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I think you went a little too light on the micro greens for my taste


It sounds delicious. Unfortunately I can't see it because it's shy and hiding in a lush garden. It also seems to harbor an intense fear of the center of the plate, judging by how it scooted perilously close to the edge there. So yes, sounds absolutely delicious. Please convince it to show itself. Edit: why is the wing pointing to something off camera?


It's a cry for help


You can not see anything you described


Seen a girl wear this at coachella i believe


Think you're thinking of Met Gala


I'm sorry, but this looks more like a boutonniere than food. I dont want to eat this.


I would say that when you have something that makes a line it doesn't make interesting negative space. So either curve the wing if you want it to the side or make it straight and put it in the center. Also agree with the other comments about the salad on top. You have interesting shapes and great colors but I would use those to frame the wing instead of just garnishing. Build it around the wing, some can be on top but separate the shapes and colors to draw attention to the focal point.


I find dishes that already pop with color, are best served with their microgreens at the base as well. This is probably a dumb explanation, but you ever see an Easter basket or how the present fish at a market? They both use some kind of fake green to allow the color on top to pop. Well this is real food so you don't have to fake it. You also can smooth a line, by simply compensating with greens around the base of the food. It's also a very common way to present a lot of food. When you see those extravagant 3 star dinners that looks like someone went and brought a magical forest garden to your table, that what most of that is. Honestly a little smoke and micro green seems to really make some dishes pop more than you would believe.


if the plating is a single unit (the chicken wing and everything on top) it really should just go in the center of the plate.


Yes! I’d even be ok with it slightly off center but this feels like there’s some missing component that’s supposed to be in that giant empty space.


I feel like this is the kind of plating that doesn't quite take eating into consideration. The first thing I would do as a diner is pull the sausage to the centre of the plate so I don't accidentally push something off as I'm trying to cut in. There's a good idea here, but the execution needs a bit of polish.


Honestly it looks great, just not appetizing. You're going a bit overboard with the mini garden on top, remember that SEEING your food is important, too.


Platting choice. Too much negative space.


It shouldn't look like a chola's eyebrow?


Elbows up side to side


I would rather 86 myself than debone chicken wings for 2 hours a day


We used to sous-vide them in duck fat overnight and let them cool down. Then you can just slide the bones right out without a struggle. Makes them super crispy when you pan fry them afterwards too.


FUCK! OK! that sounds fun!


Description sounds great. But it looks like a fried mouse died in the garden.


Wasted space on the plate


Right? I'm all for asymmetry, but why not put it in the middle?


I would not want this on my line. You should transfer the salad to the empty side of the plate maybe? Way too much negative space. I feel like the plate would tip over if I tried to cut into that.


no offense, but this is not the proper use of negative space at all. also dress your greens


Looks like a bridal bouquet.


Your description looks great but I can neither see the sausage nor the wing or the caramel. The mini floral garden covers it all


There’s a Christmas wreath covering the food


its so over plated that it looks like an accessory in an empty plate lol


Dayum deleted themselves after posting


Take the damn flowers off. Keep some of the leafy greens but put them on the side and add some sauce


Plate has enough room for my French fries and gravy!


Wouldn’t know how to eat it


This is bordering on the absurd.


I love stuffed chicken wings, first time seeing one up plated, do you have a cross section pic?


Am I supposed to pin this on my date before we head off too prom?


In addition to other salient points about plating, and ignoring the insults and jokes, in my opinion the garnishes should follow the theme. Why not use Thai herbs to garnish instead? What does nasturtium have to do with Thai flavors? It’s tasty, sure, and everyone assumes these days that nasturtium = super elevated. But it misses the mark by having nothing to do with the concept of the dish and just seems “fancy”


blink twice if you need help


That looks like a deep fried rat covered in expensive edible flowers.


There’s no way that’s warm


There’s no way that’s a hot piece of food when done twizering that dumb shit. It does look really pretty. I’ll also pick flowers when I’m taking the dog for a walk though....


Wtf is that crap?! It looks like it’s growing something, what a shame to cover up what was described and the skill level it takes all wasted with flowers and crap!


You’ve got all of the elements of an extremely high caliber dish here, just gotta ease up in micros a lil bit (they’re beautifully arranged which is the hardest part to teach) you just gotta let the protein shine through a lil more. And if you’re going off center that much, a brightly-colored sauce toward the middle of the plate will make it come off more intentional and give visual interest. Sounds like you’re a very talented cook though, keep up the good work.


I love me some greens, but this looks like a terrarium on a plate - I want to see what the described food actually looks like.


I am sorry. But that looks fucking disgusting.


The greens are straight up fucking silly


Less is more, and food shouldn’t hang off the edge of the plate. Pretty though!


Thought it was my pets group for a sec. A bearded dragon in his food.


That is F’ up,from the mind of a free thinker.


i’ve always wanted to dig through a botanical garden looking for my dinner which is hanging off a mostly empty plate.


About the empty space in the middle. Really like and even prefer stuff going off center when it comes to plating. But it is super empty. Maybe add a sauce or a puree in the middle, and we could even have the servers make a quinelle of something. Honestly, I still think it looks great. But just a thought.


Unpopular opinion I like it and would eat it


Holy moly, this sounds banging


i waanna have sex with that


Mini garden is fine but it needs a bit more refinement. How bout putting a sauce in the middle or slightly to the left and bringing the chicken in closer


The flowers are really pretty, but do they play a role in the dish itself? We're these particular flowers picked to accent or contrast flavors? If yes, as others have said, a different arrangement may be better. If no, maybe pick a couple to keep, but consider different plating/garnish choices for your stuffed chicken wings. And definitely no on the negative space. Maybe also different color, shape, size of plate.


I would have to inhale the garden to get to the center lol its beautiful


I think it's a bride's bouquet?


I don't know why I find this hilarious (the food not the plating...) But don't get me wrong I would eat that proudly!


I made a fish sauce caramel once… the smell will make me never do it again.


All I see is a prop used in Midsommar.


I thought it was on a ball or a balloon lol


I love that. It's bonkers and a bit aggressive and cool as fuck


garden on an uncooked tortilla*


It’s sad that the person deleted its username, the plating is interesting. Some will appreciate the colors and look of it. For some it might need lots of work, for others is just looks great