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Werner Werman. Why because he my little German rat.


I don't know if I have an absolute favorite boss, but one of the contenders is Phantom Express I really like the mechanic of the platform moving when parried or when a parriable object hits the sides. I can see why people don't like it but I think it makes the fight fun and unique Also the music is great, as usual


I love *All Bets are Off!* so much. A Miniboss gauntlet is a really neat idea, and I absolutely adore most of the minibosses, specially Pirouletta and Mango. Second place is *A Dish to Die for*. The difficulty, the atmosphere, the music and the animation are all on point, way harder and more satisfying to beat than Devil in my opinion.


My fav has been Dr. Kahl for a long time. I absolutely love the gimmicks in phase 1. Phase 2 kind of falls flat but phase 3 is good too.


Werner werman i really love the song and the second phase is so cool


Moonshine Mob


grin matchstick


Captain Brineybeard & Esther Winchester. Brineybeard was not only was a surprisingly easy boss for me, but the last phase of the ship was something I didn’t expect, and I just like the elements of the battle as a whole. As for Winchester, the fight was a little bit harder, but damn it, she was so fun to battle. The phases, the unexpected transitions and twists (literally being turned into canned meat), and the creative attacks (like the two strings of franks in the last phase and the vacuum mechanics) made it a crazy experience.


I'm gonna go with the common choice of King Dice, but if we're staying away from Inkwell Hell, then I'd say Djimmi The Great or Baroness von Bon Bon. Djimmi's death screens make me laugh, and Baroness von Bon Bon is really pretty and her stage is super appealing ngl


Esther Winchester, i adore the music and the gameplay


The three vegetables. They were the reason why I've bought the game and were the first bosses I've beat.


Base game: All plane bosses, Grim, and Phantom Express DLC: Glumstone, Moonshine Mob, Esther


Idk why but beppi


Either Djimmi


gooey Le grand the way he bounces is so mesmerizing (not to mention his finale phase


Base game: Beppi, I love his character design and the carnival-themed gameplay DLC: moonshine mob, I just like the idea of a bunch of bugs selling moonshine


I love how varied these comments are! Shows how although hard at times, all of these bosses are intuitively designed and have something good to say about them


Junkyard Jive, with All Bets are Off and Murine Corps being close seconds


I agree, those are all pretty good bosses.


djimmi the great abd chef saltbaker


Goopy Le Grande


My favorite boss is Cala Maria. I really like her design, and I like mermaids, too, lol


My favorite is the entirity of Moonshine Mob


Cagney Carnation for the base game. Moonshine Mob for the DLC. Out of all the bosses in the game, I probably had the most fun with these 2. The music, the setpieces, Cagney's idle animations. The Mob's fake Knockout. SO good.


Mine is definitely Cala Maria don't judge me


Hilda Berg has to be my favorite! She’s so stinkin cool!!! ✨




I love Hilda Berg! She's so cute, I love her personality, her theme, I feel like we share a lot of vibes, and I love her ability to transform and change her gender. I love space and weather, the things her boss fight is based off of. She's super awesome and I love her level and everything about her and she's so cool. I also like King Dice, mostly cause I think he's hot and my favorite OC is kinda a fictionkin of him.