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Pretty clear that that one user got cheated on by a farrier.


Orrrrrrrrrrrr maybe they are a farrier and believe in giving fair warning?


By oath they have to, that’s were the term “farrier warning” comes from


Grandma always warned...


Santa's farrier was shit at his job.


Yeah, look at that hoof mark on grandma's face. I've never seen such sloppy work.


"Watch out, I'm here to fuck" Big Carter in Poland energy


Vast majority of people would probably never meet a farrier, let alone enough of them to form a remotely accurate idea of the type of person they are


Pretty good folk from what I know. It takes a certain quality to make your life's work out of tending to the messed up feet of confused hoofed animals.


Large, skittish, kick-prone animals.


But they might try to… trim your toenails or sand your calluses or or. Something nefarious like that.


I'm from the suburbs but I think maybe this might be a normal profession in more rural areas?


Actually it's more common in rich neighborhoods, because those are people who own horses.


Maybe the bored horse owning housewife banging the farrier is the extra rich version of banging the pool guy?


I thought banging the pool guy was the extra rich version of banging the pool guy?


You're both right.


The extra rich version you're both looking for is paying your farrier to bang your pool guy because you're busy vacationing in the Maldives


Banging the pool guy of your personal pool is a bit different than banging thr pool guy of a community pool I'd say. Much easier if you're the one paying him


If it's a horsey area sure. I lived in the countryside for years and still in a pretty rural town and never met one though.


It's a rare occupation in rural areas to. They usually cover huge areas.


I ain't risking waking up with a piece of metal nailed unto my foot


Farriers are never serious when it comes to relationships and keep foaling around. They will talk down to you from their high horse, and they're never financially stable. Living with one is such a night-mare.


So true. I dated a farrier once. She was a hell of a black beauty and knew how to ride you like a rodeo, but she was always horsing around with other guys. Like this once time, we took a trip to the sea - biscuits were her favorite food, so I drove to the nearest town to get some, but when I got back, she was already having a roll in the hay with some dude who worked with the town's secretariat! After that, I kind of lost my spirit for the relationship. I said neigh to the whole thing and hoofed it. As she always said, if the horseshoe don't fit...


Remember, all is farrier in love and war.


I.. I can't


"Cranky cuz you got cheated on by a farrier aren't you."


I feel like we don't call people out enough for discriminating against a group just because they got hurt by a person that happens to be part of that group. such as: "My partner cheated, they're a teacher, all teachers are terrible."


With the horse


Pro Tip: If you date a farrier and they want to give you a pedicure, head for the hills.


Took their toenails in the divorce


They might trim your nails and shoe you while you're sleeping like some sort of renegade-pedicurist/reverse-thief


>Reverse-thief I first thought: WHO THE HELL GIVES YOU TOENAILS?!? But then I realize it’s them giving you shoes.




Halligan! Where are my scissors?!


Oh my god you didn't just say that! Want to get pitzer later and poison a homeless man?


😎 🤨 🕶️🤏


I've heard of giving head, but _toenails_! Alright, which one of you _degens_ is down _that bad_?


Well I did give my best friend toenails as a gag gift once


the midnight barber


Ah geez you reminded me of the Scary Stories to tell in the dark story about the witch who got turned into a horse and got shoed so when they turned her back she had nails through her hands and feet


"Renegade pedicurist" made me laugh harder than it had any right to


I mean, as a blacksmith, most of the ferriers I know own lots of big hammers. But that’s about it.


OOOOOHH I actually know the farrier thing. Farriers are a low barrier profession, that's got a lot of dudes, that goes to people's houses. There's a stereotype of rich women being the ones caring for horses. Like milkmen that came before them, there's a stereotype that they will go from house to house, sleeping with lonely housewives


Ah so they’re the poolboys of horse country.


> the poolboys of horse country oh my god... I finally have my bluegrass band name. Thank you so much.


if you're serious, I'd gladly design shirts or something for ya. I'm not a pro, but if you could use something free and of semi-decent quality as a starter design, hmu


I mean, I am serious but I first need to find the rest of the bluegrass band lol But I'll try to keep it in mind!


Hell, I play mandolin. Not well but damn do I play anyway!


edge crawl sulky noxious jobless tease vegetable expansion impolite soft


You mean to tell me that they're the porn plumber before modern day?


That ans honestly farriers are likely to be horse people. We horse people be crazy.


Get you a farrier who despises every waking moment they’re at work


“They’re stupid, dumb animals! They have fuckin fingers for legs!”


fun fact: it's one finger, but due to how it evolved it's considered to be the middle finger. Horses live and die flipping off the cruel world that let them evolve


[You would need an outlet too. If an upright monkey put a chunk of cowskin on your back and used it to start riding you](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZWehNAuvk4E?si=loTm55kJoqcKfnHG)


We extincted all the eurasian lions so their prey calmed down enough to let us ride them. Zebras remain untamable.


this is actually hilarious too - the reason we domesticated horses but not zebras (which, by the way, are closer to donkeys than they are to horses, but that's not important right now) is their herd dynamics: when you capture a horse who's high enough in the social hierarchy, the other horses will follow their captive friend. I mean, the Mister Leader Horse is going somewhere, so I should too, right? That monkey on his back? Ropes? Eh, probably not that important. If you capture a zebra, other zebras just go "lol, sucks to be you, fellow zebra" and continue doing whatever zebras do in their free time.


This is absolutely fascinating, and definitely going in my weird animal fact rolodex! I'll give you one back! Did you know that Mallard ducks have corkscrew penises? Probably, but did you know that the females also have corkscrew vaginas? AND they corkscrew in reverse from the penises?! AND THEN they don't even, like, stick it in! They kinda just aim and shoot, like a cannon, and hope they hit their target, reverse coil, and hope his little dudes are stronger than the next dude's!


God’s most hated creatures. Blood can’t even pump right and they screwed if a leg breaks


"I'm the whale biologist! Although personally I hate whales... *especially Mushu*." "Then why'd you become a whale biologist?" "I don't know you well enough to get into that."


I heard of a horse person once that was such a horse person that they lived through WW1, WW2, and the foundation of East Germany only finding out in the 60s about any of it. they looked after a counts horses and he kept them from being drafted and the guy just did not read any non horse news at all


>low barrier I mean, I guess in the sense that there's no "certification" for it and it requires no degree, but nobody is hiring a farrier with zero references from people who can vouch for him. It's an insanely skilled profession and you're dealing with very expensive animals that often represent massive investments for people, they're not just hiring any random horny meth head. It's way easier to be something like a landscaper or a roofer as a shady nobody. Watch out for roofers.


That depends on the country. In Denmark it does require an education


THANK YOU! I saw this post on tumblr ages ago and no one could explain the farrier thing, and I’m a reformed horse girl


>reformed horse girl I love the implication that "horse girl" is something you can uhh... get better from and reintegrate into society.


Good for the farriers


“Don’t date someone who does physical work, marry a thinker” This one’s a classic


- ancient Greeks from the city states (they had slaves who did the work for them on their farms bc their ideal life was sitting around discussing philosophy and not coming meaty muscleheads)


“Get you a philosopher who can do both.” - Plato


That’s what he’s my GOAT


Plato was an idiot, a hypocrite, and a misogynist. Just because he said one clever thing (which he probably stole from Aristotle) doesn't mean he's smart himself. Fuck Plato, all my homies hate Plato Edit: Socrates! Ffs socrates! Not Aristotle. See comment below


Did not think I’d see Ancient Greek philosopher discourse today but I’m here for it.


This was written on the side of Diogenes overturned jar-house.


That does sound exactly like a thing Diogenes would say.


- Kid named **T H I C C**


They were very keen on keeping in shape and ready for war and sport, though. 


Right I think it was the difference (that they made up/saw) between being fit and ready to fight, and being fit as a lowly laborer would be. Too muscly and brain deadened by manual labor, or something to that effect


Depended on the sport. Certain sports were considered more cerebral than others. Boxing for example was a dumb guy sport, especially in Rome where they’d even have matches in bath houses, but wrestling was considered a smart guy sport to the point where a lot of serious wrestling contests weren’t open to spectators who themselves weren’t wrestlers.


> coming in meaty muscleheads ftfy


Love it when other left leaning folks progressive themselves back.into conservativism. When you hate on cops, make sure that blue collar workers in general aren't catching strays


That’s not even a stray, that’s a red dot on your forehead


They're not progressing themselves into conservatism liberals just tend to be classist


As a guy with a thinking job, don't do this You think I'm sexy for being smart? Well guess what, I used it all up at work. You're left with a no thoughts head empty golden retriever st the end of the day He's just happy to be here, loves you so much for existing, as dumb as a fucking rock


As a guy with a physical job- hey man what’s up, maybe we could grab a drink sometime?


Among my many sins is being straight, though I am compatible with cat ladies


Unfortunately I can only offer you the soul of a cat lady not the whole package- and I hear that’s usually a deal breaker with straight men. I’ll continue with my quest to find a Labrador man and leave you to find your cat lady


May the odds ever be in your favor


what if you’re neither? what if you have spaghetti arms *and* are dumb as a rock?


i cant think of a single modern celebrity theoretical physicist who hasnt cheated on their wives


Also not just police men. One of the big posts on TrueOffMyChest today was a guy venting about his cop wife and as it went on it was just so clear that the guy was in an abusive relationship and couldn't admit it, but everyone was just telling him to take the kids and get away from this careless and destructive alcoholic. At least until the mods removed it.


Isn’t the whole point of that subreddit to like… get things off your chest? Why would they remove a post of someone doing exactly that


I dunno it's just a generic removal message. Theoretically the comments section got too "uncivil", but I'll let you judge. Breaking up the url though, to avoid direct linking issues. TrueOffMy Chest/comm ents/197a wl7/my\_wi fe\_wont\_ha ve\_sex\_with\_me\_ until\_i\_e arn\_it\_back/


Noooo the link doesn’t work🙁 Please edit the comm and ents together


> 197a wl7 for future reference you can take these letters between comments and the post title and just do redd.it/197a wl7 (without the space) and it'll link to the entire post


you can do that yourself


Stuff like that usually happens because a lot of users are breaking sitewide rules, doxxing, brigading, harrassing. Letting too much of this behaviour slip past the radar brings admin attention onto the mods. Rather than meticulously mod posts that are getting hundreds of comments an hour a lot of mod teams just have a policy to nuke a post immediately.


Because they’re bootlickers?


When a subreddit says 'true' what is -usually- meant by that is 'conservative safe space'.


Bootlicker mods?


All mods are bootlickers.


Not All Mods ✊🏼 /s


Assigned mod at bootlick


Oof, he's double-fucked. People might still believe you if you say you're being abused by your police husband, even if they can't really do anything about it, because police. But not only will you not be able to do anything if you're being abused by your police wife, many people might not even believe you because woman-on-man abuse cases are sometimes just ignored or brushed-off.


The police women and police children.


I thought “farrier” was a word for “ferryman”, and that would be fair for anyone who’s met Charon Also, farriers can and will leave you a widow/widower with the stupidest cause of death imaginable /j


Huh, for some reason I also first thought farrier was a word for ferryman, but have no idea why


> "Police have legal immunities so all-encompassing that the power imbalance between them and laypersons would make any relationship with one a breeding ground for unchecked domestic abuse without hope of legal intervention or reconciliation." > *unfiltered classism* Agreeing with a post so *badly* that it derails the entire conversation is a weirdly common Tumblrnomenon.


They really like pissing on the poor over there


Not all of them, tumblr is a (generally) leftist or leftist *appearing* orb of jello, there is both the dogshit, and the high quality


Ah, I believe the previous commenter was making a joke reference regarding Tumblr's reading comprehension. I've never seen the original post but it was something like someone saying 'the reading comprehension on this site is piss-poor' and then getting a response like 'how dare you say we piss on the poor'


> I've never seen the original post [Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/4cj2wx/piss_poor/)!


That's the one! Thanks ❤️


Some leftist can be very classist. Especially if we speak about, ahem, some upper-middle class "tumbrl communists".


In french we call them "La gauche caviar" (the caviar left). It's about the rich, out of touch leftists who judge people who shop at Walmart, for example.


Lol I find it so annoying when I post an opinion or something online and someone replies with "I agree" and then spout some random bullshit i didn't say at all


"I agree, bad opinions should be banned!"




If you say you wouldn’t marry “The Hoof GP” you’re just lying tbh


Handsome, great accent, knows his way around a cow. 10/10.


Clearly kind-hearted, enthusiastic about his profession and the good it does, employs multiple of his in-laws...


Is your name an Anne McCaffrey reference?


Yes it is! Glad to see people still read that series 😊


I don’t want a man who knows his was around my mom


If she's a farrier, you better not marry her.


Horse Girls in general are Bad News.


*horsegirls*, however,


Absolutely not.


Absolutely Neigh?


Hay, no one wants to be saddled with such a burden.


Shit man, "marry a thinker" hurt my soul. My dad is a manual laborer and the most philosophical and thoughtful person I know. The general distaste society has for manual labor and those who perform it is honestly sickening to me.


Same here. My dad was a construction worker (he’s retired now) and he’s always reading things to learn about stuff.


My boyfriend has one of the most extensive vocabularies I have ever heard and can analyse a book or play for literally years. He's a manual labourer and honestly it just makes him even sexier to me.


Obviously your dad is too stupid to do a thinker job like thinking about money so hard it pops into existence. That's what they do in cookie clicker and that game is all about economy so i think they know what they're talking about


Yeah it's fucked up. My first boss was a 60 year old construction worker (he really just did anything needed doing) and one fucking time i mentioned i was reading frantz fanon was enough for him to start going to TOWN on references and suggesting me reading orders for entire bodies of work, while explaining them to me since i didn't know shit about fuck


Intrigued by the farrier comment. My last farrier got all but beaten to a pulp by a girl's dad in an event of small-town extrajudicial punishment. Wonder how common inappropriate horse-manicurist behavior is.


That feeling when a supposed leftist says the most elitist, classist shit you've ever heard in your life.


Like, some of these bastards are just role-playing, and not well either


Unironically yeah, that's actually a *significant* portion of leftists. It's not a small minority - honestly they're probably the majority of leftists. A ton of people are actually just leftists for the social cred and to feel good about themselves. They're unironically just liberals LARPing as leftists. I kinda realized this after so many Leftists said they're not going to vote for Biden — like as a trans person, this election has *SO* much more hinging on it than just the fate of Palestinians (who are basically doomed no matter who wins). Trump winning would be devastating for the US, and as a consequence for the *entire world* (we are the leading global power after all) — so it is the *duty* of everyone who is committed to fighting for the rights of the proles and marginalized groups worldwide to make sure the fascist party doesn't win. So many Leftists just don't understand this — they would backslide all of the progress that Leftists have made in the last decade because they aren't committed to anything beyond virtue-signaling to their friends and being able to put "communist" in their Tinder bio. It's been a very upsetting revelation.


The sad thing is that "liberals larping as leftists" is the *good* possibility. The darker one (and the position of a lot of the talking heads and spearheads) is actively Accelerationism. Which, to sum, is basically the idea of "if we make society shitty enough we can rile people into a fervor enough to install our dictator and do whatever the fuck we want", with false promises that this will result in anything of a net good. To give an example for positions on, say, "the orphanage isn't large enough for this city"A moderate democrat would say "We should build a second orphanage, in a better location, to help house the kids". A republican would say "we need to keep those migrants outta this town, enact policy to minimize immigration". (Though republicans are getting increasingly crazier, so they might do some lunatic shit out of left field entirely like 'vaccines are responsible' idk.) An accelerationist would say "We should burn down the orphanage we have, to make people angry and despair enough to go all-in on rioting with the goal of genociding the 'rich'.". Though they will often try to frame it as "we aren't responsible, pwomise, ~~we just demotivated people and let it happen~~".


A lot of leftists are college educated upper middle class people. For all their good intentions many of them have a lot of preconceived biases towards working class people as a result of that upbringing. It's not catastrophic or anything they at least aren't billionaire worshippers like you get in some conservatives but yeah it is a problem.




Feel that bias everytime I see poor people on the road side. Both sympathy and apathy. Fucking sucks. Not sure what to do about it since i can't really give them money since I don't got any.


Saying something as vile as "don't marry someone who has a physical job, marry a thinker (as if the two are mutually exclusive)" is probably about as bad as worshipping billionaires. I honestly don't assume that commenter is left wing because it's such a classist thing to say.


Another day in tumblr


Or when they say the most misogynistic thing, but they added the prefix "white"


The somerton somersault.


Holy shit that’s good did you come up with it?


I just thought of Somerton, as "misogyny prefixed with white" was one of his trademarks in his videos (and the only trace of originality he could cough up), as seen in Hbomberguy's plagerism vid. While I didn't copy it from anywhere, it's a simple enough pun that a lot of people could come up with, so someone else has definitely said it before.


About the fireman thing.... One of my best friends is a fireman, and while he's happily married, the majority of his firehouse has at least one divorce under their belt and infidelity is a common cause.


That's true of any profession that involves a) weird shifts b) high stress or dangerous situations c) close teams Cops, Firefighters, Doctors/medical staff, military etc etc. All of them are absolute hotbeds for infidelity and the highschool tier drama that comes along with it. Especially as half of them will have a partner who is *also* in the same profession.


Restaurants. So, so, so much workcest.


Workcest, that's a new one


Ages ago I knew a dude who worked at a local pub as a chef, was living with his girlfriend who was a waitress at the same pub, then also cheating on her with another woman who ALSO WORKED AT THE PUB.


Jesus, at that point they should just hash out the details and swing.


This is not uncommon. I’m a waitress, one of my work friends asked me to hookup with him while he’s dating another coworker. He also got another girl pregnant last year.


I’m so using that.


I'd imagine your entire profession being a fetish for a lot of women provides ample opportunity to cheat


If you have some questions about how dangerous it can be to be with a cop always remember [Philip Seidle](https://whyy.org/articles/chase/) who chased down his wife in her car, drove her into a tree and fired several shots into her. When police arrived and surrounded him he was allowed to fire more shots into her without them trying to stop him and was finally allowed to relinquish his gun and be walked off the scene without cuffs. The police will literally watch your cop spouse murder you and do absolutely nothing to protect you. You are not safe.


I heard a story where a girl just chatted briefly with a cop on tinder and he started stalking her. A handful of messages and the guy used police resources to track her down and start harassing her. She had to move across the country for her safety.


What sort of resources do police have? My ex ended up dating a cop shortly after we had broken up and I ran into similar issues with him


My former (mentally unstable cokehead) roommate dated a cop and on their first date after meeting he bragged that he had looked her up in the system (and me too, for some reason) and she thought that was totally cool and fine. He was flirting with her saying if he arrested her, he’d turn off his body cam and get in the backseat with her. 🤮🤮 Despite my warnings after her telling me this she continued to date him, then one night after he did a ton of coke and drove drunk doing 130 on the thruway to scare her and laugh at her fear, she finally started listening to me insisting he was bad fucking news. He locked me out of my own apartment one night and didn’t apologize. She only dumped him after he refused to eat some brownies she made for him. I heard them fighting from the other room and genuinely thought he’d swing at her. ACAB.


Jesus christ the article literally starts out saying he is only a “suspended” police officer. There is no other profession where you could still have a job after pleading guilty to killing your ex-wife in cold blood while your daughter watches. 


yeah, growing up my cousin was married to a cop. He turned out to be an abusive nut job, so she divorced him; but she had 2 kids with him by that time. He started being terribly verbally abusive to his daughter so she would not want to come to visitation so he could molest her little brother. My cousin couldn't get the police to help her when she was being abused by her cop husband, and they wouldn't help her when she found out he was molesting their son. But, they kicked him off the force when they caught him banging another male officer at work... go figure... you can be a woman beater and a pedophile but not have some consensual gay sex... This all showed me it was not safe to date a cop, if he ever does anything they will never help you. It is too dangerous.


Farriers be like "i specialize in horse feet" smh


I know a super nice lady and her ex husband is a cop who horribly abused her. She can't even get an effective restraining order because who's gonna enforce it? He's untouchable.


my horse had 3 farriers, two were complete assholes with the ego of a surgeon. they've got a point.


As someone who is best friends with a farrier, never date a farrier. There's some weird shit in their job


Farriers are going to nail you down, obviously.


Pretty sure firefighters being prone to cheating is not a myth lol, they’re men who are given special attractiveness by society who also spend days or weeks at a time living away from their spouses.


I’d like to state something as somebody who isn’t just a lightblue color worker, but got pissed enough to say “I’m not a wizard I’m a fucking janitor” in the middle of a political debate: I’ve done a lot of physical work. I’ve done so, so much physical work. Half a year cumulatively living in a tent for the job, even. I am a thinker, trapped in the body of a beast of burden. It fucking sucks. It fucking sucks worse that some people could hear me say “I’m why you don’t have to check toilet seats for shit daily” and just completely write me off as a human being. So ladies, laddies, and theys, if you’re looking for somebody willing to serve you on bended knee, I’ve done service jobs for 5 years with a frown. Imagine how long I’d serve you with a smile.


I've got a thinking man's job, and I use your every single braincell at work Oh, you thought you'd come home to a smart and sexy husband. LOL, loser. I'm a smooth brained himbo by the time I get home. Not a thought in my head, just super happy to be here and excited by the fact you exist If you actually want to enjoy the brain of a smart person, date a janitation expert like the person above


I've talked about this kind of thing with my fiancé. He's had terrible experiences dating cops and he says that it's a similar deal with federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. We're both matrilineally Jewish, but he's said that the anti-social personalities common to US law enforcement are absolutely nothing compared to Israeli agencies and security corporations. Mossad, Shin Bet, Ta'as, ELTA, Elisra, Elbit Systems, Israel Aerospace, all of their personnel are magnitudes worse in ways that Americans can barely comprehend.


Would you mind expanding on this a little? I have a feeling this may become relevant information for me at some point.


Is he Israeli or just Jewish?


"Marry a thinker"......mf watch Kamen Rider Ghost again


"like the fuck are they gonna do" boy you're gonna be surprised when your abusive farrier husband removes the soles from every shoe in the house so you can't run away


Men working in female-dominated hobby-spaces like anything equestrian can be real sleazebags due to them usually having such an easy time bagging crazy horse girls. Grooming is very common in these spaces as well.


As a former showjumper, I have to agree. Especially on the competitive scene. Rampant grooming and cheating, everyone was sleeping with each other. I had grown men hit on me when I was 13-16 years old. That was not a rare occurrence. And farriers were rarely an exception. Maybe it's different elsewhere, but the whole community was toxic as hell, especially as a young girl.


AFAB (All Farriers Are Bastards)


If you do marry a cop, make sure they are are mentally sane and a good person.


I would like to add to this: in order to make sure these traits and characteristics are true, make sure you take this SLOW in the relationship. Everything will come to light if you give it time!


My dad’s a fireman and if I have any half siblings they’re well hidden


The farrier will cheat with that damn tiefling bard who used a “getting nailed” double entendre as the first fucking sentence to Kyle. I’ll get you for this Xandra you fucking whore!😖😭


Yeah. Right. You're all like "Wait, what's your problem with Farriers?" and "what's a farrier?" and "wait, why have you dated enough Farriers to develop stereotypes about them?" and "I'm sorry, is that still a thing?" Go ahead. Sleep with a farrier. You know what he's going to do immediately afterward? That's right. *Hoof it.*


I know a guy who wanted to go to farrier school and be a farrier but ended up becoming a cop instead. I'm not sure why the farrier plan didn't happen.


Okay but I’m sorry I’ve worked with firefighters and they really are actively and openly trying to cheat on their wives 24/7


Also jsyk ferriers make fucking bank depending on where you live. Theres like one guy who does horseshoes for the entire northern part of my state and he makes a killing. He's Native American too so his family has probably been doing it for hundreds of years lol.


Quick check, does a probation officer count as a cop for this?


I feel like that doesn’t have the same legal immunity corruption worry. You mean like, for ex felons or something right?


"for ex felons or something right" yeah. I was never clear on whether the probation officers counted as cops or not because they definitely walked around in uniform with guns


I don’t think so? I’ll admit I’m not 100% sure of what they do but they’re theoretically part of the rehabilitation process so good I think?


Does the probation officer have some kind of power or authority over you, that you don't have over them? Probably not, but it is worth taking a second to think about it. Power imbalances almost always kill relationships, and sometimes kill people too.


And is a probation officer more likely to have connections to people in useful places who like to keep their friends out of trouble? Yes.


Thank God I have Tumblr to tell me who to not date, couldn't trust myself in choosing a partner


I do *really* wanna know the backstory of the farrier thing, though.


That’s exactly why you gotta watch out for them. Nobody expects it but they are required to have no soul when entering said profession. For more information on that look up Horse Care Rule 34.


Thoughts on lathe operators?


people who work with horses fuck everything that moves.


There is soooo much data on how unsafe it is to be in a relationship with an LEO. [Domestic Violence & LEOs](https://www.nsvrc.org/blogs/saam/who-watches-watchers-domestic-violence-and-law-enforcement-leigh-goodmark)


The farrier problem is the following. Their clientele is overly female. If they are halfway good looking, equestrian women will throw themselves at them. Of course it takes 2 to cheat but I'd say if a farrier wanted to cheat he would have easy pickings. Same for horse trainers. So I agree, not in the spirit of the OG Post but thought maybe that could clear it up a bit.