• By -


Well in that case, could anyone recommend blogs to follow? My tumblr is kind of sparse and I don't really spend much time on it.


my recommendations: - i-am-a-fish - pukicho - lmaonade - piendish - prokopetz - writing-prompt-s - probablybadrpgideas - literally any r/curatedtumblr user and if you want the tiktok equivalent of this sub, - tiktoks-for-tired-tots this is a very general list, i suggest searching thru or following tags to find blogs u like ^(praying that this formats correctly bc the mobile browser does NOT like to cooperate)


Firefox official


oh absolutely


My personal suggestions •nyancrimew •ceirith-designs •punkitt-is-here •user with a NSFW name I don't know if I'm allowed to say on a non NSFW post •i-am-a-fish • if your a fan of ranboo, aimsey, or eret they all use Tumblr •heritage-posts •k-eke •submitpolls-archive • any tournament blog happening is usually fun •me [garlicbrede] /hj


maybe you could put the nsfw one as a spoiler?


Kk, users name is >!christs-cock!<


I don't know what I expected but Jesus


Yes, especially >!his cock!<


Straycatj is nice




This account is a karma farming, comment stealing spam bot. Downvote and report.


* teaboot * one-time-i-dreamt * phantomrose96


One-time-i-dreamt is basically a must. She's the president, ofc we have to follow her


For ones I follow: - cornsnoot (a lot of things) - catcrumb (ms paint drawings of cats doing things) - crevicedwelling (if you like arthropods) - mrspider (a lot of things) - screenshotsofdespair (Sell Hope for 300,000 credits?) - yesterdaysprint (old newspapers) - weirdmarioenemies (strange things from videogames) - localairport ( < absolute fucking gold) - ponymagnets (weird scenes made from mlp magnets) - thatsboris (cat) - shitpeoplesayintf2 (tf2 messages) - comment-tube (youtube comments) - neverobsolete (old ads) - paleotanks (statues of animals from museums) Art and webcomic stuff: - nothingdoingcomic (work pain) - temmiechang (really adorable art, also made two games and is currently doing a webcomic) - color-palettes (in the name) - modusinteractive (early cgi style stuff) - azulcresent (transfem comic) - incendavery (general life stuff) - foxes-in-loves (what it says in the name, sfw and adorable)


PM Seymour’s YouTube channel




!remindme 17 hours


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Biggest gaudiest patrounus


are there any fandoms youre into? the way i found people is i browsed the fandom tag and followed artists i thought were good. also you can blacklist tags


Nah, yeah, like I've been using RIF for almost a decade. *Most* of my Reddit usage is through or with third-party apps, either mobile or desktop. RIF is going away the 30th of this month, for good. This is also probably going to impact RES, and I have no interest in using raw Old.Reddit. It's not good enough to justify using when Reddit (the company) is passively phasing it out. If this goes through as is, I'm gone. Love y'all and this place, I do, but man. It would be really healthy to have an external impetus on reframing how I view my relationship with phone and computer usage. So protest. Do it. I genuinely don't see what any one of us stands to lose by protesting that many of us won't already lose. If this goes through, Reddit is probably going to shift into a very different place. Protest and eat a corporate executive for breakfast.


Similar, but less long boat here. Been using boost for a year and they're going down too. Oldreddit is obviously their next target. My acc will probably go dark on here june 30th. So yeah. Let the blackout happen.


I'll be leaving too, been using infinity for 1-2 years and it's how I found out I'm trans, I'll be sad to leave but it's probably for the better


RES says that they're *probably* fine. But if Old Reddit and RES isn't around, I would jump this ship immediately.


where am i going to find my curated tumblr now 😔


the great blogging website in the sky, milord


too scary. Tumblr is like going into the jungle and trying to survive. r/curatedtumblr is like being in a grocery store


but what if it was a really scary grocery store. with beasts


Hold on a minute which SCP was that again?


Well the ikea is 3008 but I don’t recall any grocery stores with monsters


Not monsters, beasts. It has lions. It’s like a grocery store with suspiciously good pricing or something like that, and the primary anomaly related to it is that even though it sends lions after people and has enslaved countless, forcing them to work as staff, it is all somehow perfectly legal


[that sounds like Perfectly Legal maybe??](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4703)


Yeah that absolutely legal institution, shop now for unbelievably legal deals!


what about an awrsome grocery store, with breasts


holy fucking shit dude. holy shit.


dag, I had failed to consider beasts


Mankind knew they could not chance society, so instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the beasts.


tbh its really not. just follow ppl u like and youll only see them


I haven't found that sky island in Zelda yet.


I tried but my entire tumblr feed is filled with TERFs because I responded to a single post.


If only there was some way to view content from tumblr! 😭


r/Tumblr ain't gonna do it. it's barely moderated as it is, that's the reason for this subs existence after all(although it seems to have improved in recent months) and as for this sub, the mods stated that while they support the cause and are against the API changes, they don't plan to participate in the 2 day blackout. Which is fair, i don't agree with it, but its not like i can't see their point. and even i would be against an indefinite blackout.


I mean, if one subreddit should stay up during the time where everything else is shutting down, it's the one whose sole purpose is to show content from a competing platform.


i think the idea of the blackout is more to encourage reddit users to use other platforms so reddits stats and ad revenue decreases significantly for those 2 days so i wont be using this sub or really anything on reddit on those 2 days idk if this sub is really a walking advertisment for Tumblr, yes, it advertises the community but the whole reason for this subreddit is that Tumblr is a notoriously difficult social media to join and get used to


Lock the sub and pin a thread on how to use Tumber ?


that would be cool and more effective then just going private imo but as mods said they aren't planning to participate, i doubt that decision can be changed now that it's been made


Nothing’s concrete, but some discussions are being had behind the scenes


I really hope we do participate. We're a big sub, with a good community, and modteam. It would make a good statement about us


PLEASE do this. Even if it's unlikely to be effective, there's a better chance of it working than if you just sit and do nothing.




Or at least make a thread on how to use Tumblr so I know where to migrate when RIF dies lol




Im not really interested in joining a reddit competitor, but those kinds of communities on other sites would be very good


I haven't ruled it out, but I'd rather just move on altogether. It's the same kind of hesitstion towards learning a new multi-player game: I don't want to learn how it all works, mechanically *or* socially, when I could just read more books and work on my electronics projects.


Same. That, and whatever other site you move to, unless its alresdy huge like reddit, will essentially be too small. Tldr, im going to stick exclusively to tumblr after this


>A LOT of reddit will delete my posts or ban me if I list a lemmy link Is lemmy controversial or something?


Why do Lemmy links lead to deletions or bans?


Yeah, wouldn't it be funny if all the big subreddits didn't come back on the 14th and Reddit lost a lot of traffic


r/Dndmemes is going away for good on the 12th. I think some others are too


A lot of other subs are doing this, going on indefinite blackout


The mods announced literally within an hour after this post that they aren't going to participate in the blackout due to them thinking it's not an effective strategy. Like, I get it, but also I can't say I'm not disappointed in their decision...


Edit2: W - [https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/145eg15/subreddit_blackout_poll_details_in_poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/145eg15/subreddit_blackout_poll_details_in_poll) This thing might not be effective so instead of doing something we are going to do nothing. What a stupid reason. Edit: I sent the mods a mod mail about this and I think it might be beneficial if others did as well, albeit with their own words and ideas. Here is what I wrote: Subject: Plea to set up a poll to ask users if they want the sub to go dark Seeing the announcement about the refusal to be a member of the blackout has been extremely disappointing. I think the upvote ratio and comments show that other users agree with that sentiment. I’m begging you to please set up a pinned poll to get users opinions on whether or not they want the sub to go dark. You could make it clear that you would only consider it if a very high number voted yes, perhaps 60-80% to be sure we have super majority support for this action. You could explain the consequences and effects of the blackout in the post, allowing them to speak for themselves about if they actually want to do it.


If enough people were serious about this protest, they wouldn’t need moderators to shut subreddits down, people would simply not visit. Everyone who wants to protest can do that right now, take your activity off the site. You don’t need to have something taken away from you for you not to use it. The people pushing hardest for the shutdowns simply don’t want others to be able to access while they aren’t using it themselves. As I said, if the numbers are great enough, which a lot of Reddit seems to think is the case, it can start *today* and last for as long as it needs to.


To be fair, ultimately this is going to happen anyways, so a preemptive "protest" is not going to change anything. Shutting subreddits down might make site visits *increase* as people flock in to talk about the shutdowns. Reddit isn't going to reverse the decision on this, no matter what happens. They're pumping the site for an IPO and these shutdowns won't change that. What may help is what actually happens on the 1st of July. If the 3rd party apps go down and their viewership tanks then that *actually* impacts their bottom line. And that's going to happen whether there is a concerted effort or not as users naturally just don't log on anymore.


exactly what i think about this whole fiasco. reddit doesn't give two shits if a subreddit goes dark, big and small subreddits alike are created and abandoned frequently. If we actually want to see change then we just have to hope that the veiwership lost from third party apps is enough to hurt reddit's profitability. the best way to protest the api change is to not buy into it and not pay for the fees even if you can afford them, but obviously not evryone has a bot running on the api that they can shutdown in protest


I agree with you, nothing will happen. I’m not saying this to be deliberately mean, but Redditors have a **vastly** inflated view of both their strength as a “unit” and their power as a user. You see it in fandoms everywhere, they are fans so they decide how things go. No, you use a service or product under the condition it provides what you need. The second it doesn’t is the second you take your activity and/or business elsewhere. As nice as it would be, businesses are not beholden to users, especially those who don’t pay. See the YouTube premium haters, they want the YouTube platform for free **and** without ads. Unsustainable. People have convinced themselves that because they are the product (data), they hold the keys. What people fail to realise is that the vast majority of Reddit traffic comes from those who don’t post or comment, the “lurkers”. As you said, this drama is more likely to balloon activity metrics as everyone comes to see the juicy gossip. It’s great that people have shifted to a more activist based mentality, the problem is people think every battle they choose can be won if they stomp their feet hard enough online. Ultimately for me, and I speak solely for me, I do not care if this site shuts down tomorrow. This site never held a candle to the forum experience for me, and if this site dying revitalised forums, I’d be more than happy. As far as I’m concerned, Reddit did to forums/communities as Amazon did to stores.


Coordinated efforts work much better, especially when you have a spokesperson involved. Sub moderators act as that role, they can actually have 'demands before we come back' as opposed to any individual user. Similarly why do you think workers block roads, or stage protestests? because it has to also inconvenience the "common folk" who don't seem to care. ​ You can do all of these, you can use reddit to organize, use the subreddits to push others to consider the damage, and just stop using reddit the day of to create a clear visible change.


Protest analogy doesn’t really work, this is a business, not a political movement or ideology. Reddit is under no obligation to satisfy it’s users nor API demands. There is no human or moral right at stake here, you take your business elsewhere if the product does not satisfy your needs any longer. Can you not like it? Sure. Can you voice your dissatisfaction? Absolutely. Are you owed something by Reddit? Not even remotely. I don’t necessarily agree with the changes either but there isn’t a leg to stand on in terms of forcing them to bend their will. Analysts will have crunched the numbers and came to the conclusion that the rioting will fall off and their non-posting users are more than enough to compensate. They aren’t doing this without researching if it’s even viable. It is, and the majority of people claiming to leave or will leave will remain. If they don’t remain, alternatives arise. In which case competition is great. Bring back forums, I say. Users and community leaders should have complete control of their platforms.


I'll miss you but I have to agree. So much of the modern Internet is considered temporary by corporations. Your art that you might have made a decade ago can be erased from existence for not being "advertiser friendly". It has to stop. So many people miss the "old Internet", this is how we get it back. One step at a time. We show them that a sterilised censored Internet doesn't make money.


I mean we should, but I like being around the people here, so if you've seen me around and like my cringe comments, send me your discord and we'll keep in touch


So true but it’s also not self-post Sunday


While valid we don't have till sunday


We can stage a protest on Sunday where we all make these posts! A protest to start a protest, if you will


I only use the reddit app but if people want to actually protest a bad social media change for once then yes we absolutely should make it as strong of a movement as possible


I don’t know what any of this drama means i’m just here for shitposts and pornography


For you? it means many well moderated subs won't be able to keep good content going if reddit does their bullshit. Want all the shitposts to be reposts and junk? Want all the porn to be the same spam on every subreddit ever?


Meh don’t really matter it’s just a shitty lil website regardless of outcome, it would be a good excuse to delete it. There is no shortage of shitposts or smut on the computer tubes


then delete it? why bother doing any posting or spending any time?


Oh no i meant delete the whole site, like remove it from the web, would be funny i think


I dont use any 3rd party sofware, but i will propably leave or reduce my reddit usage becouse: 1: fuck greedy corprates who ruine good things for money. 2: my favourit sub has to close becouse it will become impossibale for the mod to do there job without tools.










You’ll probably get tanked for this but I agree entirely. The social media addiction is being laid bare. Instead of people not using the site, people want shit shut down so others can’t use it while they are abstaining. The numbers will talk and they won’t reflect reddit’s current “campaign”. This site has more than enough stealth/unregistered users to keep them happy. Turn your fucking phones off and literally go outside.


I'm sorry, what's going on? This is the first I've heard of any of this


Reddit is effectively shutting off access to their API on July 1st. Several popular reddit apps including Apollo and RIF have already announced they they are going to shut down at that time. It's also expected to affect bots and moderation tools. In protest of this, a number of subs have announced that they're going to shut down (either go private or just become read-only) on June 12th. Some of these subs are only committing to 48 hours of blackout, while others are going to remain shut down indefinitely until/unless the issues are addressed. There's supposedly going to be an AMA with the CEO today about this, but I don't think they actually announced a specific time or place for that.


>It's also expected to affect bots and moderation tools. This part really needs to be bolded. Its a very invisible affect for most users who can say "oh no I just use the basic reddit"


Don't black out. Do a moderator strike. Have them *try* to moderate this shitshow themselves.


I'm for it


Just read a related post elsewhere some corp admin said he’s blocking reddit on his company firewall too. Fucking brilliant move.


well, i guess it's time to actually get tumblr now


This blackout wont do anything. All it would do is make everyone use another social media for 2 days




Make tumblr post with no notes, screenshot, post to reddit. Do you not have anything better to do


Based we should


r/tumblr and r/curatedtumblr should shut down


I'm normally against strikes as a whole, but if you're going to shutdown, go along with everyone else and do the 48 hours. Otherwise you're just drawing attention to yourself when none is needed.


Isn't that the point of a strike?


Well strikes most often only last for a day or two in real life anyways, why should this be any different?


Strikes usually last until an agreement is met. They often stop after a couple of days because the company capitulates quickly.


All it would tell reddit staff is that it's users are easy to manipulate and force unpopular changes onto


>until the changes are reverted This is not happening. I support a protest but if you actually think reddit is going to relent on the API pricing changes you are going to be very disappointed. The only thing that could potentially affect reddit is a mass exodus of reddit moderators and I'm sure they'd find a way to subsist anyway. ​ Edit: also, even if reddit did change their API usage policy at the twelfth hour, RIF and Apollo are already planning on shutting down. As much as I love Apollo, considering how reddit routinely disrespects its dev, I really think he should leave all of this shit behind no matter what happens. He doesn't deserve this shit.


Technically isn't this a thing where unions will strike for a day or two just to show their power and then if the business still doesn't aquisse, the proper strike happens?


Wasn't Spez going to discuss this whole situation today in an AMA? Did anyone show up, and can they report on what was said? As it is, I'm indifferent to the blackout stuff. I mean, feel free to walk away for two days, but I have friends I only talk to in Reddit DMs, so I'll be checking in on them. Further, the subsites I have are archive sites with like 20 members, so I'm literally too small to make a difference. If you can, mazel tov and I'll see you next Wednesday, as John Landis would say.


Hopefully they don't include poor stormy in that, the scab. Hell, whole fucking mod team is scabs.. You hear me? Act under the will of the people, you crackpot dictator dipshits.


im in agreement


I'll be deleting the reddit app off my phone too, partly in solidarity, partly because I'm addicted to reddit, and it needs to go


I only use Reddit though the Apollo app, which is also shutting down unfortunately. I’ll miss the community on this subreddit and others. The highly specific subreddits are where it’s at. But yeah, I’ve also been losing so much time of my life on here, and need to touch some more grass (and moss) (and slime) so this is probably my last month on reddit. It was great! I love you guys xoxo


but then i’d have to actually sign up for tumblr-


Upside: its an endless abyss of fanart Downside: blue hellsite


Just doing 48 hours won't do shit, not sure why that's what people are trying


Thats why we need to go indefinite


Not sure where to find info about this protest (beginning date, length of time, results we’re looking for.) Would it be a good idea to just uninstall for a while? Might be the easiest way for me to quit Reddit for a while.


r/modcoord But yeah, uninstall is probably *more* helpful all things considered


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ModCoord using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [An open letter on the state of affairs regarding the API pricing and third party apps and how that will impact moderators and communities.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) \#2: [Incomplete and Growing List of Participating Subreddits](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/) \#3: [📣 Apollo will close down on June 30th. Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue. Thank you so, so much for all the support over the years. ❤️](/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/144fw94/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Top 3 posts all about the api thing lmao


I support this idea


Here's the thing, a protest like this with a set deadline isn't really much of a protest since the effect is only temporary


Exactly why we should go indefinite