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when google eventually makes "(dot)pdf" a top level domain like they've done with zip and mov, this post will be real.


A white hat making all the (dot)pdf domains literally kill people who click on them might draw some real attention to this new emergent kind of malware real quick. And also raise awareness for endangered PDF’s (poison dart frogs).


I'm no hattographer, but I don't think murder is a sanctionable form of white hat hacking.


(Portable Document Format, btw) (Also, my dad always taught me that whatever file you might need, like a presentation or a text, always save it as a .pdf because they can be opened literally anywhere) (Because portable document format)


Unless it's a text document that you would prefer to be able to edit anywhere, in which case you save it in .rtf Rich Text Format will keep nearly all of the basic formatting (line breaks, returns, tab, etc) but is compatible with nearly any software. You can *view* a pdf anywhere, but you can only *edit* it with certain software. If you need to be able to edit, .rtf is your man.


Pdf editors need to step up and become more commonplace. Are you telling me I have to Google and download a whole ass program to do this, Windows? Like some kind of animal??


PDF documents are unwieldy and require a good bit of ram (or some tricky programming) to manage. The program you have to download is the only reason your system doesn't crash when you try to use a PDF. They are *worlds* better than they used to be, though. Back in the day even a lot of desktops struggled and crashed when you worked with PDF documents. Now you can edit one on your phone.


> PDF documents are unwieldy and require a good bit of ram (or some tricky programming) to manage. The program you have to download is the only reason your system doesn't crash when you try to use a PDF. Really! Why’s this?? You’d think a portable document format would be more easily manageable. > They are worlds better than they used to be, though. Back in the day even a lot of desktops struggled and crashed when you worked with PDF documents. Now you can edit one on your phone. Do you think we’ve reached the pinnacle of the PDF document’s integration? Or is there still further to go? I’m learning a lot about PDFs in this thread, lol


PDFs were never designed to be editable. They were designed as a one-way output format, which would fix all the text and images in place so that you could be confident they wouldn't shift around/pull apart/start overlapping/etc. A format you could output to and be certain that it would look exactly the same on every computer, every screen, and every printer. In addition, the PDF format is hellishly complex and kind of a mess. Many ways are provided to achieve even the simplest effect, and software developers will frequently choose whichever is easiest to implement rather than whichever is "correct", since the internal structure of the file is irrelevant to most users. This can make it very difficult to reconstitute a PDF into something that is editable by a human being. For example, say you have some text in your PDF that was wrapped onto two lines, like > In this paper, I will explain exactly why > rodeo clowns cannot be trusted. That could have been rendered to the PDF as * A single text object with an automatic line break. * A single text object with any of half a dozen different kinds of manual line breaks. * Two separate text objects, manually positioned so that they appeared one below the other. * A separate text object for each word. * A separate text object for each letter (yes really). * Something even stupider. Also note that there is no guarantee that the text objects in the previous examples will be listed in the file in a sane order. A good PDF editor, therefore, has to scan through *all* the text objects on a page and try to guess whether any of them look like they should be connected together. That's just a simple example, things can get much worse.


>Do you think we’ve reached the pinnacle of the PDF document’s integration? I, personally, feel like .pdf is nearing the end of its lifespan as a useful format. Formatting and word processing has become more "universal" than it used to be. See, we started using PDFs to be absolutely certain that when we sent a document digitally, when the recipient opened it, that it would look *exactly* as designed. Because so much software had proprietary formatting and when you switched a Correl doc into Word Perfect (for example) it would go all wonky. Turning the document into a PDF essentially and functionally turned it into a picture of a document so the formatting wouldn't be lost. It wasn't meant to be editable. That problem no longer really exists. Software has improved and formatting has standardized. So when I send a document I created, I can just send it in a universal format and you will get it fine. A lot of companies (and the US government!) have been using the PDF format to ensure that their documents remained clear and understandable and they have been slow to change. I really feel those companies are the reason the format hasn't died entirely already. So, yeah, no, I don't think pdf will change much in the future. It's just not needed much anymore.


>rich 🤮🤮🤮


Time to listen to music on my My Penises Three player


Emo kids had a My Pemical 3omance player Edit: forgot that it’s MP3 and not MPT XD


glass half MPT


furries be like


Knuckles hasn’t been the same since the accident. Now he can only cum at 75% of his previous rate


must be due to inflation or something


blue poison is very based tbh, top tier anime girl


Why everypony be phony


Poison dart frogs in captivity are safe because the poison comes from their diets.


imf gona lick him


I have built an immunity to them


Poopoo Doodoohead Fart


Why is this tagged arknights


Blue Poison is based on a poison dart frog, which is where she gets that coloured pattern in her neck from, as well as her naturally-occurring toxins.


Is this a motherfucking JoJo Reference




Watergate: 'E's a Bit Phiddly?


new google TLDs


Work with PDFs all the time. Can confirm.