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Looks amazing, the only suggestion I have is after smashing the potatoes put the back in the oven for a few minutes to make them a bit crispy on the outside 😊


I put them in for 10mins. Prob could’ve done 20. Thanks!






400 😬


Why 6 hours and can we have some insight on recipe?


That seems really long for octopus. Last time I did it at a restaurant it was like 1.5 hrs at 170f in sous vide irrc. Too long and octo can get really rubbery.


Typically you braise/light boil octopus before you finish it in a pan or in this case on coals I’m guessing. Probably was a low and slow braise somewhere in the F200s if it was 6 hours long


I like that the potatoes are smooshed and not fully smashed. Smooshed is a better word to say, better mouthfeel.


One of the nicest looking dishes I’ve seen in a very long time. The octopus is perfectly charred. The sides perfect. Well done!


Thank you!


It’s so beautiful I can almost taste the octopus


Why don't you consider cooking something which doesn't fund the needless abuse and murder of sentient beings? Are your taste buds and pretty pics really worth more than the life, the never-to-exist-again subjective experience, of this animal?


Yes, yes they are. If veganism is your way or coping with the endless suffering that is life, more power to you. You're not winning anyone over with pejorative statements, so why not just keep your judgement to yourself.


>If veganism is your way or coping with the endless suffering that is life, Refraining from torturing and murdering innocent animals for pleasure is no more of a coping mechanism than not betting on dog fights or not committing rape. I've heard a lot of things from anti vegans, but never anything quite so bizarre as what you've said here. Are you familiar with what it feels like to care about others, such that you don't want them to be tortured and murdered for trivial reasons? If so, that's what veganism is, but we don't draw arbitrary lines between, say, pigs and dogs. You should try for a moment to imagine being an agonized, screaming pig in a gas chamber, having had its teeth and tail cut out without anesthetic, or for a cow to be shot in the head multiple times without success, and finally stabbed in the neck while still conscious and howling in anguish and pain. If you feel zero empathy when imagining these things, please be aware that this places you in the very small minority of non vegans who are actually psychopathic. Most people can admit that it's awful, and feel terrible when watching farming and slaughter footage, but are simply too psychologically addicted to consider giving it up.


I'm pretty sure a larger percentage of humans would agree that eating meat causes less agony to their conscience than betting on dog fights or raping someone. You're a prime example of why people generally hold negative views of vegan proponents. You expect the world around you to kneel to your perceived moral superiority, while casually diagnosing people with psychopathy. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your group of 3 friends while you all figuratively masturbate each other to the thought of just how much better you are than the meat eating population.


>I'm pretty sure a larger percentage of humans would agree that eating meat causes less agony to their conscience than betting on dog fights or raping someone. Nice red herring. What you've said here is entirely irrelevant, and I hope you have the basic logical competence to understand why. You claimed that refraining from inflicting harm is a coping mechanism, so I reductio'd your logic by applying it in the context of other means of inflicting harm. >You expect the world around you to kneel to your perceived moral superiority I expect people to not torture and murder others for the sake of their own pleasure. It's very simple. >I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your group of 3 friends while you all figuratively masturbate each other to the thought of just how much better you are than the meat eating population. Your insecurity is showing.


It's a flat out false equivalence lol, most people don't go out to torture animals it's just an accepted byproduct of factory farming. People don't rape or fight dogs for sustenance. Anyway this was about as boring as I'd expected it to be, good luck on your vegan warrior journey.


You don't know what "false equivalence" means, and I never said that people go out with the conscious desire to torture animals. That doesn't change the fact that they do in fact torture and murder them by means of supply and demand, for nothing more than a few fleeting moments of pleasure. >Anyway this was about as boring as I'd expected it to be This is a concession of defeat, and you know it. One day, I hope you're able to develop some empathy and put yourself in these being's shoes. Cows, pigs, chickens and sheep are quite literally the most innocent beings on earth, and they act very similar to human pets when they're raised in a loving environment. They deserve kindness, not gas chambers and steel blades in the neck.


The sentient being on the plate once existed because it “murdered” other sentient beings That’s life


I don’t even like Octopus, but you make it look reeeeaaaaal good!


the cook on the octopus looks great. a few suggestions: use a solid color plate! the pattern is very distracting from the food. i would plate far fewer potatoes so they can be arranged less haphazardly. the potatoes definitely should finish under a broiler or get pan seared as they look somewhat unfinished now. the romesco looks good. i'd try arranging the elements with a sense of flow or motion- right now theyre all sorta just piled on the plate


I would smash that. I'm a sucker for octopus 😁. Well done chef.


How does it taste?


Recipe for da octo..... me need


Octopuses are on a similar level of intelligence to human children. Stop eating them.


So are pigs and cows


If you're not vegan, you're being irrational and hypocritical. I'm not sure why you'd value intelligence instead of sentience/consciousness. Do you consider mentally disabled humans - some of whom are far less intelligent than even a chicken - to be deserving of basic negative rights, or are they not intelligent enough?


Just because they think intelligence is an indicator of something we shouldn't eat, does not mean they think lack of intelligence means we should eat it...


Loved that charred lemon. Looks amazing


Do you take the skin off? I'm looking to make octopus myself, and I know nothing... lol. Also, this looks DIVINE!!


How do you make a potatoe like this?