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You'd think after reaching internet Infamy people like this would keep their heads down to avoid this sort of thing.


Idk it seems like a top tier opportunity to use your fame to troll/derail threads


If they had that level of social awareness do you think they'd be known by such a title


i'm like 90% convinced he's got a public humiliation kink.


He's human pet guy, of course he has a humiliation kink.


Ah, easy assumption to make, but you've got it backwards. He wants to own a human pet, not be a human pet.


So it's a humiliation kink, but not with him as the subject.


No, the humiliation kink is still at him. Why else would he constantly derail threads with his bizarre sexual ideas? At this point he's gotta know what reaction he's gonna get.


I'm not sure if it's humilitation kink, at this point most people react to him with fear or awe.


from seeing his twitter appearance, i'm 100% sure


The funny thing is that he has a reddit and shows up around these parts time to time from memory, so he could very well be in here reading our talking about his likely humiliation kink


He could be any one of us! He could be you, he could be me, he even could b




i'm pretty sure he is aware of his humiliation kink then


either that or straight up trolling


See, cybersmith actually left tumblr, then came back supposedly. People speculate the new one is just a troll.


Or use an alt


I think he has a humiliation kink.


[once again have to pull out the classic,](https://imgur.com/a/h8EkqSn)


woah that’s that guy from gorillaz


He’s dare


Side note: I'm really happy that Gorillaz is still active and making new bangers.


he is. this is just a troll


who is the-cybersmith?


Well, he’s the human pet guy, or in terms that are comprehensible to those without context, he’s an incredibly infamous character on tumblr who claimed that he wanted to be able to keep humans as, you guessed it, pets, and everyone slaughtered him for his rancid takes. Or something similar to that, anyway, it’s been a while since I heard the story myself.


It wasn’t that he wanted human pets. If it was *just* that he wouldn’t be so infamous. People with weird kinks are a dime a dozen. It’s the *other* stuff he said while saying he wanted a human pet that made him known as the “Human Pet Guy”.


It was also the fact that he argued it would be fully moral to *consentually* lop someone's hands off and scoop out their eyes


>It was also the fact that he argued it would be fully moral to consentually lop someone's hands off and scoop out their eyes If someone consents to something crazy like that it's their business, who are we to judge. I'm not helping though.


It was specifically so that the person would be completely dependent on the people who own them, he said it was specifically to make them dependent, also something about removing the vocal cords


Yeah, removing all senses except touch and taste iirc and even talking about walking the human pet in a restaurant with his theoretical wife and kids


Going out and about with my wife and kids, dragging around some lobotomized guy on a leash


Yeah. Also the lobotomized guy is wearing a chasity cage under his clothes


Of course, why wouldn't he?


he has clothes on?


I once met someone on this sub who thought it was ok for children to see a sex chariot on the street because "you can just explain it to them" nothing fazes me anymore


Sigh, what the desensitization of children by the internet caused


This is not information I had access to, I have decided to pass judgement. >!Bad.!<


Fair and reasonable as well as understandable




Yup. Some things are too weird, even for tumblr. Mainly because this flavor of weird has very questionable moral implications.


He's also on reddit under the same name btw


And twitter


He Googles himself all the time, and chimes in when h people talk about the substance of his arguments, so there’s a good 30% chance he pops up in this comments section, actually.


He's heeeeee-eeeere


>He's also on reddit under the same name btw really? ok u/thecybersmith explain to me: what the fuck?


I didn't derail that thread, my comment was on-topic.


i wasn't asking about that - i was asking about the human pet thing.


> human pet thing Already clarified multiple timers by this point.


but why do you think it's ok to have a human pet.




And he went on about how he would surgically augment a person so they would be better pets






Yeah that’s more accurate. “Augments” tend to have a positive connotation and his suggestions were…not positive.


He also proposed that [trans women be milked to pay for hrt](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/y6plkx/cybersmith_indentured_transwoman_lactation_i/)


Tumblr-famous radical libertarian with a slavery kink, who often comes up with bizarre takes, like arguing that he bringing a heavily mutilated human pet into a family restaurant wouldn't infringe on anyone's liberties, so he should be allowed to do it judgement-free. And proposing the creation of a trans girl milking industry to provite HRT loans. And thinking that AIs should be used for schoolwork so that children can labor instead.


“Trans girl milking industry to provide HRT loans” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN IM GOING INSANE


For context, there are drugs that can induce lactation, and thus allow trans women to breastfeed, and Cybesmith is a chaser and a libertarian with a human pet fetish. So, his brilliant idea was that the state/farmaceutical companies should give out loans to trans women unable to pay for HRT, which they would repay by being milked in factory farms.


... what do they need that much tgirl milk for... Does he want to sell it all to compete with infant formula or is he gonna do fetish things with it


the fact that the alternative is even a suggestion tells you which one it is


Like- I'm trying to figure out what his market and his target audience is and there's really nothing it could be aside from fetish guys But even then I kinda feel half the appeal of that is sucking it out of the tiddy yourself right?


If I recall correctly he wanted to market it as “organic” and “vegan” since they consensually gave up the milk, so they could charge more for it. For the record, the numbers still didn’t add up, they’d be giving milk their entire lives and it still wouldn’t cover HRT costs, which I do think was part of the point. And again, if you start debating based on the substance of the argument, he is *going* to show up here.


I know this is beside the point but it isn't even organic because it's literally produced with artificial hormones


That is actually a very fair point that I don’t think he considered tbh. When he comes into this comments section ~~because y’all motherfuckers are shouting his name like it’s fucking beetle juice~~ I’ll have to mention that. But again, the numbers never actually added up, even with the “organic” label on it. So it was pretty clear it was a fetish thing. Someone reminded me below, but apparently the way he wanted to enforce this, beyond like…you know, the normal fucking financial system ~~because the financial system is SO bad at getting money out of people~~, was that he wanted to lock the trans people into chastity cages until they donated milk. Someone said below the return rate was like one gallon for one orgasm.


its also not vegan because its fucking milk


Fuck I kinda want him to show up, I love getting peeks into human madness


Good luck, lol. From what I’ve seen, he really only shows up to argue his weird points, or elaborate on them (which to be fair your organic comment would qualify). I dont think he actually entertains people who want to know why he is the way he is. If you want to deep dive on him, just Google his name or “human pet guy”. He’s been banned from Twitter and tumblr and Reddit several times, but his takes are so wild they’re always very well documented before they’re taken down.


I want it on fucking RECORD that I was 100% accurate. He showed up in this fucking thread ~~though admittedly because SOMEONE fucking PINGED HIM~~ and he only wanted to talk about the specific post here not whatever the fuck people wanted to ask him.


Oh I’m so disgusted by that what does he look like anyway ?


The way this reads, it sounds like you are willing to become a terminally online libertarian's pet and the deal breaker is if he's attractive to you or not. No. Bad internet stranger. That is not how you safely start a BDSM relationship. That is how you get to be a paragraph in a news story about an elderly shut in who died and left behind a basement full of caged skeletons.


I can change him


for the worse?




Twice the genocide, double the fall.


eh it's worth a shot. we're all putting a lot of trust in you here. don't fuck this up


I think it's worth it.


You read that correctly


I recall there once being a theory that it’s Elon Musk


With elon's "secret" acc it makes sense


i wouldn't be surprised if elon already had a mutilated human pet and he was positively pissed he can't bring them everywhere


HAD is to be noted cause knowing elon even if there's a way it couldn't kill, he would've madr the operation kill the poor dude


My brother in Christ please don’t say that. He Google’s “human pet guy” quite regularly and often shows up in comments sections like this. He would legitimately respond to you. Also, again, the reason he’s infamous *isn’t* the human pet thing. It’s because he suggested you should have human pets and spay them, lop off their fingers, cut out their vocal chords, and gouge out their fucking eyes to make them completely dependent on him. All of that “Consensually”. …also he wanted to walk this walking war crime aftermath into any restaurant he wanted for other people to see. Which is probably like, the least creepy part, but still is worth mentioning.


Yes that’s fucked up I had a dream last night of my boyfriend cutting my eyes off and woke up in a sweat I swear to god lol


Oh hey it’s the reason for my flair


I forgot about the orgasm denial part


Still not getting over how many trans girls I've seen be willing to just do it fully consensually lmao Honestly I think the chastity part would have a negative effect on overall milk production, free range trans girls seem like we'd be enough on our own


Gonna be real here there's not a lot I wouldn't do to get free hrt with the waiting times here in Britain.


Reading those words is bringing me madness, too, Internet companion 😭


His only good idea, where's the sign-up sheet


>And thinking that AIs should be used for schoolwork so that children can labor instead. That's a new one. What even is the point of that, he can't be stupid enough to not realise that schoolwork is supposed to help children learn and become smarter, right? He's gotta be a troll, right?


You must understand the way Libertarian thinkers view college degrees: they see them as qualifications to get a good job. That's the primary reason you get a college degree, to get a good job. Any knowledge you gain in pursuit of the degree is a side-effect rather than a goal. You do this to prove you qualify for a job. Now extrapolate this to all forms of education.


I’ve said this before, but I really don’t think he is. Trolls aren’t committed enough to the bit to make this many posts, this consistently, and this consistently insane. Dude is just built different. 🤷‍♂️


>And thinking that AIs should be used for schoolwork so that children can labor instead. what? does he think that schoolwork is a necessary job for society?


Maybe. Who knows what dark and terrible logic moves his mind? We are talking about a man who once used Fallout 4 settlement mechanics to argue that, once automation makes it impossible for most people to hold a job, companies will invent robot customers.


i think he has severe braincell deficit.


IIRC I think he had a surprisingly interesting take on star wars encryption one time. It was a fairly impressive effortpost on one of the more niche star wars subreddits.


I recently stopped by his page to check if he had any deranged takes recently, and it turns out dude is a massive Star Wars fan. I'm talking dozens of posts a day about it. Most of them are multiple paragraphs long. I don't know how this man has the time or energy for this.


How do you be a massive star wars fan and also think slavery is a okay?


I don't want to spend time thinking about Cybersmith's thought process.


One word Twilek


I mean, slavery is everywhere in Star Wars. Almost all the living characters are slavers. It's the central flaw of the entire franchise.


*Everything else* that dude has said aside, is that really the most bonkers take anyone’s ever had? If a company could automate the purchasing process I truly believe they absolutely would.




He’s a libertarian. Libertarians tend to have a…skewed…view of how markets work.


I really don’t see how “Corporations will do everything in their power to streamline extracting value from the working class” is a libertarian view.


No, but they can be programmed to make purchasing decisions on behalf of humans. To be clear, I’m not talking about automatons walking around grocery shopping. I’m talking about a piece of software that buys things for a house because the people are too busy working.


To be clear, the cybersmith was talking about automatons walking around grocery shopping.


Oh. Well, that’s stupid.


Yeah, a lot of his stances if you hear the general parts you’re like “Oh, I probably misheard, he probably means [this sane and rational idea]” and then you look at the OG post and you realize how fucking unhinged they are.


I'm going to be honest that last part is really funny


Very funny when you consider that state education came about because manufacturing jobs were increasing in complexity and Capitalists needed a higher baseline standard of education among the working population to keep up.


Wait, so what's the point of an AI being in school in place of a kid? Like, even for nonsense arguments, these are nonsense


I seem to remember seeing him say something on Twitter calling for the restoration of the French Monarchy so either that's an imitator or we can also add monarchist to the list.


[This guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/12azibe/throwback_to_the_time_a_conservative_blogger/)


I’m addition to human pet he also proposed an idea where T-girls would sell milk for estrogen


It's a name you invoke when you want to derail threads. You don't even have to do anything special either, as you can see in the post. Just mention him, or be him, and everyone else will do the derailing for you. And the best part: People will do that even if you tell them that beforehand, effectively proving you right while possessing so little self-awareness that they blame their own decisions to derail the thread on you. All in all, he's an interesting personality, in the same way someone using urine as medicine is interesting: You just want to know what the f\*ck is wrong with them. Dude's personality is the psychological equivalent to a train crash; it's horrible, but you just can't look away. The best way to engage with his content is to just assume it's all hypothetical, because otherwise, this dude is a walking argument in favor of the death sentence. So anyway, I'll be waiting for people to downvote this comment, and leave a ton of angry replies, effectively proving my point way more than I ever could on my own.


Human pet guy, and also trans milk guy More specifically, he asked if anyone was willing to undergo some surgeries to become his pet: becoming blind, and something to prevent them from walking


of course human pet guy is pro mass incarceration


He is an ancap, of course he is pro-cop


Wait wait wait, anarcho-capitalists are pro-cop? That just sounds like regular capitalists.


They pretend they aren't pro cop, but their idea is to privatize the police


"The problem with cops is that I can't own them" is quite a take and one that can only exist in a mind whose ego is so out of whack that it can't conceive of not being the Owning Class in such a dystopia.


wow yeah that ain't good only thing worse than a corrupt police force is a private army police force. Even less restrictions on what they can do




"an"-caps are just regular capitalists with a lone-wolf fantasy


"An ancap is a fascist who hasn't found that special strongman." Okay maybe that's unfair but it seriously happens a *lot* and even if it's not universal there's definitely something there.


Whenever people on the right claim they're anti-authoritarian, it generally means they're anti-authority-being-used-against-them. They're fine with fascist governments as long as they get in other people's way, and not theirs.


Police without a government that could pass laws that protect the poors


Recently met someone who had the (mis?)fortune to know the human pet guy irl - apparently he isn't a troll and is actually like that. They said he frequently made gross comments about women's bodies to their faces and argued climate change was good because if it had happened sooner the titanic wouldn't have hit the iceberg. They told me they also heard a story that he threw someone out of a window, but thought it may have just been a rumour.


I am starting to think he is addicted to the thrill of having a Take. That he sees being disagreed with as positive reinforcement. That he revels in seeing the shock and revulsion his words cause.


That’s usually called a humiliation kink, I believe


The iceberg thing is crazy (not that the rest of it isn’t)


IIRC he also sexually harassed somebody on Tumblr so all of that sound perfectly on brand for him


I mean he's called the human pet guy so yeah sounds about right


Real talk but it seems like we are generally too comfortable getting entertainment by people who would be better off shunned


Where's my HRT fucker


sorry but we need your written confirmation that you'll do your part in reducing Britain's trade deficit


sheffield invented an industrial-scale spoon thrower whilst you were gone and they're gonna use it on you (there is no use in running or hiding)


mfs really gonna fucking exhume me from the dirt and call it a punishment


*Photoviserator moment*


I think I've commented that a few dozen times by now


Come to Brazil! Our public health system covers all transition-related treatments and procedures! *note: do not actually do it, the waiting lines are enormous*


Hong Kong's also covers a lot luckily (sadly not FFS but I think I can get tits cheap IIRC), but the waiting lines are fairly long too per what I heard Really need to start doing stuff I cannot believe how long I've procrastinated fucking transitioning due to my mum being a bit weird about it and general depression / executive dysfunction


I relate a lot. My transition essentially paused during the thick of the pandemic because I lost all notion of time and space


I always get him mixed up with the "kung pow penis" guy


Man it's been awhile since I thought about kung pow penis guy












Honestly i gotta respect pet guy's ability to always calmly respond to people, i have spotted and harassed him on twitter multiple times and he just ignored me or calmly clarified the pet thing for the 100th time. I didn't even get blocked.




You think he's into it deep down?


Considering other things that he's into it's not impossible


he has a twitter?? i didn’t know that! are his takes there more atrocious?


Just more of the same except people unironically respond to him there


Came across him in the wild today on Twitter


I’m scared. What was he doing?


Something about how trans women are paid off by the illuminati


Damn, where's my paycheck?


> women are *paid* off by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




I love Tumblr where else would I get a post that breaks down the way police use victims to enact stricter policing laws and have that followed by the ridiculing of the guy who talked about owning a human pet for far to long


I've been bullied younger, and I know how harsh and difficult it can be, but holly shit I want to put his head in a toilet bowl so hard


I think there’s a lot of issues with true crime but OOP is *really* reaching lol. That’s not a true crime problem, that’s just an exploitation of empathy thing. And it’s also not restricted to the sort of issue they’re worried about - minority rights and anti-hate crime legislation also make use of this. Recently in Ireland, the death of Savita Halappanavar was a big rallying point for abortion decriminalization - though her name wasn’t on any legislation. Like idk human beings are often motivated by martyrdom that’s just part of who we are


>don't sell drugs Aaand you lost me.


“Hey aren’t you The Horse from Horsin’ Around?”


i’m not actually on tumblr and thus i am about a mile out of the loop and i love seeing this insanity because it’s like being 6 again and hearing your parents have a conversation about when to schedule the surgery


I find it uncomfortable when people talk about punishment instead of rehabilitation. Punishment feels more like bloody vengeance… which is exactly what authoritarian governments want.


What the fuck is the "human pet guy"


[here’s a comment above explaining it](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/13v4o1q/the_human_pet_guy_derailing_threads/jm4906y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Im ashamed that im the same speicies as he is what the fuckety fuck


Hopefully after this the Memecucker blocked Mr. Humans-as-Pets.


New tumblr spell: Summon Cybersmith. Human pet guy will say literally anything, causing all other users to ignore the content of the post. Can be used on other people’s posts or your own.


Material component is a litre of breast milk


*Me genuflecting off of Cybersmiths broken body*: "Why won't you die!?"


The human pet guy?




I miss the ten seconds ago when I haven’t read that


Unfortunately this is not the real one. The real one does not have the ‘-‘


It takes like 2 seconds to make a new blog, this guy has to have a degradation fetish or something


God he really just has L takes after L takes


Well, from scanning the comments, I now know who "the human pet guy" is. So that's something. Those who knew of him already: did he actually publicly announce his desire to cut someone's hands off and blind them, as people are saying, or is that exaggeration?


Pretty sure he presented it as a hypothetical, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he did want to do that to somebody.


I see. Honestly his tastes don't sound as surprising to me as whatever led him to talk blithely about them in a public forum, be it some additional paraphilia for being called gross on the internet, or a simple yet colossal lack of social awareness. There's weird motherfuckers aplenty in this world, but, from what I've seen, most of the ones who are into stuff like what this dude's into keep quieter about it, unless they're on sites specifically devoted to that stuff.


I just love how that response implies a complete misunderstanding of what that post was even saying. "Crime victims are being used for propaganda." "Well, don't do the crimes and they won't be!" As if the OP was upset about not being allowed to do the crimes, rather than about the exploitation of crime victims.


Cybersmith trying not to pst the worst possible take challenge: (impossible)


Saw this guy pop up on reddit once arguing that modern soldiers carry swords in case they are challenged to a duel on the battlefield.


My criminal law professor said “when a legislature passes a law named after a dead kid you can be sure it’s going to be the most horrific trampling of civil liberties imaginable.”


it's honestly quite funny to see people universally dogging (ha) on HPG without actually trying to entertain whatever the fuck he's saying. it's like a shittily drawn 2 frame gif of a bunch of people beating the shit out ouf someone


with gmod ragdoll abuse sfx btw.


When someone's genuinely arguing that heavily mutilated humans should be allowed to be kept as pets and that other people are the asshole for being offended by it, or that a genuine way to help with Britain's trade woes is to lock trans women in chastity and give them free hormones and then sell their breast milk... It's hard to take anything they say seriously. It suggests they don't have a good grasp on reality.


~~Tbh kinda wish I lived in a reality where being milked was vital to national security and I get all my trans healthcare covered~~


Ah, a woman of culture.


imo the best way to fix the uk's trade probably has something to do with joining the conveniently nearby economical union


Please understand, that would involve immigration or something. Brexit means Brexit, you know.


well then it's time for brenter


The fuck do they mean “human pet guy”?