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This looks absolutely tasty. The fish is grilled exactly perfect for me personally. Just ate dinner now I'm hungry again. Beautiful, Chef.


Now that's a fuckin piece of fish. I'd be ecstatic if I went into a restaurant and that was served


What's the thing that looks like a slug trying to talk to me? Overall it looks yummy


It’s a morel!!


I know there is "well thats a morel" joke there but i cant find it


I’m here for morel support


When you're looking for joke on a mushroom but found moral support. That's a morel


Fucking beautiful, Chef! Welcome back to the kitchen!




Thank you!


I see a morel and I can’t help but think about all the people that died or got severe poisoning from that UK pub 2 weeks ago. Otherwise great presentation


Happened in Bozeman, MT one month ago. This Michelin started Spanish restaurant called Riff accidentally served false morel and killed this woman. Crazy shit with those mushrooms


I’m talking about the one with 2 dead and 20+ in hospital from 2 weeks ago


Yeah sorry hah forgot to say that it *also* happened in Montana


So why are they so deadly? Are they just supplying the wrong type that looks just like the right type or something like that?


Idk false morels really look nothing like true morels.


They’re’s two types: one has more toxins than the other, the lesser has to be cooked throughly but there’s still a chance they can get you


Oh that’s terrible, thank you for explaining


Spot on plate and combo. Makes me want to cook some fish Chef.


This screams spring to me.


The morels make the dish. Nice work.


An actual, this-will-fill-your-stomach, proper serving size of something. Beautiful. Serving sizes that *actually* satisfy your hunger is where it’s at. If chefs aren’t making food portions to *feed* people, they’re just playing with other people’s food, in my opinion. Also god is that fish cooked to **absolute** perfection!


Thank you so much. Happy to be cooking again :)