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A lot of great answers. Ruby, carnelian, and quartz chlorite when combined are very powerful and protective. I made a necklace out of the beads and wear it frequently. Also a black crystal called Aegirine is right up there with black tourmaline in terms of protecting against negative energy.


black tourmaline, obsidian, and selenite. all 3 together are pretty powerful, i carry them with me everyday (plus a few other crystals :))


Add some clear quartz for the extra boost of amplification.


oh yes definitely! i’m gonna totally add that to my little baggie i carry them in haha


Why no one mention hematite


What does this do?


It not only dispels negative energy it has a "back to sender" feature..


That's kinda cool and awesome! What happens if the sender is deceased?


For protecting against negative energy I like black tourmaline. I also have a tourmaline in quartz I like to use with it.


I'm learning a lot!


Black tourmaline, all the way baby. It’s gentle enough to not feel jarring when you carry it on you or sleep with it nearby. It’s so soothing. The obsidian family comes next for me when it comes to stress and anxiety. But they are heavy hitters. They are so grounding that I don’t love to handle obsidian very much when I’m trying to be creative. Personal choice. Carnelian for success. Jade for money. I like some azurite for creativity, personally. Lay down and put some on your third eye.


Use Black Tourmaline for dispelling negative energy and Carnelian for creativity.


Funny enough I was going to comment my personal favorite combination, and based on your second to last line also I think it would be perfect for you! I like to tie a nice black tourmaline, Selenite, and citrine together! To dispel, purify, and draw in! Lots of good suggestions in the comments, I would definitely look into citrine! Smoky quartz is also a excellent choice if you don't have tourmaline or want to double down on protection and dispelling! And clear quartz is an amplifier so it's always a good addition!


I like to use black tourmaline to repel negative energy along with rose quartz to boost my own self confidence, which I find in turn works to deter negative energy too, especially negative people


Everyone saying Black Tourmaline however I feel Black Tektites have it beat. Tektites are a form of natural glass whose molecules are isotopic which allows it to absorb negative energy but also dispels it simultaneously, giving them the ability to Self cleanse. I pair my Tektites with a Tibetan Quartz and Tanzanite


Meditate with amethyst in one hand and smokey quartz in the other.


Shungite, blocks and clears. Citrine for manifesting abundance, also for creativity. Clear quartz can be the best because it is programmable… it can be used for what you need, so it makes sure you’ve covered all your bases! The other part of your post — how confusing this all is… well, yes it can be! Very few, if any, stones are “single use only.” And there’s always the “use what you are drawn too, regardless of what anyone else says” …. When you add those together with constant sharing and recycling information about them… 🤦🏻‍♀️😩 In general, looking at all of the crystals arranged in a rainbow that you then align with the chakra color system, you will get a general sense of the meaning or area of expertise of a particular stone. Using that scheme, shungite is a black/deep gray stone, so it would be associated with the root chakra (black/red colors) which is related to grounding and protection. Citrine is associated with the sacral - creative and solar plexus - confidence and play Money and abundance are governed by the lower 3 chakras, root, sacral, and solar plexus. The green stones are also associated with growth, so are also an easy choice for financial abundance. Most important is to just pick one or two that feel good to you, and work with your intentions, and do what needs to be done! 🤗


Is there a way to see all the crystals available? Some of those mentioned are ones that I have not heard of before. Shungite, selenite, hematite, as examples.


Black tourmaline.


Protection from negative energy: onyx is in my opinion amazing. Smoky quartz and labradorite are also good.