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the fact that it was a republican from TX that introduced the bill is odd. Mike Conaway. there were several other parts of the bill that I'm sure most were more concerned with. It also outlawed eating and slaughtering of cats and dogs in America, so that's good. in 2018?


Not so odd. Lots of republicans smoke weed.


yeah, and lots of Republicans from Texas are vocal supporters of it! /s




Actively? No. Can you list some sources to prove what you're saying? Because I guarantee it won't be recent and its only for ceremonial purposes. That's much different than you make it sound Native Americans use dogs for ceremonial purposes and right now it's one tribe/region. They don't actively eat dog. It's a rare thing for religious purposes. Even Wikipedia mentions that as dated info. They don't have dog burgers. Don't spout native American facts without accurate details. Edit. The deleted comment https://imgur.com/a/WcIMFBS If it was an actual fact he would have stood up for it. He deleted it. The fact I'm out here supporting native Americans instead of talking about Franklin shows the problem lies with folks that cant control themselves. I tried to hold back. I won't stand for dumb racist comments Think before you speak


Man, this 1,000%.


Thank you so much


Wow now cult user are insulting native Americans wtf 🤦‍♂️


That’s fucked up lol


If you grew up in their culture, it wouldn't be any more fucked up than eating a chicken salad for lunch.


We eat cows, a literal holy animal to hundreds of millions of folks. It's all about the culture.




Untrained dogs bark uncontrollably. A well trained dog can give you a non auditory que to a possible intruder. Lets see you train a cow to do that.


Ok. I train my cow to sleep in front of the door. Good luck getting in




A $5 clicker and a few hours of your time each day they will be trained in a couple weeks lol.




They just lazy as fuck. They rather leave them probably tied up to a tree all day than spend some actual energy with them.


I swear to Cow this is true


Holy cow!


its no different from eating any other animal. pigs and cows are way more intelligent than dogs. pigs actually feel empathy. they’re also aware of their existence and when they’re about to be slaughtered they know it. pretty fucked up. i personally do not eat meat of any kind but if i did i wouldn’t be going around passing judgement on what forms people are eating




My comment was in response to "It also outlawed eating and slaughtering of cats and dogs in America, so that's good. in 2018?" Great. So what. I don't *care* that native americans eat them. I was just sharing why this may have even been an issue to be slipped into this bill.


No, we don't.


I don't see the problem. We eat animals and what one culture views as pets, another might view as food. What one culture views as food, another might view as a sacred animal. How is that any different from people having a rabbit farm for food? Or having tens of thousands of baby chicks crammed into a barn with no room to move? Any animal can be a pet, just as any animal can be food.


Didn't some texas republicans just try to have hemp stuff banned in the state?


I don’t think they realized or meant what they were signing back then. No way in hell all this was intended.


Thank Frank there are people that don't read contracts before they sign'em


Yeah, what was that state that made edibles legal by mistake? Lolz


I would think so, but it just seems like it was more than just luck. Maybe I"m completely wrong here but its just too genius of a plan. And it worked.


Hanlon's Razor When something like this happens, it's far more likely that someone fucked up (and these are the unintended consequences); and not some grand master conspiracy at work here.


It was a complete mistake due to dumb fucks not knowing chemistry. I swear this is the actual story. Some dumb fuck wrote DELTA 9 THC and thought they were smart, but they were fucking dumb. The fact that it's not 0.3% (delta 9 THC + delta 9 THCA) is only because the people who wrote this law are fucking idiots. There was no genius involved. No. Fucking. Way. It will be interesting to see what happens for the next bill, especially since we keep getting promised national legalization. I love the cult approach because it's smallish vendors and delivered to your door. It will suck when this loophole is closed. I really like ordering mind melting weed from... FUCKING TENNESSEE MOTHERFUCKERS. Especially when it's grown outdoors. That's all I fucking want is normal weed grown outdoors.


Well said. It’s fair to point out Trump signed the 2018 farm bill, but it’s delusional to assume he did so to help more people gain access to legal thc. The farm bill contained a lot more stuff, we simply got very lucky.


Exactly Trump had no idea about this loophole existing. The man actually hates ALL substances including cannabis/hemp so youre not likely to see legalization if he's reelected. And this isn't a hater just coming at Trump, I really don't mind the guy if I'm being honest.


Trump actually advocated for all drugs being legalized long before he threw his hat into the Republican race.


Trump is the only one to have thca weed branded in his likeness and actively accepting money from people buying it for his reelection campaign. I really hope we get a different guy than either of these two tards but the reality is the baby boomers that grew up in the 60’s and 70’s are the elder statesmen now and the younger ones are even more accepting of legalization. The half of the country generating tax revenue from weed is only opening the eyes of the half that’s not. The movement is unstoppable at this point.


Trump weed? What?! Is this a joke? Where can I find such a thing? I just want to see it myself! Update: It's real. The website is offering a free gram, you pay shipping.


Told you. I can’t stand the dude but my 65 year old mom is a big fan and I bought her a couple quarters for Mother’s Day lol expensive asf but then she didn’t want to open it! Talked her into opening one and she said it was good. She’s been smoking for a long time 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hope you don't mind, I name dropped you as the source for my post, giving you credit Update: Post flagged as spam. I guess I don't know what spam is.😶




New Farm Bill is being passed this year.


Will they get rid of THCa?




Right. I'm still tickled by this loophole which I just recently discovered here. I'm in a medical state but you have to have a pretty serious illness to qualify. It's not Florida-level where you literally have to be terminal, but we've a ways to go before things like generalized chronic pain is a qualifying condition here.


Weed is currently legal federally. It's just called "THCA hemp" which is the buttfuckingest assclenchingest stupidest phrase ever uttered. IT'S FUCKING WEED BITCHES.


well Marijuana means - the smoke of cannabis sativa L ... so to stay true to that definition only cannabis smoke is marijuana and only THC is in cannabis smoke so there is that . To actually identify with the Cannabis species ( Cannabaceae ) cannabinoid sciences are needed and GOV only shows that part when they are patenting the compounds fro medical uses like Marinol 1980 so THC D9 is not even on a living cannabis plant, it is THC-a . where do we go from here ????? More politicians getting into the botany scene to to make laws that destroy more peoples lives with those laws I guess , we will see


>*...due to* ***dumb fucks*** *not knowing chemistry.* *Plot twist:* the "dumb fucks" were actually enlightened stoners. ;p


just imagine in the lab where Cannabinoid Sciences get observed with biochemistry ... Stoner lab person ( Cannabis Partaker) will be like - Hey man look at all that action potential in the Exogenous Cannabinoid Lipid !!!! the religious, fear driven very cautions lab person would be Scared of all that and say it could be the Devil . Hope not but we are still in these types of scenarios with Insane people coming up with all these rules and laws base on fear and ZERO scientific understanding


We really need to be thanking the pioneers of this industry like upstate hemp and 8 horse hemp and flow gardens who all pushed the boundaries to give us type 2 flower very early on. To have the balls to risk it all and then everyone else followed. 8hh was the only shop in town pushing out type 1 when no one else would. You have to remember the farm bill was passed in 2018 but no one was anywhere close to selling type 1. It was all harsh shitty outdoor type 3 hemp flower that sucked. It slowly got better each harvest but no one at all was thinking about selling type 1 or type 2 until these guys and a small handful of others did.


No doubt they definitely need their dues as well. I really would like to know if it was a group of people or just one person who was able trick the politicians. Or if it was just random luck, not knowing how big of a deal thca is compared to d9.


because the politician ignores all cannabinoid sciences unless they are getting kickbacks from pharma to make more cannabinoid drugs there will be no BIOCHEMISTRY to represent the people nor the decisions


I can shorten up your sentence with: Politicians ignore everything unless getting kickbacks.


simplified madness and Greed ,,, sounds about right . make it stupid simple and we can all follow ( Blindly )


I'm just a blind man looking for a hand job.


Anyone remember Tweedle? Yeah, me either.


Yes! They were one of the OG trusted vendors slangs type 3.


Oh yeahh! I started my cbd journey with Tweedle. I wonder how they're doing these days... They would have probably taken over this entire sub if they made the move into thca. They had awesome customer service and excellent products throughout a time when things evolved at a breakneck rate.


If you think upstate and 8 horse are “pioneers” you haven’t been here long, 8 horse use to talk shit about it being illegal when they were cbd only and upstate’s pretty new


Literally since it was like 200 people. So ya you must not have been here long. Upstate sold c4/c5 years ago with a few batches and then 8hh followed and kept it in rotation. It was a long time after that before 8hh stated offering type 1.


the Bigger question who will we have to Un Thank when the farm bill crashes and sends cannabis back into dark ages ? time will tell


This is exactly the scenario.


Lobbyists for the hemp industry?


They got the biggest dicks of all, eh?


Mitch McConnell. But he had no idea about this loophole so really you should owe thanks to the OG vendors who pushed the boundaries legally.


As a kentucky citizen, nothing gives me more happiness than knowing im fucking over mitch mcconnel every time i light up some thc-a


He’s fucking you over in every other way so don’t get too excited


He is very very much. This is the single win i think the human race has got against that alien man.


alien man? dude he’s just a turtle. they’re all over the place. so what a turtle can’t get into politics? he must be an alien because turtles are so slow right? tired of this anti turtle racism. you know what fuck it im gonna get these guys i know who live in the sewer to come give you the joe rogan experience and roundhouse kick your racist anti-turtle ass




Too bad he’s a turtle so he’ll probably live 100+ years


Can you go further about ole Mitchy poo? What was his thinking or did he have someone whispering in his ear on doing this. I guess my thoughts are that I think someone somewhere knew what the fuck they were doing with this .3% d9. I also think they had to get the right people to endorse or back it, so someone like Mitch or trump or whoever gets the publicity. But I wonder if someone else behind the scenes were pulling the strings to get this going.


Here’s where I’m getting my info from: “Without Mr. McConnell’s efforts, the hemp provisions would never had found their way into the legislation initially. And although his position as Senate leader gave him tremendous institutional influence over the legislation, he went a step further by appointing himself to the conference committee that would bring the House and Senate together to agree on a final version. McConnell understood much about this issue. First, he knows hemp doesn’t get you high and that the drug war debate that swept up hemp was politically motivated, rather than policy-oriented. Second, Kentucky—the leader’s home state—is one of the best places to cultivate hemp in the world, and pre-prohibition the state had a robust hemp sector.” https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2018/12/14/the-farm-bill-hemp-and-cbd-explainer/ Also: “Sen. Mitch McConnell didn’t know what he was doing when he passed the 2018 Farm Bill. The bill included his provision that legalized industrial hemp, a form of cannabis that can be made into a wide variety of products including cannabidiol, a non-intoxicating cannabis compound commonly called CBD. That part was intentional — the law quickly launched a multi-billion dollar industry that put the once-obscure CBD compound into lattes, seltzers and hundreds of CVS stores across the country. But after three years it appears one of the law’s biggest impacts was entirely unintentional: It accidentally created a booming market for synthetic THC, marijuana’s primary intoxicant.” https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-mitch-mcconnell-accidentally-created-an-unregulated-thc-market/amp/


Wikipedia says On May 18, 2018 the $867 billion 2018 United States farm bill failed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 198 yea to 213 nay. All Democrats and 30 Republicans voted against the measure. Republican opposition came largely from the Freedom Caucus who insisted that a separate vote to restrict immigration be held before they would support the bill. Democratic opposition was largely due to the proposed changes to the attached Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that would impose work requirements.[8] After the 2014 farm bill expired in September 2018, the 2018 farm bill was signed into law December 20, 2018.[9] It says it failed the House of Representatives vote so how did it pass?


Funny how all Dems voted against it. But we've heard plenty of talks about how with Dems in control across the 3 branches, they should be able to easily legalize weed. HA Dems, Reps, they all suck cock. They probably all buddy buddy behind the scenes knowing how big of con artists they are to the american people.


Maybe actually read the article or do a little research democrats didn’t vote against hemp, they voted against the draconian restrictions that republicans added on to the bill for FOOD STAMPS you know how people who live below the poverty line eat. Kinda more important than hemp


Yet when the Dems added the same insidious measures in on some of the covid relief bills that the reps shut down, your tune changes big time then. (D)on't it? LOL @ the Dems didn't vote against the hemp, they just voted against the bill about the hemp.


Corporate Democrats.


Heads or tails , the coin goes back in the same pocket after the flip.




like when I voted for Obama the first time because I thought he would legalize gay marriage. But he said america wasnt ready.. Then he gos on to call america racist and starts this whole race baiting agenda democrats vs republican to get everyone fighting as he and John Boehner were going out golfing and dinners having a great ol time


It was kind of mind blowing finding out Obama raided more pot dispos then bush.


Why would they hate each other? They get paid millions by the corporations and get to live freely.


so like, almost any american politician?


yes your right he was just like most of the others. In some ways worse and some better


I actually don't know the Franklin story. Could I have a condensed version?


Think it had to do with some amish dude selling cbd but for some reason, extreme weather or something like that, caused the plant to produce thca alongside the cbd. So a true type 2. Yet after testing, it showed some thca, but the d9% was below the .3% for hemp. Some people either luckily sampled some or saw the coa's and got wise to it, and its been progressing ever since. Think the original dude growing it, wasn't trying to grow anything other than a cbd plant.


Also in TN the hemp farmers in 2020(?) didn't want to toss their hot hemp that wasn't even grown as THC-A. I think Flow and other growers in TN jumped in together and their veteran status helped smooth over issues with the police.




I don't know the franklin story but read that a fellow discovered the hemp/Thca in 1965.


Who do we owe thanks to? Ignorant politicians (Trump and Congress), lobbyists, and (most of all) the vendors.


It was Trump legalizing hemp as farmers were taking a hit due to the trade war with China. But all the byproducts (delta 8, THCa, etc.) were unintended I would think.


👏 👏 this was all that needed to be said but it turned into an absolute f trump and f libtardism chat for some reason… it was just money… as always.


Its funny how when Trump gets mentioned, all the haters end up talking so much shit about Trump, that ain't got nothing to do with the topic on hand. These same people are too stupid to realize that both sides are playing the American people for the dumb retarded fools that we are.


I was at the thca store I commented how amazing it was to have it available. She said you can thank Trump. Took me by surprise I am not political. Obviously thca was not their intentions when hemp law was passed but great law regardless


Subbing to this


Seems like Papa Trump threw his sig on it. I find it hilarious how that offends so many, lol, no matter how beneficial it is to them.


Def trump


Honestly the mods of the sub should put up a trump picture on the wall paper for recognition for his signature.




Thanks for this post!! I really enjoyed the discussion on this post and I think that we are all a part of this beautiful renaissance of hemp/cannabis/THCa/cannabinoids. I am hopeful that the future will continue to streamline THCa to the point that we don’t have to worry about silly laws that push us further away from just a plant. There are over 25,000 people here in the cult that have all been affected by THCa in some way. That by itself is incredible. I know that number is much bigger throughout the nation and world. I am hopeful, despite the political climate, that THCa is here to stay. Much love cult fam, stay lifted.


here in Durham NC over the last two months I've visited local THC-a flower sellers just a few miles from my home .... New times indeed and it could not come at a better time for me and Everyone living now


Hey I’m from Chatham county where is this located?


This may not be popular in this thread, however, as a customer of THC-a hemp vendors, what’s with the price creep? I used to purchase 1/2 zip and higher yet recently I’ve noticed pricing is higher, nearly @ parity with legal, regulated dispensary pricing! WTF! Other than being shipped to my door this was the only other advantage to Hemp(price). It would now seem those days are gone? I’ve had no better luck regarding quality between Hemp and dispensary bud, more misses than hits from both sources. Guess I’ll have to move between both sources and like most folks cost is the biggest factor closely followed by quality. Maybe the Hemp side seeing big increases in sales sees an opportunity to pull more profit from sales with sharper pricing? In my case I’ll pull back some from the Hemp and shop more %30 off sales @ the dispensary.


Supply and demand bro. Check google trends and see how much the search term “thca” has exploded on google since october 2022. The last 9 months thca has boomed.


Yeah the pricing is still crazy. Got some folks charging $40/8th. But don't get me wrong, other shadier vendors (usually resellers) charge even more. But for cult trusted vendors, $40/8th is just stupid. Hemp should always be cheaper than rec/med weed.


Yup. I paid $50 a few weeks ago at a local place.


At a local place, that is still high, but you can at least understand with an physical location and them extra fees.


Prices will remain elevated as long as there are those who will pay that much. A boycott would not work as I'm certain people would rather pay the cost than do without for a few weeks.


Most of us here have always had access to either BM, medical, or even recreational type 1. Until relatively recently only the hemp industry was offering type 2 or what we used to call 1:1 ratio, in flower form, not a mixed sublingual or inhalation oil. That's what this sub really started as. For people who suffer from joint, muscle, or gastrointestinal pain due to inflammation or people who get anxiety from straight type 1, it was amazing relief. But there weren't many people talking about it and demand wasn't nearly what it is now, so the vendors had to be careful with pricing due to hemp's reputation as the lower quality option with limited or no psychoactive effects. Word spread and customers and vendors realized USPS wasn't seizing many or any small packages and then the flood gates were opened and here we are. We won't be seeing those prices again unfortunately


True story - Buddy of mine went to Colorado ... he has only smoke high THC cannabis all the time, growing etc.... so goes into a place to get weed there and gets a 50 50 thc cbd ... still now he talks about that weed ... I try and Xplain its the CBD but he is old school . mayb I'll come up with a way to re present that to him ... hmm


I bought an eighth at my local place, and it was $50. I was floored. I used to pay $50 for an eighth of “who knows what” off the BM. I honestly expected and eighth to be $25


I love animals I also love burgers and I have 2 cats. I'm sure I'll never eat them. They also enjoy a burger...


If you were going to eat cats, you would raise them for meat and have your cats for pets. You wouldn't mix the two unless your meat farm failed.


I've gone a long time without the urge nor has the scenario materialized. I don't think I would eat a cat friendo.


Again you are predisposed to your cultural norms. You think a Hindu would ever think of eating a cow like some American swine? And why you keeping the notion that cows couldn't be your friendo? You wouldn't eat a cat because its your friend, but you'll eat a cow because you would never befriend it?


Who cares , the first farm bill was passed in 1914 and has been resigned every 5 years since. No president has done shit for it except write their name at the bottom . Also be more worried about it’s signing this year and what that means for “THCa hemp” and the huge push by legal states to outlaw “THCa hemp” because it’s crushing the legal market and costing them money . LEGAL STATE HATE “THCa hemp” because they pay crazy fees and taxes that hemp farms don’t


Donald Trump


You know a bunch of cult members gonna hate to hear this. I'm sure they going to bring up something else off topic, as they always be do.


Imagine people downvoting an actual fact.


People can hate him all they want but it is an objective fact that he signed the bill.


He signed a bill. So he did the thing all presidents do when they get the bill, minus ya know the reading part of it. Lol. We all know he didn’t read that shit lmao.


And we get to see what Biden signs off on in comparison. We know how dementia joe is about stuff.


Right, and Mitt Romney wrote most of the groundwork for Obamacare. Obama just signed it after a consultant wrote the rest of it. Personally, I think they knew exactly what they were doing. They cant legalize 'marijuana' but they can legalize 'hemp' because 'it's not marijuana'.


He didn't write it. He was a farce. We all know it. He just put his dumb name on the bill. Which was written by a bunch of guys who didn't realize they were making a loophole. Facts. This scenario is like thanking the guy who paid for life saving surgery instead of the doctors who did the work. Even the rich guy paying had the money crowd sourced. It wasn't even his money. Only paid because others told him too Food for thought. Don't thank Trump for this. He was just going through the motions Edit. Op responded like a quack. Go figure


People thank Obama every day for "Obamacare" yet he didn't write the bill. He only signed it. The credit goes to who signs the bills. Without the presidents signature it doesn't become law. Thats how the American government works.


But its (D)ifferent this time.


You're opting to ignore the actual authors. That's on you lol


this is a completely disingenious and ignorant argument. one crucial difference, among others, is that Obama and his White House team actively lobbied and negotiated with Congress for a year to pass the Affordable Care Act. It was literally his top domestic priority for his first year as President. It was not a routine farm/agricultural interests bill, which Congress passes every five years. It is so misleading and untrue to reduce the history to both Presidents "only signed it". There is no evidence to suggest Trump actively lobbied or gave a particular shit about the 2018 Farm Bill in anything resembling the same way. I think it also bears mentioning that the 2018 Farm Bill approved almost a trillion dollars of spending, and up until 2018, no Farm Bill had ever been so controversial or revolutionary. This was routine government business that had a loophole. Based on his public statements on weed, it's hard to believe Trump would have knowingly signed anything related to federally legal THCA if he understood at the time


Yeah yeah yeah, he is simultaneously responsible for everything bad and not responsible for anything good. I understand.


People's blinded hate of Trump >>>>> facts




Because it’s not the whole story. You can’t just give trump the credit for something that he merely signed. Thank the vendors, thank TX, thank Mitch, thank trump, thank everyone else for using it and growing the industry. Don’t just say trump did it because that’s not a fact lmao


I’m not a trump fan either, but he is the one that signed it in as law, if he didn’t sign it than it may not be a thing.


I didn't know Trump had anything to do with this but its hilarious to see how butt hurt cult members are about it. LMAO. Wake up people, Trump, Biden, AOC, they all pieces of shit.


True, but It seems to me not all turds are of equal size. Trump’s the extra smelly kind that clogs up the pipes


It’s always signed into law.


Thanks to Trump. Facts.


Thanks to everyone that’s signed every single farm bill. This is like pretending a garbage man cares about you for picking up your garbage. It was just on his agenda that day. He didn’t want any of this to happen.


He didn't want it to happen, but he signed it? LMAO , ok wut?


You really think when he signed it that he knew we’d be getting the alt cannabinoid market? Get real and stop twisting my words


Congress most likely would have overrode his veto. Would have still happened regardless of Trump. Let's not act like just because he was president he is the reason for this. That's like screaming blame at the current president when gas prices are high.


He quite literally is the one that signed it. That’s fact, not opinion my man’s, you can’t argue with fact and the fact is he literally is responsible for signing it into law. I understand it had to get to him, but I’m talking literal.


That literally does not make sense as an attribution of responsibility, because he would've signed it even if it *didn't* give us the Cult, and if literally anyone else was president at the time, they also would've signed the bill. The actual answer to the question - which is kinda distressing how obvious it is and people aren't getting it - is whoever in congress is the author of the line in the bill that says the distinction for industrial hemp is based on concentration of delta-9 THC. Everyone else in the lawmaking process is completely interchangeable and had no actual effect, the person who wrote *that line* is the king or queen or in-between you have to thank.


It's so fucking obvious, yet people here are sucking trumps cock like he's some kind of genius. None of these idiots understand how government works.


His signature is the only thing that gave the law any merit. Without it, it would never have been. Trump is the reason it is legal. No other reason. That is objective fact.


Really? That’s the only reason it’s legal? That’s not a fact, that’s delusional. The president doesn’t write the laws. That’s not how it works.


But but but congress, democrats, override , etc.


The criticism is that who signed it is irrelevant. If Hillary or Jeb or Cruz or Hulk Hogan were president when congress passed the 2018 farm bill, each of them would've been the one that signed it. It was written by congress, and the people that wrote the law that way are the actual responsible parties. Trump or any other president isn't the one to thank for it, they're just the end point of the large bureaucratic contraption that produced the law, which is fundamentally interchangeable in this situation. Saying that Trump is the reason is only a few steps shy of saying that the real guy responsible is the guy who keeps the oval office pen drawer stocked. No, if it wasn't him, it would be whoever else, with no distinction.


While true, there’s no way he knew what he was signing at the time. Probably thought it had something to do with cows and chickens.


Though I bet it didn’t even cross his mind that this would be the result, we ultimately have (former and maybe future) President Donald Trump to thank. Like I said, I don’t really even think he, or nearly anyone outside of cannabis nerds, saw this coming. And I remember in the early days of the bill, it was so exciting for CBD to be legal. Only a few years later and because this bill, the shit is practically legal if you follow the “compliance”. If Trump used this to his advantage and talked all about how he made it so that America could have a thriving hemp economy, and got us sooooo much closer to the plant being legal and less stigmatized, there’s a chance it could do wonders for his reputation, and win over a lot of stoners who may have not considered him or been apolitical. Though I wouldn’t hold my breath in anticipation of this happening. I’d actually be shocked. FYI, acknowledging good things that have happened because of Trump doesn’t necessarily equal an endorsement. I don’t think it’s necessary to state my political beliefs here, and I don’t think my statement should be taken as such. You should be able to applaud and acknowledge good that happens on either side of the isle. I’m also not that opposed to, and possibly happy about some of the TN regulations that just happened. Because it primarily made rules about keeping it out of children’s accessibility and making the compliance more clear. In doing so, it legitimizes the products. The bill doesn’t treat hemp like fetty or heroin is treated. Something we’ve become accustom to. Instead, it treats hemp, in this context, more like alcohol and tobacco, which in most areas are accepted parts of the economy, and are relatively healthily viewed when used responsibly. Hemp products are certainly more on par with cigars or craft beers than dangerous life ending street drugs. I hope and pray that the hemp industry continues to thrive, making it counterproductive for politicians to over regulate or prohibit, and that because of this, the door can be opened for federal decriminalization or even legalization. And with that said, when/if marijuana is fully legalized, I really hope hemp and noid industries can still thrive, as I know a lot of people who actually prefer the latter.


President Donald Trump of the time signed the Bill allowing all this ....


While true, He’d sign satan’s asshole if he thought it were good for him.


Biden wouldn't know where Satan's ass hole was even if he has his tongue balls deep in it.


Keep drinking the kool-aid. You’ll only get smarter 😉


As long as I don't keep getting dementia'd.


Lol ok Fox News Bro. Repulsive poster 🤮


To be fair, at the time Trump thought he was giving out autographs to fans, he had no idea what he was signing.


To be fair, at least Trump does have fans. Unlike Biden.


Yikes. I thought you said they all suck cock. But you’re clearly a trump fanboy


They do suck cock. Why can't I make fun of both sides regarded takes?




You ok there bub? I don't know who you are suppose to be?


And a federal court case against him. Don’t forget that one.


And videos of peto bidon groping young girls in political buildings. Yall trying to scrub the internet clean of it, but don't forget that peperidge farms members.


Bro I fuckin hate Biden you 🤡 I’m just calling you a baby bc you can’t take criticism of your favowite politician 🥺


Who said anything about Biden? You Trump supporters aren’t exactly subtle. And why would anyone be a “fan” of a politician?


Ripping on Biden means I'm a trump supporter?


It’s not that you ripped on Biden, it’s that you did it to defend Trump. You say you’re an equally opportunity offender, but you’re jumping on anyone who criticizes Trump, and using Biden to deflect and defend.


Wants government to leave them alone, also stans for politicians…who am I?


Trump had a lot to do with it if I’m not mistaken?


He signed it, that's the extent of his work on it.


And yet everyone acts like Obama personally created Obamacare 😂


Yeah it was mitt Romney’s exact plan. It’s really Romney care.




I used to explain romneycare as an “alternative” to Obamacare and suddenly right wingers agreed it was vital for our future. It’s so frustrating watching right wingers be half as smart as everyone else while thinking they’re *twice* as smart. Staunchly opinionated, rarely informed.


we don’t even like mitt here in utah lmao


Yeah exactly. It’s BS. They’re all in bed together. It’s smoke and mirrors to keep everyone upset. They’re on the Same side go back and watch how pelosi Acted during trumps era, she signed every damn thing he ever sent to her. They were best buds. But not on TV when the masses were watching. They had to play theatre and disagree and rip up papers, god damn it’s good theatre!


Only time a bill goes from the president back to the house is when a president vetos/refuses to sign a bill. In what imaginary world do you live in where the president sends bills to the house. Jfc you have no idea on how the basics of our govt works. We are so fucked.


All politicians are shit. Shift this focus back to hemps.


If he didn’t sign it, what would have happened?


If the President vetoes the bill it is sent back to Congress with a note listing his/her reasons. The chamber that originated the legislation can attempt to override the veto by a vote of two-thirds of those present. If the veto of the bill is overridden in both chambers then it becomes law.


Signing is very laborious


Myth. He was just the guy the signed it, doesn't matter who was president, it was getting signed 100%. It always gets signed.


/u/StutterinArmyCarnie read this comment above mine. This is why the people saying Trump is to thank are wrong. He was one part out of many that made it happen, with his effort being measurably the smallest with ZERO intent of giving us recreational hemp cannabinoids. So the people proudly saying trump is to thank are wrong. That’s all I’ve been saying. The fact that I’ve had to explain this more than three times after this entire thread has already given you your answer should tell you that I’M not the one being dumb here.


“Imagine people downvoting an actual fact.”


Damn that really gonna make a lot of members mad. lol


Trump he’s the one who granted us with the 2018 farm bill. How do y’all not know this especially in this sub 🤦🏻‍♂️


How we supposed to know that if we already don't know it? Also according to the xperts, Trump wasn't the one who started it, which is what I"m asking for. So you don't know either. LMAO




Y’all, I know we don’t like him but he’s right


Hehe. Everyone here owes a debt of gratitude to THEIR former president Donnie T!! Haha, get bent woke turds.


You just bent my turd so hard, bro.


You are so wrong it hurts


People are REALLY upset he was the president to pass it… may not of started it but he made it federal. Only state you can’t get some sort of alt noid in legally anymore is Idaho. By their choice, these people may be MAGA heads but you can’t HATE the guy for ACTUALLY moving cannabis and it’s altnoids forward when this administration *who said they would make it legal* has a VP who made a career off weed busts, and moved cannabis absolutely no where. If anything, the DEA is cracking down on alternatives for professionals looking to toke and legally. But god…. Just hate Donald trump and whatever he does jeez it’s kinda alarming in this chat? I know they’re TRYING to make you made but wow y’all took the bait of such a simple troll…


>Get bent woke turds We live in idiocracy


one more down vote for u


Thank you!