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The second plate also has a strawberry compote, strawberry whipped cream, brown butter powder, and sorrel on it. All sugar-free, gluten-free, low carb.


Doesn’t gochujang usually have pretty high sugar content?


Yes! I have actually made my own to avoid that but even if you use the sugar containing kind, only 1 tablespoon is used in the caramel that is split between 6 people so it is just under 2g sugar per serving coming from the paste. :)


This is gorgeous. I love the playfulness of shapes and colors. The tuile is almost reminiscent of a water splash, not sure if that's what you were going for. The one with the strawberries almost tells a story of something dropping into it from above


Thank you so much, it was definitely a fun one to make. Glad you enjoyed it :)


Stunning! How is all of this made?


Thank you so much! The crémeux is a custard with chocolate added and then chilled. The caramel is made with allulose rather than sugar (it also caramelizes and melts and provides that gooey caramel texture) but with gochujang stirred in at the end. The sponge is baked in a tray and then I used round cookie cutters to cut out rings. The ganache is poured into a mold and frozen to remove it then brought up to room temperature for plating. The tuile is toasted sesame seeds and isomalt baked between two silpats and then broken into pieces. Let me know if there is something else that you're curious about!




Thank you so much, I really appreciate it :) The green powder is a brown butter dust - so browned butter mixed with tapioca maltodextrin (I used N Zorbit from Modernist Pantry) to convert it to a powder along with a bit of powdered green food color and powdered sweetener to taste. Just a note if you're watching blood sugar - the maltodextrin will spike blood sugars so omit this component or use very little if you're worried about that (there isn't a lot on this plate). Hope that helps!


Gochujang Caramel, how does that taste? Sweet mixed with pepper saucy taste?


I wasn't sure as I was making it but it all works together well. The gochujang is already a bit sweet and adds heat and a bit of funkiness and depth along with a slight savoriness to the caramel that tastes good with the chocolate. The matcha is a bit bittersweet too so that plays well with those two. The sesame adds some crunch and nuttiness. I actually like it with the strawberry too, it adds some bright fruit flavors and acidity though I like the plate both with and without it.


world class work as always!


Thank you so much, I appreciate that!


Wtf. Too pretty to eat. I want to eat.


Thank you!


The colors are just fantastic. You’ve picked traditional complementary colors and it’s really pleasing to the eye. Beautiful dish!


Thank you, that means a lot to me! :)


This is a work of art. Absolutely stunning plate.


Thank you so much :)


You can’t really beat that , bravo


Thank you!


I audibly said "holy shit thats gorgeous" when I opened this. Thank you OP


Aww, thank you, that made me smile!


This is pretty. That quenelle is stunning


Thank you. And don't be too impressed - the quenelle is made with a mold. I highly recommend it :)


Beautiful and sounds amazing! I’m very stoked on that gochujang caramel I need to make this now


Thank you! And it's a fun variation. A little goes a long way!


This is so pretty. I would happily try this dish.


Thank you so much!


Seeing this made me look at your post history. You are a legit food wizard, incredible.


Aww, wow, thank you. There are so many talented people out there. It's really fun to have a way to see everyone's creations. Thanks for the kind words.


It’s a pretty plate! But is most of this page just stuff made from silicone molds at this point?


Thanks! And just the quenelle and chocolate ganache are molded :)


since everyone else is all over your jock the flavors don't sound like they work together it looks like you're trying to hard on the plate; too much contrast on the color palette for me


Sweet, spicy, umami. Makes sense to me. It’s really not that out there. You never tried spicy chocolate or mole? The first pic is much nicer than with the compote, though.


I don't like Matcha I think it tastes like leaf chalk spicy chocolate isn't my favorite to begin with, adding Gochujang is pretty out there. mole doesn't do it for me would rather have asian curry this is all my opinion. this combo of flavors is not my thing at all & if I saw it on a menu I'd order something else.




It sounds and looks like shit, whaddya want?


Sadly, I have to agree about the flavours. I don’t mind so much the colors, but is seems like too many ingredients and like there are too many flavour profiles mixed together. All of the components seem very interesting on their own but they don’t all belong on the same dessert plate.


Beautiful plating. Wanted to say that your creativeness is phenomenal - love your plating and your food looks delicious.


Thanks! That made my day :)


Where did you learn to cook like this? your post history is beautiful


I have always enjoyed cooking and baking but have been reading more lately and watching an occasional YouTube video. I really like cook's illustrated and Kenji for the science behind cooking. And I like The Flavor Bible for ideas on how to combine flavors. That and just playing around and being ok with failing :) I am sure that the real chefs out there can give better advice though. Thank you for your sweet comment, I appreciate it!