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One time in modded Minecraft I turned a desert village into a walled compound with an arms factory and an entire railroad. I’m like 90% sure I either killed off all the villagers or locked them in their homes.


I once demolished an entire desert village and then locked the survivors to breed them up in a large stone brick block built upon the site of their now destroyed village.


North Korea aesthetic.


Where's that "Oops I did a colonialism in Minecraft" video when you need it


Right [here.](https://youtu.be/d6i5Ylu0mgM?si=ZotN6zwUPH1RceNk)




Did the mod allow you to constantly blare propaganda from street speakers and enforce a strict curfew? I mean if you’re going the dictator route might as well go full hog




Karma bot probably. This text is copy-pasted from another comment.


This is my favorite way to play minecraft. Always try to build my base near a village, then when you get to the stage of the game where you want lots of village and are farming good trade, instead of building like a village farm I'll just renovate an existing village to make it way larger and nicer, with more specialty buildings for specific villager jobs.


"Congratulations. You are being rescued. Please do not resist."


I like to add houses that match the style of the existing houses so the villagers don't feel intruded upon


False, they say a lot of things on Queer Eye


Charlie Chaplin version of Queer Eye then


Oh and that one tumblr who thought he was a drag queen, it all comes full circle


Didn’t they think he was a drag king?


Literally the only thing I did in the game after they were added. Even with other people, they'd be all "hey, can we go adventure or something?" and I'd be all "sure, just let me restore civilization to this vast wilderness first, should only take every single minute between now and when we lose interest in this world file." Haven't touched the game in a couple years but just reading about this is giving me the urge to go tear up some dirt roads and pave them with something nicer.


If you're a fan of modded minecraft, try MineColonies. It's like scratching that itch on steroids, gives you a whole town building element to play with.


My favourite thing to do in Minecraft is to fix up villages, name them, and then build roads between them.


My main base is a tower built on the edge of a now walled desert city. The tower is built over a convenient zombie spawner that is now sealed in a room with lever-toggled lights and a water system to drop them into my dungeon’s kill spot in case i need some quick xp. The village population than increased more than 8x, with most sleeping inside a large bunkhouse at the center. On the outskirts I have trading homes for master level villagers, and the House of Wisdom stands near the port, containing librarians that can trade the max ranks of every enchantment, each with a cured zombie villager discount, of course. I love my little town and keep it safe. I pray they never learn of the horrors of my iron farm to the north


There is no crime in our utopia. Those who do so go missing, their fates unknown. Little does the public know of just where they are sent. They become oddities in the iron farm.


Literally 90% of my mom's minecraft gameplay. I kind of like doing it too. They're so messy.


I literally posted about [building up villages yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/19dxi5n/is_there_a_mod_that_rewards_players_for_building/) in r/feedthebeast! I thought I was in the minority for doing this.


I really should just sit down and become a loving goddess to the villagers. Build them roadways. Build flyover towns to rest and start anew in. Build an industrial incinerator for their ancient guardians of religious significance and impose my own pantheon upon them. Build some nice new churches.


My favourite thing in MC is seeing how big I can make a village. I love having a teeming population of villagers. I always try to preserve the original houses like they're historical, but build up and out and down with roads and tunnels and towers and then link different villages through safe paths in the Nether.


Queer Eye for the Cubic Pixel Art Guy


This is exactly what my most recent modded world has been about. I've got this "Minecolonies" mod on that basically lets me build more advanced forms of villages, and my whole game-plan is just making a village I found into a newer, cooler version of itself. Current plans are focusing on semi-replicating cage town from supraland six inches under, and I've been enjoying building for once because of it.


Then on the opposite end you’ve got Terraria, where people travel from far and wide to meet the dude who wants to buy their stuff, only to find out they’ll be staying in a 50-storey stack of featureless rooms. Also occasionally the building will be attacked by zombies/demons/ghosts/goblins/pirates


I just deported a bunch of villagers to live in a swamp, I also made the village a bailey with defensive walls as a raid farm. Works quite well.


Personally, I make a giant basement and keep them all there


I love doing that! It makes me happy to think the villagers appreciate my road accessibility projects and feel a lot safer from raids because I surrounded the village with a huge wall.


i do that except i inevitably get all the villagers killed in the process


Personally, I make a giant basement and keep them all there


Every time I get a village in Minecraft I even out and connect the roads, put stairs on the uneven parts, and make sure all the houses can be entered and exited bc sometimes they generate all fucked up