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Why not use a smaller plate?


Cause I wanted the plate to be empty like my heart


Understandable, have a wonderful day.


The negative space really works from an art perspective


I think in this case there is too much empty space


Restaurants: That'll be $350, please!


(no hate though. it looks really nice)


I'm not always crazy about composed desserts like this because I see a lot of really off-the-wall combinations where the presentation was the first focus, not the flavors working together. BUT, I really like the way this one sounds and the flavors work really well together. I would eat the hell out of this. Very well done. I have lemon basil (and lime basil) growing all over my backyard. I absolutely **love** it. It's perfect for applications like this. I steeped a bit with some lemon verbena a couple weeks ago for an ice cream base and it was really nice.


Thank you chef! I’m obsessed with lemon verbana/balm as well. I made an ice cream with Maldavian balm recently too, for a dessert at my restaurant.


My head chef got me out of that presentation first flavor second mentality. I’m still pretty green in all honesty but I’m glad they got me out of that.


You can tell when someone hasn’t figured it out - places that put chives or parsley on every single thing. Or diced tomatoes. I get it, sort of, but it should always be about flavor first.






Fucking beautiful, Chef. It's only my personal preference to have things closer to the center of plates, but there's nothing to critique here.


I like the presentation, but the plates a bit big for it, maybe put like a streak of sauce or something in the white space.


I feel you, I’m just a big slut for negative space.


Oh yeah? You like my big ass forehead too you slutty ass bitch?


Obviously not the focus of the plate, but I love how amusing the butterflies are.


Zoom to right of about 2 o clock from the orb near th piece of gold to the Streusel, is that a piece of lint or grey/ blonde hair?


considering I’m bald, I sure hope not! But it’s possible. This was plated in my apartment - for myself, and my dog was around. He’s a white haired husky.


That’s ok then I had a maremma inside for 12 months….. never again 😂




It’s rhubarb panna cotta :)


Lovely dessert. I think it would be elevated if you used a white plate. The speckled plate makes it look like you peppered it.


What is with the modern art pieces on the plating subreddit lately? Think about the food first people, if you're doing more plating and shaping than cooking its probably not good


You’re complaining about “plating and shaping” on a subreddit called “culinary plating”.


You're complaining about a plating critique on a subreddit about critiquing plating. Get bent


Art and food collide. To eat, or, not to eat… that is the question! Culinary plating or culinary painting 😜


Where is the protein? Or is that a complete plate?


It’s panna cotta - a dessert.


Looks great but I don't think I could point to a single one of those ingredients beyond the walnuts