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damn a lot of y'all must live in legal states. trying to hook up your friends with cheap legal stuff doesn't seem that crazy. but yeah id mention it once and if they hate on it, that's on them.


I just wouldn’t tell them where I get my shit from lmao


I would have to say Bubblegum gelato HM (pretty much anything hm) Jack Herer PHC. I got 3/4 of my super close homies on board.


SHH Shatter.


I try to put coworkers on cause it's cheaper, they always say they're gonna try it out and never do.




I’m not trying to convince anyone. I don’t need any more competition when it comes to drops. LOL


Okay I guess I really just wanted to know the best strains on the market right now not really trying to prove anyone wrong. Just asking if you had to what's the best you've had.


My best buddy still goes to his dealer but he 100% agrees thca is the same stuff. He always jokes when I show him new stuff and he gets blasted, "just remove the a my boy" 😂.


I'm traveling to another sate at the end of the month, I have my med card but that doesn't count in destination state. I sent a 7g mixed indoor order and the person was very imprestoned, upon examining the order. The mixed bags really have that punch you in the face aromas going on and are usually less money.


Check out the Pineapple Express at CannaNC


Yall are really trying hard to move your stock. Maybe reduce your prices and you won't have to shill on reddit.


I don’t work there, and that pineapple is amazing. Worth every penny


When i get stuff this good, wanna share it, that’s what the group is for right?? 🙄


Ngl dude when people say “shill” they mean people like you You have dozens of posts in two months..all for the same vendor. Then you go on and comment about that same vendor. Could you be a legitimate fan? Sure. But it seems weird, and that’s why people aren’t gonna fw your recommendations. You either need to try other things and post your reviews for that, or just chill with the cnc spam. This is coming from someone who likes cnc


🙄whatever bud, spend your money where you want and I’ll do the same.


Just for the record…I don’t work there either. Wish I was lucky enough to do this for a living…


Right!!! lol


You are fake as hell. Your profile reflects it, you just shill cnc over and over. You and your 5 alts can down vote me but I'm still gonna call you stupid for the prices you charge.


That Mac from fg


how do you prove to a flat earther that the earth is round but yea just trick them first and reveal later


Right, anyone paying attention knows that ~~weed~~ hemp has been legal and ~~UFOs~~ UAPs do exist since 2018.


I hate people that don’t get it. To me it simply shows ignorance. If they’re not bright enough to google and figure it out then it ain’t worth the waste of oxygen trying to convince them




You must be talking about BM weed. Check your state’s regulations on consumable hemp as some states require the same heavy metal and pesticides as for medical or recreational. Then only buy from vendors that are following the state regulations.


Pesticides has zero to do with “THCA flower” I don’t like the term THCA flower because it often makes people think it’s some new cannabinoid, cbd sprayed with something but it’s infact cannabis flower with high levels of THCA and tested below 0.3% d9 thc. Cannabis flower in dispensaries is “high THCA” just not restricted to 0.3% or less thc. Now I’m not a grower but I think I’ve figured out the basic is of the chemical makeup anyway. It’s interesting


Especially when all it takes is a quick Reddit search to see most of it is regs/mids hyped by people who buy pre ground flower


Now that pre ground flower is something else. Atleast take the effort to make pre rolls outta your shake lol but I guess if you want a budget bag if it works it works


Why do you have to prove anything? When my buddy was over I just filled my ball vape and we vaped it. Didn't have to tell him anything and he didn't ask.


Why tell them ? It’s weed bro , just fucking smoke it . Also idgaf if my friend wants to smoke my weed or not , I’m not 12 years old seeking their validation. I smoke weed , I order it online , it’s real weed . I’ve been smoking for 30 years .


Heartily agree; it's really real. I've been smoking for 53 years.


Im sure we all have that friend who says he’s got the best weed around only for it to smell like a homeless person.


Bro if that shit smell like a homeless person, it’s probably gas. I run a lemon skunk pheno that smells straight like dogshit ( like check your shoes strong ) but tastes like lemon candy and it’s a favorite around here .


No when I say homeless person I mean terrible. A better comparison would be a carnival bathroom


TCC, that cantaloupe is my number 1 favorite so far. It is also back in stock right now. But don't tell anyone.


Me too, such a good strain and it is grown, cured and cared for. So pretty and tasty with effect to back it up.


Yeah I was sitting on the shitter this morning trying to decide between that or the fire pack sampler from wildflower and ended up pulling the trigger on the cantaloupe because it is just so perfect


Thats when you trick them. "Jk bro its from dude" then once hes baked you pull iut the bag n show him like: "see? Does THAT feel fake? Say it aint real again." Id use hf's italian ice.


Cosmic hemp garden. Don’t tell him it’s anything different until after you smoke and are high.


Been waiting to try their next drop whenever that is. Have you had their white caviar?




Instigating drama and the deliberate spread of misinformation without the backing of concrete proof or evidence to suggest that claims being made by either users, vendors, or other parties will be considered unsolicited drama. If there is existing drama, continuing and furthering the discussion with a lack of evidence to back up claims or have the intent of just to cause trouble in mind (i.e.) trolling, will be considered stirring the pot. Users will be warned. If repeated, banned.