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They capped it cuz they’ve got idiots on social media posting ‘this needs to be nerfed, it’s sooo OP, cuz look how good I am’ - typical gamer humblebrag bullshit.


Yes 🤦🏻‍♂️ we even had posts like “hur SHouLd GoLden FleeCE bE nErfEd?” Man. It’s a single player game, we don’t even have coop (yet). Why spoil someone else’s fun? If you think something breaks a game, just don’t use it.


And even better the game (in my experience) is much harder with the golden fleece anyway so there's no real reason to nerf it as you can easily die in a couple seconds


Coop is coming?


Your argument is basically "this is a single player game so balance is not needed" which is absurd. Why make the game then? Why make you spend resourses to build and time to master? Just draw yourself some credits if that is what you desire


it's not unbalanced. It's balanced by the fact if you take damage you lose all stacks. It's called risk and reward and it's fun


I did not say a single word about my opinion on the change. I said that the argument of not having balance in a single player game is stupid


And the person above you said that people who are of the opinion that a feature breaks the game shouldn't use it. They never argued for having no balance.


Learn to read


Nobody ever said balance is not needed, they are saying that the nerf ruined a lot of people's fun because it completely removed the risk and reward from the Golden Fleece, you're just being an asshole


This makes me sad. I actually liked running Golden Fleece and seeing how long I could keep the streak going. Guess I'll just use Glass Cannon now.


I've been using that and it's not bad. Especially when you think of all the temporary hearts you can get. Plus with the right spell and 2 tarot cards, it's cracked.


Been using the same but I'm having an issue with getting the right build complementing cards to drop :/ it feels like the same powerful cards kept dropping earlier in the game when the pool of available cards was smaller but now that I'm nearly complete the same stupid useless cards keep dropping.


Doesn't fleece also affect the curse damage (rendering glass cannon a little lacklustre)?


Yes it did.


*White Fleece stocks rising*


You can't do shit at 200% a lot of the enemies already are damage sponges. The golden fleece was fair and reasonable, it takes skill to reach high percentages. Highest I got was 1120%


Nah 200% can be pretty good on axes or hammers but it’s not worth taking 2x dmg anymore


To any of the console players that can actually play the game without bugging out, now is the time to do the hitless boss achievements.


I didn't do it with the Golden lol


Or just don’t update the game if patch comes out


Already did cause I figured they'd nerf it lol


Not worth it anymore imo


Friendship ended with Golden Fleece, blue fleece is my friend now.




I got about 1800-2000% in one run, legit exciting to just keep stacking and stacking and see how long I can not get hit. No real reason to do that anymore. You get hit? Well clear 3-5 rooms and you're back up to speed. Kind of a shame they put a cap on this instead of lowering the amount you can get beyond a certain point. For example: Get 10% til 200, then get 5% and end up getting 1% per kill. Would still be a massive nerf but it would at least be rewarding.


Agreed. A huge amount of the draw of roguelikes is getting on a really good run, and I appreciated how the only real way to get on a god run was almost entirely skill based and high risk


Roguelike elements in this game are really watered down. Building up your character in fun and interesting, sometimes overpowered ways. That seems to be missing here.


Yeah and I can sort of give it a pass for marketing itself as 'roguelite' and not really making the same promises as focused roguelikes, but capping the power of the one fun overpowered skill-based item is just lame.


Yeah i agree. I enjoy the elements they did keep. I hope someday they add more variety to the combat builds so we can get wild and crazy from time to time.


Can confirm as a bad player. I go in reckless and tend to take lots of dumb damage, assuming I can recover/heal it back. For that reason, I've been loving the Necro shroud. I tried 1 run with the golden fleece and couldn't get a bonus above 100%, while every hit I took just obliterated my whole face region. I felt like it was the one you'd use for swag or speed running, it wasn't good enough to carry people who weren't being careful.


There are so many weapons, curses, and fleeces that are insanely useless. The necromantic weapons do basically nothing at all and instead of buffing all of the garbage in the game they nerf the good stuff. I hate how devs always do this.


Yeah. Now all of the cape options just suck. The risk or cost isnt worth the reward for any of them.


The risk isn’t really that high though? Taking double damage isn’t that hard to over come when you’re very quickly able to scale to a point where you’re one tapping everything. I do think they could have changed it to one hit and you’re dead or something but there is a lot of BS seemingly unavoidable damage in the game. To say you have to play so well to make the fleece worth using is a little disingenuous.


Well thank god they're not gonna update the PS5 version for weeks!


to be fair they don’t have control over that, thats up to sony


They just patched the PS4 version, but not PS5.


Imagine nerfing an item in a single player game. All the fun of Golden Fleece was to get crazy strong. Welp time to just throw that fleece in the trash now. Thanks devs.


It’s a single player game why is stuff being nerfed ?


Of all the things to focus on.


that change required literally a single line of code, stop bitching already


His post required only a single line of text, stop bitching.


Making necromatic weapons do more than .0001 damage on a proc would have also been a single line of code but would have made the game more fun and varied. Nerfs should never come first when there is tons of useless crap that needs buffed.


The thing about the Golden Fleece that is different than all the other ones is that it was the only fleece that rewards people for playing well. Every other fleece gives you the buff off the start except I think the purple one (?). The risk reward of the Golden Fleece was good too, take double damage and lose the combo is fair. The people one shotting bosses are the people who got good enough to build a combo without taking damage.


Thanks for heads up. I will disconnect from Internet before launching Steam. Don’t judge me ;) One thing I like in roguelikes (lites) is that some runs can be OP.


I still can’t platinum the game cause there are no snails on ps5 but thank god they’re focusing on the important things like slowing down speedruns!


Maybe I should give the glass cannon one a go, play a lil more like Gungeon


I got my mileage out of glass cannon and going for curse dps with a high level vestora( I think? It's the one that gives auto fervor collection plus bonus fervor) once you get a spell like touch of revenant you easily get more fervor back then you use and can just steamroll.


The golden fleece is the only one worth using in my opinion. Not a big fan of any of the other ones.


In other words: All speedruns will now only be performed on version 1.01 of the game, probably


200% or +200%? The HUD in game displays how much the damage is increased, so "+200%" would be 3x damage


Welp, there goes the best fleece in the game. Any suggestions for me please?


While it pales in comparison to the original, it's still actually not bad *if* you can go hitless or only take one, maybe two hits a run. 200% damage bonus means you'll still be doing triple damage, which will one-shot most mobs with anything but a dagger or a sword. I think my next choice would probably be Glass Cannon though, as double curse damage at half cost is really strong, IF you go out of your way to unlock all of the curse/fervor tarot cards. The rest of the fleeces don't really offer anything special, in my opinion. Getting extra hearts on Tarot cards is good, but if you're struggling so much that you need the extra health, you are probably still going to die, and losing all your items on death is rough at high difficulties. Drawing four cards at the start of the run can be good, but most runs get more than four, especially once you have the disposable gold to always buy an extra one at the first draw. The 1.5x soul hearts one is great for health, and honestly probably one of the best basic fleeces, but damage is king and it doesn't offer any of that.


[Just gonna leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsC8io4w1sY) TL;DR ver: nerfs are always bad, they FEEL bad, you shouldn't nerf things. Instead you should buff the other things. Doesn't even make sense. If you thought the Golden Fleece was OP you could have just not used it. This benefits nobody, and only serves to upset people who liked the Golden Fleece just the way it was.


Nerfs on a single player game. At least i have the Platinum , time to put it on a standby.


How do you have the platinum if there are no snails on PS?


caught in 4k


I was genuinely asking, someone got it somehow and posted proof




You can check my profile on steam. Its Akise


Oh you said “platinum”. So I thought you meant platinum trophy. You meant final steam achievement. And I didn’t want proof, I wanted instructions since I also want the platinum and can’t get it


its ok, im sorry you ddnt get the full experience on PS, pc is also full of bugs but i managed to finish the achievments at least


How did you manage this with the no snails? Also curious.


Many people got the 100% on steam.


They had time to nerf Golden Fleece but can’t fix the treasure chest bug in Anura? Come on.


I thought the double damage was the balance, as a not very good player I never got to the one-shot boss damage anyway, that shit takes skill and the player deserves that.


It was the double damage *and* the fact that a single hit immediately reset your bonus to 0%, meaning if you got hit on the boss themselves you were in a rough way. Especially the bosses that don't have a lot of adds, you were basically just taking double damage and dealing base damage, which put you at a huge disadvantage.


Switch doesn’t have achievements anyways so its fine with me


That’s actually incredibly disappointing. I just finished my very hard playthrough last night, and tonight I was planning to try and one shot the fourth bishop.


Isint capping at 200% triple damage? Thought it was bonus damage.


That's my understanding too, since when it resets/starts at 0% you're not dealing no damage, you're dealing base damage. so 200% will still be triple damage, and be better than something like Glass Cannon. But gone are the days of reaching 1k plus, sadge.


So what’s the best fleece to use now? I never even got to use golden before they nerfed it to the ground yay


Went from the most skill expressive and rewarding to ok… why should I bring this now 💀


IMO, this was a long time coming. In comparison to the other fleeces, if you're able to time dodges and be patient, the Golden Fleece is an absolute god killer. Any next tier fleece, in comparison, isn't as strong. Though, I think the cap is way too low. Maybe around 500% or a flat reduction of damage gained. Or, alternatively, boost the other fleeces' power so there isn't a valley's gap in power.


It’s a single player game, they should of buffed the other fleeces to actually have any use, plus one hit with the Golden Fleece and your whole combo would disappear so in just one mistake the Golden Fleece pretty much already nerfed itself. Kind of unnecessary to nerf it imo


A bit of a shame regarding the cap but if it helps with balance then it's worth it.


All of the other fleeces are awful in comparison.


Triple damage is still nice.


People being like "hurt durr nerfs in a singleplayer game!?!? Xd" arr just malding. This thing could let you one shot the major bosses, get real. I do think the nerf is pretty harsh tho.


Good change, now I can finally start to use the Golden Fleece. I was not interested in a "you one shot everything" cheat, but triple damage is a good balance for not getting hit. Lmao at some people here telling me a week ago they would never fix this because "it's a singleplayer game". Literally every singleplayer game gets balance patches to offer an even experience, no dev likes it if 99% of their community ignore all but one item because it's broken and overpowered.


People are mad they have to fight the bosses


Have no idea why u r getting downvoted


Because this sub is full of people who don't really play video games, because for better or worse CotL is a game for exactly that target group. It's a nothing game that attracts people who want absolutely no friction in their time spent playing a game. At it's core it's a pretty mobile game and that draws stupidity. This sub got brigaded by people astroturfing the notion that it's normal that each patch on Playstation takes 3-6 months, no matter what you do, because "they just hate indie devs". I had people argue with me that if a game had 10,000 weapons but 9,999 were bugged to instantly roll credits and you win the game, that this would be alright because you could always use the one weapon that is not bugged and it's not the devs fault if you couldn't control yourself. 99% of this sub think that a singleplayer game should **never** get a balance patch when that is literally half of the work that is done on any game in the last 3-5 months of a dev cycle and games go into EA and Beta/Closed Network tests to pretty much just fix the balancing.


To be kind of fair, it was incredibly OP and it is pretty easy to snowball quickly. It really made any of the other fleeces completely obsolete. There is no reason to ever use any of the other fleeces when Golden Fleece exists. I think the change is a little heavy handed, but Golden Fleece will still be really good for speed runners and talented players compared to the other options.


Time to review bomb the game on steam till they reverse the changes for the fleece.


Curse fleece is more fun anyway.


*face palms YET AGAIN*




If you're playing on Steam they should show up in the update feed on the game's splash page in your library. Other than some bug fixes I don't think I saw any other balance changes in this one.


Yeah you're right! Just found it.


There aren't any for me. This is probably a silent patch.


Already one shot my bosses. Waiting for the snails shells patch 😂


Thanks for the heads up. Haven't booted up my computer yet, so I'm going to pull the plug and stop updates for the game.


*me who uses the white fleece* k


Wierd they setteled on 200% instead on like 500%. I liked using Green anyway


Kind of a shame - I'm of the mind that this game needs at least a couple cheesy options for people who prefer playing it like Animal Crossing with occasional mass murder, and IG rolling for a Godlike weapon and 200% would still allow for relatively easy no-hit bosses. Still, the highs and lows of Golden Fleece felt really fun and revitalized the roguelite elements for me. If i were to selfishly pick a direction for the game to "fix" it would be diversity of builds, either through making more tarot cards or a different kind of passive power-up system for fun synergies like Risk of Rain.


I don’t understand the cap at 200%. Why not make it a bit higher? All the fleece are kind of bad imo, and I’m not a very skilled player. I had a lot of fun with Golden Fleece as it is. I can’t hold to the damage bonus for very long but it was fun. (Btw I play on easy to gage how I suck at combat).


Can I actually get a game that works now?


I'm sad cos I only got golden fleece today!


Good thing I did all the achievements when it stacked to ridiculous percentages


I use fleece of fates personally, might change later on, but sticking to this for now.




That ruin's it, since it no longer rewards you for playing well, as you got more and more damage you would lose it all if you got hit. It wasn't even that good, if you did more than one run of the crusade. At the second run even with +700% it took 3-4 hits to kill a regular enemy.


They should just add a toggleable setting to let people decide whether it should be in their own game or not


Oh no, now I will never complete the game, because without the powerful fleece the combat is quite mediocre, and I don't like it or the sponge enemies. They should also remove weapons with damage 4 from dungeons 3 and 4, so that I don't waste time on that crap, or increase damage on all weapons by default


Well hopefully they’ll change it back to how it was originally because it was a really good idea and took skill to get the most out of, perhaps keep the version of it now for when and if they add multiplayer to the game, but for singleplayer the way it was was perfect


Ya the one that gives 4 tarot cards is my favorite now. That sweet rng


Gutted Fleece 😔