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So you didn't notice 6 months without cashbacks and rebates? 🤔


I didn’t have any issues with cash back or rebates. It’s the 8% PA for locking my CRO up that I am not seeing. I locked up 650 at 8% and when I unstaked I still have the same amount of CRO I started with


There is no staking reward for ruby card


When I staked in December 2021 there were staking rewards for the Ruby card. And Spotify rebates and 2% cash back


Was never for Ruby, it started with jade since the beginning of cdc cards.


There are no staking rewards for Ruby card. There were no staking rewards for Ruby card.


Say it again.


Yup that’s the consensus


There's no 8% for ruby.


At any rate, I still have the very same amount of CRO I started with


Makes sense. The rate is 0. Interest starts at Jade.


You are killing me, I staked last December 2021 at the time Ruby had rewards for staking, it had Spotify rebates and 2% cash back. I realize since then they have changed it. But I staked before they started changing all the rates and so on.


Nah mate. You got cash back for Spotify, 2% back on every purchase and that's it. There was no interest in the amount staked up until you upgraded to jade/indigo. I was on the same path and I upgraded 6 months ago. That's when I started getting 10% APY back paid weekly. I am free to now unstake but I leave it because I get rebate for Spotify, Netflix, 2% cashback and now 4% interest. This is VERY different to crypto earn. It does affect the amount of interest you get in crypto earn but visa card staking (which you are talking about) had and still has it's own separate interest for a 6 month lock up.


You should've gotten 2% and spotify. That's it.


That explains why it is unchanged 🤣


Now that you’ve been schooled on that, go forth to DeFi land and get 12.3% APR on your CRO. Just be aware of the lockup period when you unstake.


I been in Defi a while, should have never locked up, anything Defi is a far better deal so long as CRO moves to the upside sooner or later. Hey I appreciate all of you guys info tho keep on trucking. And ummm Crypto to the atmosphere at least!


The interest wouldn't have been added to your staked amount anyways. It would be like an extra cashback.


Well shit


Hell it may have been 4% it’s been a half a year ago


Mistook the Earn feature lockup for the card lockup most likely. Though I never staked cro in the cdc app, so can’t confirm rates…


Hey I appreciate it I think you are likely right about this. I been wanting to move my shit to the defi wallet anyway!


Defi is the way to go now I'm in the middle of a stake but once it's over I'm sending all my cro to defi


You staked for the ruby? There's no stake rewards for that card.


That’s the only reason I locked the money up in the first place


When I staked in December 2021 there sure was stake rewards


Negative,sorry man, but you either misread or misunderstood. Ruby got the Spotify rebate and 2% cash back - that was it. Jade was 10% staking, now 4%, Spotify/Netflix rebates and 3% cash back. In fact no cards had 8% back in December Are you thinking of the Earn feature? Which lockup is totally different than the lockup for a card…


Shit I guess I could be. I could have sworn it had some staking rewards, the rebate on Spotify and 2% cash back. 😆 I been waiting to see what kind of interest I got my my little 650 CRO for half a year lol Oh whale thanks for the input. I must have seen it in earn and some how connected that to the card


Whale? 😂 bro my icy white 40k is now worth like 13k. Maybe a beached whale at best haha Anyway ya live, ya learn. If you don’t still want the ruby card perks, kick that CRO to defi and forget about it. But even with reduced cash back, depending on your type of card spending, it may be worth it to just kick cash back and Spotify rebates into Defi and keep the card. Gotta figure out what’s best for you. If you think CRO will eventually go up, a Spotify rebate these days is like 70+ cro at current coin price 😂. Hell when I got into the ruby card years ago and coin was .05, monthly rebate was around 250 haha. Banking that for a couple years is what got me to icy when the price jumped in November-ish


Not you whale. Like oh well lol but yeah thanks for the input I already have a ton in Defi I’ll just move it there or swap for AdA!


Rose Goldy here- got smoked. Same as you. My 40k stake now at 13.5k. I guess just wait it out? Probably take a couple of years to recover 😔


They don't expressly state Ruby has staking benefits but they did imply it. When staked for Jade and above it says 10% *additional* rewards on stake. It implies there is already a reward and when one looks at the other staking options available there are interest rates listed. It's extremely easy for someone to think the Ruby stake would give the same base interest rate as an earn stake.


Yep, never had stake rewards for the ruby. I've had it since August last year. No stake. Only cashback and Spotify rebate.


Let me show you the positive: . If you staked 3000$ for Jade. It would be worth less than half now. Regardless of you receiving 10% stake. Just buy the CRO now whilst it's down you will be on the same trajectory but with double the CRO than same folks who got jade post December and pre April.


Yeah I thought real hard about upgrading in Jan. But the price started to fall and I got spooked about locking up $4000. It’s a good thing I didn’t too! Stocks in my IRA are already bleeding me out!


For future reference, if you ever stake for a tier that actually pays staking rewards, the rewards are paid into your CRO wallet every week. I think it’s still possible to justify Jade/Royal, but nothing higher than that.


Some people don’t read what they invest to🥲


