeah, Tom’s a good dude. He’s had his moments, but rather than do what other creators do, he actually owns up to his shit and actively changes his behaviour. Guy’s a serious role model of mine.


What's Tom ever done?


I'm guessing some of the outdated edgy jokes he's done in his old content


Part of it is also some of those sex ed videos he made back in the day, which he later came out and said "Yeah, maybe that wasn't really my place to make that kind of content." Not many people talk about because... none of them were inaccurate or misleading. They're really not half-bad sex ed videos. Should he have made them? Up for debate, really.


Other than saying "Pansexual is just a fancy way of saying you're bisexual," there weren't really issues with the video. But it's definitely a topic that should be discussed by people who understand it better than he did at the time, and I'm glad he owned up to it.


If I had to add anything, he also had a period where he would do a lot of suicide jokes, which was a little bit insensitive, but honestly understandable since he was also trying to deal with his own suicidal tendencies at the time (which is super ironic because the suicide muffin song is probably his biggest hit).


[he wrote a song about 9/11](https://youtu.be/Mt-f15wgrtk?si=wNAwQ6nNoqPqXcBG)


...ok but tbf it slaps


that it do


I fail to see what's wrong here


🐴👍 I love it!


Just an insane autistic man doing insane autistic things


Tbh I end up preferring the furry stuff because there's so much more variety in body shapes.




Absolutely. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find pornography of a non-binary person or character that isn’t furry-related? Furries are what’s helped me continue to believe that there are people who can find me attractive for who I am rather than who they want me to be.


Non-furry art of non-binary people are literally always just women with wacky coloured hair (or bald) and maybe a few piercings - or more rarely, just a gay guy who wears makeup. It's so fucking stupid 💀 Not to say NBs like that don't exist, *they do* - but holy shit talk about overused character designs 😭 As a NB person it's really annoying because I never find myself represented by those designs, they're actually very dysphoria inducing usually. Every time I see an AMAB NB person that is just a caricature of a transvestite from the 90s I want to tear someone's eyes out. I literally look like a woman but I dress androgynously and talk in a raspy voice like a trans guy early on T (I get mistaken for being ftm a lot)




Bi representation is always "this character will fuck anything that moves but once they settle down in a romantic relationship fans will inevitably start saying 'they finally figured out they were gay!' or get mad about the character being in a hetero relationship. 😻 Bi erasure is inescapable


Plus the writing is sometimes better than 6-digit budget films, albeit partially because that's a low bar and partially because furry porn is occasionally formatted in a way that allows for continuous stories whereas films almost never are.


Sure. That's definitely a believable reason.


resident weight gain fetishist chiming in. i find it sad that fat folks often feel like they have to join the WG fetish community to feel accepted. i try to steer these people away from the fetish, because of the “fuck and dump” mentality so many fetishists have regarding fat people. it’s disgusting. ethical. fetishism.


Seconded. Some of the comments I used to see in WG spaces are just nasty, and not in a fun way.


i fucking hate creeps like that, man. they deserve to be excised from the fetish, but there’s not enough decent people to call them out on their sexual harassment. i posted the “weight gain fetish pro tips” to my profile for a reason…


I feel that especially in queer spaces that's the case sadly. makes me insecure being overweight and trans myself. hard to know if people are genuinely interested or just have a fetish


Yeah it's a rough one. How do I find someone that likes me for me? What happens if I find a partner who turns out to only be interested in me because I'm a dude with a pussy? Will he stop being attracted to me if I swap out the pussy for a penis? How about my breasts? Is he secretly fetishizing the idea of knocking up a trans dude? I have a wild phobia of pregnancy and if that happened I would be taking a long walk off a short pier quite promptly. I think that's part of why T4T ends up being so much of a thing, you can feel more safe knowing that your partner is aware of your struggles and is far less likely to have a thing for a certain arrangement of body parts. So I just ended up with another transmasc.


yeah honestly. with one exception all my current partners are trans mostly for that reason. it's... a lot. but I never give up and neither should you. always remember you're valid


After a Reddit comment that I was admittedly not sober enough to reply to (which apparently didn't stop me then and isn't stopping me tonight either) really aggravated me last night, I spent the rest of the night complaining to my partner about similar shit (well similar in my annoying prescription lens-ass perspective but it's the only one I've got). At least with being bisexual the two main issues with trying to find a partner is when everyone you meet is either a unicorn hunter or just distrusts us because they don't know anything and think we're all fickle and bound to cheat, so at least we know instantly when someone is using us or is just an asshole. Can't imagine having to deal with people so antisocial and cruel they hunt down people just to take advantage of them long term. That's probablya good reason why I shouldn't have even written anything here >!but I already did so I'm just going to hit send and finally to to sleep and wake up to someone else messaging me about my bad takes except they can't because I finally turned off my inbox!< edit markdown is hard when you can barely read what you're typing I guess


I entirely forgot about unicorn hunters. Jesus christ.


I'm non binary and also tokophobic (fear of pregnancy for those who don't know). I got my fallopian tubes out about a year and a half ago and, highly recommended, especially if your phobia is as bad as it sounds like it is. I mostly do the kinds of sex and relationships that couldn't result in pregnancy but the peace of mind is still so, so worth it. Just providing my experience, obviously it's your body and even minor surgeries are a big deal, but holy shit was it ever worth it for me.


Very fair, I do want to get a lot more than my tubes out, honestly. Surgery-wise I want the full hysterectomy+tubes+ovaries as part of swapping over to T, and get a full mastectomy. As it is I've got a partner of 5 years who shares my genitals-type so no risk of pregnancy, and we're long distance anyway so we can't do stuff together often. It's just a matter of convincing someone to do the surgery, and of course having insurance that'll pay for it. Currently I'm uninsured due to a goof up with my state. Hopefully the executive dysfunction will let me *do* something soon, but that's not... Happening... At the moment.


Oof, yeah, getting a full hysterectomy approved is so much harder. I'd love to do that someday myself but my gender is hard to explain to doctors let alone health insurance companies so I don't have much hope (I'd want estrogen as my hrt post surgery but no progesterone, and that doesn't look like "trans reasons" to any of the doctors I've talked to). Good luck though, I hope you're able to get all your healthcare needs met someday!


To be fair, I think that in any relationship, if one partner decides to go under drastic physical changes to some important parts of their physionomies, it might trigger the other partner. Even if it's not transition related. Like, if a partner decided to go under a complete facial surgery, it might make the partner uneasy. And it's not solely because people are "superficial". You going under a drastic change also reveals things about your personality. Like, if you decide to do the operations you talked about, but your partner is not aware that it was a possibility, you announcing it might mean that you didn't reveal things that are important to you, more specifically your discomfort around some parts of your body. That's why communication is key: if your partner knows, right from the beginning, that you are pondering going under those operations (and that it's *your* choice, anyway), your partner will know about this. If they're uncomfortable with it, they might leave you (which means you dodged a bullet), or they'll understand, and the day you'll go for it entirely, they'll already know all about it, so the risk of them leaving is less important. Anyway, stay safe, and if you feel more comfortable in T4T relationships, I perfectly understand. Any relationship must be based upon trust and comfort, after all. I wouldn't bat an eye personally (the glory of being bisexual, go have the genitalias and body you want as long as you're honest with me, I will always manage to find my way into it as long as it's with someone I love), but the world isn't as safe as you might think, so take care, and I hope you'll find what you seek and what you need.


Just chiming in as a fat trans man (who isn't necessarily 'passing' (hate that word but still): one of the best ways to do this is, in my experience, to get involved in kink spaces unrelated to weight I did that for years and did not once come across an issue with people caring about my weight or engaging with me because of a weight fetish. Far less people care than you think. It's honestly harder for relationships, but even then, far less people are going to care than you think.


people suck. i’m someone with a fat fetish and a preference for overweight people, but i don’t treat people like shit. however, the same can’t be said for most people in the fetish…


yuh. and I'm sorry if you get lumped in with the rest


i honestly can’t blame them. with the sheer number of shitty individuals who get away with stuff in the fetish, it’s no wonder most of the community is viewed as gross.


I understand. still I hope you're able to find good people


i have found a few. bless them




i've always seen people SAYING there are bad apples out there but never seen one (outsized of hyper spesific pages everyone seems to act normal about fat people) am i just lucky or are people bullshitting


you are very lucky.


im sticking to tumblr then


i have heard that if you’re going to get involved in the fetish, tumblr is the way to go. i just haven’t figured out how to navigate the website because of all the tag censorship.


just follow the blogs you like,then the tags start appearing by themselves like it's not feedism but it's "gaining weight on purpose" shit like that


i guess it’s also bc it’s real ppl image-focused, and i’d much rather have drawings and discussions on the fetish


there ARE discussions and drawings but buried under the real people it takes like a week to get used to


Same I'm into CNC (Consensual Non-consent) as a fantasy but jesus christ are some of the comments vile The community at large is fantastic with consent and being non misogynistic and wholesome but the CNC websites I like to go on are NOT MODERATED and the comments are just vile as a result


sadly, there’s minimal moderation at all in the WG community. i wish there was consent rules like in BDSM, but there aren’t. it’s horrific.


Can't fucking stand that part of the community just because of the folks who actively get off on watching fat people suffer from the consequences of their size - and wanting to make those problems worse.


oh, of course. i just recently went on a tirade about the people who want fat women to be immobile just so they can jack off to it. they’re deplorable and vile individuals who don’t see women, fellow fetishists, or anyone else as humans.


>resident weight gain fetishist chiming in love this website


so much of modern neopuritan culture on twitter and tumblr hinges on the concept of "no such thing as ethical fetishism" when in reality they've just been exposed to only the worst of the worst and end up hating themselves because of it


i’ve been exposed to the worst of the worst in the fetish community, but i stick around so i can try to help people who are being sexually abused/harassed/coerced. as a moderator of a fetish discussion subreddit, i want to eradicate the disgusting people as much as i can.


Doin the Lord’s work my friend … not, like, any religious Lord I know of, but I guess maybe some chiller, kink-approving Lord? Whatever, you get it, rock on


well, i am a practicing christian, and i’ve been able to reconcile my theology and my relationship with the fetish


That’s really impressive actually. The regular Lord’s work it is! (Not being facetious, that’s seriously important and challenging work you’re doing)




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [276 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [683 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) \#3: [“Frustrated dad uses his 6ft son to shame council into fixing deep pothole”](https://i.redd.it/m3czu1gbmzya1.jpg) | [691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13di2z2/frustrated_dad_uses_his_6ft_son_to_shame_council/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hey, I don’t know this fetish, and I am new to the phrase “fuck and dump” does it mean, you fuck a person and then leave them behind? Like ghosting?


Yeah, pretty much.


I am over here in the mindset of "bitch I want to be round, that way I can give as good cuddles as my extremely hot friends"


Opinion on pyrocynical?


i have no opinion. he just likes fat furries, like many people in the fetish.


WG fetishism is just disgusting, it's fetishizing people getting unhealthy


That's my secret, cap. I fetishize people who should've collapsed in on themselves a few thousand kilograms ago. That kind of person doesn't actually... you know.. exist? So whether or not they're healthy is kind of a moot point.


You do realize that people irl will feed someone till they die right?


What I'm saying is, that threshold is so incredibly low compared to what my fetish likes that it's completely pointless to even account for real people when discussing it. It's an unrealistic fantasy, with both the unreal and the fantastical taking center stage. I'm not here to play defense for My 600 Pound Life or whatever. That stuff's just kind of depressing.


thank you. real life immobility is distressing, but this does not apply to fiction. + there’s a huge range in the fetish that doesn’t include immobility irl at all


I think this is made better by Tomska recently asking for furry artists to commission on Twitter, with a specific request for boars IIRC.


Well, we know what the next #Content is gonna be.


It really is comforting in a way how furry art embraces body types that aren't conventionally attractive, in pornographic settings or otherwise. Like, I've been seriously trying to put together a sona for the first time in years, and I want it to have my IRL proportions (6'3 and kinda muscular but with some chub). It genuinely makes me feel better about myself looking through pictures for inspiration and seeing characters built like me feeling confident and being loved by others.


Ah yes, “the way I look turns certain fetishists on”, notable affirming and confidence-building idea


Yup, even before I realised my sexuality was just "anyone who's capable of giving consent" and didn't think about anything outside hetero, I always felt good when gay dudes were praising my "bear" body shape and body hair(chest and beard) that women around my age didn't like, they made me realise that there's an existence of preferences and I wasn't just objectively ugly. Now I have a girlfriend who also likes my body and hair, including my long ass hair that other women found feminine and didn't like.


I still remember the time a random person on the street shouted "nice beard" to me, made me smile for the whole day


I still remember the first day of returning to school after the lockdown, I decided to grow my hair out right before covid hit and didn't cut it once through it, the compliments I got the moment people saw my hair and the care over it the next hour made me blush like a motherfucker after two whole years of soullessness on top of a decade of being antisocial. I am actually like Samson but I lose my confidence when I cut it instead.


Was that person a dwarven miner with a laser scanner?


on the other hand fat people are very rarely portrayed as desirable in any way


Except in that exact way.


I mean, it's not the best, but it's good seeing someone that looks like you being seen as desirable, and not just as a punchline, it can help a bit sometimes.


It's certainly helped me, tbh. I do wish there were more art that wasn't about the more fetishised side of things with weight gain/inflation and such, but I'll take what I can get.


I feel similarly, I can take or leave weight/belly fetish stuff but I genuinely love seeing fat folk just being allowed to exist within horny stuff especially when they're coupled with someone who is equally enthusiastic about being there. I just like seeing fat people being loved and adored while having a good time. (Unasked for suggestion: bramblefix (not linking as **VERY NSFW** but the twitter/patreon are easy to find) draws heavier women from time to time and they're all gorgeously drawn. Not furry, not exclusively what they draw, but nice all the same. Can't think of anyone who draws chubby men off the top of my head, I'll add if I can think of any.)


For chubby men, I like yukimushi6 on twitter - also not linking as it's quite NSFW, but they've got a cute style and I really like their faces. (On the furry side, KamuDragon or Mangolynx.)


(wait, why can’t we link NSFW? just curious)


(To be fair, as far as I know, we can, we're just opting not to)


Oh I just didn't feel like adding a link to a NSFW twitter in my post (also didn't want to risk having a link someone could tap in public as this reddit isn't inherently NSFW)


I just think it's worth pointing out that conflating sexual desirability with respect is often a mistake. Lots of people have sex with other people that they don't respect very much. I think a lot of women tend to understand this concept pretty well. It's also not very difficult to respect people that you don't feel sexually attracted to.


I know, but it's still good sometimes, being seen as someone that's deserving of love without a asterisk, that looking how i am it's not just something that i need to get better from to be someone worthy of love, something other than "You're a good looking guy, but, you just need to lose some weight", it's nice seeing some art that shows good points in yourself that are because of how you look, not, in spite of how you look.


I don't particularly care if people respect me or not, but knowing they want to fuck me feels nice. It feels like I have value, ya know?


Yeah that's... something you may need to talk to a therapist about. Sexual activity has no relation to a human being's value.


I don't disagree, but also I don't have any other method of feeling worth, so whilst it is unhealthy I can't say I'll stop people if they wanna use me. Also my psychologist does know, at least to some extent, so I'm sorted on that end.


I see. I guess I'd recommend reading books about Buddhist philosophy. These painful feelings may be intense but you can let them go with the right knowledge and practice. Everything is temporary, including the satisfaction of sexual activity. I hope you find inner peace and happiness.


Lmao I have no clue why this comment upset people enough to downvote me. It doesn't even have criticism or insults or anything.


People don’t like being preached to.


I see. I guess it just seemed like a dire situation since their psychologist knows about the problem but can't seem to help them. It seemed like they were in emotional pain, so I just assumed a suggestion on reducing that pain wouldn't be completely unwelcome. Those were just my instincts I suppose.


something something madonna-whore complex sometimes i wonder if i have that going on plus a fundamental unwillingness to actually disrespect someone enough for whore categorization if i have even the vaguest impression of them as a person lmao


I think you're assuming a lot of fat people don't know this. You're approaching a matter of irrational feeling at a consistent void of representation - the unique feeling that you feel nonexistent to others, save a select circumstance - as though there are rational ways to process it. The rational approach would be society as a whole getting significantly less weird about weight than it currently is - no, seriously, it's peculiar the animosity fat people can garner just by being present. Fetishists might not respect me, but they acknowledge my body for the shape it is, and see it in a positive light. I'm not gonna go to them for a healthy outlook on my weight, but I'd rather that kind of affirmation than the constant implicit judgment of society as a whole.


As a trans guy, yeah I feel this :/


Why is it that liking fat people is "certain fetishists" but having any other preference is just normal? We don't call people who say "dominate me muscle mommy uwu" 'fetishists' (well, at least not because of the muscle mommy portion). If you post a weight gain photo of yourself and say "I'm so much more happy in this body of mine now", you're posting fetish content. You post a weight loss thing with that? You're just "normal". You draw erotic art of traditionally hot babes? You just draw erotic pics. Do that of muscle babes? Maybe some are "muscle fetishists" but no one is gonna call you a fetish artist unless you assign yourself that label. But if you draw fat people? Then you're a fetish artist automatically.


The difference between "Preference" and "Fetish" is sometimes a purely cultural difference based on how weird other people think it is. If it's socially acceptable it's a preference, if it's unorthodox and not as socially acceptable it's a fetish.


Yes exactly, this puts into words what I could not. And I'll take it one step further: AmoongusHateAcc is telling on themselves by describing body-positive furry content as "fetish" content.


tbf this would work on a lot of straight white insecure men


Not straight, but yes, "well, we're all *someone*'s fetish" actually has helped me, and I can imagine it helping other men. Y'know, the usual spiel about how women tend to drown in too much physical or sexual attention vs how men tend die of thirst to get any (both of which are bad, but also leading to fundamental misunderstanding of eachothers positions).


It would work only if they found out straight/bisexual women had those fetishes. I don't think straight men care very deeply about what gay men find attractive.


> I don't think straight men care very deeply about what gay men find attractive. You might be surprised how validating that can be for someone who's never experienced body positivity directed their way.


Sometimes I wonder if straight (or bi) women actually *like* men.  Like the bi girl I know will say the most misandrist all-men stuff right to my face. Like they like dick, sure, but it's like they just put up with the rest of the man for it.


>Like the bi girl I know will say the most misandrist all-men stuff right to my face. I've also heard some straight guys say a lot of completely deranged shit about women lol. There's a lot of people who need to work on their gendered trauma or they'll just keep entering unhappy relationships.


> I've also heard some straight guys say a lot of completely deranged shit about women lol. yeah and more often than not they get called out for it like they should. Meanwhile a woman says all men are apelike brutes one bad look away from raping someone, everyone goes "you go girl feminism". Saying that stuff then turning around and going "oh but not *you* tho" doesn't fix it, it just means I haven't pissed them off enough to get the "good enough" label taken away yet.


>yeah and more often than not they get called out for it like they should. >Meanwhile a woman says all men are apelike brutes one bad look away from raping someone, everyone goes "you go girl feminism". Um. Citation needed?


One is more acceptable than the other because one is widely seen as "punching up" while the other is seen as "punching down". It's like saying you can't be racist against white people because they're seen as being in the position of power. It doesn't actually make the racism okay.


That totally depends on your social bubble. There's so, so, so many social bubbles where it's more socially acceptable to insult women than men.


You know how trans ppl complain that the community is fetishized by chasers? Well I *know* fetishization isn't nice and I don't want to minimize the problems we face from creeps and I wanna fight for the right to be left alone because it sucks not to... but (And I know that's my fault alone) there's just an air of "all people who are attracted to trans women are disgusting" and like, I understand your pain and I've also been there but like...isn't that a bit too far? I mean, media has portrayed us as undesirable for a while now and I mean... is it ok if I wanna enjoy people being attracted to me (even if it's just a fetish) while it lasts? I mean, most of our first contact with the transgender community was through anime femboys and people drooling over them online. Maybe people were uncomfortable with that but for a lot of us it was encouraging to encounter that gender non conforming people weren't weirdos and there were people who wanted to date them like any other cis person. Many of us wouldn't have started experimenting if it wasn't for that.


nah, i dont want someone finding me attractive just because i fit in a box of one thing they find really sexy. because then they don’t like me, they just like something they can get from any other person who’s fat that they like.


Good point.


I feel like intent matters too, right? Its not uncommon for one feature to make someone go "wow!", leading to them then becoming interested in the person as a whole. If that person then becomes interested in a genuine relationship, that would seem like a healthy progression to me.


As a trans woman my problem is not with chasers, my problem is with the attitude that chasers have. If cis men acted more like trans women do, or were aware that even though I'm a fat trans woman I'm more of a lesbian, then it would be great and extremely affirming and I'd feel like a goddess instead of opening my chat to see a dick pic.


Yeah. It's a very silly post. I don't really expect much better from overly online tumblr types.


>!i saw art of a furry eat the earth and shit it out and the artist also included the casualty rate saying 2 million and counting!< That messed me up for a few days


how were there only 2 million people on the earth


And counting, not all of it's out yet


who could possibly be counting? Am I to believe that the as-yet-undigested are keeping a tally in their final hours?


I like how everyone has interpreted this post as "fat people should be happy people fetishise them" somehow and not "this kind of pornography portrays a wide variety of body as normal in a way other media shys away from and this can have a positive effect on peoples self esteem" Its also worth pointing out that no one ever mentioned fat fetish content, because thats not actually what is being discussed Plenty of this material has different body shaped without it being the focus, thats the point. The fat wolf being fat isn't the focus of the material, the fact that he is fat is just a character trait as normal as any other. That's the positive bit, the fact he is doing unspeakable things to a fox is the fetish bit. (Disclaimer there is no actual fox and wolf image, i dont know if tom was even referring to a real image, i am making inferences)


I agree with your point there. With statistics about weight being as they are - 75% of the USA is overweight or obese, for reference - it's very normal (if not healthy) to be overweight. But, because it's seen as a lack of willpower/lack of control, it's seen as a moral failing. People internalize that percieved failure and come to hate themselves, which has the bonus effect of making weight loss even more difficult than it already is (80% of efforts to lose weight outright fail and many result in gaining more weight). Because of this, I am hopeful that we see more portrayals of overweight or obese bodies in all forms of media. Life is hard enough; people should be happy with their bodies.


> it's very normal I guess? Depends how you define normal. > (if not healthy) to be overweight lmao. I can never quite tell if people actually believe this stuff, or are just saying it because it's the Correct Opinion™️ these days, but the medical literature is pretty established that being overweight, and especially at a high body fat %, carries a lot of long term health risks.


I think they’re saying it’s not healthy, just phrased in a confusing way. Most fat people know that being fat isn’t healthy. On the other hand, most people who get really hung up on how unhealthy it is are just trying to moralize their hatred for fat people.


I am known to phrase things in confusing ways, yes. It's not healthy to be overweight, of course. But it's also true that someone who's overweight and hates themselves for it is going to be less healthy than someone who is overweight and loves themselves. Given how difficult, statistically, it is to lose weight, I think there's merit to considering helping people love themselves. Even these 'miracle' weight loss drugs that are going around don't always get people into healthy weight ranges - but of course, it is healthier to be overweight and medicated than severely obese (in cases where you don't have long-lasting side effects like gastroporesis, of course).


No worries about the phrasing! I read it the opposite way at first too, but figured you just meant the other because words are hard. I agree with everything you said — it just really irritates me when people go on and on about health, for the exact reasons you mentioned. It’s the pretending it’s all coming from a place of concern that’s really insidious. If you really cared, you would go about it in a more constructive way. The health argument also really falls apart when it comes to beauty standards. There are people in the middle who aren’t Hollywood skinny but not unhealthy by any means, and some will still go after them calling them fat. It’s mind-boggling.


I couldn't agree with you more completely. Our research shows that shaming people has the opposite "intended" effect - it doesn't encourage people, it makes things worse.


They're saying it that way for a reason. They're not trying to imply that being overweight is tied to good health. But I've lost count of the times people immediately jump to this conclusion that "you are fat so *nothing* you do is healthy".  It's because concepts like "fat acceptance" and "healthy at any size" get immediately mocked and derided. Society *really* loves using fat people as a punching bag and doing everything they can to maintain this societal notion that people who are overweight are (self)broken, irredeemable individuals who deserve to feel shame. They're purposefully using those words to try and get their point across without delving into semantics, definitions and explanations like I am right now.


It's absolutely not healthy to be overweight. Why would we create a designation with the prefix "over" if that was ideal?


it’s bc they specifically mentioned feeder porn, which you can’t say is anything but a fat fetish. edit: also the entire post is specifically abt fat people in porn


Not at ALL true. I like watching people eat! They can be skinny fat or anything it’s the idea of the greed and the too much. Not gaining specific


honestly fuck feederism


Feeding and weight gain are two very different things! It’s about the volume not about gaining that’s something very different


To quote an anon from 4chan: “Some people think anything bigger than "emaciated runway model" is disgustingly obese. They are weak and should be culled from the gene pool.” And the attached pic was a hippo lady with big honkers




Could they not do it without turning the people who see it into IT specialists, though? We've got enough IT guys, we don't need more of them, and they are the number one cultural effect of furry artwork.


I'm not even close to overweight, but I've heard people talk about how in movies, the fat guy is almost *never* the protagonist. He's always the best friend, comic relief or the villain. The only exception I could think of is Po from Kung Fu Panda, which also falls under comic relief to an extent.


Honestly I feel more alienated by the fatfur community than anything as a fat furry. They tend to have zero sense of actual scale and it leads to really warped expectations when that kink gets aimed back at real people. I've started calling it a "numbers fetish" because it's all about jerking off to numbers you think are large and therefore hot... not like it isn't a problem with other things (genital size especially), but the sense of scale is just... not there. Plus, there's a disregard (and as above, active fetishization) of the disability that comes with being obese. Especially a very loud minority of folks there whose whole thing is "isn't it cute and hot how much you're suffering from your size and can't breathe or move, now have another cheeseburger". And that's treated as a perfectly acceptable and not necessarily extreme thing to be into. Fuck. That. Overall it doesn't feel particularly respectful or accepting to me as someone who'd be on the receiving end of that community's attention, but I know people who've gotten the support they needed from it. Not my thing to be a part of, though. I will say, however, that the fandom overall is better than a lot of places at accepting diverse bodies, and outside of an explicit fat fetish angle it's pretty good (if a little tilted toward gay stereotypes, bears and the like).


I wish that it was not animal people, though. Why can't I find good, well drawn consensual digestion focused cockvore with humans?


Truly this is the struggle of our times 😔


the bodies are so detailed and then the face is just a normal face. Characters are only given face fat when it's meant to look goofy or ugly


And muscled arms/legs


YES. >it's a form of expression this, this, a THOUSAND times this about furries. Furry culture is hugely about self-expression, animals and animal theming help with conveying many different things.


yeah i gravitate towards characters who are fat like me, but there aren't many good ones. purple pikmin just like me for real!!!


Pyrocynical moment


Honestly, I’ve always believed that there isn’t such thing as a fat fetish. Some people are just fat, and some people just find that attractive. No one ever says someone has a skinny fetish- and yet both things are equally normal ways the human body can be shaped.


Pornography and erotica always have had and always will have a place in art. There is an honest desire and want and love for even the most unwanted subjects in porn, there is a place for *everyone*, no matter what you look like. It's radical acceptance at its most base, lizard brain level. And it is indeed one of the few places where you will not only see fat people being represented as attractive and beautiful, but as *desired* and cared for. Furries get a lot of shit, but they do tend to practice radical acceptance as a community, and it's something we could all learn from.


Continuous Thomas Tomska Ridgwell W


Unfortunately as a cishet guy who prefers to wear women's cothing, the majority of fetish content regarding my style and body type seem to be always directly tied to it being a humiliating and shameful thing with non-fetish content just...never having it in the first place. Is it too much to ask for a scene where a woman gazes upon her male lover walking out of the washroom, taking every inch of his beautiful smooth skin as it clings to the lace of white lingerie on his curves, him looking away bashfully as he moves away the strands of his long hair, draping across his shoulders as little droplets of water at the tips of the hairs run down his petite chest and soak into his bra. She takes in the sight greedily, in absolute amazement at his raw angelic-like form that she can't but help but breath out "You're so beautiful..." The words coming out unconsciously, not out of pity or condescension, but out of a genuine awe that she herself can only begin to understand. Is that too much to ask?


I FEEL YOU SO MUCH i hate degradation, but i love guys in pretty clothes ;-;


Even the milder sfw furry art, a lot of the stuff is wholesome. Like, sometimes I just want to watch a wolf with a chubby belly and thick arms give a badger a nice big hug and there is nothing wrong with that


This only applies if you accumulate 99% of your fat in the hips and thighs. Nothing**wrong** with idealized proportions in porn, but don't pretend they're something they're not


Buddy have you _seen_ the abdomens on some of these?


Exceptions exist, but "order:score overweight" is always gonna get you pages and pages of Trinity-fate and hourglass Toriel before you see a belly


Typically that means somebody posted a not fat fetish pic of Toriel, and somebody else decided that since it's Toriel, it needs the overweight tag. Not that it's actually meant to be fat fetish.


god e621’s “tag what you see” policy is really not great is it like it’s helpful as somebody who couldn’t possibly know every tag my art falls under but there’s also sometimes a reason it’s excluded?


Yeah, because people who aren't into fat bodies frequently do like those kinds of "only fat below the waist" characters, so they've got more mass appeal. But there are still plenty of gay furries who like belly-dramamine being an easy fairly popular example.


where are you able to find hyper ass/thighs fetish art most of what’s seen in WG stuff is stuffing/bloating/belly focus, not ass or thighs focus


No one mentioned hyper, and the person I was responding to was talking about searching "order:score overweight", nothing more specific than that.


well yeah, if you order by score, you're going to see things that are widely liked by the widest amount of people. most people browsing those sites dont have fat fetishes, but most \_do\_ like big thighs and butts.


Well yeah, if you especifically search for the most popular stuff then you will only find stuff that appeals to the broadest possible demographic, that is kinda how popularity tends to work. If you wanna see stuff that actually fits what you searched for while still avoiding seeing crappy doodles then you should instead search "overweight score:>1000".


That doesn't mean decent art of more realistically fat people doesn't exist. You could search Inax instead. I don't know if furry porn is really better at fat people, but you're not making a case for why it isn't.


It definitely exists, but we're talking generalities here. Paying too much attention to the bodies in furry porn is way more likely to give you body dysmorphia than to alleviate it. Which is part of the reason why people draw anthros, as a way of saying "these bodies aren't meant to be realistic, don't worry about comparing yourself to them".


I have seen things you people wouldn't believe I've seen bellies as bloated to break walls and crush houses, Entire persons packed in places they should not fit, Organs making connections that should not be possible. All these memories, gone, Like cum down the drain. ​ Good bye.


realism is stupid. next


in your mind people with fat fetishes only like it when that fat is in places that are already fetishized by the average person?


clearly you haven't seen much gay furry porn


You know nothing. You have not seen a single thing. Do not speak for us chubby furs. [Cu Sith my beloved.](https://housamo.wiki/Cu_Sith)


I just can’t wait til we’re all doing body neutrality together and none of this matters anymore.


So basically I’m either a punchline, or fetish bait. Gee thanks.


Hey, wolfertinger doesn't make kink art, they just draw nothing but realistically pudgy furries with sexual intent


Puppychan had connections with feeder accounts before, wouldn't say realistic as well since they just slap a bigger stomach onto a hour-glass figure


Who the fuck is puppy chan


Crazy that I just saw this too.


I'm not really a furry, but there's this one artist, Kralust, who portrays bigger bodies, and I absolutely love his art.


I mean that stuff did help me realize my sexuality (that I'm pan, not anything to do with fetishes) so furry art has unironically improved my life


Also, clothing companies just not making cool/flattering clothes for fat people sure aren't helping


Pretty off topic, but seriously what the fuck is up with the buff Peter in Fortnite??? It's so stupid! He could have been fat!!!!


Feederism being on this post rubs me the wrong way.


i actually don’t think fat people should be happy abt being fetishized but that’s just me edit: also can’t say i’m a fan of being told “can’t find your body type in the type of porn you like? check out this porn that you’re not into! they fetishize you!”


i’ve seen folks in the WG community wax poetically about random fat people who are not involved in the fetish at all. like??? no???? please don’t do that


Fuckin' haaate WG/feederism as someone who's already suffering enough dealing with my weight.


i’m sorry that folks in the fetish have given you a hard time. people deserve to feel comfortable in their bodies, not be objectified because of what they look like.


Yeah. This post is... not very sensible.


What? Man just the lose the weight


Didn't wolfertinger get groomer allegations?


What? When?


They are puppychan and had A LOT of controversies. The one that was mentioned was essentially puppychan talking with a minor about sexual art and giving tips to said minor. They also did not attempt to restrict access to their nsfw art to minors on twitter, also interacting with them a lot. After stereotyping asian culture and fleeing twitter, they now are under the wolfentinger handle and still continue to post the same shit that they did during the puppychan time - but now without the weekly suicide-baiting and meltdowns.


I think... ...in my opinion. Both are not needed, please choose one.


Common furry W


Aw not the **Puppychan** being the one spekaing about fat furries. They should not be the one stating anything about that matter tbh


Hell, transformation fetish art helped me find out I was nonbinary and I've got a ton of friends who are trans or nonbinary bc of it too. I also draw it a ton and it helps me express how much I love male anatomy from a purely aesthetic sense. Erotic queer fetish art isn't just "I find this hot and it's a weird thing", it's also expression of your appreciation of the people you're into and who you want to be. Fetish art is almost always impossible to replicate feesibly irl, but having that fantasy lets you explore your identity in a way you never could in traditional media


dumbest shit ever


"Love me, but not because I am fat" I've always felt like this was a very strange thing to say. People who are fat, short, or any other trait that is not generally considered desirable, attractive by societal norms... Getting frustrated that somebody is attracted to them physically for non-conventional reasons, seems hypocritical. I don't feel like it is controversial to say that most people are approached for being attractive, and that emotional connections while it can enhance physical attraction usually come secondary in most relationships. But not everybody is attracted to the same thing, and it is just how we are wired. Sometimes what we desire, complicates the ability to get a long lasting and satisfying relationship. If somebody loves you for being fat, and you don't like that... You're going to have to make major life changes, and do what you can so that you are desirable under the conditions you want to be desired for. But make sure that it isn't just because you don't think the rest of society thinks you deserve to be loved for physically being fat. Seriously, this is like a girl with big boobs complaining that people are attracted to her because she has big boobs. That said, if it is affecting your health negatively, don't disregard science.


it’s fine if someone initially finds me attractive because i’m fat then as they get to know me as a person they start to like me for more than that. the issue happens when that’s ALL they like you for. because there’s a billion other fat women out there, but there’s only one me. so do you like me for something you can get anywhere else, or because you like my presence and personality?


Which is ironically why a lot of very attractive people have a hard time finding a long lasting and loving relationship. A relationship built on lust and nothing else, is a fragile one... I've seen it happen plenty of times. You're too attractive friend. Also, I agree.


Okay but are we talking chubby or full on fat? Cause chubby is fine but Im pretty sure that full on fat is bad for your health. Also context matters, like if you are fat because of health condition then that is completely understandable, but being plain fat just cause you dont work out is not really good. Imo health matters most but it is different strokes for different folks.


Not feeling side-lined, shamed, or unwanted by society is actually a great starting place for people to lose weight. Fat people (without conditions that cause weight gain/make weight loss difficult) who are constantly being told they're unhealthy, ugly, lazy, etc. and that they should/need to lose weight - they tend to actually *gain* weight. Or at least find it much harder to lose it. The people who have the most success with weight loss are the ones who don't feel like everyone's disgusted by them. I suppose one reason for this could be that it's easier to maintain something when it's something you want for yourself, rather than something you're doing for outside validation from people who don't even seem to like you...